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Y/N Pov.

Today is the first day of school. To be completely honest I'm a bit nervous. Just have to remember what Chifuya told me.


Chifuya: If you get nervous just take a deep breath and think of something that makes you happy.

Y/N: Something that makes me happy?

Chifuya: It would usually help calm someone down. Give it a try if you have to. And try and make a friend or two. It's always a good thing to socialize every now and then.

Y/N: Alright. I'll try. Chifuya.

Chifuya: That's all I can ask for.


Still I wonder what school will be like for me. I'm really nervous about the whole thing. Could this help me discover more of my past? I wasn't paying attention and bumped into someone. We both ended up falling down.

???/Y/N: Ow./Oof.

I look up and see a girl in some strange clothing sitting on the ground.

Y/N: Are you alright?

She looks up to me.

???: Oh. Yes, thank you. I'm such a clutz.

Y/N: Here, let me help you.

I was helping her put her clothes back in her suitcase. I heard someone running up to us from behind me.

???2: Hey! Are you guys alright?

I look back and see a boy around my age in the same school uniform as me. He must go to the school.

???: Yes we're alright. He just so happened to help me.

???2: Oh. Ok then.

???: My name is Asia Argento It's nice to meet the both of you.

Y/N: My name is Y/N.

???: I'm Issei Hyoudou. Nice to meet you.

Asia: Would either of you know where the church is?

Issei: Sure do follow me.

Y/N: I'll go to. I'm new here and would like to know the area.

Asia: Excellent. Lead the way Issei.

As we were walking I learned that Asia was a nun that was transferred here. I also found out that I was right and Issei does go to the same school I'm going to. It seemed nice since I hope to be friends with him along with Asia. After some walking we saw a boy fall down and scraped his knee. Asia approached the bow and knelt down to him.

Asia: You poor child. Here, let me help.

Soon, a green light started to radiate from her hands and the scrape on the boys' knee was starting to heal. After a few seconds the light died down and the boy got up and ran away. I noticed that Asia had a sad looking smile and tried to hide it for some reason.

Iseei: That was amazing.

Asia: Oh. Thank you.

Y/N: How did you do that?

Asia: It was a gift that I've had since birth. It's my blessing from God.

Issei suddenly gripped his head in pain. Did he get a headache?

After some more walking we made it to a run down church.

Y/N: This is it?

Issei: Yup.

Y/N: Are you sure there aren't any other church's around?

Issei: This is the only one.

Asia: This is it. Thank you for helping me and accompanying me here. Would you care to join me for tea inside.

Issei: I'd love to, but I have school.

Y/N: It's my first day and I want to make a good first impression.

Asia: I see.

Asia looked a little sad from our answers.

Issei: We can always meet up another time and get something to eat.

Y/N: Yeah. It's not going to be the last time we see each other. Besides, I don't really have any plans later today so maybe I'll stop by after school.

Asia: Ok. Well I hope to see the both of you soon. Take care.

Issei: You too Asia.

Y/N: Bye.

As Issei and I walked away I looked towards him and smiled.

Y/N: She seems nice.

Issei: Yeah. Cute too.

Y/N: It's nice to officially meet you Issei. I hope we can get along.

Issei: Same here dude. So are you new to Kuoh?

Y/N: I guess you could say that. It's my first day here. I'm kind of nervous.

Issei: Don't worry. Just do what I would do.

Y/N: Think of something that makes you happy?

Issei: That and picture all of the girls in their underwear.

Y/N: Why would you do that.

Issei: Cause then it leaves more to the imagination.

Y/N: I guess.

Issei: You guess?

Y/N: Well I mean. Aren't we all the same, just in different shapes and sizes. We all know what's under the clothes so why imagine it?

Issei: ... Huh. Never thought of it like that. I mean I guess, but using your imagination makes it more enjoyable. Much like dreams and reality. Dreams can be whatever you make them to be where as reality can't really change to what you want all of the time.

Y/N: True.

After a few more minutes off walking we finally made it to Kuoh Academy. Issei went ahead while I was looking around. As I was, a girl with short hair and glasses approached me.

???: Are you Y/N L/N

Y/N: Yes.

???: Excellent. My name is Sona Shitori. I'm the student council president. Your legal guardians called the school about your enrollment. I have your schedule right here. You appear to be in the same class as I am. Follow me please.

As she led me down the halls everyone was looking at me funny. Some were glaring at while others were curious about me. After a few minutes of walking we made it to the classroom.

Sona: Wait out here for a minute please.

As she went inside i heard her tell the teacher about me. He opened the door and motioned me in. As i walked in I saw everyone looking at me. I was starting to get nervous again. I thought about something that made me happy. The first thing that came to mind was Asia. She was so nice to me even though we just met she was nice to me. Issei was also nice to me and they considered me a friend. I calmed down and looked at everyone.

Teacher: Alright introduce yourself.

Y/N: My name is Y/N L/N. I'm new here. I hope we can get along.

Girls: So Cute!!!

Boys: Damnit!!!

Teacher: How about you sit next to Akeno. Akeno raise your hand please.

As I looked I saw a beautiful girl with black hair smiling at me.

As I walked towards her I see her wink at me. My face starts to get hot and I blush a little. I look down and take my seat.

Teacher: Now since you're new here, would you like to tell us something about yourself?

Y/N: Something about myself?

Teacher: No need to be shy. Anything is alright.

Y/N: I lost most of my memories so I don't know much of a lot of things.

The entire class was silent. Not one person uttered a single word after a few seconds a girl with red hair spoke up.

???: You... don't know who you are?

Y/N: Well, I remember my name, but other than that I don't really know much else about my past. Luckily, a kind elderly couple took me in. They're really nice.

Boy: Damn.

Girl: You poor thing.

Y/N: It's alright. Chifuya said that even though I don't have my old memories, I can just make new ones.

Teacher: Well I hope you can treasure them with your old ones if they ever return.

Y/N: Thank you.

Teacher: Well let's get started today. If you have any more questions for Y/N wait till lunch or after class. Y/N since you're new, your textbooks have to be ordered. So for the mean time you can share with Himejima. Do you mind?

Y/N/Akeno: No./Not at all.

3rd. Pov.

Y/N moved his desk over to Akeno who gently smiled and put her textbook in between them. Sona lightly smiled, seeing that Y/N was getting along with everyone even with his predicament. The girl with red hair looked slightly sad at Y/N since he said he had no memories of his past. This girl was know as Rias Gremory.

She was known as Rias Gremory. She was considered to be one of the most attractive girls in her school, but she was also a well known devil in the supernatural.

Rias: 'Even though he has no memories of his past he seems so at peace.'

She went to focus back at class, but when she did she felt a large surge of energy come from Y/N. It was brief, but noticeable. It wasn't like anything she sensed before. It was almost as if it was living energy. She tried to shake it off, but it was nagging at her for the majority of the class. She didn't want to intrude in Y/N's life as it is, but curiosity got the best of her and she decided to find out as much as possible about Y/N, even if much isn't a lot. She also saw this as an opportunity to help him make some new memories like he said. Rias then had a look of determination on her face. Sona, who was sitting next to her noticed this and wondered what her friend was thinking, but thought nothing of it and went back to focusing on class.


It was currently lunch and all of the students were in the cafeteria eating and chatting together. Y/N was feeling a little awkward. Since he didn't really know anyone here he didn't know where to sit.

???: Having some trouble?

IY/N turned around and saw Akeno smiling at him.

Y/N: Yeah. Something like that. I don't really know anyone here.

Akeno: Well then would you like to eat with me?

Y/N: You don't mind?

Akeno: Not at all. Besides, I don't eat here.

Y/N: Then where do you eat?

Akeno: Follow me and you might find out.

Feeling comfortable with one of the two people he knows, Y/N followed Akeno. As they were walking, other students took notice and started talking about them.

Girl#1: Aw. Akeno already snagged the new student.

Girl#2: They look so cute together though.

Boy: Damn. The new pretty boy already has Akeno.

Y/N: What are they all talking about?

Akeno: Don't mind them. They're all just talking nonsense. Do you mind telling me more about yourself?

Y/N: Well I live with an elderly couple.

Akeno: What about your parents.

Y/N: I don't know my parents.

Akeno: You poor boy. I'm sure you'll remember them eventually.

Y/N: You think so?

Akeno: Mhm. It'll just take some time. And by looking at you I can tell that you're patient.

The two were walking and talking for some time until they came across a large abandoned building in the middle of a clearing in a small forest on the school grounds.

Y/N: Wow. This place is huge.

Akeno: Come on in.

Y/N: Are you sure?

Akeno: I'm sure. There's no need to be afraid.

Y/N: I-I'm not afraid. Just cautious is all.

Akeno: There's no need to be worried. This is the Occult Research Club building, or O.R.C. for short. This is where we come for club activities.

Y/N: Oh.

They walk in head into a room only to see Rias sitting at the table with her lunch out.

Rias: Oh Akeno. I didn't know that you were going to be here. Ah, You're Y/N right? I'm Rias Gremory. It's nice to officially meet you.

Rias held out her hand and Y/N shook it with a slight smile.

Y/N: It's nice to meet you too.

Akeno: Y/N here was having trouble in the cafeteria so I thought he could eat with me. Seeing you here though we can all eat together.

Y/N: You don't mind, do you?

Rias: Not at all. I was about to start eating myself. I'd love the company.

Akeno/Y/N: Thank you Rias./ Thank you very much.

They all sat back down and opened up their lunches. As they all sat and ate together Rias looked at Y/N and smiled.

Rias: So Y/N, have you found anything of interest so far here at school.

Y/N: Hm. Well I'm enjoying science the most.

Rias: That's good to hear. What about it caught your eye?

Y/N: Well I think it's the basic concept of science that I like. Everything in it's basic form is simple, but when we combine things or take them apart, they end up being more complex than what we expected. Like the elements. Certain mixtures can end up giving certain results, and then there's the process of figuring out the secrets of what the creation is and what it can do.

Rias: That's an interesting way of looking at it. Science was never my strong suit. I'm more of a history gal to be honest. The past always fascinated me.

Y/N: That's neat. What about you Akeno?

Akeno: I'm a science girl so now we've got something in common.

Y/N's face lit up as he slightly smiled at this. He seemed like a little kid seeing magic for the first time. Akeno and Rias slightly blushed while smiling and both thought the same thing when they saw it.

Akeno/Rias: Cute.

Rias: So tell me Y/N have you checked out any clubs recently?

Y/N: Clubs?

Rias: Think of them as activities you do with people after school.

Y/N: I can't go to a club today. I'm meeting up with a friend after school.

Rias: Oh. That's alright. You don't have to join a club today. It's just something to think about. It can help you make some friends.

Y/N: I'll think about it.

Akeno: So who's this friend of yours?

Y/N: Her names Asia.

Akeno: Her?

Y/N: Yeah. I'm meeting her at the church for tea after school.

Rias and Akeno both look at each other for a second.

Akeno: Is that so.

Y/N: Yeah. She seems really nice.

Rias: And she works at the church?

Y/N: No. She lives there.

Rias; She lives in that place?

Y/N: Yeah. Why?

Rias: No reason. I just find it strange for her to not have an appropriate home is all.

Y/N: Any place can be a home. It's just a matter what you're willing to do to make it yours.

Rias and Akeno both looked at each other, then looked at Y/N with confusing written all over their faces. Rias recomposed herself first.

Rias: Who told you that?

Y/N: Wel- Huh. I don't know. The words just came out.

Akeno: Perhaps a saying from your past? 

Y/N: Maybe.

Rias: Well that's good. Perhaps it's a key phrase that makes you who you really are, or it's something that someone you knew would say.

As the three of them enjoyed talking with each other while eating their lunches, the day eventually came to an end. Everyone was heading home. Y/N was about to leave when someone caught his attention.

???: Yo Y/N!

He turned around and saw Issei running towards him.

Y/N: Hello. Issei right?

Issei: Yeah. Looks like we're walking home together.

Y/N: Neat. Are you going to go see Asia at the church.

Issei flinch at this and scratched the back of his head.

Issei: Yeah, about that. Something came up and I can't make it.

Y/N: Oh. Alright then. I'll tell her you said hello.

Issei: Thanks.

After a while Issei was walking away waving goodbye as Y/N waved back. Y/N walked up to the church doors and knocked on the door. After a few seconds a girl with long black hair who looked my age opened the door.

???: Hello there. May I help you?

Y/N: Sorry to intrude, but is Asia here?

???: I'm sorry, but she's out with Father Freed at the moment.

Y/N: Oh. I see.

Y/N looked a little down that he couldn't see his friend. The girl noticed this and got curious.

???: Who are you again?

Y/N: Oh. I'm Y/N.

???: Oh~.  So you're Y/N. Asia told us about you.

Y/N: She did.

???: Mhm. Oh where are my manners. My name is Raynare. it's nice to meet you.

Y/N: Nice to meet you too.

Raynare: Why don't you come inside. I'm sure Asia and Freed will be back soon.

Y/N: Thank you.

Y/N was about to enter the church, but he noticed a light blue light at the side of the building.

Raynare: Are you coming?

Y/N: Yeah. Sorry.

He entered the church and noticed that it looked better on the inside than it did on the outside. The whole place was clean and some of the furniture looked brand new. There were three other people in the church all gathered talking to each other. The short blonde one looked our way and spoke.

???: Raynare, who's that?

Raynare: This is Y/N. He knows Asia.

???2: Ok, but why is he here?

Raynare: Tea.


Raynare: Y/N this is Mittelt, Kalawarner, and Dohnassek

As they were introduced Raynare pointed at them in order.

Mittelt: Seriously, why is he here!?

Kalawarner: Oh shut up you damn brat!

Dohnaseek: I hate to side with the kid, but she's right. In case you've forgotten, we're on a tight schedule.

Mittelt: I am not a kid!

Raynare ignored them and sat Y/N down at a table and brought out some tea. Once she placed it down she sat down next to him.

Raynare: Sorry about them. They're all work and hardly any fun.

Mittelt: Hey!

Y/N: It's ok.

Raynare: So tell me about yourself.

Y/N: There's not much for me to tell. I'm suffering from amnesia right now.

Raynare: What?

Y/N: I don't remember anything from my past. I'm currently going to school and hoping to remember anything, but all I've gotten were more questions.

Raynare: Well I'm sure that you'll figure it out. Who knows. You might find a new purpose.

Y/N: I guess.

Y/N looked out one of the windows and saw that blue light and saw it get brighter. He felt a slight sting on his head and put his hand on it. He then saw an image flash in his mind. In a split second he got up, grabbed Raynare and leapt away from the window. When he did the wall blew in. Something crashed into the church. The two of them fell to the ground with Y/N covering Raynare woth his body. He got u p onto his knee and helped Raynare up.

Y/N: Are you alright?

Raynare: Y-yeah.

Everyone then looked at the blasted out wall and saw a faint blue light in the dust. The light faded and a loud screech came from it blowing the dust away. It was so loud, everyone was covering their ears. Y/N looked at the source of the sound and his eyes widened. Before him was a large floating  creature that was blue and looked like some kind of combination between a woman and a butterfly.

Kalawarner: What the hell is that!?

Dohnaseek:I don't know, but the time for charades is over.

Mittelt: Finally. I was getting tired of pretending!

The three of them then sprouted their own pairs of black feathered wings. The took to the air and created spears that seemed to be made of light and charged towards the monster. As the three of them flew after the monster using their weapons, the monster would seemingly dance around their attacks.

Kalawarner: Damnit! This thing won't stay still Long enough for us to hit it.

Mittelt: Yeah! What even is this thing!? It's no stray that's for sure!

Dohnaseek: Focus! Just do whatever it takes to kill it! Raynare help us out.

Raynare: Right!

Raynare sprouted her wings and was about to fly towards the other, but Y/N held her wrist and looked at her with a scared look on his face.

Y/N: No! Don't!

Raynare: Let go!

She got free from his grip and went to help out the others. They all ganged up on the beast, but the result was the same. Mittelt then got behind it and threw her light spear at it. The light spear hit it and she smiled triumphantly. She landed on the ground and crossed her arms looking smug.

Mittelt: Ha! That's what you get for underestimating the amazing-

The beast then turned around and landed in front of Mittelt as her smile dropped and was replace with a look of unease.

Mittelt: Mittelt?

The Beast folded its wings and started to glow a bright light. Once the glowing stopped. Suddenly the eye on it's head opened and looked at her. It unfolded it's wings and and an burst of light radiated around the monster. The light hits Mittelt and she was burned and pushed back.

Mittelt: Ahhhhh!!!

Kalawarner: Shit!

Dohnaseek: We need to get out of here!

Kalawarner: But-

Raynare: He's right! We need to leave!

Kalwarner: Damnit!

The three of them disappeared into the sky and the monster was now floating over Mittelt. was backing away from it slowly. She would have flown away, but one of her wings was singed and crushed underneath a pews. The monster looked like it was about to finish her off, but a piece of wood was thrown at the back of its head. It slowly looked behind it and saw Y/N standing there, regretting his decision.

Y/N: Oh shit.

The monster dove at him, but Y/N had enough time to dodge the attack. It crashed into the pews and kicked up some dust. This gave Y/n enough time to get over to Mittelt. Who was baffled at him.

Mittelt: What do you think your doin!?

Y/N: What does it look like? I'm trying to save your life!

Y/N got his hands under the pew and started to lift it slowly. The dust cleared and the monster charged at Y/N. In this split second Y/N realized that even if he were to give it his all, he would still die, or at least suffer some major injuries. However, at the same time something in his body snapped. A single message in his mind kept playing over and over again, forcing his body to go above and beyond.


Y/N lifted the pew, now with ease and swung it, hitting the giant eye on the head of the monster. Now stunned the monster reeled back screaming in pain. Y/N took this opportunity to pick up Mittelt and run out the broken wall of the church. The only thing that was strange was now he was moving faster than the average human should.

Mittelt: Hey! What's the big idea!? Let me go!

Soon Y/N made to a small bunch of trees. Mittelt got out of his grasp. and stood up. Y/N stopped and turned around.

Y/N: What are you doing!?

Mittelt: I don't need you help you dumb human!

Y/N: In case you didn't register what just happened, Your friends left you and you almost died! Simply put, I just saved your life! A little gratitude would be appreciated!

Mittelt: Shut up! Just shut up! I didn't need your help! I had everything completely under control!

Y/N: Do you hear yourself right now!?

Mittelt was continuing to complain how she would have been fine, but Y/N flinched when he saw the light from the monster get closer. He grabbed Mittelt, pulled her behind a tree and covered her mouth. She was struggling, but once she saw the light from the monster she froze up. The monster floated right next to the tree, looking with its massive eye. I roared in anger as it flew away and back to the church. Y/N exhaled and took his hand away from Mittelts' mouth. He was about to get up, but couldn't move. He looked down and saw Mittelt was gripping his arm and getting misty eyed. She was shaking and slightly whimpering. She eventually broke down and quietly cried. Y/N just sat there holding Mittelt as she cried. After a few minutes she stopped crying. Y/N looked down and heard her breathing softly. He looked closer and saw that she fell asleep. He then noticed that rain clouds were starting to form. He decided to head home as fast as possible. He put Mittelt on his back and headed off. As he was walking he thought how his life is going to get more complicated than it need to be. Little did he know a small bat like creature was watching him the whole time.

 It landed on the ground as a red magic circle appeared underneath it. In a flash it vanished. Back at the O.R.C., the same magic circle appeared only this time a girl with brown hair and a red dress emerged from it.

The girl walked over to a chair faced towards a window. The girl walked over to the chair and bowed towards it.

???: It appears that you were right master, but there's some bad news as well.

A familiar girl with bright red hair stood up and turned to face the girl.

Rias: What happened?

???: He's been exposed to the supernatural. The fallen angels have revealed themselves to him along with what looked to be a stray.

Rias: Is he ok?

???: From what I could see he was unharmed, but one of the fallen were left behind. He intended to bring her to his home.

Rias: Hm. This is a bit troubling. For now we'll observe him. If he comes to us with any questions about what happened it'll all depend on him. I'll discuss this with the rest of the peerage. What about Asia?

???: She's currently with the stray priest setting up barriers. You were right. She has no idea what he's doing, or who the fallen really are.

Rias: I'll have Koneko send her familiar to keep an eye on her. Thank you for all of your hard work.

???: Actually, there's something else.

Rias: Oh? What is it?

???: When I said the there was something that looked like a stray that caused the fallen angels to flee, I don't think it was a stray.

Rias: What makes you say that.

???: Well fallen always have the capability to speak even after their mutation, but this one didn't, or more like it couldn't. It acted like a predator. It was wild, but still intelligent.

Rias: Where is it now?

???: Last I saw it headed back towards the church, but that's not even the weirdest part.

Rias: What was?

???: Master, it was capable of using pure holy energy.

Rias' eyes widened at this news. It was possible for a stray to use some form of magic, but to use pure energy was unheard of.

???: Whatever it was couldn't have been a stray.

Rias: First the stray, then the fallen, now this? What is going on?

???: Shall I contact Lord Lucifur?

Rias: No. The last thing I want is my brother getting involved. I'll ask Sona if she can send some of her peerage to investigate. Something tells me things are only going to get worse.

???: Very well. I shall continue my observation.

Rias: Please do.

The girl vanished in the magic circle again leaving Rias by herself again. She sat back down in the chair and looked out the window with a look of worry on her face. She kept thinking of what could be going on that would cause these kind of things to happen so abruptly and frequently, but one thought popped into her head.

Rias: Could Y/N have some kind of connection to all of this?

A/N: Tell me what you think.

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