Chapter Eight | The First Response Unit

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[Authors Note]

I'm horrible! I'm sorry it's taken so long to update! But here it is! Be sure to tell me what you think! I love reading your guys' comments!

And if you like Harry Potter, PLEASE check out A_Little_Trouble, it's my newest collab account!

Stay classy and enjoy!


    The flight to Two was long and quiet. Quinn kept to herself, in the small area that she had been assigned. It wasn't far from Penni and Dylan. Arcturus had a place next to Quinn, and Marcus was next to him. So there were people that she could talk to, but she chose not to.

    She chose to stay in her spot, keeping her thoughts to herself. She was mainly just thinking about the fact that the mission they were going on wasn't as she had been thinking. And knowing that Snow was turning the Capitol into its own arena didn't help. Even though that's not where they were going, it's where they would be going eventually...

    And the worst part about that was the fact that she had probably used up all of her luck. And she probably wouldn't see anyone from Thirteen again if things didn't go well. But Quinn did her best to just ignore those thoughts, instead she laid there on her back and was listening to the hum of the hovercrafts engine. Of course she couldn't keep her mind there for long before she had to redirect herself.

    She couldn't remember the last time she could actually keep her thoughts in line and on what she wanted. But she was almost positive it was right before she entered the arena for the first time. She was almost certain that was the last time she could tell herself-- anyone actually, why she hated Snow, why she hated the Capitol. Even though now she had twice as many reasons, she couldn't pin point them. She knew they were there though, she just couldn't get them straight.

"You can't sleep either?" Acturus asked from his cot.

Quinn shook her head, "Why can't you?"

He was quiet for a moment, "We aren't exactly in the safe compound anymore," he stated.

Quinn couldn't stop herself from scoffing, "No where is" she stated, "Don't worry though," she paused and looked over at him, "You get used to having people working for Snow trying to kill you."

He smirked, "I hope so," he replied sarcastically, Quinn looked at him for a moment before rolling over and pulling the scratchy blanket tighter around her.

"I'm going to try and get a bit of sleep," she started, "Before we get there."

Quinn laid there for a long while, listening to the people around her sleep. Some of them snored loudly, some of them mumbled things in their sleep, and the cots all creaked with every movement. Then on top of all of that, the sleeping quarters was filled with the sound of the hum of the engines. Eventually, the sounds lulled her to sleep. It was a dull sleep, no dreams, no thoughts, just nothing.

"Wake up everyone!"

Quinn shut her eyes tighter for a moment before pushing herself up into a sitting position. The room filled with the loud creaking of all the cots while people began to get up and looked towards the table that still had a map of Panem projected. Jules and Finn were both there, and neither of them looked like they had gotten much sleep.

"And gear up," Finn added, "Make sure your weapons are loaded. We land in twenty, and as far as we know, everything should run smoothly. But we can't be positive nothing will change before we get there." he explained.

With that, the entire squad began to straighten out their gray clothes from Thirteen so they wouldn't get all bunched up under their armor. When they had all first had to try it on back in Thirteen, Quinn had made the mistake of not taking the time to do that-- and she was uncomfortable the whole time until she had to take it off.

Then they all grabbed their armor that had been packed up and lined up against the wall, Quinn and Coleman were two of the last ones to get to theirs. So by the time they had both managed to get ready, everyone else had already been finished.

"Did you see much of Two when you were hear for your Victory tour?" Coleman asked.

Quinn thought for a moment, then finally shook her head. "I saw the Justice Building, the Square, and the train station," she replied, "I don't think they'll be cheering though when we get there--"

Coleman shrugged, "Maybe, a team from Thirteen there to help take the District, could be pretty exciting."

She laughed a bit, "Very exciting, you know, for the ones who aren't going to be trying to kill us."

"It's all about perspective, Maverick."

Quinn rolled her eyes, "Whatever you say, Coleman."

Once the ship landed, everyone got ready to get off of the ship. The ship was dimly lit, so when the ramp lowered down to the ground-- not only did the roaring of the engines flood into the hovercraft, but the sunlight was blinding. It was like when you're in a pitch black room, and then someone shines a bright flashlight in your eyes.

Everyone followed Finn and Jules out of the ship, and into the heat. So it wasn't only bright out, but it was hot. And being in that armor wasn't exactly a good combination with the heat. Once they were all a safe distance from the ramp, it retracted into the belly of the ship again, and the ship rose back into the air to leave.

"There's no going back now," Coleman muttered from beside her.

Quinn sighed, "Guess not..."

"Welcome to District Two," Quinn looked away from the ship and towards a woman walking towards Finn with a hand out, "Commander Paylor, leader of the resistance in Two."

"Sargent Benson, lead of Thirteen's First Response," he replied shaking her hand.

She nodded a bit, "We in Two are thrilled you've been sent here," she paused, "President Coin said you had Quinn Maverick in your squad?"

Finn nodded a bit and looked over his shoulder at her before motioning for her to join him, Jules, and Commander Paylor. "The one and only," he stated simply as Quinn made her way past Penni and Jakob to the front.

Commander Paylor smiled and held out a hand for Quinn, "We are very excited to have the Rebel Victor here to fight with us," she said as Quinn shook her hand.

Quinn's stomach dropped. She had almost been able to forget that title, she had almost been able to consider herself just another player in this entire war. She had forgotten that she was considered...valuable.

"If you'd all follow me," Paylor announced, speaking loud enough that the entire team could hear her. "We have a lot to discuss."

The team followed behind her, past other people who were moving supplies and a few kids who were playing some sort of game-- running around, hiding behind piles of crates before darting off to another when another kid found them.

"This is all for them, you know," Penni sighed, "So they don't have to worry about the games when their older." she finished and looked at Quinn.

Quinn glanced at the game again and shrugged, "Why are you telling me that?" Quinn asked.

Pennie shrugged, "It's something I have to remind myself of," she sighed, "There's days I just want to run, and give up-- stop trying, you know?"

Quinn quickly nodded, "Yeah, I know the feeling," she confessed. There had been plenty of moments where she just wished she didn't care about any of this. It would have caused her a lot less trouble.

"I mean really, things might be shit for us right now. Everyone involved right now I bet has at some point thought about just giving up and going back to the way things were," she started as they all stepped into a building. "But the whole point of all of this, is so...fifty  years from now, kids like them don't have to raise their families, scared they'll lose someone because of the Games or Snows agenda."

Quinn thought about it for a moment. She had been thinking about the war in a relatively selfish way, but the way Penni explained the reasons that all the trouble was worth it-- it made sense.

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