III. Sonic The Hedgehog

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The room had no windows, so, heck, I didn't know that it was morning. My side wasn't sore anymore, so I could sit up without dying, and I didn't feel exhausted, but sleep still sounded sooo good. So every time I woke up, I just put myself back to sleep.

The only problem: I was still hungry.

I mean, c'mon, I wasn't trying to starve myself. I just forgot! It's like on a school morning when your dad or alarm wakes you up and you pull the covers over your head and you just sleep in on accident. I just did that over and over again.

The fifth or sixth time I woke up, though, I couldn't handle it anymore. I was going to raid every single thing they had to eat.

I stood up, stretching and yawning. I opened the door, seeing all sorts of complicated machines lining the walls. "Seems like I can't get away from Tails no matter where I go..." I said to myself sadly.

The next door I went through led to a giant hall with tons of doors. I groaned. I just wanted a freaking hot dog. Or seven. It was going to take forever to navigate through all of this.

Well, luckily for me, half the doors refused to open. And even better, none of the kids seemed to be in the tower. So... I could just say a giant squid or something stole all their food, not me.

Finally, I came to a giant room with an amazing view. The entire city was like... well, a bunch of buildings across a beautiful sea. The sun was up in the sky, making the buildings cast a shadow over the sea. There was a long, circular couch that ran in front of a T.V. that sat in front of the window, but didn't necessarily block the sight. There was a little dining area, too. Then, at last, I noticed the fridge in the middle of a kitchenette.

Before running over to it, though, I noticed something on the counter of the kitchen. It was a giant plate of waffles. I stared at them, looking to see if anyone was around. My stomach rumbled. They were probably for me, weren't they? I mean, who leaves a giant, untouched plate of waffles just sitting on a counter to get cold, slathered in butter and syrup... I looked around one more time... Then I took the fork that sat next to them and stuffed them into my mouth.

I was finished in mere minutes. They were so good. Better than the kind you get out of a box, and those are decent. Wow. This tower had everything. (Though I would have preferred chili dogs...)

Then something hit me. The tower was surrounded by water. I ran over to the window, staring at the city. I squinted my eyes, trying to see the distance. It seemed like at least a few miles, which wouldn't be too bad. Running straight across it would be a breeze. Unless, of course, something like Slade attacked me in the middle of it.

Which reminded me. If the Teen Titans were supposed to 'protect' me, where were they now? It was mid afternoon. They wouldn't be sleeping. And those waffles... They wouldn't have just been sitting out there for the night and still have been warm.

"Hello?" I shouted, my voice just echoing. "Is... Anyone home?"

There wasn't an answer, but I was still determined that something was up. There wasn't an attack at the city, (that I could see) so they weren't there.

I scratched my head. "Is this like a game or something...?" No, no, that was a stupid comment. Maybe there was something going on at the city.

"Yes." I leaped as I heard the voice, to my relief seeing Raven. I clutched my chest with a hand, waiting for my heart to slow.

"I... You...!" I was shocked and panicked. "I thought you hated me!"

"I got over it." She said dryly. "You aren't worth hating. Everyone else is on the look for Slade, and since you were sleeping, we didn't want to wake you."

"But I-" I started.

"You broke three of your ribs." She interrupted. "You can't tell me you weren't exhausted last night."

"If I had broken-"

"I healed them."

"You can-"

"Yeah. Minor ones. Any other questions?"

"Did they all-"

"Yeah. Except for me."

"Can I finish a sentence?!" I asked.

"Sure." She replied, as if all I needed to do was ask. "And here." She handed me something that looked like a watch. "It's a communicator. Since we assume you're going to be here for a while, we should be able to communicate with you. It goes on your wrist."

I wrapped it around, staring at the 'T' on it. "Well, are we staying here or catching up with them?"

"It depends on what you're feeling up to." She said darkly, like she hated it.

"Hey, I didn't ask for a baby sitter." I replied. Hey, it's true, I didn't. Although I can't say I didn't appreciate it, being chased and all.

"Just answer the question." Man, her mood turned fast.

"I'm fine."

She walked towards me, and if kinda took all my will not to be creepified. Then, suddenly, a purple circle covered us, and we were in a dark, roomy cave.

My head was spinning, and I saw twenty-five Teen Titans instead of just five. Robin looked confused, but wasn't shocked as we appeared. He was expecting us. "Is he going to be okay?"

"The first few times are rough for the new ones." Raven replied, a small smirk on the corner of her mouth.

"I'm not fine anymore!" I shouted, grabbing whoever's hand was offering to help me up. It was Starfire, of course, the nicest person on the team.

"Are you okay, Sonic?" She asked. "Perhaps a Tamaranian stretch will help you relax."

"Whatever that is," I said, finally seeing fewer people, "I think I'll be fine. So, what exactly are we doing down here?"

"There were a series of tremors reported, and this tunnel opened after the latest one." Cyborg announced.

"We're suspecting it has something to do with Slade." Robin added.

"More like hoping." Beast Boy muttered with his arms crossed.

"C'mon, Beast Boy, it'll be fun." Cyborg said, giving Beast Boy what looked like a painful noogie. "We'll make a contest of some sort."

"Oh yeah?" Beast Boy asked. "Like what? What can we possibly do in this overgrown wormhole?!"

"We could probably start by moving." I said impatiently.

"See, Cyborg? Even Blue Dude doesn't have any ideas."

"Hey, why are you so grumpy anyway?" I asked. At least the group had started to move.

"Oh, poor Green Kid's just tired." Cyborg explained. "Didn't get to sleep in, and didn't get to let me kick his butt at video games this morning."

They continued to bicker, which just gave me a headache. The cave began to actually shrink into a tunnel, getting more and more narrow. I was the shortest in the group and even I had to duck my head a bit.

Eventually, we couldn't fit any further. But there the tunnel definitely went on for longer. So, as I hadn't really helped out the team much yet, I ran in a circle on the wall, and... Well, Tails would have been able to explain why that made a hole in the wall. Something having to do with the friction doing something to the dirt...?

Let me tell you: that was a long wall. It was at least half an hour of straight running before I broke through. And there was no way to really know when I was close, so when I finally finished, I got thrown across the floor. Teen Titans' World: 2, Me: 0. Yay me.

Besides the dust that covered me, I was pretty fine, except one of my quills was kind of bent. It didn't hurt or anything, but it looked weird. It bent back kind of easily, but still looked weird.

"Look, another exciting room." Beast Boy said. "I can't wait to walk even further."

"Can't you just, like, turn into a fly and sleep on somebody?!" I asked, trying to get the dust off of me.

"But what if you squash me?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to scout on ahead." They were about to protest, which, yeah, everyone expected that one. "I'll come back if I see any trouble. Geeze, you're like my mom. All of you! Well, Except Beast Boy. Maybe he should come."

Cyborg looked at Robin. "Sounds fine."

"Wow. Now that really sounds like you guys are my parents." I replied. "Let's see... Robin seems more like a mother, so Cyborg can be the dad."

Robin's face grew red with embarrassment. "I'm kind of the leader. I'm supposed to tell you what to do."

"Whatever." I replied. "So are we doing this or what?"

"Well, if we split up," Robin explained, "We still get a bit of the element of surprise. Plus, if we follow behind, we might find another path or something else worth investigating."

"Uh, if you say so, Boss Man." I said. "Hey, kid, you gotta turn into something to keep up with me."

"Hah!" Beast Boy remarked. "You're going to have more trouble keeping up with me!"

He turned into a cheetah, and we took off. He wasn't incredibly slow, but nothing compared to me. And he learned that relatively quickly. We both slowed to a jogging speed, as I was still a bit sore from running for a straight half hour, and leopards - er, cheetahs - can't exactly run forever. It didn't take long before we found something, though. Once we saw a ginormous cave, we stopped at the edge of the rock.

"Woah." Was just about the only thing I could say, anyway, so I said it. Beast Boy turned from a cheetah back into a kid and said the same thing. "What is this place?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I have no idea. It's like some sort of... Some sort of... Just, cave of lava."

Red-hot lava filled empty parts of the ground that weren't used for walking on. Otherwise, steel platforms created a walkway from one end of the room to the next. The far end of the room had a throne made of steel and... anything else was too far away to see. There was something else on the sides of the throne, but, again, I couldn't see them clearly.

"That's..." I started.

"Weird?" Beast Boy asked.

"That sounds about right."

"We should probably go tell the others-"

As he spoke, right as he said the word 'others', the rock we were on broke, and I swear we were about to fall to our dooms. But then, Beast Boy magically turned into a... pterodactyl and grabbed my arms. But it was too late to go back to Robin and the others. The entrance we had magically caught on fire, making it impossible to go back at the moment. And by that I mean the lava had probably somehow spread through the rocks and needed some place to vent.

While we were in the air, about to try to land, there was some loud noise from somewhere that hurt my ears incredibly. Beast Boy screeched, falling to the ground. "You know, sometimes being part animal stinks." Beast Boy yelled.

"Tell me about it." I groaned.

Once the vibrations stopped and the noise halted, we could finally move again, but the area was probably unstable. After a shock like that, I couldn't imagine us not getting crushed.

I groaned as the noise finally stopped, lifting my head up. It wasn't until then that I noticed that my face was two inches from the lava. As is bubbled, taking the slightest bit of my face with it. I yelped, holding my face, wide awake with terror.

I didn't see the green kid anywhere. "Beast Boy?!" I called.

"I'm here." He said from behind me. "Trying to find a way out of this place!"

"Is there anywhere to go other than the blocked off way?"

He shook his head. "Not that I can see. If it was just me, I could turn into an ant and survive when-"

An earthquake rattled the ground, nearly tossing me into the lava - again. I swear, it was like I was a magnet to it. I crawled away from it slowly.

I tried to look around, but my vision was changing. I saw two of everything, side by side. The sides of my head were sore, as if I had been staring at a T.V. screen for the past four hours. Beast Boy was sitting down, holding his head as if it were in pain as well. "Hanging in there, kid?" I asked.

"Yeah." He panted. "Just... My brain's a little foggy. It's really hot in here."

He had a point. I hadn't realized how much I was sweating, but I was drenched. That was why I was becoming so exhausted. I looked at Beast Boy, seeing his communicator. I pressed a button, and hesitantly said, "Calling Robin... I guess? I don't know. Is that what I say?"

"Sure." Robin said. "Where are you guys?"

I looked from side to side. "Lava City. Not a good place to be. We're kind of dying here. We need help, or we'll get crushed."

"What?" Robin asked. "I don't understand."

"Just keep going forward, and you'll see a space that's closed off by fire. That's where we're stuck. Oh, and if you don't hurry, we'll be crushed by rocks."

"Got it. Titans, move!" Robin yelled, and the communicator shut off.

Another earthquake rocked the earth, but this time, instead of me coming to the lava, the lava came to me. The steel platforms that kept us from falling into the lava were starting to fail, and the bubbling red liquid was riding over it.

"We gotta get out of here, Sonic!" Beast Boy yelled.

"Yeah, I got that." I replied, jumping away as the fiery stuff tried to kill me.

Robin's team wasn't going to make it to help us in time, and that was obvious enough. We had run what had seemed like miles to get to the cave, and at a pretty high speed. It would take them half an hour to make it. We were going to have to go the way we came in if we wanted to make it alive.

"Beast Boy!" I called, and he lifted his tired eyes.


"Turn into something that can fly and hold both of us. Then I'm going to run the both of us past the fire."

"Are you crazy?!" He yelled, dodging some stray lava.

"Yeah, and it's our only shot! So come on!"

For a second, he only stared at me, wondering if I was just trying to kill us both or really trying to save us. Then, he turned into a pterodactyl again, grabbing me and flying to a wall. Then he turned into a kid, and I grabbed his foot, running top speed to the next wall and through the fire. Woo!

The fire didn't actually get us that much (because I'm just that amazing). Besides a few charred spots on our bodies, and the fact that we were really tired, we were fine. We just needed water. "I told ya." I said, panting and holding out my hand for a high-five.

"Nearly killed us, too." He said in reply, slapping my hand. We watched as the rocks fell and covered the entrance of the cave, making everything move. The entire cave went dark, and we couldn't help but burst out laughing.

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