Preparations and coincidences

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(A/N Notes: This chapter is the resume of how Isekai character gets into the troubles of a nation or some conspiracy)

It was early in the morning of the following day, and Maria was already planning the following actions for the next week to get rid of any interruption for her little held and trip camping expedition to a dragon's lair with Douglas, Gramps and whoever else he decided to bring along

<First, I'll need to get rid of Sophia for at least a week so that she won't be able to sniff any of this>

She was trying her best to think of ways to get rid of Sophia, but all of them ended up with her getting into near-death states

<Haa... I guess I'll have to wait to pray to god so that some weird coincidence sends Sophia away for some days> "Here I am"

Maria opened the door to the office of the head of the battle maids, Olivia, as she announced her arrival



"Ara, you are finally here, Maria, now I can finally say what I need you two to do"

Maria had noticed that Sophia was also in there, but before the two could say anything to one another, Olivia had already started speaking

"Maria, since I heard from Sophia that you took care of the crown prince yesterday, I will ask you to be the personal maid of Douglas-sama for the following two weeks, okay?"

"... Sure, whatever"

"Huh!? But, I am his personal maid!"

"About that, Sophia... We received a troubling message saying that various dens of goblins, that may or may not have ogres with them, was found near an important highway, and right now the army is too busy dealing with the yearly Great wolf migration period, and we need to deal with those dens as soon as possible, and you are the strongest one in the military aside from me and Gramps who can go there right now"

"And why not send the demonbusters to deal with them?" (A/N Notes: Who you gonna call?)

"That is the problem, they are already busy dealing with a wannabe demon lord, so they will not be coming back anytime soon, though they have said they are about to reach the gates of the fortress of the so-called demon lord "


"And we cannot send Gramps either since he is the one responsible for the training of the royal guards, the shadow butlers, the battle maids, the KGBI*, and he's the also the one responsible for the religious matters" (A/N Notes: From one line I already took care of a lot of Isekai tropes)

"... Fine... I will go..." *Despairing expression*

<... Wow! I didn't even have to move a finger to get of Sophia, task one completed!>

"Oh! And by the way Sophia, you will be sent there tomorrow morning, do not be late"

"... Okay..." *An even more despairing expression*

<... I guess, the prince will have a great time with Sophia tonight>

The two were then allowed to leave, and Sophia left as if she had seen the devil himself. while Maria left with a pleased expression that her plan was going extra smoothly without her having to lift a finger

<Now I need to do something to impede King Alexander from stopping both Douglas and Gramps from leaving the castle before it's too late. But we need someone who has already been at the region and knows teleportation magic so that we can leave asap when Alexander and Catherine notices what we're planning>

And as she walked down the corridor, she just happened to pass by Anastasia who was carrying her son in a baby carrier. Yes, she had a child with John

"... Hey, Anastasia-san"

"Hm? What is it?"

"Do you happen to know teleportation magic and visited the northern mountains?"

"Yes, I do know teleportation magic and happened to visit the northern mountains in the past, why do you ask?"

"It just so happen that I'm planning on trying to find a dragon's lair that apparently was set up recently there together with Douglas-sama and Gramps, do you wanna join?"

"You daughter of a bitch, I'm in!"

"Great! Then make sure to have your camping luggage ready to depart the day after tomorrow"

"Understood, have a nice day"

Maria got the transport, now all she needed to do was dealing with Alexander's quick responses when it came to both his father and son

<That's going to be troublesome... Well, for now, I should go take care of the prince now>

Maria who was going to Douglas' room to start her duty of taking care of him, passed in front of the office room Alexander used to do his administrative matters, and she happened to hear Catherine's voice inside

"Dear, you should really take a break at least for this week, the parliament can easily take care of the administration while you're not here"

"I know, but I can't even imagine what my father would try to do if he discovered I'm not here"

"He's not that crazy to do something like go searching for a dragon, right?"

"... When he first created the parliament and ensured that it was able to administrate the kingdom, the first thing he did was go to the Demon empire to fight the demon emperor with his friends, and he only came back 3 months later after defeating the demon emperor..."

"... What!? You serious! I thought that was some kind of joke when he told me that he killed the demon emperor just for the sake of a good fight!"

"I know... Even I didn't believe him at first, but when one of the five great dukes of the demon empire came to swear fealty to my father, I knew he wasn't joking... So him trying to go find a dragon is not impossible, and he might even try to bring Douglas with him"

"... *Sigh* And here, I thought we would be able to have some time alone with only the two of us"

Maria who opened the door a little so that she could see inside had a terrifying face

<I haven't even done anything yet, apart from talking to Anastasia on the way, and the king already knows of my plans! He's truly terrifying when it comes to his family... Now, that I know that he knows what I'm planning, I need to deal with him asap!... But how?>

Maria looked back inside and when she looked at Catherine, she remembered one thing she had recently bought

"Hum? Excuse me, but I just happened to be passing by and hear your conversation from earlier. And I also happened to remember that Catherine-sama recently bought a very sexy swimsuit that she was looking forward to showing you this week since the weather has been really nice to go to the beach. So if you don't mind, I can keep an eye on Gramps so that he doesn't try to plan anything stupid and take Douglas-sama with him"

"Fine by me! Catherine! let's go to the beach tomorrow and stay there for the week"


When Alexander heard the words Catherine, swimsuit, and beach together. He readily agreed to Maria's proposal, since he just like his father and his son, was a very simple man when it came to the woman he was in love with. And they all left the office, with Alexander and Catherine going to John to tell him they were going to be away during the week, while Maria resumed her way to Douglas' room

<Well, I said that I wouldn't let Gramps make any plans and take the prince with him to Alexander-sama, but I never said that I would impede the opposite from happening>

Maria, as the one responsible for most of the interrogations, was a very cunning person. And while she walked down the corridor she happened to see Gramps coming from the direction she was going

"Hey! Maria, I heard that you're the one responsible for Douglas during this week. So would you mind if I-"

"Gramps, before you say anything more, I need to tell you that I promised Alexander-sama that I would stop you from making any plans that involved going somewhere to fight something, and taking Douglas-sama with you"

"Oh! Really? He's sharp as ever when it comes to the family, huh"

"But... I never said that I would stop the opposite from happening"

"Hoh! Clever girl... So what're you and Douglas planning?"

"We plan on going to the northern mountains to find a dragon's lair that was set up recently there, and pillage the dragon's treasure, so wanna come?"

"You daughter of a bitch, I'm in!"

"Great! Then make sure to be ready to depart the day after tomorrow"

"Got it, homie"

And with that, all pieces were set for the dragon's lair search expedition, and when Maria finally arrived at Douglas' room, she opened the door, and inside she saw Sophia passionately making out with Douglas on his bed

<... Since I don't want to die, I'll let her be for today since Sophia will definitely be going berserk starting tomorrow... ... ... Now I kinda feel bad for the goblins who'll be ripped apart by her this week...>

And she closed the door without making a sound and went somewhere else as if she hadn't seen anything

*KGBI: Kingdom's Germanderie Bureau of Investigation

(A/N Notes: Now I'm now legally allowed to write:

-Who you gonna call? The demonbusters!


And have then as canon to the story)

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