Chapter 6: Minotaur Fight

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What happened so far...
After five days inside the dungeon Acan let's his disciples rest while he takes Lily into the lower dungeon floors and earns her enough Valis to at least pay one-fourth of what she has to pay to get out of her familia.

3rd person pov

To say Ottar was perplexed would be an understatemen, he was the strongest adventurer since Zeuse and Heras familias, but he was easily beaten by Acan, someone who's past was shrouded in mystery, Freya did tell him after he was thrown by Acan that she did expect that to happen. He simply replied that is she fished for him to step down as leader of her familia he would do so, she didn't reply to that and just told him to continue his work, so he again is at Miachs store and gets glared at by Naaza.

Naaza:" What do you want here again?"

Ottar:" Lady Freya has requested to speak with Acan."

Naaza:" Then she should Miach herself, because Acan would rather burn down all of Orario then have anything to do with her."

Ottar:" I will not leave without him."

Naaza:" They you will have to wait for some time since he isn't here."

Ottar:" I know exactly that he is here, since yesterday he didn't leave this building."

Naaza gets uncomfortable since he is right but Acan is making plans for the next time he teaches his disciples and has asked her to not let anyone disturb him.

Naaza:" He is here but he has more important things to do then to go with you."

She carefully chose her words since anything Ottar sees as an insult towards Freya will get him very angry and Naaza isn't capable of dealing with him, even if he isn't angry.

Ottar:" I will outside of this building until he decides to come with me."

Acan:" And if I decide that you and your goddess aren't worth my time?"

In his usual clothes, with his armor covering his chest, Acan comes from the room in the back and he looks everything but pleased at their visitor.

Ottar:" You should be thankful that Lady Freya has decided to let you meet her."

Acan wlaks forward until he stands right in front of Ottar, only slightly bigger then the leader of Freyas familia, there aren't many things that seem to be different with the two warriors, one with brown hair the other with black, two eyes stare into one.

Ottar:" You will not insult Lady Freya."

The tension is rising and so is the temperature in the store, Acan suddenly hits Ottar in the stomach, making him kneel in front of him.

Acan:" You and your fake goddess are nothing more to me then insects to squash. Now run back home like the lapdog you are and tell your goddess that if she doesn't want to have the same fate as Zeus and Hera she should leave me alone."

With a kick Ottar is send out of the building and Acan apologizes for losing his temper.

Naaza:" If I wouldn't know that it were Freya and Loki that banished Zeus and Hera I would think that you overreact, but for now you should get ready for whatever you have planned for you students and I will tell Miach what happened."

Acan nods and returns into the back room. The rest of the day passes relatively quiet, Acan actually has been walking around to let his disciples know about his plan for the next day, which didn't begin as well as he hoped since already one of his disciples hasn't arrived yet. Bell and as it seems Lily, who agreed to help with their excursion, aren't at the entrance of the dungeon. Eina has informed Acan and his group that Bell has gone into the dungeon with Lily.

Acan:" Alright, Odysseus. Take the others and spar for around an hour, I will go and see if I can find Bell."

While his disciples walk away Acan enters the dungeon to search for the boy. Which is easier donr then he thought since he just has to stop another adventurer, who only says minotaur and runs of again.

Acan:' I can only hope to find Bell before the minotaur does.'

He takes of running and he does find Bell, but the minotaur was faster and Lily is nowhere to be seen. He watches as Bell fights, not daring to disrupt the concentration of the boy. He does and attacks but his knifes in combination with the sword of the minotaur, which looks exactly like one of Ottars swords, mean that he is at a disadvantage in that battle.

Acan:' It seems that he is taking the problems I pointed out in the sparring he had against me to heart, he doges and waits for an opportunity to strike but he also tries to block the sword with his knifes. That won't work.'

Just then some more people come, some of the Loki familia.

Bete:" Hey! You were that guy that threw me out of the pub!"

Acan:" *looks at Bete* Do I know you?"

Bete:" You broke my arm!!!"

Acan:" I did? Then you don't seem to be very memorable."

Lily now pleads that Acan safes Bell but an injury makes her fall unconscious. Bete walks forward to interfere with the ongoing fight as a large golden axe is in his way.

Acan:" None of us will interfere, if we do he will definitely die."

Aiz,who is also part of the group looks worried but she doesn't try to get by the large man and truly Bell does manage to hold his ground, he take up the sword of the minotaur and attacks with it.

Acan:' Not a bad move but the sword is far heavier then a knife, but without knowing his stats I can't say anything about how this fight will go.'

Bell is now charged by the minotaur and gets ready to block it with the sword, but suddenly the minotaur changes its course and runs straight at Acan. He just holds his hand up and catches the horn before throwing the monster back towards Bell.

Acan:" You have to put pressure on your enemy."

Bell nods and charges the minotaur, slashing it across its chest with the sword but he gets knocked away and lands not so gently on the ground. He jumps back up and charges again, evading a punch from the beast he thrusts his knife into its stomach and repeatedly casts firebolt until the minotaur actually vanishes and Bell falls unconscious still standing, Lily who just woke up again runs to his side immediately.

Bete:" Riveria, what are his stats?"

An elf with long Jade colored hair and eyes steps forward.

Riveria:" You do know that I can't just Rad the stats of someone, especially if he isn't part of our familia."

Bete:" We won't tell anyone, so just do it."

Riveria sighs and walks towards Bell but just like Bete she is stopped by Acan.

Acan:" If you are already against it you shouldn't do it."

Riveria:" And what if I am just as curious as the others?"

Acan:" I won't stop you as long as you never try to see my stats."

She walks to the unconscious boy and reads of his stats.

Riveria:" All his stats are S rank."

That leaves all but Acan shocked.

Acan:" Now then, if any of you tell someone what was just said I will personally kill you."

He takes Bell on his arms and with Lily following him, he leaves.

Bete:" As if he could do that."

Riveria:" Bur he is right, we shouldn't tell anyone about the stats of this boy."

They leave too and Acan brings Bell to Miachs store where Naaza immediately tells him to lay the boy on Miachs bed, she also tells Lily and Acan to go and tell Hestia what happened. To say that she was worried would be an understatement, she immediately rushed over to Miachs place with Acan having to carry Lily to keep up with the small goddess, but she wasn't allowed to enter the room where Naaza is still treating Bell.

Naaza:" *leaving Miachs room* He should be good, but he will have to stay 8n bed for two or three days."

Hestia:" *crying* Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

She is nearly not to understand through her sobbing, although she is very happy she can't shake of the feeling of nearly losing Bell without even knowing what happened.

Meanwhile Finn

a Pallum and leader of the Loki familia, together with Tiona and Tione Hiryute

the twin amazoness of the Loki familia, were there when Acan said his threat and they are now listening to Bete as he complains about, as he calls Acan, that big asshole that thinks he is better then him should be banned from entering the dungeon since he attacked another adventurer, namely Bete himself.

Finn:" You are just angry that someone actually managed to overpower you."

Bete:" You midget have nothing to say about this!"

Tione:" Don't talk to him like that!"

As the two growl at each other Tiona and Finn are asked what actually happened to make Bete so agitated.

Tiona:" Well a few weeks ago we were in the Hostess of Fertility and after Bete insulted a new adventurer he got thrown out by the newest adventurer."

Finn:" As far as I know his arm was broken at least twice and just today we met this man again."

Tiona:" He is massive, easily standing taller then Ottar and with slightly more muscles, he has a black armor on his upper body and a golden axe."

Loki:' Hmm, that sounds like what Heras two most powerful adventures had, but why would some new adventurer have those?'

Loki:" Do you know which familia he is a part of?"

Finn:" No, but it seems that he has Cloe ties to the Hestia familia."

Loki:" WHAT!?!?"

Her outburst manages to distract Bete and Tione from trying to kill each other and over all makes nearly all who just happen to be in the home of the Loki familia look around in confusion.

Loki:" Why would that loli goddess have any ties to that guy?!"

Finn:" It seems that he is training her only adventurer, together with some other from the Takemikazuchi familia and someone from a familia from outside of Orario."

Riveria who hasn't said anything for the whole time now has something to say.

Riveria:" But something is off you this man, I don't know if any of you noticed it but his surroundings where hör, hot enough to melt badly done weapons and armors and the heat definitely didn't come from anywhere else but himself."

Finn:" Do you think that this could be a problem for us, if we get to close to him?"

Riveria:" I am not sure but the pure heat alone isn't the worst, I think that this increase in heat from him is indicating that something changes within him."

Tione:" What do you mean?"

Riveria:" When you came to me to help Bete you didn't say anything about increasing heat radiating of from him, but why was that now the case when we were all there? I suspect that it has to do with his development abilities, but I don't know any that would make that happen."

Finn:" Could it be that it is a skill that only he has?"

While the two of them continue talking about the possibilities of what makes Acan himself, the others leave and Loki is thinking for herself, pondering if this may be the revenge for what she and Freya have done against Zeus and Hera.

Loki:' If I could get him to join me I would have an ace in the hole, but I doubt that there is anything I could offer him. After all, he seems to have an absolute distaste for me and Freya and our familias.'

Loki:" Ah, well, let's get to bed, we have something to work on tomorrow."
Okay finally a new chapter and as always I hope you enjoyed it, until next time I wish you all a good day or night wherever you are.

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