Chapter 5: A Fateful Meeting

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What happened so far...
After Acan tested the persons wanting to be trained he returned to Miachs shop, where bad news were waiting. Now he is again waiting for his disciples to show up.

3rd person pov

In the morning, even before the sun rises, Acan is standing next to the entrance of the main guild building, waiting with his arms crossed for his disciples. The first to arrive is Odysseus.

Acan:" It is good to see that you are still able to be in time."

Odysseus:" Well, you know, I don't want to get on your bad side."

Acan:" I see."

They wait longer and the sun rises higher until it is lunch time. With the sun Acans power rises, slowly increasing the temperature around him, so far that it nearly melts the stones of the building behind him. After a few more minutes the rest of the group finally appear.

Acan:" You are all to late. I told you to meet me at the beginning of the day."

Bell:" But we have to work too."

Acan:" You should have thought about that before you came to me for training. Now follow me."

They go back to the place they have been tested before and Acan pushes them through a hellish training regime at which end they are exhausted and have pains all over their bodies.

Acan:" You can have a day of rest. After that meet me in front of the dungeon entrance. If you are to late, I won't train you anymore. Understood?"

The group doesn't answer and that annoys Acan.

Acan:" I said, UNDERSTOOD!?"

Group:" SIR, YES SIR!!!"

All but Odysseus are quite startled as Acan is normally calm. They leave and Acan gets home, where Miach has something to tell him.

Miach:" I need you to make a delivery for me."

Acan:" Alright, what and where?"

Miach:" Don't worry it's just a potion and take that little job as a chance for you to relax."

Acan:" I don't need to relax."

Naaza:" Yes you do. Since you came to us you have worked and done noth else."

Acan:" That is no problem."

Miach:" Maybe not but I don't want to see any of you two being sick because you have overworked yourselves."

Acan:" *sigh* Alright, it should anyone try something stupid in my presence I won't hold back."

Miach:" As long as don't kill anyone, I won't complain."

Acan:" Good."

He goes to bed and Miach and Naaza stay for a little longer.

Miach:" I am not sure who of the two of us is the God."

Naaza:" Acan certainly is powerful enough to be a God but I am sure that he will listen to you when it matters."

After their little talk they go to bed as well and silence envelopes the building. As the next morning comes Acan is doing his own training routine when Miach comes out to give him the package he is supposed to deliver.

Miach:" I thought that you wouldn't work today?"

Acan:" Then you would have to deliver your package yourself."

Miach:" Touche. Here, this needs to be delivered to the Ishtar familia."

Acan:" So one of the prostitutes is sick."

Miach:" I may not have to tel you this but be careful, although Ishtar isn't as popular as Freya she has similar powers."

Acan:" I still habe the blessing of Lady Hera on me, no ability to control or influence my mind will work on me."

Miach:" But still, be on guard. Who knows who you might meet."

Miach reenters his shop and Acan gets going, slowly making his way to the tower in the middle of the city. From there he goes straight into the entertainment district and he is swarmed by women of the Ishtar familia but for Acan they are nothing but distractions from the job. He never really thought about having a relationship and he is still a virgin. While making his way through seemingly more and more women he is beginning to think about the reason for his self chosen celibacy.

Acan:' Lady Hera always told me that her blessing would allow me to find the one person that completes me but so far all I have found are women that either love themselves far to much or have already someone they love.'

He finally makes it to the home of the Ishtar familia but as he wants to enter he is stopped by guards who seem like they didn't even finish puberty.

Guard:" We can't let you enter until you state what kind of business you have with Lady Ishtar."

Acan, who is nearly two heads taller then the guards, picks the guard that spoke up by his neck, seeing that he isn't really wearing anything on his upper body.

Acan:" I was send here by Miach to deliver a potion to a prostitute of your so called goddess and will only give it to that prostitute to ensure it reaching the right person."

Guard2:" We can't allow you to enter with your weapon, leave it here or go away."

Acan:" Oh really."

Meanwhile inside the building Ishtar herself is sitting on what seems to be a throne.

Ishtar:" Where is that useless dog-girl with the potion?!"

She is angry because she thinks that Naaza, who normally makes deliveries for Miach, makes her wait deliberately. That lasts until the guard number two from the entrance is thrown through the door with Acan following him, the other guard still in his hand, although he is now holding his face instead of his neck.

Acan:" I am here on order of Miach to deliver a potion to a certain prostitute."

Ishtar:' His aura is certainly very powerful, with him I could manage to overthrow Freya.'

Ishtar tries to use her charm on Acan but Heras blessing protects him from this trick of hers.

Acan:" I have no tolerance for people trying to control me against my will. You are not the God I swore loyalty to."

His critical look goes over the women and girls that are in the room and stays on a certain blonde haired with green eyes and fox ears.

The girl seems weaker then everyone else so Acan makes his way to her, still holding the wannabe guard in his hand dragging him around.

Acan:" Miss, it will seem that you need this potion the most."

He holds his hand with the potion in it out to her and as she takes it their hands touch for a short moment but it is clear to both of them that something has happened between them.

Acan:" *clears his throat* Drink it, I can only leave if I know my mission has been fulfilled."

The girl, whos name Acan doesn't even know drikns the potion and hands the empty vial back to him. He takes her hand and they look each other im the eyes, green meets black and they immediately feel a connection, a connection of two people who lost everything and got a new live.

Ishtar:" What would it take for you to leave Miach and be mine?"

She sounds seductive but Acans eyes that had a kind of warmth in them that has disappeared for a long time turned back to the cold eyes of a veteran when looking at the goddess.

Acan:" Should you ever try to harm anyone I hold dear I will personally hunt down you and your familia and then you all will learn what true fear is."

With those words he leaves a stunned Ishtar.

Ishtar:' He wasn't affected by my charm at all, that is impossible!'

While she begins to throw a temper tantrum the blonde girl silently gets back into her room thinking about the warm feeling in her chest when she looked into the eyes of this stranger. After his visit in the entertainment district Acan let's the rest of the day pass by, lazily lying on a bench near the fountain Lily is normally waiting for him or Bell. When the night slowly comes and turns the world to dark he returns to Miachs shop, it still is hard for him to call it his home.

Miach:" I take it you have delivered the potion?"

Acan:" Yes but it seems like Ishtar is using your good hearted natur to get your potions and sell them herself."

Miach:" That is not good."

Naaza:" Told ya."

Miach:" Nothing we can do about it now, so Acan what have you planned for today."

Acan:" I'll take my disciples to little trip."

With those words he again is the first to go to sleep while Naaza grins knowingly.

Miach:" Do you know what he has planned?"

Naaza:" I have an idea."

She keeps quiet after that and as Miach asks if she would share this idea with him she just shrugs before going to bed as well.

Miach:" I feel like a single father with two problem children."

The next day comes and Acan is again waiting for his disciples and again Odysseus is the first to show up but luckily the others aren't to far behind and actually in time and they enter the dungeon.

Acan:" Now then you may be wondering why do I bring you here, you could enter on your own right? The answer is easy: for the next five days we will stay in the dungeon so follow me, I know just the place where we will stay."

Lily,who decided to join them is walking in front of the group with Acan while Bell and Odysseus go in the back. It is easy to see that the group doesn't know what to think about the idea to stay in the dungeon but they don't have a very long time to think about it as they reach a somewhat clear area.

Acan:" Here we will make our camp. Now listen here: I have enough supplies to get us through the five days easily, so food and water are no problems but in order to make it a memorable event you will have to work in teams of two that get switched up with every change and the beginning are Odysseus and Mikoto. The others help me with the camp."

As Acan and the rest of the group walk a bit away from the two guards they begin a conversation on their own.

Mikoto:" How does he expect us to defend the whole camp ourselves?"

Odysseus:" It actually is easy, we are in a cave that has only one entrance so as long as the monsters spawn outside they will have to take the one and only path through us."

Mikoto:" But what is that supposed to train us for?"

Odysseus:" The dungeon us unforgiving. One mistake can be the difference between live and death, if I had to guess he wants to show us just how dangerous the dungeon can be."

But during their time as guards nothing happens, which is in itself strange. As they wonder why no monsters come they can feel an overwhelming heat coming from behind them.

Odysseus:" It seems that Acans power rises even when he isn't directly in the sunlight."

Mikoto:" What do you mean?"

Odysseus:" That you will have to ask Acan himself."

They continue their guard until it is time to switch, Bell and Hitachi Chigusa. From there on they switch in a two hour period with Ouka and Asuka, who after having been tested, did return to become stronger.

As the first day comes to an end the monsters are attacking more and more but Acan doesn't interfere with whoever has guard duty at that time nor does he allow any of the four others to interfere.

Acan:" That is your lesson, the dungeon is unforgiving and will kill you if you don't have a healthy amount of fear and respect for it on you."

In the night Acan takes over the guard duty to allow his disciples some sleep and lik that it goes for the next four day until they are finally finished and allowed to leave. But outside the dungeon entrance someone is waiting for Acan. There at the entrance stands Ottar, leader of the Freya familia and so called strongest adventurer in Orario.

Ottar:" I was send here because lady Freya has wished for a conversation with you, Ancalagon."

Acan:" Then go and tell your fake goddess that she isn't worth my time."

Everyone that heard that little exchange was shocked, it is a well known fact that Ottar reacts violently when Freya is insulted and Acan did just that deliberately. Ottar takes one of his swords and charges at Acan but the later just raises his, in the black armor encased, right arm and catches the blade.

Acan:" If you are the strongest adventurer here then everybody here is just weak."

He tightens his grip on the sword and it begins to crack under the pressure, even worse for Ottar is the face that he came to Acan when the sun was shortly before its highest point. The heat radiating of Acan is enough to melt the blade in his hand but before that can happen he throws Ottar quite far away and follows slowly after him.

Acan:" Tell your fake goddess that should you or anyone from her familia come close to me or those I hold dear I will kill them without thinking twice."

He leaves and the people gathered to watch the spectacle go back to do their own thing while the group of Acans disciples is stunned. They all are thinking: How strong is Acan really? What are his stats? Could he truly hunt down all of the Freya familia? But then can't ask him just like that and so they are forced to just leave it at that and go home, they do need the rest after five days of defending themselves against monsters.
And that's chapter 5 and if it isn't apparent yet who I plan to have as Acans love interest, well then you may have to read the chapter all over again but nonetheless I hope that you guys enjoyed it and until next time I wish you all a good day or night wherever you are.

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