II. Sonic the Hedgehog

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It didn't seem like it could have been more than five minutes when I woke up, lights all around me, but I was in a bed strapped in by restraints. There were four on my arms and legs, and three extra ones across my body. I couldn't struggle free.

The door in front of me opened, the five kids coming in one by one. There was a green guy and the girl with glowing eyes, who both looked concerned. I looked at the girl's arm, seeing a bruise on it. Her other hand was covering it, but guilt flushed through me. I relaxed a bit, but I didn't release the grimace from my face.

There was a girl in a purple cloak, a robot human hybrid, and a guy with a mask across his eyes. Those three looked more angry than concerned.

"Stop struggling." The eye mask guy said easily. "You can't break free, anyway. You're wasting your strength."

"Why should I listen to you?!" I growled.

"Because we saved your life!" He shouted back.

"So? How do I know this isn't all a ploy of some sort?"

"Look, we all want to go to bed." The girl in the cloak said. Her voice was harsh, yet there was something soothing to it. "Just calm down."

"If you can't trust me," I muttered, still trying to get my arms and legs free, "how can I trust you?" I shouted in pain as I tweaked my side, finally deciding to stop moving around so much. Although I didn't want to.

The dude in the eye mask rubbed his eyes. "Again, because we saved your life. And the more you struggle around, the more you're going to hurt yourself. Look, do we look like we're going to kill you?"

I looked them over, and, sure enough, they looked like a team of heroes.

"The only thing we want to know is how you got here and why Slade is after you." The Cloak Girl said.

"How would I know?" I asked harshly. I was tired. "I just appeared here, and..." My stomach growled as I thought about the hot dogs. Those delicious looking hot dogs... I was so incredibly hungry. "And next thing I knew, the weird murdering dude was there. I barely even know a thing about him except that he wears an orange mask and is, like, magic."

Eye Mask Dude looked to the Cloak Girl, who nodded, then looked back at me. "If you leave here, Slade will find you, and he will kill you."

I didn't say anything, but all of their expressions seemed to darken, as if they didn't want my death on their hands. "We won't object to you leaving, but we can't promise you we'll be able to save you."

"So what are you proposing?" I yawned. There was no way these guys were on the side of Slade. That was obvious enough. It wasn't because of what he was saying, but there was something about them that wasn't all that suspicious.

"That you join our team until we can get you back home. We all discussed it, and after seeing you run at over a hundred miles per hour, you would be a fine addition."

I looked them over. It would keep me safe for the time being to join them. "Fine. But can I at least move a little? Creepy girl made me too tired to do much anyway."

Her eyes seemed to seethe with anger. I hadn't meant to anger her so much, but c'mon, she knocked me out totally. That was one powerful teen.

Once the robot hybrid and glowing eyes girl had freed me, I sat up, yawning and rubbing my eyes. "I'm Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog."

"I'm Robin." Eye mask dude said with a bit of a smile while crossing his arms. "Leader of the Teen Titans."

"Raven." Creepy girl gritted her teeth as she spoke her name.

"Cyborg!" The robot guy said. He had a massive smile on his face that almost made me laugh.

"Beast Boy!" The green guy said, turning into a monkey. He started climbing all over equipment that was in the room. That was weird.

"I am Starfire." The girl who had helped me said. "It is a great pleasure to meet you."

"Okay, so let me run through the names one more time," I said as I held my side. It was definitely better than when Slade had tried to destroy me, but not perfect. I saw an evil smile on Raven's face, and there was something that told me we were not going to get along well. "Glowing eyes girl is Firestar, Leader eye mask dude is Robin, half robot is cyborg, green kid is... Beast Boy...? And... Raven."

Firestar, or, I should say, Starfire, put her hand up. "The name is Starfire, actually. But other than that, yes, you should know all of our names."

There was a two second pause, and Robin said, "Well, you've been through a lot today, so I think it's time to let you rest for the night."

They were about to leave, but there was still one giant thing I couldn't let go of.

Where was Tails?!

"Wait." I said, trying to sit up as they opened the door. I tried to think of how to word the sentences. I still wasn't sure if I could trust them completely. They were nice and all, but everyone made accidents. And Raven didn't make me feel way comfortable. "There's a problem I have. A friend of mine might have come here with me, along with..." I debated telling them about Egg-head. It would either make them concerned or make them really angry. "Someone else that I know. So... If you find anyone who looks like a fox with two tails, don't attack them."

I swear Raven looked at me as if I had just killed her parents. She was really scary.

"Don't worry." Robin said. "We'll keep an eye out for your kind."

"Come on, I'm tired." Cyborg yawned.

Before I could say anything else, even though I was still really worried, I passed out, falling back onto my pillow.

And I was still hungry.

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