Chapter Seven | Good Luck

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So sorry for such a late update! And sorry it's short! But here it is =) If you want more to read, you can check out my other HG story (A new series that will be more active once Legacy is finished) "Stay Alive"

HARRY POTTER FANS please check out my new collab account @A_Little_Trouble, check out our story! It won't disappoint!

Stay classy and enjoy!


  The First Response Team was scheduled to leave with the next craft that was bring supplies. Things like medicine, weapons, and food that the rebels couldn't easily get their hands on in Two. The team was told to pack light, small things they'd want to keep with them and light clothing that could go under their armour. So Quinn looked through her things, there wasn't really much that she really wanted. Or really that she needed, so she packed only some shirts, some pants, a sweater, and a hairbrush. After she packed, she made her way down to Tech where the team had to meet to get their new armour and learned about their weapons that would be brought to Two.

    Quinn hadn't spent much time in Tech since she had gotten back from the Capitol. But in a way, she wished she had. She liked the atmosphere down in Tech. Everyone was so engaged with everyone else, and everyone was so into what they were making and they all seemed to be willing to show you what they were working on...if you had the clearance to be down there in the first place.

    Colemen, Dylan, Penni, and Jules were already there. And they each had their bags over their shoulders. The rest of the team would probably be showing up shortly.

"You're not running out on us?" Colemen asked.

Quinn rolled her eyes, "Was it that obvious how much I didn't want to be a part of the team?"

    After a few minutes of small talk between people, eventually almost everyone was there. Everyone except Finn Benson and Taylon Kingston, a man from District Three and the tech and communication specialist for First Response were approaching the rest of them, accompanied by Beetee.

"We'll make this quick," Beetee announced, "We'll start over this way, and explain your armour." he said as he rolled past the group, offering Quinn a friendly smile. "Ciruss sent a lot of designs our way before the Quell." he said.

    Quinn felt a sinking feeling in her stomach, she felt almost like the thought of Ciruss had reached down and punched her right in the gut.  If any of the Victors absolutely deserved to see the rebels beat Snow-- it was Ciruss...

Colemen nudged Quinn with his elbow, "You okay?"

She quickly nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine."

    He sighed and looked back towards Beetee. He was leading them towards a closed off section of Tech. He then unlocked the door, and let the group walk in. In the room, there was a mannequin that had a suit on it.

"Here it is," Beetee said, smiling a bit. "They're all the same, just different sizes obviously." he explained simply.

"How are these different from the ones we had before?"

"The ones you had before were practically the same as what a peacekeepers uniform was made of." Beetee replied, "These ones are lighter, and have a thin sheet of metal protecting your midsection and your back-- and on top of that, there are extra places for you to carry ammunition with you..." he explained simply as he reached up and touched the belt.

"To be fair, Beetee, we don't know what else the Capitol will be throwing at us." Finn stated, "Maverick was gassed and then ended up a prisoner in the Capitol."

Beetee let out a sigh. It was shaky and unsure. "Actually," Beetee started, "We've gotten some warnings about pods getting set up all over the Capitol, one that release something new-- something that's meant to kill you. So, with that being said, these suits can withstand a lot. Rapid gunfire, fire-- for a limited amount of time. Long enough for you to try to get out of the danger zone."

Arcturus scoffed a bit, "Try is the key word..."

    Finn shot Arcturus a dirty look as if to tell him to keep his mouth shut.

"It can also withstand acid, or anything that could melt through it...but again, just long enough for you to get out." he continued, "It's also heat resistant. If it's cold at night, which I suspect it will be-- you'll stay warm. If it is hot, it was keep your body cool." he explained.

    Once they were findings with the suit, they made their way out of the room. Quinn examined the suit before she got out. The torso piece was black and looked strong. Then under it was a black shirt of sorts that had a hole in place for their thumbs. Then there were a set of gloves to go with it.

"But nothing for our head..." Colemen sighed. "One clean shot and having that extra metal in there won't make a difference." he said quietly as they stepped out of the room.

"We better be better at shooting then." Dylan stated from just in front of Quinn and Colemen.

    The team was lead to a trail area where there were two guns on display. One was a small handgun.

"There really isn't much difference," Beetee admitted before anyone could ask how they were different from the old ones. "But it takes two as much to break them."

    After they were done in Tech, they all met in the arsenal. And there was a group of people who were waiting to say goodbye and good luck.

"Quinn," Finnick sighed heavily as she took a step back from Hadley so she could finish saying goodbye to Dylan. "Try stay stubborn, alright?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked, raising an eyebrow sharply.

"That's sort of how you've made it this far." he replied, "You're just too stubborn."

    Quinn sighed and rolled her eyes as Finnick pulled her into a hug.

"But I mean it," he sighed, "I better not hear that you got yourself killed, alright?"

Quinn scoffed, "I'll try my best."

    Finnick gave her one last squeeze and then let go of her.  It hadn't crossed her mind really that she wouldn't live through the mission. She just hadn't thought of that possibility. Quinn then gave Finnick a small smile before turning to look at the others who were waiting to see the group off. She shouldn't have been surprised to see Orion. She hadn't said much of anything to him, he'd given her space. 

    But to be far, he had no reason to be there. Because she hadn't given him the time of day. Even though she could say that she trusted him, things still hadn't been the same.

"You didn't need to show up." Quinn stated as she walked towards him.

He shrugged nonchalantly, "But here I am."

    Quinn smiled a bit and then quickly wrapped her arms around his neck so she was hugging him. At first he didn't do anything, but after a moment he hugged her back.

"Be careful, okay?" he said softly.

"You too."

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