Chapter 1: Relaxing Barbecue

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I'm going to be doing my best on this story. I hope you all enjoy it. It will take time, but I'm gonna do my best. It's going to start at season 2 episode 3 Bestiary Master and end at season 3.

Space... Time... Reality. It's more than a linear path... It's a prism of endless possibilities. Welcome to the Multiverse...home to endless possibilities, worlds without end, worlds with their own different rules in their own realities. Spread across space and time, unknown to each other with few knowing about the existence of the Multiverse.


84 days ago in the town of Wakefield, a inter-dimensional portal releasing monsters of all kind and a virus that turned everyone into a zombie, well- almost everyone. Four 13 year old teenagers survived and made a living in the zombie monster apocalypse. Those kids names are; Jack Sullivan, Quint Baker, Dirk Savage, and June Del Toro. They and their pet monster, Rover, are now collecting the essence of monsters for a book to stop a entity called Rezzoch from destroying their world.

Jack, Quint, Dirk, June, and Rover were walking back to Joe's Pizza are collecting more essences of monsters to complete. After collecting the essence of the Grravel and Quint feeling better about not needing to prove anything to his friends, they head back to Joe's Pizza to celebrate. After celebrating, they headed back to the treehouse, to find more zombies are mysteriously missing. While on their way back, Quint decided to say something.

"Hey guys, now that we know that the monsters and the zombie virus came from another world, is it possible that there is more than one universe out there?" Quint asked.

"What do you mean?" Dirk asked as they drive home.

"I'm talking about the Multiverse, infinite numbers of worlds like ours. Perhaps a world where we're evil, a world where we have super powers, a world where there aren't any zombies. Maybe a world where we could be monsters." Quint explained.

"Whoa, that does sound cool. Maybe there is." June said.

"Yeah, wouldn't that be great to see." Jack said as they reached the tree house.

"Maybe a world where I have parents." Jack thought. Little did they know that something big was coming. Something that will change their lives forever, more than the apocalypse did.

Earth Prime

After defeating Thawne and Despero and ending Armageddon, all of the League felt they need a get-together vacation. They all decided to have a barbecue at the Hall of Justice. Team Arrow, Team Flash, Team Supergirl, The Legends, Team Batwoman, Night Patrol, and some other heroes as well. Everyone was have a wonderful time away from all the hero work. Some were having conversations with their dogs; Bolt, Balto, Charlie, Itchy, Ace, and Krypto playing together. Burgers, hotdogs, and sandwiches were set on the table. Everyone was sitting down and enjoying the meals. Barry, Oliver, Kara, and the rest were have a conversation together.

"I gotta say... this is the greatest idea you ever have, Barry." Kara said.

"I agree. This whole team deserves to relax from the craziness of what we do." Oliver said.

"After what I had to go through... I felt everyone needs a break." Barry said.

"Mia told me what happened. I'm glad you were able to pull through what happened." Oliver said.

"Thanks guys." Barry said as he eats his cheeseburger.

"I'm happy that we're all together doing this." Flasheart said.

"You said it." Laurel said to her husband.

"Agreed." Sara said.

"I have admit it... that it's nice to be away from all of that mayor business." Hotspur said as he eats his sandwich.

"Soooo... what about you and Astra?" Freddy asks. Hotspur almost chocked after hearing that, then looks at Freddy mad.

"There's nothing going on between us, Freddy." Hotspur growled when Astra showed up next to him.

"Really? Are you sure about that?" Astra said. Hotspur then blushed looking at her.

"Well, I uh—" Hotspur began before Astra gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, making him blush harder.

"Maybe later we can go on a date." Astra said as she leaves with a sandwich. Hotspur watched as she left to join the other side of the table. Freddy, Flasheart, and Frost try to hold in their laughs at this. Croc, Shark, and Rayburn Jr (he's wearing a special tech belt that Cisco, Ray, Chester, and Ryan Choi built that allows him to shrink to human size, King Shark, size, or back to his normal huge size) were enjoying their big pile of food together, and making a mess. Which annoyed Alex, Cecile, Joe, Chester, and Allegra since they were eating close to them. Jefferson ate with his family. Diggle ate with his wife and kids.

Cisco, Kamila, Gary, Ralph, and Garth were eating together.

"Now this is a good burger." Garth said.

"Yep, and I can say that nothing could ruin this moment for us." Ralph said.

"Dude, don't say stuff like that, when saying stuff like that, bad stuff happens." Cisco said.

"Agreed, you don't want to jinx us." Gary said worried.

"Oh, come on. I can assure you that nothing bad is going to happen." Ralph said. Just as he finished talking, the alerts on the Hall of Justice's computers went off. All the heroes stopped eating and talking turning their attention to the alarm.

"You just had to say it didn't you?" Cisco said. They all rush to the screens to see what was happening. On the screen showed a bunch of metas attacking Central City.

"It's the Ultra Rouges!" Chester said.

"Uh, The Who?" Mick asked.

"Oh, right. You guys weren't here to see them." Flasheart said.

"The Ultra Rouges are a bunch of new meta-humans who replaced the old Rouges. Their leader Anti-Matter is the Worst of the Worst." Cisco explained.

"This is a list of who they are and all of their powers." Caitlin said showing in on the screen.

Ultra Rouges Villains:
Anti-Matter—opening portals
Toxikita—toxic and poison powers
Invizable—turning invisible
Psyclone—Wind powers
Infearno—Fire powers
Terabyte— technopathic abilities
Adam Acid—acid powers
Retox—toxic powers
Spyclops—hacker and spider powers
Tremor—super strength and earthquakes
Electroloyzer-Lightning powers
SharX—Aquatic abilities
Cyborg Brainstein— Intelligent genius

"Wow! That's a lot of powers." Ray said.

"Indeed." Jefferson said.

"Alright, everyone, suit up and head to Central City, if these guys want a fight... they'll get one." Oliver said as he readies his bow.

"And if we do this quickly, we could be back here for dessert." Barry said.

"Oooh, I love dessert, especially apple pie." Freddy said.

"Let's go." Barry said.

In Central City, the Ultra Rouges were causing Mayham in the city, stealing money and creating chaos. Dr Cyborg Brainstein help them create a transportable inter-dimensional breach portal so they can turn everyone into their evil forms.

"Gotta say boss, but this is the biggest heist we've ever pulled off." Tremor said.

"Indeed, now let's go. Before those—" Anti-Matter started before a flash of different powers stopped them from going on. They look to the Justice League all ready to fight.

"The Justice League! They make me so MAD!!!!" Infearno yelled as the flame on his head grew larger.

"This is impossible a bit. How did you all get here so quickly?" Electroloyzer asked.

"We were all here enjoying a barbecue together, until you guys ruined it." Sara said.

"So let's go already. The sooner we're done dealing with you guys, we can get back to our meals." Bart said.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Awww, I'm so sorry. Here, take this as an apology." Anti-Matter said as he fires his staff at them. They all split up and start to fight. Hero and Villain clashing against each other. Each of them faced the villains with their henchmen. The seated heroes of the table fought Anti-Matter while the others fight the rest. Finally, the Rouges were defeated except for Anti-Matter.

"Give up now, you've lost." Oliver said. Anti-Matter gets up with his staff.

"It... is... far... from... OVER!!!" He roared at them. The League get into fighting stance.

"I still have one more trick up my sleeve." He said as he opens a giant breach portal that began to create a strong vacuum. The some of the heroes get pulled in. Heatwave, Atom, Flasheart, Hotspur, Freddy, Behrad, Zari, Laurel, Rayburn Jr, Garth, Diggle, Kate, Jefferson, J'onn and Constantine get sucked in while screaming. Frost and Cisco grab on to support but gets pulled in as well.

"FLASH, GREEN ARROW, SUPERGIRL!!! SAVE US ALL!!!" Cisco shouts as they get sucked in. Soon, Oliver, Barry, Kara, and Sara suffered the same fate.

"YOU GUYS HAVE TO PROTECT OUR WORLD!!! DON'T WORRY ABOUT US, WE'LL FIND A WAY BACK!!!" Barry shouts as they go in. Once they do, the portal closed, leaving the remaining heroes speechless and heartbroken.

"Barry..." Iris whispered.

"Oliver..." Felicity whispered.

"Kara..." Alex whispered.

"Sara..." Ava whispered.

Nate then charges over to Anti-Matter and grabs him by the throat.

"What did you do?!" Nate demanded. Anti-Matter coughs and covers his bruises.

"I... honestly don't know... But what I do know is...that I sent them to a different Earth in the Multiverse. The best part is that I don't know which Earth I sent them. Now then, it's just us now." He said while Ava knocks out him out. Tears start to come out of her eyes, when Nate goes to comfort Ava.

"Don't worry Ava, will get them back we lost Sara once, we'll get her and the rest back." Nate said.

"I hope." Ava said as the others walk together. The heroes then headed back to the Hall of Justice to find a way to find their Super friends.

"Maybe with Anti-Matter's staff, I can use it to pinpoint their location in the Multiverse." Ryan said.

"Well then, let's get to work." Nate said.

"King Shark misses Flash." King Shark said sadly.

"Yeah, me too, big guy." Iris said. Bolt rubs against her leg whimpering. He misses Barry as well. She looks at the area where the portal was created.

"Come back home safety, Barry. come back home safely." Iris thought.

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