All in the Mind

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Hey, Readers!! You have no idea how much in a good mood I'm in. Like literally, I'm just TOO happy today (and that's a BAD thing for a my friends xD).  So yeah, I'm gonna give all you authors some advice who needs some inspiration for their fan-fictions: TUMBLR. TUMBLR IS THE FUCKING HOLY BIBLE OF INSPIRATION! LOL Just sayin. Anyhoo, here's Chapter 8, ENJOYYYYY!


Natsu P.O.V

When I woke up that one morning, there was a shrieking sound. I jolted up from my bed in shock. More and more shrieks and screams began to be heard from afar. I could suddenly feel and hear footsteps coming in my direction. The door opened, and it was Lucy, her eyes startled. I looked up at her and asked, "Please tell me that noise was coming from a bird?"

We rushed over to the village in a heartbeat. There was a crowd of people surrounding one certain area. Lucy and I began to push through the crowd. The sounds of wails and crying grew louder and louder as we neared the center. What the hell is going on, I thought to myself. When we reached the center, I thought I was going to throw up. Lying dead on th ground was a little girl, nothing but skin and bone as if she had been sucked dry. I could hear Lucy gasp in horror. Her eyes were wide in complete shock, but she stood there like a statue. The people around us continued to sob, but it wasn't until a particular woman, who I assumed was her mother, began to scream, "MEI!"

The mother looked down at her. Her whole body began to tremble as she knelt to her deceased daughter. She cried out slurred words that weren't understandable  through her tears. She held her daughter close to her and continued to sob. Suddenly, I noticed something standing out from her body. "There's something her her mouth," I said. A corner of what looked like a piece of paper. The mother slowly took her shaking hand to her daughter's mouth and opened it. She took out a piece of folded paper and began to shake even more. She unfolded the paper, and suddenly her eyes went from grief to anger. She shot her eyes at Lucy and yelled. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!"

"M-Mine?" Lucy asked. The woman revealed the piece of paper, and painted on it was the symbol of the Shlavek. Lucy's eyes  widened even more. Lucy covered her mouth to keep her from screaming. The villagers began to whisper to each other, and one by one, Lucy's name would pop up. Lucy then dashed her way through the crowd and began to sprint to who-knew-where. "Lucy!" I called out, running after her. She was heading toward the forests, looking as if she had no means of stopping. Damn it, Luce. I sprinted even faster to the point where I could barely touch her wrist. I extended my arm even further and  held a grip on her arm, making her cease her running. "Lucy!" I yelled.

"Let me go, Natsu," Lucy muttered.

"What good will that do?" I asked."Just calm down and-"

"I SAID LET GO!" Lucy roared. She snapped her arm away from mine and turned around. Her eyes were no longer human eyes, but raging dragon eyes. They glowed a bright blue, along with the stones engraved on her. For once, she looked absolutely frightening. "I'm going to kill them...I'm going to kill all of them for what they've done," she cursed. "I'll rip them apart, letting their blood spill everywhere..."

"Lucy...calm down."

"Bruh fnal Shlavek skha nishe bolkghns!" She continued to yell. She was going out of control. Her whole body began to light up in blue light to match her anger. Knowing something bad was going to happen if I didn't stop her, I quickly wrapped my arms around her and yelled, "CALM DOWN!"

Lucy froze. Slowly, the blue light around her dimmed to the point where it disappeared. The stones on her arm soon returned to their original dull color. Her heavy breathing turned into silent sobs. We both fell to our knees as Lucy continued to weep. "What use is it that I'm here....When there are still people around me getting hurt."

"This isn't your fault, Lucy."

"But I am the cause of it," Lucy whispered. "Everything that has happened was because of me...I...I'm a disgrace..."

"Stop talking like that," I hissed. "It won't solve anything." Lucy continued to cry as I held her in my arms. I sighed and rubbed her back for comfort. "You'll fix things soon and-" And then, it started to happen; the exact same thing as last time. My chest began to ache more and more, beating triple its usual rate. My head began to pound to every second, making me groan. "," I attempted to call out.

She turned and saw that I was in pain. She began to panic as I fell into her arms. "Natsu! Is the same thing happening to you again!"

I barely nodded as my vision began to blur. "Oh God, I have to get you to Shira! We're a little far...." To my surprise, she made my arms wrap around her shoulders as she began to lift me off the ground. " here," I muttered. "Too...heavy."

"You think I'm going to let someone important to me lay on the ground while he's in pain! Remember what I said a long time ago at Tenrou Island? I won't run by myself! Not ever!" Lucy grunted as she began to slowly move away from the incident. My eyes continued to blur, and swirls of darkness began to form all around me. The last thing I saw was Lucy's determined face to get me back into the hut before I was completely wiped out.

I was back in the same setting as the previous dream. It was the same glorious looking home, same beautiful day, same music playing from the record player, and the woman was still staring at the unconscious man. This time, I actually had a body, but it was transparent. I slowly walked by the woman and waved my hand in front of her to see if I was invisible or not. I was.  

The man suddenly groaned, making the woman peep with shock. She slowly backed away, waiting to see what the man would do next. His eyes slowly opened his eyes and looked over at the woman. His eyes were dark brown orbs that made even me mesmerized to them. " saved me."

The woman peeped more in fear. She ran back and climbed up the tree that was randomly planted in the middle of her marble floor. She hid behind the leaves while the man began to climb out of the couch. He grunted as he took single steps towards the tree. "Shouldn't be I who should be afraid? You're the one who saved me." The man had quite the deep voice that didn't match his face. The woman, who made a little opening between the leaves so that you could only see her purple eyes, said, "...I'm sorry...I don't get that many guests here."

The man chuckled. "Well, thank you for your help. I'm sorry to intrude, but I must-"

"You can't leave yet!" The woman yelled, sliding down the branches of the tree. The man stepped back in surprise, hissing at the pain from the side. "Your wound had poison in it. I was able to halt it, but it's not entirely cured yet."

The man raised an eyebrow. "So there's still a chance that I could-"

"Drop dead to the floor and choke on your own blood as your eternal organs begin to swell up so much that would burst and make your skin turn black? Yup, pretty much." There was silence at first. But to both of our surprises, the man began to laugh hysterically. The woman squeaked with shock. The man leaned in closer as the woman leaned back. "What's your name, gorgeous?"

Her face turned a furious shade of red. "W-Why should I tell you my name?"

"Well, you are going to be my nurse, are you not? I should at least know your name in a case of emergency."

The woman looked away. "I'll give you a fake name. The name's Isobel..."

"Well, that's a pretty fake name, Isobel. I guess I should give you my fake name. Call me...Arthur."

 "Alright...Arthur. Now sit back down before the poison begins to spread throughout your body." The man nodded and sat back down on the couch. Isobel stayed where she was, staring at him intently. Arthur sighed and asked, "Why do you continue to stare at me?"

"Like I said earlier, not many people come and see me."


"Don't have any."


"Don't have any."

"Now how is that possible. There's a village only half a mile from here. A beautiful girl like yourself should get noticed every once in a while." She bit her lip and walked over to her giant bookshelf. "I don't really leave this house much. My master built this so that I could never have to leave."

"Doesn't that get too lonesome?" Arthur asked. 

She shook her head. "I have my books. I have my tree. I have my music. I have everything I need all in this house."

"Have you ever talked to the villagers?" She froze. She slowly began to stack books onto her hand and bring them to the table across from the couch. "The villagers...aren't really fond of me."

"And why not?"

"That's a secret."

"I like secrets."

"I bet you do." She opened her book and began to speed read as she began making another type of potion. I looked over her shoulder to see what she was reading, but I couldn't understand it at all. I know I can't read and all, but I know for sure this is in a weird foreign language. She began to crush a bunch of herbs together and muttered some weird chants. The cup began to glow a light pink. "Lay down," she ordered. Arthur obeyed. Isobel lifted his shirt and began to rub the cream on his body. She closed her eyes as she rubbed the hands on his chest. "Yup, the poison  is at a standstill. You're gonna have to stay here for a while ."

"Do you have a specific time frame?"

"Around a month or two. Might as well make yourself look comfortable."

"Oh, I will," Arthur winked. Isobel groaned  and grabbed a pouch filled with some kind of powder. She sprinkled it over his face and said, "You need rest. This will help."

Slowly, Arthur began to rest, and the world around me once again turned into darkness.

Lucy P.O.V

I looked down at the unconscious Natsu and sighed. Shira didn't know what was going to happen to him, but she assured me that it wasn't life threatening. Shira and Happy had left the house to find more herbs, leaving me alone with a sleeping Natsu. I suddenly found my hand grazing against his cheek. "What is going on inside you, Natsu?" When I realized what I was doing, I quickly pulled my hand away and felt my face burning with shock. Why...Why did I do that? My heart continued to beat as fast as light itself. "I need to calm down...There's no reason I should be feeling this way."

Natsu had been a good friend of mine for almost a year now. He was my very first human friend. And it was because of him I was able to make a lot more friends and go on many amazing adventures. He's your friend, Lucilia. A friendI thought to myself.

Of course, there were some traits of his that made him more special than the rest of the mages at Fairy Tail. His sense of adventure, his kind heart, and especially the warm smile he gave off.  His laugh also gave off the feeling of hope and happiness. I always loved that about him.



I smacked myself in the head. "Get yourself together!"

At that exact  moment, I felt something off. Something...out of balance. I got up from the floor and closed my eyes, trying to concentrate. I connected myself to the earth itself. By the border...there's something by the border...And it's old! Why haven't I sensed this earlier! "I'm sorry for leaving you like this Natsu, but I have to check it out!" I ran outside and summoned Hana out of my body. She flew out of my chest and asked, "You called, Lucilia?"

"I need you to fly me to the Northern Border. There's something I want to check out." I hopped on top of her back as she flew me up into the air. 

We reached the border in a matter of minutes. We safely landed near the outskirts of Halevana. By that point, it was mostly deserts and mountains in the area. I looked around, trying to find something out of the ordinary. "Are you looking for something in particular, Lucy?" Hana asked.

"I felt a weird presence coming from all the way out here. I wanted to check it out."

"How is it that you were able to sense it but not me?" Hana asked as well. That made me flinch. Whatever I felt, Hana usually feels as well. Whether I'm hurt physically or emotionally, we both feel it a hundred percent. The fact that Hana didn't feel the strange feeling made my curiosity even stronger. I kneeled to the ground and placed one hand on the ground. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the force of nature around me. Suddenly, I felt something that was a lot less dense than the rest of the earth. Eyes still closed, I walked closer and closer to the dense area. I then found myself right on top of the dense area. "It's coming from this exact area..."

"Lucilia...This feeling isn't going well for me...I must return to your body," Hana said, not looking so well. I smiled and rubbed her snout. "I'm not forcing you to do anything. You may return." And she did, flying straight into my chest. I placed both hands in the center of the dense area and concentrated on the earth and earth only. My magic surged from within me to the ground, and to my surprise, the ground below me crumbled as I fell down over twenty feet. 

I hit the ground after almost ten seconds. I groaned with pain and thought to myself, What the hell was that? I then realized that this wasn't any normal hole. I looked to my left and found a tunnel barely lit. I slowly stood up and walked through the tunnel. I could hear the sound of the villagers footsteps above me, but they slowly died down. "I must be past the border," I whispered to myself. Suddenly, I began to hear noise once again, but it was different. It was pace, like marching. 

And then, a scent kicked in.  A very familiar, disgust scent. No way...Am Shlavek territory? Was this how they were attacking out village? I continued to follow the tunnel until I suddenly  found a dead-end. "Is...Is that it?" I whispered. I didn't know what to do. I simply began to touch the walls, hoping to find something that would give me a purpose to be there. Suddenly, I pressed a brick button that camouflaged with the bedrock. The wall began to slowly slide down, revealing another tunnel. "This is getting stranger and stranger."

"You could say that again," someone suddenly said behind me. My head swooped back and to my surprise, it was Natsu. I was too surprised to even speak, but when I did, I said, "H-How did you know I was here?"

"I was kind of fake sleeping when we were alone...together."

"Oh...Oh!" My face burned up at the sudden realization that Natsu was awake when I touched his face. I quickly looked away so that he couldn't see how embarrassed I was. "What exactly are you looking for?" He asked me.

"I'm not sure myself, but we aren't in Halevana anymore...We're in Shlavek territory."

"Whoa, seriously? What does that mean for you?"

"It means unless I don't find something worth finding, I'm risking my life for nothing. Now, unless you're just gonna stand there, let's go see where this tunnel ends." Together, we walked down what seemed like an endless tunnel. I didn't like the silence between Natsu and I. It was too awkward. Suddenly, I blurted out, "I know what happened...between you and Lisanna."

Silence. "You do, huh? Let me guess, did Shira tell you?"

"How did you know?"

"You're sister is making me hate psychics more and more," Natsu chuckled. I awkwardly laughed back. Why was he acting so cool about it? This was Lisanna, his best friend, and his girlfriend for over a year! "Did you guys break up because me?"


"You heard me! It wasn't until I revealed who I was you guys suddenly break off such a good relationship! I swear, after this, I'll march right over to Fairy Tail and make her change her mind and-" Natsu then grabbed my shoulders , making me turn around and face him. "You don't have to do anything."

"But you and Lisanna-"

"It was that ended it with Lisanna, not the other way around." I stared up at Natsu with shock. He sighed, rubbing his face with frustration. "After I ran from you after your whole 'big confession' I went to look for Lisanna to talk about it...and I overheard her talking with Freed...They'd been sleeping with each other for a while now while we were together."

I covered my mouth with shock. "I'm...I'm so sorry...I didn't even know they talked to each other."

To my surprise, he laughed to himself. "I'm actually kind of glad you didn't know...I didn't want to be mad at you for another secret." I couldn't help myself but to smile. I gently touched his arm and said, "Yeah...same." We stared at each other for a long period of time, and it didn't take us any longer to realize that. We both quickly looked away, along with Natsu coughing awkwardly. "Let's go...find something."

"Yeah," I said, "lets."

We continued to walk down the tunnel until we saw a brighter light at the end of the tunnel. We walked faster to see what it was. It was an altar with two decorated candles on each side of the altar. I gazed upon it whispered, "What is this?"

"Is it some kind of shrine?" Natsu asked. I walked over to the altar and examined it. There were symbols on the altar that even I didn't recognize. Then, I noticed something different from the altar; a different shade of gray. Curious, I touched the gray area, and then I realized it wasn't stone. It was paper. I pulled it out from its space and saw that it was a book. "Why was I brought here?" Lucy asked. I opened the book and read what was inside. "This...This is a Toro!"

"A what?"

"A Toro. It's a book on a species that updates itself daily. Each species has one, but they're always hidden somewhere very secretive. Usually their hidden in a temple or some kind of church, so that a priest or a bishop can protect it."

"So what species is this for?" I continued to flip through the pages, feeling a little bit confused. "It's Dragonite and Shlavek...but how is that possible? Two species can't share the same book."

"Now maybe-" but before he could finish, the altar suddenly began to lower beneath the ground and everything began to shake. "What's happening!"

"I think you set off a trap!" Natsu yelled. "We have to get out of here now!" Water began to gush out of the walls and flood the place He grabbed my hand and together we dashed out of the tunnels. The water was quickly rising as we attempted to run. By the time we got through the first tunnel, the water was all the way to our knees. My ears drowned to the sound of rushing water and the sound of our panting. 

We reached the hole where I fell. "Alright, I'll make the water lift us up above ground!" I touched the waist-high water and told it to rise. To my surprise, it didn't do anything. I tried again and again, but nothing worked. "This water...It isn't normal!"

"Well then we'll float up. There's an opening right above us." Just as he said that, there was a rumbling noise from above. We looked up and to our horror, our one chance of escaping was slowly closing. "What are we going to do!" I yelled. "I can't use my water magic!"

Natsu cursed to himself. "Wrap your arms around me!"


"Just do it!" I quickly obeyed, wrapping my arms very tightly around his neck. Suddenly, I could feel the water heating up a lot. "Hang on." Suddenly, we were flying up in the air. I screamed with shock, holding on as tight as I could. I could feel us flying up in the air, and then descending at high speed. We made a rough landing and began to roll down a large hill. We finally stopped rolling and relaxed. I took deep breathes, not processing what had just happened. For some reason, I was hearing a fast thumping sound from the ground. I tried to get up, but I only ended up slipping and falling on what I thought was the ground. I looked up and realized that I was right on top of Natsu.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!"

"Nah," Natsu groaned. "it's cool. Think of it as repayment for that mechanical bull incident." I slowly got up and lied next to him. My heart wouldn't calm down after that almost life-or-death situations. "Nice thinking with the whole rocket feet thing," I complemented.

"I remembered using it on Gajeel back when Phantom Lord was after ya'," Natsu explained. "Whoever planted that book didn't want anyone to take it."

"But what is still throwing me off is where  it was placed. It was under the Shlavek territory, but there was a tunnel starting from here...I can't fit the pieces together."

"Hey, you'll figure it out. You're a smart girl." I couldn't help myself but to smile at his comment. I scratched my head with embarrassment and randomly opened the book to fill the awkwardness. 

My heart stopped when I read the latest updated page. My hands began to shake, and the only thing that came out of my mouth were noises. "Lucy? Lucy, what's wrong?"

"I know...I know what they're planning to do...the Shlavek..."

"Really? What is it?"

"They're...They're planning to suck the magic out of the whole world," I whispered, stunned with shock, "and they want me to be their personal vacuum."

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