Gift hunting and dragon...

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(A/N Notes: Hmmm?... Is it just me or does that title is trying to tell us something?)

"Hey, can you go where you usually have your magic lessons by yourself?"


"Great! Because something that needs me just came up, so see ya later, boy!"

"Hm!" *nods*

Then Douglas activated a magic circle under his feet and teleported away in front of Maria

"... I really should learn one of those"

And she hurriedly went to the interrogation room

At the usual teaching place


Douglas successfully teleported to the place Anastasia used to teach him and Rose, and there Anastasia was already teaching Rose

"Ah! I see that you already mastered teleportation magic, kiddo. Just give me one second, so Rose do you see that target?"


"Then destroy it, and I don't care how just use magic to destroy it"


And with that Rose began firing magic at the target, that was a dummy geared with Staalium, a wonder alloy that is the strongest metal known to mankind (A/N Notes: Staalium... Stale?... Stalin? State... Free real stale Stalin state?... Yeah, sounds about right)

"Alright, kiddo. I want you to memorize this new magic formula I made last week, it's a somewhat modified version of the magic circle used in our neo Armstrong cyclone jet Armstrong magical cannon" (A/N Notes: You can just feel the power of that magic from its name)


Anastasia then handed the papers with the formula for him to read, and while he read the paper

"While you're at it, let me see how good have you become in using the Mana materialization magic, that I taught you some months ago, by attacking that target over there"


Anastasia looked at the target, and for a moment nothing happened, then a bright tentacle made of pure mana came out from the ground, grabbed the dummy's feet, and swung it around, hitting the dummy at the ground several times, then another tentacle appeared at grabbed the dummy, the dummy together with the staalium armor plate was ripped in two, then both halves of the dummy were stabbed on the ground by a blade of pure mana, and then more mana blades formed around the dummy parts and stabbed them at the same time, piercing the armor as if it was a hot knife cutting butter, then pillars of mana were dropped on whatever that remained from the dummy with great force that it even shook the ground, and after a few seconds the dust settled down, to reveal craters with only in it

"Well, I'm surprised. I was expecting something like that, but not that, so it doesn't count"

"Master, I memorized it"

"Hm? Ah! Good job, now I would have asked you to shoot it at the target, but since it was obliterated to dust, I'll have to think of something else for you to shoot it..."

"Anastasia-sensei! I can't destroy the target no matter how many times I shoot grand-scale magic at it!"

The target that Rose was shooting her magic at, was covered with cut marks, burnt parts, even some bents here and there

"Well, it's to be expected from the metal said to be able to survive even the strongest attack from the demon emperor, though the same can't be said about the wearer"

"... Wasn't there a dummy over there?"

"Yes, there was but the kiddo here disintegrated it"

"Wha!? How!?"

"Well, it's mostly due to his super-dense mana, that allowed me to create a special magic formula that allows him to use his pure mana in all sorts of ways from offense to defense"

"So that means that I can't use it, since you said that mana is as dense as water"


Rose gets dejected at hearing that

"But! If the next magic he's going to use is able to destroy the target, that means you can also destroy it" *thumbs up*


"Alright, kiddo. Now I want you to launch the target up and the shoot the new magic I showed you"


With that said, Douglas then used mana materialization to launch the target high up, then he put his wrists together, in a way that his right hand was pointing up, as he aimed at the target, then he spun his wrists, making his left-hand point up, and the modified neo Armstrong cyclone jet Armstrong magic circle was shot, and he hit the target dead-on, and nothing was left of the target

"Well... Do you want to learn that magic, Rose?"

"Yes, please! Sensei!"

"Then memorize the formula thoroughly"



"What's wrong, kiddo?"

"I'm gonna call it... Extinction cannon..."

"... That's one hell of a good name, kiddo!"

"That's right, Douglas-nii!"

Some years later Rose would make a name for herself as the sorcerer of extinction (A/N notes: That's some dangerous loli, but not a bad one)

That afternoon

"So did you find any jewelry that works with curses?" *Carrying a large paper bag*

*Shakes head*

"Thought so, so we'll really need to find a dungeon or a dragon's lair... Welp, time to overhear some adventurer's talk"

Douglas and Maria were wearing plain easy to move clothes, it was only the two since they didn't need escorts due to the great security of the city, made possible by the state police that gramps had implemented during his reign, and because the two were already by themselves excessive force. And now they were going to the adventurers' guild, when they arrived at one of their nation's branch, they went directly to the reception

"Welcome to the adventurers' guild! How can I help you?"

*Puts down the paper bag on the reception desk* "Yes, I want to know do you guys have any information on cursed rings, to be a more specific ring with the curse of binding?"

"About that, I'm not sure. Do you have any specific place to search?"

"It can be either dungeons or dragons' lairs"

"I see... I will go check the archives to see if I can find anything related to what you want"

"Thanks a lot"

"... Couldn't we have done that... In the castle archives?..."

"... ... ... Maybe? But I don't know if they keep that kind of information there"

"I see..."

As the two waited for the receptionist to come back, they made sure to overhear any conversation inside the guild, and one of those conversations between two drunk adventurers picked their attention

(Scot Starto!)

"Sae yeah man! as A wis sayin' thare's a dragon at 'hose mountains tae the north!"

"Ye're lying! then why didnae the kin mobilizit or whatever the army tae deal wi it?"

"Apparently thon dragon movit thare recently an didnae cause any trouble whatsoever, an it's i the middle o the mountains without any village nearby tae cause any trouble tae"

"Thon make's sense for why the kin didnae dae anythin tae the dragon"

(Scot Endo!)

Then the receptionist came back

"Sorry, but I couldn't find any information about a dungeon or dragon's lair that contained cursed rings"

"Then what about the dragon that recently moved to the mountains in the north?"

"Ah! That? Well, since the region that the dragon is residing is a very remote one, we don't have a lot of information about it, actually, we don't even know if it moved there recently, for how hard it's to get information about that region, but we're sure that there's a dragon there, that the guild even informed the kingdom, but since it was deemed harmless due to where it's residing, we stopped any further investigation to prevent any chance of angering it"

"I see,  thank you for your help"

"You're welcome"

Maria then picked up her paper bag full of chemicals with varying levels of danger and left the guild together with Douglas, once they were back on the street as they went back to the castle

"... Say do you wanna go see a dragon?"

"... Yes..."

"Then let's make sure to talk to Gramps tomorrow, I'm sure he'll be motivated to go with us"


And they went back to the castle with their course of action set. That night, Douglas made sure to follows Maria's advice of having Sophia undressed, and as she had said she was wearing cutesy pink underwear, and Sophia was feeling extremely embarrassing of having Douglas see her wearing that underwear, and Douglas also felt very pleased to get pampered by both Sophia and Charlotte that night

(A/N Notes: Other fantasies and isekai stories: Criminals and adventurers causing trouble left and right

This story: Criminals and adventurers be like whenever they think of doing anything funny in the city

That's the police for ya!

That's all for today everyone!)

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