V: From the Grave

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Amithelia Kiatonan


Nali, Etrar

Sinhat was moving quickly through the palace, his robe snapping behind him, his shoes clicking on the floor. Arms full Ami scrambled after her father, confusion swirling in her brain.

"Dad!" she cried out, rushing to catch up to him, "There's no way right? Like this has to be some poser."

Sinhat did not share the same skepticism, "This is not a time for games Ami."

Ami huffed, both from their quick pace and exasperation, "Dad, how could it possibly be though?"

"We will find out when we find out Ami. A leader shouldn't make assumptions before they see a scene."

Ami rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath. Finally, Sinhat came at a slow pace, stopping in front of a holding room, where guards stood in front of the door. Upon seeing the king, they moved away, one opening the door.

On the other side of the room, behind a thick pane of glass, sat a young boy. His skin was pale, paler than anyone in the palace, but flushed pink with sunburn. His hair was disheveled, blond, and sticking up all over the place. His clothes were rumpled, brushed with dirt, evidence of travel (and a lack of access to a shower). A large sack was discarded to the side, packaged food spilling out the top. His shoes and bag and clothes all glimmered brightly, clearly made by Etarian hands. He was writing, head deep in a journal, bound of leather.

He looked every bit of a teenage boy, freshly gone from home.

"So you're the boy looking for me," Sinhat said, voice filling the space.

The boy did not startle, just raised his head, looking Sinhat right in the eye. He stood, laying down his journal, pages open, before bowing slightly at Sinhat, then Ami. He was tall, slightly taller than Ami, reaching up in height towards her father.

"Indeed your majesty," he said.

Ami glanced downwards at the journal, only for her heart to stutter to a stop.

The words were in Crecanian.

Her head snapped upwards to the boy, standing tall, every bit of royalty bleeding out of his stance. Sinhat glanced at his daughter, curious of her reaction.

"Dad, he's writing in Crecanian."

Sinhat's eyes narrowed at that, focusing on the boy. "State your name, title, and why you are here."

If possible, the boy stood taller, lines taught in the stance of a practiced soldier. "Your majesty, King Sinhat of Etrar, and Crown Princess Amithelia, I present myself as Inan Batellia, rightful heir to the Crecanian throne. I've come to you for aid, and help."

"At ease Inan."

The boy relaxed, staring at her father, eyes glancing towards Ami.

Sinhat turned towards the guards, "Let Inan out of here, we have a lot to talk about."

"Just like that father?" Ami hissed, grabbing his hand.

Sinhat glanced at his daughter, age and weariness present in his face, "He's not lying Ami. And I know that face, I saw him once in person long ago."

"Still Papa, you can't!"

The glass door slid open with a slight squeak, Inan trudging forward with the presence of a king.

"Inan, could you lower the collar on the back of your shirt?"

Inan's eyes widened before a small smile slipped onto his lips. He turned, pulling slightly at the back of his shirt.

There, just below the bone of his neck, sat the glimmering blue tattoo of the House of Batellia.


The royals had retired to a lounge room, joined by Queen Esta, pulled out of her duties for the situation. Inan was every bit of a practiced royal. The boyish features that had taken up his features in the holding room were wiped off, replaced by the young man that he was. He shared his travels, speaking to her father and mother on what had transpired the last two months since his supposed death.

"I assume no one but us knows that you're alive," Esta asked, concern deep within her face.

Inan sighed, sadness sitting on his shoulder like a massive weight, "You'd assume right your highness. I fear it is too risky for me to try and make contact with my family." He let out a wet chuckle. "I'm sure my father has already pushed Keku into the position of the crown prince."

"You'd be correct," Sinhat said.

Inan snapped up at that, "How would you know? No one gets in or out of Crecana, hell, we don't have anywhere close to the level of technology I've seen in the past two months."

"We've had spies placed within Crecana for years," Esta said. "Crecana is so far removed, the rest of the nations worry that you're planning something, despite the backwardness of your society."

Inan narrowed his eyes at that, "In all due respect your majesty, I would not call my home backward. We simply have not progressed to the level of advancement that you all have. Considering our lack of magic and interaction with the world, I would say our advancement is pretty decent. We are still people, with a rich culture and heritage."

The room descended into a tense silence, Esta wringing her hands tightly, Sinhat's mouth in a flat line. Ami, who had simply observed, broke the silence.

"Would it even be helpful to you to reach out to your siblings?" She asked, voice soft. "Keku is now the next in line for the throne, I assume he'd not want anything to do with you."

"Keku has never wanted the throne," Inan said wearily. "My father latched onto him from a young age, he was always more of a sports kid than I ever was. My father values strength, especially the physical kind. I prefer diplomacy and education. According to my father, I would be a weak king."

"I view that as quite the opposite your highness," Sinhat said.

Inan waved his hand, "Please, call me Inan."

"Then call me Sinhat."

Inan smiled at that, "All right...Sinhat," testing the name. "As I was saying, Keku is the perfect mold for my father. From a young age, he always loved the praise my father gave him, as any child would. I love Keku dearly but I fear our parents have warped him into someone he's not, taken his heart. He's not my father, but he tries so hard to be."

"It's like he's taking your brother from you," Ami whispered.


"If we reveal you're alive then the people will see the lies your family has done and come out of it!" Ami cried excitedly. "Crecana can join the world stage, and you'll get your throne back!"

"Ami," Sinhat said cautiously, "It's not that simple."

"I agree," Inan said. "This isn't as easy as turning on a light. I could lose my siblings, my home. My people, they'll be the first to suffer before I do, and I can not let that happen." He glanced up at the royal family, determination set in his face. "I appreciate your hospitality and kindness but we can not just charge into Crecana, we have to plan if we want anything to change, but that is not for tonight."

"I agree," Esta said. "Inan has only just gotten here, we can not get our hopes up with dreams of freeing this nation."

"And we need to ask ourselves, should we even interfere?" Sinhat asked. "Etrar has its hands full with many issues already, this is costly, dangerous, and not even within our rights."


Darkness had swallowed the land, the shimmering moon blasting light across the valley. Shadows became large and long, reaching across the hallway as Ami slipped back into the Go Room. The holographic table shimmered where the 3D image of Crecana turned slowly. The soft blue glow fell across Ami's skin, the only light in the darkened room.

The image of Crecana was enticing, the ridges of the mountains of the Tamsun Range peaked with snow, cutting the island nation in two. To the north of Avala, the rolling tundra of the Kerrory Expanse was dotted with small villages miles and miles apart from each other. To the south, the last remaining grasslands were intersected with the Great Simwe River, meandering through the lands.

Ami reached forward, expanding the map with a pinch of her fingers. There, nestled at the bottom of the Tamsun Range, great mountains encircling the city, sat Avala. Atop the great cliff face Dawnton Castle shimmered Crecana's great marvel. Despite all of Crecana's misgivings, it was a beautiful nation. The fjords alone were marvelous, and the city was truly in a remarkable place.

As Ami slowly turned the city, a beeping suddenly emitted from the table. She scrambled backward, cursing as the red dot beeped. Frantically she started looking for the button she'd pressed, only to realize it was a transmission.

She answered, "This is Princess Amithelia of Etrar, speak your purpose."

A relieved voice sounded on the other end. "Princess Amithelia? Thank goodness. Something has happened here, something big."

Ami sat up at that, back straight as an arrow, eyes narrowed at the table, "Who is this?"

"One of your father's spies. Look your highness, the princess of Crecana is gone, and people are speculating she was disposed of. They think she was involved in the resistance."

Ami stood, chair knocking backwards at her momentum, "Are you telling me that Princess Klaia Batellia of Crecana is dead?"

"I don't know, but she's gone, princess. The royal family reported her missing, but there are rumours of foul play."

"Oh god."

"Oh god is right. If the rumors are true, that's two royal children in two months, this country is incredibly unstable right now."

"Are you saying we need to be worried for the safety of Etrar?" Ami asked, a voice of steel.

"Possibly," the spy admitted. "There's no telling what the royal family might do, or who they might blame. But they sure don't like outsiders."

Ami sank back into her chair, running her hands over her temples in stress. "I'll report to my father immediately, is there anything else?"

"Just one more thing, the royal navy is prepping to search for a ship that escaped past the blockade this morning. There's a terrible storm coming that's delaying search efforts but rumor has it they know what happened to Princess Klaia."

"You think we should get there first?"

"Exactly what I'm saying. Whoever they are, they know something."

Ami nodded, determination set in her brow, "Thank you, good sir, I'll report to my father immediately."

"My pleasure, your highness."

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