Chapter 2

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3rd. Pov.

Y/N was walking home with Mittelt on his back his close were a bit dirty When he got to the door he knocked and then opened it.

Y/N: Hello? Chifuyu? Satoshi?

With no response he assumed that they were out. He carried Mittelt inside and went straight to the couch. He laid her down and went to the kitchen. On the fridge was a note with Y/N's name on it. He took it and opened it up.

Dear Y/N, Satoshi and I are going to be out for a while. We have some things that we need to take care of. If you get hungry I left the cook book out. There's ingredients in the cabinets. The phone is on the counter if you need to call us. We'll be back before dinner. I hope you had a wonderful day. 


Y/N slightly smiled when he finished reading it. He put the note down and looked around. He decided that a good meal should make things better. He goes to the cook book and opens it. He goes through the pages. He finds one for a soup and gets started. As he starts to get ready Mittelt starts to squirm in her sleep. Flashes of what happened back in the church haunt her mind. She moans in fear loud enough for Y/N to hear. He heard her and went over to her. He didn't know how to make her better so he just went to a broom closet and gave her a blanket and pillow. It calmed her down some, but she still had a painful look on her face. Y/N went back to the kitchen to get the soup.


Mittlet was still slightly squirming under the covers until she suddenly shot up, sweating and breathing heavily. She looked around and was greatly confused. In the midst of her confusion she remembered she passed out in the forest with Y/N. Once she remembered she heard humming coming from the kitchen. Curious, she got up and walked over to the kitchen. She peeks around the corner and sees Y/N cooking over the stove.

Y/N: A pinch of salt. A pinch? What does that even mean?

Y/N then literally pinched some salt and sprinkled it into the pot and stirred. When he did he turned his head and saw Mittelt hid behind the corner.

Y/N: Oh! Good, you're awake. The soup is almost done so go ahead and take a seat at the table.

Mittelt didn't say anything and simply went to the kitchen table. After a few minutes Y/N came back with two bowls of soup in his hand. Once he gave Mittelt hers he took a seat across from her..

Y/N: Sorry if it doesn't taste as good as you hope. It's my first time cooking here.

Mittelt: You.. didn't leave me.

Y/N: Of course not.

Mittelt: Why?

Y/N looked up and saw that Mittelt was just looking down, trying to avoid eye contact. Y/N didn't know why she wasn't happy.

Y/N: Because I thought it was the right thing to do.

Y/N went back to eating his soup. Mittelt glanced at him and then back down to her bowl. She slowly picked up the spoon and started to eat her soup. She slightly smiled to the warm sensation in her mouth from the food. After a few minutes of silence the front door opens and a familiar voice calls out.

Satoshi: We're home!

Y/N looks at Mittelt and gets up.

Y/N: Wait here.

Y/N goes to the front door and see Satoshi and Chifuya walk inside.

Y/N: It's good to see you two.

Chifuya: And you as well. How was school?

Y/N: It was alright. No new memories though.

Chifuya: Oh that's alright dear. These things take time. Did you at least make some friends?

Y/N: Yeah. I made some today.

Chifuya: Good. Wouldn't want you to be feeling lonely at school.

Satoshi: Anything exciting happen today?

Y/N: Well that's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about. See there's this girl-

Chifuya then dashed towards Y/N and grabbed him by the shoulders.

Y/N: Um. Chifuya?

Satoshi: Oh boy. Here we go.

Chifuya: What's her name? What does she look like? How did you two meet?

Satoshi came in and grabbed his wife by the shoulders, calming her down.

Satoshi: Sweetie, please calm down. You're scaring the boy. Pease continue Y/N.

Y/N: Um. well she doesn't really have a place to stay and I was wondering if she could stay here for a while.

Satoshi: Well what about her family?

Y/N: We don't know where they are.

Satoshi: We'll let's ask-

Chifuya: Absolutely 

Y/N/Satoshi: Huh?

Chifuya: She can stay. for as long as she likes.

Satoshi: Um, honey. Not that I'm against the idea of having a guest, but why for as long as she likes?

Chifuya: Didn't you hear him dear. She. Y/N brought a girl back home.

Satoshi: I heard him, but we don't even know this girl. We should at least talk to her and know who she is first.

Chifuya: Oh, very well. Y/N, please introduce us to your friend.

Y/N nods and leads them to the kitchen where they all see Mittelt happily eating her soup. Y/N stepped forward and caught her attention. She looked behind her and froze when she was eating. Chifuya and Satoshi simply smiled at her. Mittlet then started to blush from the situation.

Chifuya: Hello there dearie. My name is Chifuya. It's nice to meet you. May I know your name?

Mittelt: Uh... It's, Mittelt.

Chifuya: It's very nice to meet you Mittelt. I'd like to talk to you about a few things. Is that alright?

Mittelt looked at Y/N, unsure about what was going on. Y/N simply nodded saying that it was ok.

Mittelt: A;right.

Y/N and Satoshi left the room and went to sit down in the living room. Satoshi looked at Y/N with a slightly serious face

Satoshi: Y/N , there's something that I want to talk to you about.

Y/N: Is it about Mittelt?

Satoshi: No. It would be better if I actually show you instead.

The two got up and left the living room. Satoshi was leading Y/N to the backyard explaining to him the situation.

Satoshi: I wanted to talk to you about your amnesia. I think I may have something that might be able to help you recover some memories you may have lost.

Y/N: Really!?

Satoshi: Now don't get too excited. I don't know if this'll work or not.

Satoshi opened a back door and lead Y/N to the garden. In the center of the garden was a massive sword like weapon on the ground with a tattered cloth wrapped around the handle.

Satoshi: When you first showed up you were using that to fight some monster. I tried to pick it up but,-

Satoshi: for some reason it was hurting me. I tried lifting it with something wrapped around it, but as you can see that didn't work either. Now I don't know what that is, but if it came from wherever you're from you must meet some kind of conditions to hold that.

Y/N: That's mine?

Satoshi: I'll leave you to this. I going to head back inside.

Y/N was now left alone with the giant weapon in front of him lying on the ground. He stared at it for a few minutes contemplating on what to do. On one hand he was eager to pick it up in hopes of discovering new memories, but on the other hand he was worried that he would get hurt just like Satoshi did and nothing happening. Finally deciding on what to do, he walks towards the weapon and kneels in front of it. He slowly reaches for it halting halfway only to reach for it entirely. Once he grabs it he closes his eyes tightly waiting for something to happen, but after a few seconds he opened  his eyes looking down and seeing that he was alright. He then started to lift the weapon. To Y/N it was surprisingly light weight. He stood up with it in his hand and looked at it in wonder. He looked at the side of the hilt and noticed something. he looked closer and saw a strange symbol with claw marks going through it.

There were words underneath it but the claw marks go through them. He looked back at the symbol on the weapon and started to look closer at  it. In that instance an image flashed into his mind. Pain shot to his head as gripped it. more images flashed into his mind as Y/N dropped the weapon and grabbed his head with both hands. He started stumbling as he was soon overwhelmed and fell to the ground unconscious.

Dream Pov.

Y/N wakes up in a bed in a strange room he's not familiar with.

He sat up and looked around confused as to where he is. Once he gets out of bed he tries to piece together what's happening. He walks over to the window and looks outside. What he saw made him lose his breath.

The whole are was completely destroyed. There were no plants, no animals, no people.  The outside world was just gone, and this is what's left. Y/N was wondering how this happened. As he was thinking he noticed that there was a picture frame on the window sill. When he picked it up he saw that it was a picture of himself and four other people, but just like his last dream their faces weren't visible. Suddenly he heard a knock on the door to his room. The door opened and a bright light emerged from the other side, blinding Y/N. From the light a voice called out to him.

???: Hey there rookie. Glad to see you're up.

Y/N looked again and this time the light died down and he was able to see the face to the voice.

It was a young man who had a blue jacket on. His hair was black with a blue streak going the a part of the front of his head.

Y/N: Who are you?

???: Oh that's right. They never told you I was going to see you. Name's Damien. Damien Quarte Nice to meet you. Allow me to formally welcome you to Fenrir's  Eastern European branch Head Quarters. So, what's your name?

Y/N: Y/N L/N.

Damien: Well Y/N, if you could please follow me. I'll take you to the main lobby for your introductory mission. No need to freak out. I'll be tagging along for the ride this time.

In a flash of light Y/N is standing in a destroyed city with the weapon in his hand. He sees Damien standing next to him with a similar weapon resting on his shoulder.

Damien: Let's get you up to speed. A group of Ogretails are in the area. Your job is to take that God Arc of yours and deal with them the only way we know. Slash, bash, and shoot em' until they're dead. I'll be with you on this trip so don't worry about being blind sided. If you start to get overwhelmed don't bother fighting. It's ok to run away. You're no good to the world if you're dead. Now that you understand the game plan it's time to get to work.

Y/N looks forward and sees the area is completely destroyed. Seeing this makes Y/N's heart ache and he doesn't know why. He tightly grips his God Arc and jumps down to the main street.

[Mission Start]

Y/N Pov.

I immediately started running down the street and always checked my surroundings. I look and see a building still intact. I go inside and start climbing the floors. Once I get high enough I find a vantage point and look around, and then I see them. The group of ogretails. There were about 5 of them. I knew I couldn't be cocky since this is a memory and all, but also it seemed so real. The weight of my godarc, the wind brushing against my face. I looked down at my godarc and put both of my hands on the handle. I felt a click in the handle. I pulled the handle apart and the godarc turned into some kind of gun. It was amazing.

Y/N: 'So this is what it can do. This'll be useful.'

I jumped down onto the building next to my vantage point and started rooftop running closer to the target. I aim the guns' barrel at the targets and pull the trigger.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

I hit two of them, but the third shot missed. I grit my teeth. Now that I have their attention I stay still on top of the roof and continue firing at them as they run towards me. Eventually my gun stopped firing. I jumped down and ran towards them.

I switched my god arc back to it's sword form and held it to my side. One of them jumps at me and tries to stomp on top of me. I dodge to the left and swiped at the side of the Ogretail. I noticed one was trying to blindside me while another one charged right at me. I me god arc down by my hip and waited. Once it got close I swung my sword around in a circular motion hitting both of them and knocking them back. I dashed towards the one in front of me and jumped with all of my strength. Once I was over it I flipped my sword downwards and dropped on top of it, plunging the blade into its side. I jumped off of it and turned around and faced the other one. I was goin to charge at it, but I saw another Ogretail jump at me from my right. I held up my god arc in hopes of blacking the attack. When I did a small buckler shield unfolded and blocked the attack, but I lost my footing and was pushed back. 

I tripped on some rubble and fell on my back. The Ogretail tried to jump on top of me, but I blocked it just in time, but now it was stomping on the shield. I noticed that the other one was charging at me with its tusks low to the ground. It planned on skewering me! I kept looking between the two aragami as the one was getting closer. My arms were getting tired from the one on my shield. I closed my eyes waiting for the inevitable.

*Bang* *Slash*

Suddenly the weight on top of me vanished. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Damien with a massive sword resting on his shoulders looking down at me with a kind smile.

Damien: You ok?

I was still recovering from what happened, but I was able to get an answer out.

Y/N: Y-Yeah.

Damien: Come on. The mission's over. Let's go home.

Damien lent me his hand and pulled me off the ground like it was nothing. He then started walking away and I was just standing there looking down. He stopped and turned around seeing me upset.

Damien: Hey! What's wrong?

Y/N: I messed up. My mission was to take down the aragami, but you had to come in and save me.

Damien: Yeah. And?

Y/N: What do you mean "and"? It was "my" mission.

Damien: So what?

Y/N: Huh?

Damien was walking away and I followed after him.

Damien: We're bound to screw up or make mistakes. It's part of being human. No one's really perfect. It's ok to admit that you're weak. It's ok to ask for help. You can't save the world by yourself. Just because you're told to do something alone doesn't mean you should need to or have to. We're not just God Eaters. We're humans. All we have are each other. In a way we're one big family. So we take care of each other. It's only natural. Besides. You did take down the requested amount of Ogretails. There just so happened to be two extras with them. Don't be so hard on yourself, but don't get too confident in your abilities. There's always room for improvement just like there are always stronger aragami.

He stopped and turned to face me.

Damien: So let's make a deal.

Y/N: A deal.

Damien: If you promise to always improve yourself, I'll always watch your back. Deal?

He stuck out his hand and smiled. I looked at my hand and felt a determined. I made a fist and put it out which surprised him at first, but then he made a fist as well as and bumped mine.

Y/N: Deal.

Once our fists made contact a bright light shined from our hands and blinded me. I closed my eyes and felt myself getting tired. When I opened them I saw that I was back in the backyard with my god arc in my hands. It felt like I just woke up so I yawned and stretched my limbs. I looked back at my god arc and slightly smiled.

Y/N: Sorry for forgetting about our deal Damien, but don't worry. I'll make up for it.

The back door opened and everyone walked out and saw me.

Chifuya: Oh Good you're still here.

Y/N: Chifuya? How long was I out?

Satoshi: What are talking about? I just left you?

Y/N: Huh?

Satoshi: Are you feeling alright?

I don't know why, but I just smiled. It wasn't like a regular smile though. It was as if i just saw my family for the first time in years. I kind, gentle, and peaceful smile.

Y/N: Yeah. I'm doing great.

Chifuya: Well that's good to hear. Anyways. After a good talk I've decided to allow Mittelt to stay with us until we can find her friends and family.

Y/N: But where's she going to sleep.

Chifuya: In your room silly.

Mittelt/Y/N/Satoshi: Huuuuuuuh!!!

Y/N: No! I can just sleep on the couch!

Mittlet: Yeah! That's no necessary!

Chifuya: Nonsense! The bed is big enough for the both of you!

Satoshi: Honey, do you hear yourself right now!?

Chifuya: Loud and clear!

Timeskip 3rd Pov

Mittelt and Y/N were currently sitting across from each other, kneeling on the bed. They both were looking down with blushes on their faces. It would appear that Chifuya locked them in the bedroom together.

Y/N: Sorry about her. Chifuya is a good person at heart.

Mittelt: It's alright. It's not your fault, and I know she means well.

Y/N: There should be a futon in the closet. I can sleep on that and you can have the bed.

Mittelt: Thanks can you look away for a second?

Y/N: Um, sure.

Y/N walked over to the closet and grabbed the futon and spare pillow. As he was doing so he heard rustling from behind him. Temptation and curiosity got the best of him and he slightly turned his head to the side and looks behind him. What he saw made him speechless. There stood Mittelt. Her bare back was slim which went well with her small frame, but that wasn't what made Y/N speechless. As the moonlight glistened through the window her black wings unfolded from her back giving her a form of beauty and majesty. Her pitch black feathered wings glistened in the moonlight.

Mittelt felt his eyes on her, but not in a perverted way she saw his face was in a form of amazement and wonder. On one hand she was embarrassed and wanted to hit him with a light spear, but on the other hand she was kind of happy that someone looked at her in such a way since fallen angels are seen as abominations in the supernatural. Then it hit her. Why was she acting this way towards humans that she just met? It didn't make any sense. Could it be that she's comfortable with these people, or is it that when she was abandoned and left alone Y/N was the one who saved her and helped her that she felt happy that some one cared for her this was. No one truly knows. Y/N got out of his trance and turned away, blushing even more. Mittelt then used magic to make a sleeping gown to cover her and got under her covers.

Mittelt: Ok. You can turn around now.

Y/N did just that and set up the futon at the foot of the bed. He then got changed and laid down. The two were quiet for some time until Mittlet decided to speak up.

Mittelt: I was told that you lost your memories.

Y/N: ...Yeah, but I got some of them back.

Mittelt: Could you tell me what they were?

Y/N: Can you keep a seceret?

Mittelt: Sure.

And so Y/N told her everything. From him coming from another world to the aragami and god arcs. At first Mittelt didn't believe him, but the more he talked about it the more sense it made. She flipped her sleeping position so she was sleeping at the foot of the bed and looked at Y/n in wonder from his memories. Y/N saw this and turned towards her smiling at her. While Mittlet was intrigued Y/N was happy that there was somebody else he could talk about his past with. After a few minutes Mittelt and Y/N fell asleep. Chifuya however was peeking through the door smiling at the two of them. She closed the door and left them alone for the evening, but after she took a few pictures of them together.

Meanwhile in an abandoned dock Raynare, Kalwarner, and Dohnaseek, were all sitting together trying to figure out their next plan of action.

Raynare: What are we going to do now?

Kalwarner: How should we know? This was your idea!

Dohnaseek: Where's Freed and the girl

Raynare: Heading this way. I asked Freed to put the girl to sleep until we can reclaim the church.

Kalwarner: What about the ritual? Can't we just do it here?

Raynare: If we do we'll need all of the preparations again and that'll take too long.

Dohnaseek: What about Mittelt and the boy?

Raynare: They are most likely dead from the stray.

Kalwarner: And if they're not?

Raynare: Then we find Mittelt and bring her back.

Kalwarner: And the boy?

Raynare: We'll have to kill him.

Dohnaseek: He's not a threat though.

Raynare: I know that. He saved me once already, but what choice do we have. We can't get rid of his memories and I doubt the devils will listen to us. It's the only choice that we have. If we bring him with us he'll have a target on his back and even the fallen back at the Grigori will try and kill him before we can report to Azazel-sama.

They were all quiet. Though they have fallen from grace they are still angels. They still care for some humans in  some way, shape, or form.

As the moonlight shines in the night sky a dark feeling creeps it's way into many of the hearts of the people of Kuoh. The The fallen, the God Eater, the nun, and the devils are all connected in more ways than they think, but who amongst them will secure that connection and will it be enough to ensure everyone survives, or will they all fall to the wrath of the beast that lays waiting for its pray in the church? One thing is for certain. The God Arc is waiting for a fight after so long.

 It's hunger must be sated lest it bare it's fangs.

A/N: Tell me what you think.

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