Chapter 3

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3rd Pov.

Everyone is in the kitchen eating breakfast right now. Satoshi and Chifuya were informed of Mittelt being a fallen angel. At first, they were taken back, but considering who and what Y/N they easily recovered and promised to keep it a secret. After talking for a while, they agreed to allow her to stay with them until they found her friends. While things were still fine and dandy at the house, Mittelt then informed Y/N about the rest of the supernatural.

Y/N: Huh. So, there are others like you?

Mittelt: Yep, all of them blending in with humanity. It's easy since normal humans can't sense energy like we do. Do you think there's anyone who can help?

Y/N: I'm not sure.

Y/N then started to think back to the day before. He remembered about Rias being in charge of the Occult Research Club.

Y/N: Hey, I know someone who could help.

Mittelt: Really!?

Y/N: Yeah. Her name is Rias and-

Mittelt: No!

Everyone was shocked by Mittelts' sudden outburst and looked at her. She hung her head low and was fiddling with her hands.

Mittelt: When I told you that there were other supernatural being here, I meant besides fallen angels. Rias is one of those others.

Y/N: What is she?

Mittelt: It's not much of what she is that you need to be worried about, but who she is. Rias Gremory is a devil, but just any devil. She's the heiress of the Gremory family and her brother is known as one of the four devil kings who rules the underworld. Most of the students that go to your school are devils.

Y/N: I never knew.

Mittelt: I'm not surprised. Humans can't sense our power unless we force it out or you get some kind of training. That or you have to be a spellcaster.

Y/N: Wait, does that mean that Satoshi and Chifuyu are-

Mittelt: No. As far as I can tell, they're normal humans with no knowledge of the supernatural world, but you need to be careful around Rias Gremory and those she associates herself with. She won't force you, but she is persistent. She always talks about what makes being a devil so great. She's also one of the two people that oversees Kuoh. You see I'm not exactly supposed to be outside of the church. It's kind of a safe haven for fallen, but I can't go anywhere else. I'm treated like a caged bird.  It makes me sick.

Y/N: Why?

Mittelt: Well devils are no different from fallen angels or angels. The only difference is they use demonic we use holy energy. Aside from that, devils have one more downside. If you become a reincarnated devil you end up being a servant to the one who reincarnated, you from that day forth. If you harm your master or defy their orders, you'll be labeled as a stray and be hunted down and killed.

Y/N: What? Who would want that kind of life?

Mittelt: It's not that uncommon. Humans can be desperate when backed into a corner, like wild animals. It's true that the Gremory family treats their servants like family, but they hype themselves up too much.

Y/N: Yeah. It sounds like a handful to deal with. Alright so we don't go to Rias or her club members. Then how about we investigate Kuoh together.

Mittelt: Huh?

Y/N: Well, you've obviously have been here longer than I have, and you can fly so you'll have a better vantage point. I can talk to people if they've seen any of your friends. We can start our search after school.

Mittelt: What am I supposed to do until then? Stay here?

Y/N: Exactly. It's like you said. You aren't supposed to be away from the church. So, if they see you-

Mittelt: I'll most likely be attacked for breaking the rules. 

Y/N: Just wait here for a couple hours. You can help Chifuyu around the house. There's a garden in the backyard. You can help back there.

Mittelt: Really? A garden?

Y/N: Do you have any better ideas?

Mittelt: ...No.

Y/N: Then it's settled.

Y/N took the last bite of his food and got up.

Y/N: I'll see you after school. You'll stay home and occupy yourself until I get back.

Mittelt: What makes you think I'll still be here by then?

Y/N: I don't. This is all completely up to you Mittelt. Be it as it may I intend on help you. Just try not to get in too much trouble while I'm gone.

Mittelt: What!? You think I can't stay out of trouble? I'll show you. I stay here and be the greatest help! You'll see!

Y/N: Big words. I hope your actions can back them up.

Y/N looked at a clock and saw that he was going to run late.

Y/N: I've got to go. See ya.

Mittelt: Hey remember what I told you. The devils can be trouble, so be careful.

Y/N: I know. Thanks for worrying about me.

Mittelt got a blush and shouted at Y/N.

Mittlet: S-Shut up and go already!

Y/N Then left to school while Mittlet looked down gripping her skirt.

Mittelt: Dummy.


Y/N made it to school on time along with the other students, but something seemed off for him today. Everyone was looking at him in either disgust or curiosity.

Student1: Hey look, it's the new kid.

Student2: Did you hear. He's already friends with Rias and apparently, he's dating Akeno.

Student1: No way. He just started yesterday.

Student2: It must be his amnesia. He's probably using that as a pickup technique.

Y/N: Me and Akeno dating? I know we're friends, and all, but I don't think we would ever date.

Y/N walked in hearing the same thing over and over again. He was getting confused as to how the rumor started.

???: Mr. L/N.

Y/N turned around and saw Sona walking towards him with her usual stern look.

Y/N: Hello Sona. Do you need something?

Sona: I'm sure you've noticed the rumor going around about you and Akeno.

Y/N: Yeah. What's up with that? who started that rumor?

Sona: I don't know I was hoping you would know, but clearly this is news to you.

Y/N: Yeah, sorry.

Sona: It's quite alright. I just want you to know that these kinds of things tend to happen often and usually they tend to get worse over time. I'd advise you to clear this up as best as possible. I can try and find the source of the rumor from my end, but that'll take time.

Y/N: I understand. Thanks for telling me. I'll be sure to do that.

Sona: That aside, how are you fitting in with school?

Y/N: I'm doing great. I've already made some friends.

Sona: That's good to hear. If you ever need help or advice, please don't be afraid to ask me.

Y/N: I will. Thank you, Sona.

Sona: Your welcome. Now hurry off to class.

Sona then walked away, and Y/N went to class. Once he got there everyone looked at him. He was getting embarrassed and quickly went to his seat slightly blushing.

???: Well, someone seems to have heard the rumor.

Y/N looks to his left and sees Akeno smirking at him. his blush worsened as he looked away.

Y/N: Y-yeah.

Akeno: Aw. There's no need to be embarrassed. I think it's kind of cute.

Y/N: Huh!?

Akeno: You and me dating each other. It sounds nice don't you think?

Y/N's blush got so bad his whole face turned red.

Y/N: W-what? No way!

Akeno: Aww~. Why not~?

Y/N: N-no. That's not what I mean!

Akeno: *giggle* I'm only teasing you.

Y/N: That's not funny.

Akeno: It's a little funny. Anyway, how have you been fitting in?

Y/N: It's been alright. I made another friend.

Akeno: That's good. What about clubs. Any of them catch your eye?

Y/N: I don't know how to check them.

Akeno: Oh, well I can show you to the club board after when we have lunch.

Y/N: Thanks.

Once they were done talking the teacher walked in and class began. Y/N however was distracted, thinking to himself.

Y/N: There's no way Akeno is a devil, right? I mean sure she teases me, but she's so nice. No Mittelt told me that anyone associated with Rias is a devil so need to be on guard. I should eat by myself today.

Akeno noticed that Y/N was thinking to himself and noticed how he was acting different. She then recalled the meeting she and the others had with Rias.


Rias: Something came up that I need you all to know.

A short white-haired girl speaks up.

???: Something wrong Rias?

Rias: It would appear that Y/N has been exposed to the supernatural.

Next a blonde boy spoke.

???2: Is he alright?

Rias: He's fine, but he now knows of the supernatural, but that's not all. He was also attacked by what appeared to be a stray devil and held his own against it. He managed to get himself and a fallen angel away and returned to his home.

Issei now spoke up in surprise.

Issei: No way! He managed to fight a stray devil by himself!?

Akeno: Could he have a sacred ger?

Rias: I don't know, and to answer your question Issei, I never said it was a stray devil. From the information provided that stray possessed some form of holy energy. As for Y/N, he doesn't possess any supernatural traits or magic, and he didn't use anything that represented a sacred gear.

???: So, what do you want us to do?

Rias: Akeno, I want you to try and bring him here. I want to know more about that stray, but I can't get anywhere near the church, so I'll have to go through his memories.

Issei: How will you do that?

Akeno: We simply put the person to sleep and use magic to go through their memories. It's completely safe.

Rias: Correct. As for the rest of you, Issei, I want you to continue doing contracts. This is a delicate situation. If we mess up it could expose us, and I don't think you have enough experience yet.

???: She means she doesn't want you to get in the way since you always get caught perving around.

Issei: I like Rias' version better.

 Rias: As for you Koneko, I want you to follow him home and see if he does anything involving the supernatural.

Koneko: Understood.

Rias: If he's put in danger, step in and protect him.

Koneko nods. Rias then looks at the blonde boy.

Rias: Kiba, if Akeno isn't able to bring Y/N here, I want you to observe his behavior. There's a possibility that he's on edge since he escaped the stray. Once the day ends, I want you to go with Koneko and assist her if needed.

Kiba: Understood Buchou.

Rias: You all know what to do?

Issei: Wait! What about Asia and the other fallen angels.

Rias: There's nothing we can do. Since they moved to another location, we have no idea where their new base of operations could be since the church.

Issei: But-

Rias: Issei, I already told you to forget about her. If you try and save her, you could start a war. Think logically about this. Is one life worth risking the lives of thousands?

Issei hung his head down.

Rias: I know you want to help her, but with what's going on there's nothing any of us can do. I'm sorry. That concludes this meeting you are all dismissed.


Akeno: This might be harder than I thought.

Y/N was looking at the corner of his vision and noticed that Akeno was looking at him. This was making him uncomfortable as he tried to ignore it, but he remembered that Mittelt told him that the majority of the students in the were devils. He hated to admit it, but he needed to avoid Akeno and anyone she may know personally.


Class ended and Y/N got up and was about to walk out of the room when Akeno called him out.

Akeno: Y/N, why don't we eat lunch together again?

Y/N slowly turned around and saw Akeno approach him.

Akeno: Would you like to join me for lunch again?

Y/N sheepishly smiled and scratched the back of his head.

Y/N: Thanks, but I think I should eat by myself for a while.

Akeno: Aw. Why?

Y/N: Well with the rumor going around some of the students might hate me if we hang out so casually.

Akeno: Well then, we can eat in the O.R.C.

Y/N: That's kind of how the rumor started.

Akeno: Oh, right. I'm sure it'll die down in a couple of days.

Y/N: Well, I also wanted to check out the clubs as well.

Akeno: Oh. I see.

Y/N: We can hang out another day. At least util the rumor ends. Like you said it should only take a couple of days. We can still talk before class starts.

Akeno sadly smiled at him.

Akeno: Alright then. You better promise me that when this is over, we can eat lunch together again. Deal?

Y/N: Deal.

Y/N: Turned around and was about to walk away, but he stopped and turned to Akeno.

Y/N: Hey Akeno?

Akeno: Hm?

Y/N: Thanks.

Y/N walked away leaving a confused Akeno pondering about what he said. Y/N is now walking through the halls looking for a place to eat his lunch. He decided to head to the roof. On the way he saw the notice board. There weren't many papers on it, but one caught his eye.

[Kendo Club]

[Looking for new members.]

[New Members Meet after school at Club Building.]

Y/N noticed that there were a lot of flyers on the board, so he took one and put it in his pocket. After a few minutes he made his way to the roof. He went over to the rails and leaned against them. As he sat down, he ate his lunch in peace for a few seconds, until somebody came to the roof as well. he looked up and saw Kiba walk over to him and smiled.

Kiba: Hello there.

Y/N: Hi?

Kiba: I don't believe we've met. I'm Kiba Yuuto.

Y/N: Um... I'm Y/N. Is there something you need?

Kiba: Oh! Forgive me. I thought they told you. I'm a member of the Occult Research Club. Akeno told me about you, and I wanted to meet you myself. Sorry if I came off as too forward or strange.

Y/N: 'He's nice too. Was Mittelt wrong about them? No. I need to be sure. Besides, I need to help out Mittelt after school.' No, it's alright. So, what do you need?

Kiba: I just thought I'd get to know you. Do you mind if I join you for lunch?

Y/N: Sure, but do your friends mind?

Kiba looked behind him and saw a bunch of girls standing at the door. he sighed and sheepishly smiled while slowly closing the door.

Kiba: Sorry about that. I'm considered really popular at this school so that kind of thing happens a lot.

Y/N: I see. Well take a seat.

Kiba sat down next to Y/N and chatted with him for the time being, asking simple questions. Y/N knew he was gathering information, so he answered as simply as possible to conceal himself. After a few minutes the two of them went their separate ways and the day continued.


School just ended and Y/N was heading back home. He wanted to go and check out the kendo club but knew that he promised Mittelt that they'd go and look for her friends. Little did he know that Koneko was following him from a distance. Once he got home, he immediately put his bag on the ground and called out.

Y/N: I'm back!

Satoshi walks out and greets him.

Satoshi: Welcome back. How was school?

Y/N: It was alright. Where's Chifuya and Mittelt?

Satoshi: They've been working on the garden in the backyard.

Y/N noticed that Satoshi was looking down and was concerned.

Y/N: Are you alright Satoshi?

Satoshi: Honestly? No. With all that's going on with you recollecting your memories and all of this supernatural stuff. I know we haven't known each other for very long, but that doesn't mean I can't worry about you.

Y/N: I know it's a lot to take in. To be completely honest, I'm still coming to terms with some of it, but a part of me wants to help her. It just seems right.

Satoshi: I know just- just promise me you'll be careful. We care about you Y/N. It's only natura that we worry about your safety.

Y/N: I will. I promise.

Y/N walked towards the back door to the garden. When he opened the door, he saw Chifuya and Mittelt both laughing while planting some tomatoes.

Y/N: Well, you two seem to be having fun.

The two looked back and saw Y/N standing at the door smiling. Chifuya smiled back while Mittelt had a blush on her face. She quickly got onto her feet and stomped over to Y/N.

Mittelt: W-what are you still doing here!? Don't you have school or something!?

Y/N: School ended a while ago.

Mittelt: Huh?

Chifuya: It seems that we worked all day.

Y/N: How was the gardening?

Chifuya: Wonderful. She's so much fun to talk with.

Mittelts' blush got even worse as she was stuttering.

Mittelt: I'll go and get ready for the search.

Chifuya: Take your time.

Mittlet scampers away as Chifuya smiles.

Chifuya: She's such a lovely girl.

Y/N: Yeah. She really is.

Chifuya: Do you have any homework?

Y/N: I finished it at school.

Chifuya: Alright then. I'll make you two a little something before you go. Just give me a minute. to get it ready.

Chifuya got up and walked back inside with Y/N right behind her. Once he got inside, he saw Mittelt in some casual clothes.

Y/N: You look good in those.

Mittelt blushed and looked away.

Mittelt: Thanks.

Chifuya : Now I know you hope to find your friends tonight, but in case you don't I made you some food for tonight. I'm expecting you two to be out late tonight, but I don't want you to go hungry. I made some food for the two of you

Chifuya then hands Y/N a small box with some food in it.

Y/N: Thanks, Chifuya.

Satoshi: Y/N I've got something for you.

Y/N went over to where Satoshi was and saw him with a massive case.

Y/N: What's this for?

Satoshi: Well, I thought that if you're going out, I'd be best to take that weapon with you, but if anyone saw you carrying a massive sword around, they would call the police.

Y/N: True. If that monster shows up it would be trouble to deal with if only Mittelt had a way to defend herself and not me.

Satoshi: So, I thought you could put it in this. It's my old double guitar case. It should fit in there.

Y/N took the case to the backyard and managed to fit the god arc inside of it. After a few minutes, Mittelt and Y/N left the house.

Mittelt: So where should we head to first.

Y/N: Maybe around the market. With the mall so close, everyone goes there instead of the marketplace. If they're in hiding, then that area's a good start.

The two then went straight to the market. It was a bit late so not many people were out. The two then started to ask around for information on the fallen angels, but sadly they were coming up with dead ends. The two then decided to sit on a bench and take a short break.

Mittelt: This sucks! Where the hell are they!?

Y/N: I was almost certain that they would have been here. Where else could they be?

Mittelt: Maybe they went back to the church.

Y/N: With that thing still there? Not likely. Is there any place that you all met at before you went to the church? 

Mittelt: I don't know! We just came here to do a job, and that was it!

Y/N: What was the job?

Mittelt flinched when Y/N asked her that question. She began fidgeting in her seat. She looked down.

Mittelt: W-well...

Y/N: Mittelt?

Mittlet: It's...

Y/N noticed how difficult it was for her to say it. He then placed his hand on her head and smiled.

Y/N: It's alright. You don't have to tell me. If it's this hard to say, then I'll stop asking. Come on let's keep looking.

Y/N got up and walked ahead. Mittelt looked at him and held her hand out as if she's trying to reach for him, but she stops herself and simply gets up and follow him. The two walked in silence. After a few minutes, Mittelt decided to break the silence.

Mittelt: So, where are we going to look now?

Y/N: Well, the only place that I can think of would have to be the pier. Not many people go there since it's not used very often. 

Y/N pulls out some food and starts eating while walking. he then gives some to Mittelt who eats some as well. After a few minutes they made it to the pier.

Y/N: Hey, I just thought of something. Can't you sense them or something?

Mittlet: Yes, but also no. There are a lot of supernatural beings in Kuoh so it's hard to pinpoint where a specific supernatural being is. It's like listening to a radio. There are other frequencies that could get in the way that make it harder to hear what you want to listen to.

Y/N: Well then, let's get searching.

Mittelt spread her wings and flew in the air trying to find her companions while Y/N walked around trying to find them in any of the buildings. Mittelt eventually saw a woman with long blue hair sitting on an empty crate talking with someone.

Mittelt: Kalawarner!

Kalwarner looked up and saw Mittelt flying towards her.

Kalawarner: Mittelt?

Mittlet crashed into her, crying out of happiness. The other two fallen angels were there as well, surprised to see Mittelt well and alive.

Raynare: Mittelt, how are you still alive.

Mittelt pulled away and wiped her tears.

Mittelt: That human saved me.

Dohnaseek: Impossible. We couldn't even put a dent in that thing. How could a human survive?

Mittelt: I don't know. He somehow got a boost of power.

Raynare: Could he have a sacred gear?

Mittelt: No. It's a bit more complicated than that. hang on. I'll let him explain.

Kalawarner: You brought him here!?

Mittelt: Well yeah. It's thanks to him that I found all of you. Just give me a second.

Mittelt flew out and went to go and get Y/N who at the time was checking the inside of other buildings.

Mittelt: Y/N!

Y/N: What's up!?

Mittelt: I found them. follow me!

Y/N then followed her back to the original building and saw all of them gathered together.

Y/N: Hello.

Raynare was the first to speak up as she pointed a light spear at Y/N.

Raynare: Talk. She says that you don't have a Sacred Gear, and yet you were able to escape that stray devil. How? What are you?

Y/N: I don't know what a Sacred gear is, but that thing wasn't what you call a stray devil. It was an Aragami.

Kalawarner: A what?

Y/N then began to explain his situation. From losing his memory to gaining a small fragment. He even told them that he wasn't from their world.

Dohnaseek: I don't believe him.

Mittelt: What?

Raynare: Oh, come on Mittelt. You mean to tell me that he came from another dimension along with a bunch if monsters that we can't fight?

Kalawarner hovered her hand behind Y/N's head as a light blue glow came from it. After a few minutes her eyes widened as she put her hand down.

Kalawarner: I hate to say it, but he's telling the truth. I just checked his mind, and it was all true. Large chunks of his memory are missing, and only a small fragment is still there. He doesn't even have any magic. His soul is completely normal. No Sacred Gear either.

Mittelt: See? I told you.

Raynare: There's no way. But, how.

Y/N: I don't know. One minute I was fighting Aragami and the next thing I know is I end up in someone's backyard. All I want is to remember who I am and get back home.

While they were all trying to figure out how to deal with this situation the door to the building blew off. Everyone looked at the entrance where the smoke came from. From the smoke, Rias Gremory and her club members all walked out.

Rias: I have to say, I'm impressed. You didn't go back to the church and instead hid somewhere abandoned. Very clever.

Raynare then looked at Y/N with anger on her face.

Raynare: You led them to us!?

Y/N: What!? No! I didn't-

Rias: I'm afraid you're misunderstood. I had my rook follow him and we teleported to her. Now, as the overseer of Kuoh and heiress of the Gremory family, for attack members of my peerage I, Rias Gremory, hereby sentence you to death.

Y/N was confused until Rias and her club members all revealed their bat wings.

Rias: Y/N, I understand that you are very confused, but I need you to come here. Those people are not to be trusted.

Miitelt: Yeah right! At least we didn't keep our true nature a secret. At least we don't turn people into slaves.

Rias: My peerage is my family. They will never be slaves!

Dohnaseek: To anyone but you, right?

Issei: Hey! What did you do with Asia!? Give her back!

Kalawarner: The nun? She ran off a while ago. We don't know where she or Freed are. They're not our problem anymore.

Issei: Why you-

Raynare: Enough! The time for talk is over. You want us? Then come and get us.

Akeno: Oooh~ I'm going to enjoy this.

Kiba: Your orders buchou.

Rias: Kill them.

Y/N: Hang on a minute! There has to be some kind of misunderstanding! From what I can understand this isn't fair!

Rias: It's more complicated than what you think Y/N. Please, try and understand.

Y/N: Oh, I understand. They attacked you and so you're attacking them. I get it, but what right do you have to judge them. You take people and turn them into servants! You manipulate people into becoming your puppets!

Rias: I-

Y/N: But them! The Fallen, they're not like that. They're just like any normal person. They do whatever it takes to get what they want, but that doesn't mean they enslave people. As far as I'm concerned you're the bad guy here.

Y/N then put the case in front of him and opened it up, pulling out his God Arc.

Y/N: I'm not going to let you harm them.

Everyone was surprised to see what had happened Y/N was willing to fight alongside the fallen angels. Rias composed herself and spoke.

Rias: Kiba, knock him out and bring him here.

Kiba then made a sword and dashed at Y/N. Y/N was barely able to catch him and block but was pushed back. Kiba kept trying to get behind Y/N, but he was keeping up. Kiba then went to hit Y/N, but this time Y/N was ready. Y/N used a wide swing to counter the force Kiba used which shocked the devils. Y/N was holding Kiba back. A human was holding his ground against a devil. Y/N eventually overpowered Kiba and pushed him back. In that instance Y/N quickly switched his God Arc to its gun form and started firing at the ground in front of Rias and the others making them step back. The devils all looked and saw Y/N's weapon turn back to its blade from. Y/N slowly backs away until he's next to Mittelt and whispers to her.

Y/N: I'll get their attention. Take them back to Chifuya's home and hide there. I'll join you as soon as I can.

Mittelt: But-

Y/N: It's alright. I'm no pushover. You know that.

Mittelt then whispered to Raynare about a safe location. She then looked at Y/N who saw her nod at him and he smirked. Y/N then charged at the devils and swung his sword at the ground, kicking up dust. This allowed the fallen angels to fly out through the back of the building. When the dust cleared Rias saw that the fallen got away only to see them flying away. Y/N however wasn't going to give them any time to breath as he was continuously striking at all of them. Eventually all of them but Issei used their wings to take to the air. Akeno quickly then shot Y/N with lightning. After a few seconds it stopped, and smoke was coming off of his body. He eventually fell to the ground. He could hardly move and could only listen.

Rias: Is he going to be ok?

Akeno: Don't worry. I made sure it wouldn't kill him. He should be unconscious though.

Rias: It's better than being dead. Akeno, go after the fallen.

Akeno: Can I toy with them?

Rias: Fine but make it quick. I'll take care of Y/N.

Y/N pov.

I slowly looked up and saw Akeno fly up into the air. I couldn't do anything. I thought I would be able to buy them enough time to escape, but even this wasn't enough. Rias walked towards me with what looked like a chess piece in her hand.

Rias: I'll admit, you're very strong for a human Y/N. It would be a waste not to reincarnate you. Don't worry. Once you're a part of my family, everything will make more sense. I know you'll understand why this happened.

Once she said that, images started flashing in my head.

Y/N: Family?

Rias: That's right. I'll give you a family that you deserve.

One image of myself and a bunch of people gathered together smiling and laughing. I couldn't see their faces, but I knew they were laughing and having fun.

Memory pov.

Y/N had something in his hand along with three other people, one of them being Damien.

???1: Dog tags?

???2: I read that soldier had them so that they could be identified, so I decided to give them my own spin. We're practically a family here. Each tag has our names on them. I know it's stupid, but we've all been through a lot together. I just thought it would be nice for all of us to have. To remember each other by if we're ever apart.

Damian: Well, I like the idea, but you need to understand something.

They all look at Damien.

Damien: Family isn't just who you're close to. It's who you want to love. Who you want to protect.

Y/N looked down and stared at his tag. It had the same symbol that his God Arc had.

Present time

I grit my teeth and slowly started to push myself back up. Rias, surprised, took a few steps back.

Y/N: I...

I then used my God Arc to help me stand on my feet.

Y/N: I...

The pain was still there, but I refused to stay down. When I was standing my body felt lighter. I glared at Rias and the others as well.

Y/N: I refuse to love and protect someone like you.

I held my God Arc in one hand and held it to my side. I then charged towards them faster than before. Rias was surprised so Kiba and the girl with white hair blocked my path, so I jumped over them and kept on running. I had to get to the girl called Akeno before she got to the others. I kept running until I saw her tailing them close by. I saw sparks of electricity coming off of her fingers as she had a sick smile on her face. I kept running and changed the God Arc to its gun form and started firing at her.

I kept missing which got her attention.

Akeno: Well~ This is a pleasant surprise. I didn't think you would be able to get back up after that first shock. Wait dawn there and I'll give you another- *Bang*

Since she wasn't shutting up, she gave me the opportunity to hit her. When the shot landed, she fell to the ground. I decided to run even faster to get to her before she could recover.

Once she hit the ground she was slowly getting up. I switched my God Arc back to its sword form. She saw me coming and tried hitting me with her lightning, so I started zigzagging towards her which worked. Once I had getting closer however, it's started getting difficult. She fired lightning so I held my sword up, hoping to block. When I did a shield came out from within my God Arc, blocking the lightning. I dashed towards her and bashed her with the shield, pushing her back. She leaned up, holding her side with a blush and a smirk.

[Music ends here]

Akeno: So big boy, what are you going to do to me next.

I just looked at her with a blank expression. The shield went away. I lifted my sword while pointing it downward. I plunged the sword into her leg. Akeno lost her smirk and screamed out in pain. I then squatted down to her eye level and grabbed her face, making her look me.

Y/N: Fly back to your master. If you ever come after me or my friends, I will tear all of you apart.

I let her go stood up and quickly pulled the blade out from her leg. I then started to walk away with blood dripping from the blade of my God Arc. I swiped my blade flicking the blood off and put it back in the case.

Rias: Hold it!

I stopped and turned around, seeing Rias and the rest of the devils all glaring at me. I simply turned back and kept walking home.

Rias: Don't walk away from me! How dare you attack my family! Are you trying to become a threat to the supernatural!?

I stopped and turned around and faced Rias with the same blank expression I gave Akeno.

Y/N: Who said I was trying? From where I'm standing, I already am.

I turned and went home. Suddenly I saw a bright red light coming from behind me, so I dove to the left avoiding some kind of red ball of energy. I looked at where it came from and saw Rias with both of her palms facing me. I reached for the case and was going to pull out my God Arc again, but suddenly, a bright blue light appeared in between us. When it died down there stood Sona Shitori.

Sona: Rias, what are you doing!?

Rias: Get out of the way Sona! He's mine to deal with!
Sona: Not anymore.

Kiba: What do you mean?

Sona: I just got contacted by Lord Azazel. Apparently, a few fallen angels were fed false information and were sent here. When I told him that Y/N found out about them he requested that he is to be kept safe until he arrives tomorrow.

Rias: What!?

Sona: He's under the protection of the Grigori.

Rias looked furious as a red aura radiated from her body. I got ready to interfere in case, but then Sona started to glow blue.

Sona: Go home Rias. I don't want to fight you, but I will if I have to.

Rias: He hurt Akeno.

Sona: And you attacked the fallen without an investigation along with endangering a human in the process. What you're doing could spark another war. Is that what you want?

The two stared at each other until Rias stopped glowing and turned around.

Rias: We're going home everyone.

Issei: But-

Rias: now Issei.

Issei was quiet and everyone vanished in a red light. Sona then turned around as I grabbed the case and was going to open it, but I stopped when Sona got on her knees and bowed to me.

Sona: I'm very sorry Y/N. Had I have known what Rias was up to, I would have stopped her sooner. I know that words alone won't fix any of the damage that has been caused, but I am willing to compensate in any way I can provide.

I was surprised. Mittelt told me that the devils were manipulative, but Sona spoke with such honesty. It caught me off guard. I thought about what she said for a second and eased up.

Y/N: I have a lot of questions.

Sona: I will provide whatever answers I can give you. What do you need to know?

Y/N: Not tonight. It's late and I'm tired. How about tomorrow?

Sona: That I can do. When should we meet?

Y/N: Around lunch maybe? Come to my place. I take it you already know where it is.

Sona: I do.

I walked towards her and helped her up. I then turned around and started walking away.

Y/N: Then I'll see you then.

A blue light flashed so I assumed that Sona disappeared. What a strange turn of events.

Timeskip 3rd pov.

After some walking, Y/N made it back home. When he opened the door, he heard talking, but he was so tired he couldn't make it out. He saw everybody sitting in the living room.

Y/N: I'm back.

Mittelt: Y/N! Are you ok?

Y/N looked down at himself and saw his state. His clothes were slightly burnt, and he had a few scrapes on his body.

Y/N: I feel fine, I guess. I'm a bit tired.

Chifuya: Well, we're going to have to change the living orders if everyone is going to be living here.

Raynare: We are not living here.

Kalawarner: Why not. It's not like we can go anywhere else.

Dohnaseek: I hate to say it, but she's right. We don't have the church anymore. Not with that thing there.

Mittelt: But how can we all live here?

Dohnaseek: I'll stay outside.

Y/N: I can take the couch. You two can sleep in my room with Mittelt.

Satoshi: Then it's decided. I'll get the extra bedding.

Raynare: Hang on! I refuse to stay in this dump with a bunch of humans!

Mittelt: In case you forgot. That specific human saved us from the Gremory clan.

Kalawarner: How did you escape them?

Y/N: Sona. She showed up and said some guy named Azazel wanted me alive and wanted to see me tomorrow.

Raynare: Lord Azazel is coming here!?

Y/N: Yeah. Who is he?

Dohnaseek: He's one of the governors of the Grigori. He's one of the leaders of the Fallen Angels. If you caught his attention, then you must have something he wants to see.

Y/N: Like my God Arc?

Kalawarner: That could be the case, but how did he find out about you?

Y/N: I don't know. Maybe Sona told him about you? I'll find out tomorrow. I'm tired so let's call it a night.

Satoshi: Then it's decided. The girls will sleep together, and Y/N will have the couch

Y/N: That reminds me. Do you really not know where Asia is?

Kalawarner: She was out with Freed when that monster attacked. We don't know where she could be.

Y/N: Damn. Hm. Maybe.

Mittelt: What?

Y/N: I think I have an idea. I just hope I'm wrong. I deal with it tomorrow.

Y/N then went to sleep on the couch as everyone else went to their respected places for rest. A few questions were answered, but more questions took their place. Hopefully Azazel and Sona can answer them tomorrow.

Meanwhile back at the church, the outside looks the same, but the inside was covered in large crystals and a strange web like substance. The monster appears to be dancing in the air, glowing. Its roar sounds like singing. When it does the web like substance radiates. At the foot of the cross a small cocoon like object glows and a silhouette of a woman is seen inside of it. 

A/N: Tell me what you think.

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