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Hey Readers!!! So yeah, I'm an emotional mess:I just watched the most beautiful, amazing, romantic movie in the history of movies: BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN! UGH IT WAS SO BEATIFUL AND POWERFUL AND DID I MENTION THAT JACK TWIST WAS A MIGHTY FOINE MAN! *wipes away tear* It's okay Delina, be strong, be strong for your readers! Lol Anyhoo, here's Chapter 9, ENJOOY!

P.S Sorry for the long update! I've been really busy! But hey, softball is over in a week, so I'll be updating a lot more soon!!!!! :D


Lucy P.O.V

We started at the book and kept re-reading the text over and over and over. My heart stopped beating, and my brain continued to process what I had just read, hoping it was just a misread. But I knew better than to think that. Natsu, who was illiterate, touched my shoulder and asked, "I know I can't read, but are you sure that's what it says? Maybe you misread it or-"

"This is written in an ancient language that I can only read. I know each character by memory. Levy wouldn't even know how to decifer it. I think I know what I'm reading..." Natsu and I didn't move. For a moment, I don't think we even breathed. "But they can't do that, can they? That's impossible!"

"I don't know, Natsu...but you do realize what happens if they take the magic from the whole world, right?" At first, Natsu didn't know. But I could tell by his eyes that the gears in his brain slowly began to turn. He looked at me and shook his head. "If they take the magic...then...it'll be like what happened to Gramps back when Phantom Lord was coming after you..."

I nodded. "Magic in this world is our life source. Without it...we would be nothing..And they want me to help!" I quickly closed the book and pushed it towards Natsu. I didn't want to take another look at it. I could feel my body shivering from fear. I could feel my stomach getting more and more queasy. Natsu set the book aside and gently touched my back. A sudden scary realization came into my mind. "I...I have to hide! I need to disappear, or change my identity, or-"

"Lucy, calm down!" Natsu exclaimed, grabbing my arms and pulling me slightly closer to him. "You need to relax! We'll figure out something! Just take a deep breath." I quickly nodded and imitated the breathing. I sighed, placing my hand over my chest. For some unknown reason, it just wouldn't stop beating. I didn't know whether or not it was because of our latest discovery, or because Natsu was holding me a little to close than usual. Natsu sighed with frustration and said, "I think for right now we shoudl just head back to the village and think about what we need to do." I nodded with agreement and slowly stood on my feet. We walked back in silence, or at least Natsu did. Hana began to talk to me from within in a worried tone. This is a serious matter, Lucilia, she said in my mind.

You don't think I know that, I thought.

What do you think they need magic for? They are completely against the practice of magic. They're magic proof for Pete's sake!"

I don't know, but hopefully Shira has seen furthur in the future to see what we can do.

When we arrived back to the village, we walked in on a huge mess. Spilled bottles and colored powder were everywhere from the floors to the windows and even the ceiling. At first I thought that someone had broken in, but it wasn't until I found Shira breaking a sweat by her cauldron that I relaxed slightly. When she noticed Natsu and I soaking wet, she sighed with relief. "Thank the gods I can see the future," she muttered.

"Truuna, what is all this?" I asked.

"You found the book, didn't you?"

"Wait, how do you-?"

"It's best not to ask, Natsu," Lucy said. Shira hopped off the wooden stool she was standing on and took out two bags labeled with our names. She stuffed the bags with food, potions, and other mysterious items "You guys have to head up the mountains."

"The mountains?" Natsu asked. "What's going to be up in the mountains? Can you just please explain what is going on?"

"There's a shaman up in the mountains who can help Lucy with what to do with the Shlavek's plan," Shira explained. "He's taught me everything I know and knows more than I do."

"And you're sure he can help us?" I asked with a worried expression. Shira looked up at me and smiled, suddenly holding my hand. "It's because of him I found out that you were still alive! I trust him, and so should you." I looked back at Natsu, who gave me a serious-looking nod. I looked back at my sister and sadly smiled. "Alright, we'll leave first thing in the morning."

"Happy and I will stay. Someone has to watch the village just in case something messed up happens. Now the two of you go rest up. You have quite a journey ahead of you."

That night, I couldn't sleep. I kept tossing and turning so much that made it impossible for me to slumber. That book was the only thing on my mind. Things were finally beginning to make sense, and yet I was still stuck in the middle of everything, just like always. Still wearing my white silky night-gown, I tip-toed my way through the hut and decided to take a breather. What I liked about the nights in Halevana was that the nights were warm, yet there would always be a nice cold breeze that would make it so nice and soothing. I sat down on the grass and sighed with relaxation. I slowly pulled the pony-tail out of my hair, gracefully falling on to my back and getting lifted up by the wind. "Looks like I'm the only one who can't sleep," someone spoke from behind me. I turned my head around and saw Natsu leaning against the doorway, wearing nothing but athletic shorts. 

"Are the others awake?" I asked.

Natsu shook his head. "We're the only ones awake." He walked up behind me and sat near me, embracing the great air. He sighed and fell to the soft grass. I could hear his soft and paced breathing from behind me. "So what's keeping you awake?" I asked him.

"Dreams. You?"


"Heh. Look like we have similar symptoms," Natsu chuckled. "What were your nightmares about?" I looked back in my mind and tried to remember what it was about. For some reason, I couldn't fit the pieces together. All I knew was that it involved the book. "Can't remember. Silly, huh?"

"Nah. Everyone forgets dreams," Natsu said. "Hell, I don't even remember half of the dreams I dreamt up  a few days ago." I slightly smiled at his attempts of cheering me up. My thoughts suddenly began to wander and drift away from reality. "It's funny...a few days ago everything was normal...You were barging into my apartment while I was asleep...We were still at Fairy Tail, drinking, laughing, having a good time."

"Yeah...It sure was," Natsu said quietly. I had a feeling in my gut telling me he was thinking about his previous relationship with Lisanna, making me feel more guilty. I know he even said that it wasn't my fault, but I still had that painful feeling in my stomach that told me otherwise. "Everything leads back to my stupid secret."

"Hey, everyone has secrets," Natsu said. "Even I do."

"What secrets do you have," I scoffed, finding it hard to believe. Natsu was silent, so when I looked back, I found a blushing Natsu. He covered his face and began to growl with embarrassment. "I...I can play the piano..."

I stared at Natsu with a blank expression. "You're lying."

"Am not."

"You can not play the piano! You can't even read in general!"

"I can play the piano! I've been playing since I was a kid!" I began to laugh hysterically at his motivation of making me believe him. He pouted with embarrassment. He sat up straight and gave me a gentle shove. "You're mean."

I shoved him back a little harder. "Am not! You're the mean one!"  

Laughing, he shoved even harder, making me fall over and down the hill. I reached over to grab Natsu's hand, but it did  nothing but make him fall with me. We began to fall down the hill, our cries turning into laughter. When our rolling began to slow down, we desperately tried to stop laughing. A tear fell down my face from laughing too hard. Natsu was also laughing  hard. "Why are you such a klutz?" He asked me.

"Why are you such a bully?" I laughed as well. As our laughter died, we suddenly realized the situation we were in.  Natsu was hovering on top of me, his knee placed between my legs. His hands were on my shoulders, which were bare since the thin straps fell to my forearm. My gown was lifted up up to my upper thigh, , revealing most of my legs, and breasts were barely covered. My face began to burn with embarrassment and my heart was beating fast, but my body for some reason wouldn't move. I was in too much of a trance by the look of his built, tan body that was covered with scars from our previous adventures.  Natsu's face was also showing a hint of pink. He suddenly raised his hand and moved it towards my hair. He revealed a single leave that was hidden in my golden locks. "This was, um, stuck," he muttered, trying to look away.

"T-Thanks," I stuttered. After a few moments of just staring, we snapped back to reality and quickly stood up. We wiped the grass off of our body and quietly began to walk back to the hut. Lucy, what was that just there, Hana said to me in my mind.

It was just a fall, Hana...Just a fall. I wanted to believe that, but for some reason, when Natsu's hand was touching my skin, it was as if I had been shocked by electricity had been sent up my body. It was almost as if I had felt something that had felt so good that I had been missing out for the longest of time...What on earth was happening to me.

Natsu P.O.V

I shut the door behind me after bidding Lucy a good night. My face  couldn't stop burning up in frustration about what had just happened. I didn't know what was wrong with me. I've touched Lucy thousands of times. I've seen her naked few times. Hell, I've even groped her breasts and never felt this awkward. But it was at that moment where we fell was when I realized how soft her skin actually was, or how silky her hair was.

I wanted to touch her again.

"Goddammit, Natsu! Get yourself together!" I hissed to myself, smacking myself on the cheeks. This was my best friend I was thinking about! I never thought about Lisanna this kind of way. The way we dated was very casual. To be honest, we didn't do anything different than when we were just friends. The only things special we did was kiss, and that would just be a three second peck on the lips or cheek. Maybe I'm just tired, I thought to myself. I slowly towards my bed and began to drift away into a deep sleep. But as I began to dream, but it was different from the other dreams.

I was at a school. Or at least, it looked like a school. It was a small building and had kids all around it carrying book bags and toys. The area looked unfamiliar to me. The area was covered in nothing but white blankets  of snow and glistening shards of ice. I looked down at myself and saw that I wasn't in my night apparel, but was wearing trousers, a sweater, and a scarf. Where am I now, I complained, brushing my hand through my hair. Suddenly, I realized a change within my body. My hair was a lot longer than it normally was, at least up to my shoulder. My body was slightly more built than it was before, and I felt little stubbles of hair on my chin. Have I...gotten older? I thought with amazement. 

Suddenly, a bell began to ring, and children began to run out of the school like crazy, cheering that their education came to an end for a day. While I was still trying to understand what I was doing there, two kids came up to me and stared at me. They were both boys, the older one a brunette, and the younger one having pink hair. They were wearing their school's uniform of khakis and white polos. "Um, Dad, what are you staring at?"

It took me a while to realize that they were talking to me. "Um...Are you talking to me, kid?"

"Who else would I be talking to?" The brunette snapped.

"Daddy, can we please head on home? I'm freezing!" The pink-haired boy complained, grabbing onto my hand. I jolted with shock. Dad? Daddy? What the hell was going on,  I thought in my head. "Come on Dad, let's just go home," the brunette shuddered, getting closer to me for warmth. They began walking for me, and I simply just followed them. My suspicious instincts were strangely beginning to kick in. "So, um, kids...Want to play a game?"

"I love games!" The pink-haired boy exclaimed.

"What kind of game?"

"The...um...question game! I'll ask you a question, and you have to answer, alright?"

"Alright!" They said in unison.

"Alright then, let's play: what are your names?"

"I'm Alfred," the brunette-haired boy answered.

"I'm Lucas," the pink-haired boy answered as well.

"Alfred and Lucas, huh," I muttered. Not really names I would come up for my kids, but oh well, I thought in my head. "How old are you?"

"I'm ten," Alfred said.

"I'm seven,"  Lucas answered. These kids were still fairly young, yet I could already notice different attributes they possessed. Alfred seemed to be the more daring type; not really afraid of anything, yet showed a hint of in-curiousness. Lucas, on the other hand, was a lot more timid and fragile. He was desperately holding on to my hand as if life was depending on it. "Where are we?"

"England, duh," Alfred scoffed. England? Where the hell is England, I thought to myself. While I was in my train of thought, the kids broke it by saying, "We're home!"

I looked up and saw it. A medium-sized cottage on top of a hill. The kids sprinted their way up the hill, excited to be back at home. From far away, I could see the silhouette of a woman in front of the door, waving her hands at us. "Mom!" They cried with joy. I wanted to get a better look at the woman who was supposedly the mother of my children. I tried to to walk up the hill, but my legs were too heavy. I could suddenly hear a whisper from all around me, saying the same thing over and over. 

"Natsu...Oh, Natsu..."

My eyes slowly opened, and when I woke up, I found my arms wrapped around a sleeping Lucy. My eyes widened with shock, and I felt like I was about to scream of surprise. I looked around and realized that I was no longer in my room. I was dumbfounded. Did I...sleepwalk?! Suddenly, Lucy began to moan, and slowly her eyes began to open. She yawned and cuddled closer to me, saying softly, "Good morning."

"U-Um..good morning?" I laughed awkardly. At first, nothing happened, leading me to believe that she was actually enjoying this.

But then, the real Lucy appeared. 

Her head snapped up, and when she saw me in her bed, her face turned into a red ball. "P-P-Pervert!" She shrieked, pushing me away and hitting me with the closest item from her grasp: a broom. She began to whack me from the waist, making me cry out, "Ow! Hey, will 'ya quit it! It was an accident!"

"Accident? When have I ever heard that before," she scoffed.

"No, really I swear!" I exclaimed, begging her to believe me. ticked off, she grabbed me by the ear and dragged me out of her room. She literally kicked me out and yelled, "And stay out!" I staggered my way to the wall, feeling a burning pain on my left cheek. I groaned with pain and returned to my room, only to realize that our little scene wasn't in private. Shira and Happy had witnessed the whole thing. "You see! He does liiiiiike her!" Happy exclaimed.

"Disgusting," Shira muttered.

"Whoa, I was sleepwalking, I swear," I said in my defense.

"That's what they all say," Shira said, mimicking her sister. "Now get dressed. You  leave soon to the mountains." She walked past me, but left me one more message before disappearing . "If you even think about doing anything perverted to my sister, I will kill you," she hissed.

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