Chapter 2: Welcome to the Zombie Apocalypse

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Barry, Oliver, Kara and, Sara comes out of the breach landing on a building. They finally come to, looking around to see they landed in a ruined town.

"Where are we?" Barry asked.

"That breach must have teleported us to different Earth." Oliver said.

"The only question is... did the others get sent here too?" Kara said.

"Let's look around to see there's anyone here that can help us." Sara said. The nodded and started to look around. As they looked around, they know that this place was very damaged and it ruined. Another question is... where is everyone? They then spotted someone.

"Oh, there's someone. Hey! Excuse me, can you tell us where we are?" Barry shouted. They heard growling from the person.

"Uhhh, guys? That person is almost acting like a..." Kara began.

The person turned around revealing the person. A grayish, broken, green eyes, rotten flesh man.

"ZOMBIE!!!" Kara exclaimed. Barry and Oliver were shocked. To see a real living zombie in front of them. Sara was surprised to see zombies here, even though she and the Legends faced zombies before. Suddenly, more zombies appeared surrounding them.

"Apparently zombies are real in this world!" Oliver said as they get ready to fight. Oliver fires arrows knocking the zombies away. Kara flies up and heat vision them. Barry runs around them, knocking them away. Sara fights them with her staff.

"For me watching many movies with Cisco, I've learn that you can't let zombies bite you, or you'll turn into one." Barry said. He runs around, jumps and shoots lightning while spinning taking out all the zombies. They finally rest while still being shocked.

"So this Earth has zombies. Great. Wonder what else is here." Barry said sarcastically. Then they see a bunch of flying monsters above and see some terrifying monsters passing through. A world with zombies and monsters. Just what they needed. A monster passed by looking at them growling.

"You just had to say it, didn't you?" Oliver said.

"We have to find the others." Kara said looking at the town.

"Hopefully they're not zombies." Sara said. They then rushed off to find their missing companions.

Meanwhile, Flasheart, Hotspur, Freddy, and Laurel wakes up in a building.

"Hey, guys. Are you all okay?" Laurel asked.

"Yes, we're fine." Flasheart said as he gets up.

"Oh great. Now where the heck are we?" Hotspur said.

"Seems like a ruined building. Like no one has been here in months." Freddy said looking around. Suddenly then heard groaning and moaning heading towards them.

"Uhhh, guys? What is that?" Freddy asked. They all turn around to see zombies heading towards them.

"Aaaaahh! What are those?!" Hotspur yells.

"Zombies?!" Freddy said in shock.

"Real life zombies? In this world?" Flasheart said in confusion.

"Come on, guys! Less talk, more escaping." Laurel said as they fight their way out. Hotspur and Freddy shoots fireballs and energy balls at them to keep them away. Flasheart and Laurel sonic scream/howled at a wall, breaking a hole through it.

"Come on, this way!" Flasheart yells to his brother and son. They finished up and head to Flasheart and Laurel. They get outside to that this isn't their world. Zombies and monsters everywhere in the town.

"We are clearly on a different Earth." Freddy said.

"You think?!" Hotspur said.

"We have to find the others." Flasheart said.

"Hopefully they're okay." Laurel said.

Elsewhere in the town, Cisco, Frost, Garth, Diggle, Ray, Mick, and Constantine wake up together in a field near the town.

"Where are we?" Mick asked.

"Some kind of town, I guess?" Frost said.

"Perhaps there's someone here who can help us." Ray said. They then looked at the town to see if they can find someone. Garth saw two people walking to them.

"Uhh, excuse me. Can you please hel—" Garth began before people came out of the shadows, revealing their undead appearance, growling at them for flesh.

"WHOA!!! Zombies! Actual zombies!" Cisco exclaimed.

"We'll faced zombies before, right Mick and John." Ray said as they nodded. They then fought them to keep them from biting them. Mick and John shot fire at them.

"Burn you zombies!" Mick shouted at the undead.

Garth washed them away from them while Frost froze them in a block of ice. Atom and Vibe fired vibrational bursts and plasma blasts at them. Dig then constructed a slingshot launched the rest of the zombies far away.

"Okay, sooooo.... Zombies are real on this Earth." Frost said.

"Best if we stick together." Dig said.

"Agreed, hopefully our friends are here and are okay." Garth said.

"Dig, you think you can use your ring to locate the others?" Ray asked. Dig creates a tracker to locate the members of the League. The tracker then gets a hit on some of the members.

"Looks like it found some of them." Mick said.

"Let's go and regroup them." Ray said.

"Wait until the others know about." Cisco said as they run to their location.

Another area in the town, J'onn, Kate, Rayburn, Behrad, Zari, and Jefferson wake up. Each were all fine surviving the trip there.

"Where are we?" Rayburn asked looking around.

"Another Earth by the looks of it. In some kind of town." J'onn said.

"There's no Wi-Fi here." Zari said looking on her phone complaining.

"I think the least thing to worry about is phone service." Kate said.

"She's right, we need to look around for anyone who can help us." Behrad said.

"Uhhhh... guys? I don't think that's going to be possible." Jefferson said pointing in the south side of the town. They look to see many zombies and monsters around the town. The six are surprised to see they ended up in a apocalyptic world.

"Well, it's clear to see that we're not on our Earth." Kate said.

"Hey, J'onn. You think can telepathically communicate with the rest of the League." Rayburn asked the martian.

"We need to get closer in the town for it to work." J'onn said.

"Well then let's go." Behrad said.

"I'm sorry, but you want us to go into an infested town with zombies and monsters?" Zari asked.

"What chose do we have?" Rayburn said. They then headed off into the town for J'onn can communicate with the others.

Meanwhile with Barry, Oliver, Kara, and Sara, they managed to get into the center of the town on a building.

"Okay, we made it here, now what?" Barry said.

"Barry? Oliver? Cisco? Flasheart? Hotspur? Diggle? Sara? Kara? Can anyone hear me? Rayburn, Behrad, Zari, Jefferson, and Kate are heading to the town's school. Meet us there." J'onn said telepathically.

"You guys heard that? Let's go." Oliver said. They then headed off to the school.

Soon all of the League members made it. Everyone was happy to see each other. They all soon went over on what to do now in this world. It was now nighttime, all they can hear outside are the moaning of the zombies and the roaring of the monsters. Flash and Supergirl made a run and gathered food for all of them for the night at the school. It also looked like someone was here playing silly games.

"So what do we do now?" Freddy asked.

"Tomorrow we'll try to find a way to get back home." Oliver said.

"Cisco, have you try opening a breach home?" Sara asked.

"Yeah, I tried, but for some reason I open a breach to teleport around this Earth and but not to another Earth." Cisco answered.

"Well that's great to hear." Hotspur said sarcastically.

"Maybe there are survivors here and they can help us." Kara said.

"Perhaps,there are." Kate said.

"Maybe with the technology around here, we can build a teleportation breach device to send us home." Ray said.

"Maybe, I doubt that there's good enough technology around in this town." Cisco said.

"I suggest we get some sleep for tomorrow." Jefferson said. Pretty soon they all went to sleep. Oliver was still awake looking outside the window seeing the zombies and monsters roaming around the town. He knew that they were going to have prepare for anything in this unknown world.

"We will make home Felicity, I promise." Oliver said into the sky, hoping she could hear him. He then went to sleep.

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