Chapter Two | The Offer

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For those of you who didn't seen my message to my followers, if you could link me to a detailed time line of Mockingjay, that would be lovely. I'm reading the book, so the basic skeleton of the story will be the same. But there will still be some changes.

Stay classy and enjoy!


Quinn followed closely behind Boggs through the hallways of the compound. There was part of her that had missed the structure, the strict lifestyle on District Thirteen. But then the other part of her, didn't miss it at all. Mainly because of this, being called into meet with President Coin-- to listen to some sort of offer, an offer that could get her killed. That's what happened before after all, she got sent back to the Capitol and then found herself back in the arena. And she almost did die, they barely saved her. And now Coin already had something else to talk to her about? She had just woken up and gotten released.

Boggs stepped into the command ahead of her, and then stepped aside to allow Coin into the room. The room was just how she remembered it, dimly lit with screens all over the place, and the table illuminated. But unlike before, there was only two people sitting there and waiting for her. Both of which Quinn recognised. President Coin sat there in her usual grey uniform, and next to her was Head Gamemaker, Plutarch Havensbee.

"It's good to see you up and around," President Coin began as she stood up from her seat and walked around the table and held out a hand. Quinn took it, and Coin pulled her into a small hug. "We weren't too sure you'd pull through this too."

"Well, I shouldn't have..." Quinn pointed out.

"Fate seems to think otherwise," she sighed motioning to a seat across from Havensbee and the seat that Coin returned to. "Thank you, Boggs." Coin said, looking up at the man that had escorted her there.

He gave a curt nod, and then turned to leave. Leaving Quinn on her own to listen to what Havensbee and Coin had to say. Quinn pulled her seat up towards the table, and then sat back in her seat, resting her hands in her lap.

"The Districts, the Capitol-- they all believe that you died in the arena." Coin said, she wasn't skirting around whatever she wanted to talk about. "So," she said in a long drawn out sigh, "When the time is right, we want you to join Katniss Everdeen in leading the rebels." she said simply.

Quinn sunk down deeper into her seat. She already didn't like where it was going. She just didn't know what to think about anything anymore.

"And rally them to fight back." Coin added.

"Why?" Quinn retorted sharply, "You have Katniss, you have your mockingjay. You don't need me to do anything for this anymore."

Plutarch slouched down in his chair, and began to scribble things down on a pad of paper before he straightened up again. "But Ms. Maverick," he started, "If it wasn't for you, none of this would have rolled into action. You vocalised what the rebels think."

Quinn let out a huff of air, "I didn't mean to do that." she said weakly. She had said that over and over again, and each time nobody seemed to understand that it was just an accident.

Coin leaned closer to her, "Quinn," she paused, watching Quinn closely for any reaction. "Katniss Everdeen, she represents the future for Panem-- the Mockingjay, something-"

"The Capitol never meant to create. I know."

Coin smiled a bit, "You are the embodiment of everything the rebels stand for. Equality among the Districts, no more games-- ever since your games, you've stood for that. Bringing an end to everything that's been done to Panem."

"But I didn't mean to!" Quinn exclaimed.

"But you did." she retorted simply, "We don't want to force you to do anything. So if you are absolutely positive that you want out, we can arrange for you to join the common population of Thirteen."

Quinn let out a small sigh of relief. The idea that she could just stop having that pressure on her of being a part of the rebellion it was almost as satisfying as good bread was when she still lived in the the warehouse in Four.

"However," Coin started again, interrupting Quinns thoughts about just going about a set schedule with other people there. "If you were to join us, showing you alive, would be the best motivation we would have to offer the rebels."

Quinn stayed quiet for a moment.

"You can have a few days to think about it." Coin stated, "Until then, you can go to your compartment. Two-hundred-two." she said simply.

Quinn nodded a bit, and quickly pushed away from the table. The air in the room seemed to become thick with tension. She could feel their eyes watch her as she left, she could even hear what they were thinking-- she was weak. Everything that had happened, it made her weak. Before everything, when she just wanted to make a scene, to make sure that she couldn't just be replaced by another tribute. Her hatred for not only Snow, but the entire Capitol-- the disgust she felt about the games...that had all made her what everyone still wanted her to be.

There were times, she desperately wanted to have that same anger towards the Capitol still. She wanted to understand why they wanted her to stand with them, but she just couldn't wrap her head around it any more. She could pin point the moment things changed, when things got too jumbled around in her head. The tracker jacker venom she had encountered in her arena...that was what originally screwed up her head-- and nothing after that had helped.

Quinn let out a long huff of air as she stepped back into the elevator, quickly pulling the lever to close it. Before anyone else could get on. Her mind was swimming. She wanted to really be able to wrap her head around everything. But she just couldn't really understand President Coins plan. No matter how hard she tried to.

Quinn stepped off of the elevator on the floor of the compartments labeled with the two-hundreds. She didn't have to go far before she got to hers, she slid the door open, the apartment was dark, it was identical to the one she had before. There was a small sitting area, and then the beds were tucked into the corner with a small projector on the ceiling to place a screen on the wall near the bed. Then there was a bathroom with a small step in shower.

Quinn felt around near the door for the light switch. Once she flipped on the light, she saw more clearly. Before she had only been seeing what the dim light from the hall would let her. Quinn let out a long sigh, she was glad she was getting at least a day to get used to things. But now, after that was she supposed to get used to things?

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