Chapter 3: The Revelation!

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It was early in the morning in Republic City and a certain Avatar along with the Saiyan were at the pro bending stadium training with both pro bending brothers to get ready for the upcoming tournaments but the Avatar was not having a great mood because she hates waking up early in the morning and that always makes her look bad while the Saiyan on the other hand doesn't mind it one bit.

Korra: Whats the big idea with making me train this early in the morning? The morning is evil.(Korra saids to the brothers while Goku was behind the Korra meditating peacefully)

Bolin: We're the rookies, so we get the worst time slot in the gym.(Bolin saids then passes the ball to Mako)

Mako: And you're the rookiest of us all. We got you up to speed and with Goku's help if we want to survive in the tournament so deal with it.

Mako throws the ball hard at Korra who catches in it and then proceeds to throw it back to Mako but a little more force.

Korra: You deal with it.

Mako: Oof!(Mako saids and gets hit with the ball)

Goku stops meditating and looks to see his friends and Korra arguing and decided to step in and calm things down a bit.

Goku: Hey it's alright Korra and besides whats wrong with waking up early in the morning I do it all the time and you don't see me complaining.(Goku saids with a smile while petting Korra on the head that made her blush a little as well as pout)

Mako: Well at least he gets what I am talking about.(Mako saids while getting up from the ground)

Korra: He's Goku after all and full of energy like everyday.

Goku: I try.

Soon the moment stop when a man came into the building and he was all dressed up and heading towards the pro benders as well as Goku and it looked like he means business.

There are my little hardworking street urchins! It's a honor to finally meet you Avatar.

Korra: And you are?

Butakha, I run this whole pro bending shebang.

Korra and Goku decided to walk off while Mako and his Bolin attend to Butakha who was about to give them their payment from the games.

Butakha: Here's your winnings from the last match.

Mako: Thank you sir.

Butakha: Ah..ah..ah but not so fast. First you owe me for the Avatars new gear, gym and equipment rentals for last month, rent on your apartment, and a personal loan for groceries.(Butakha saids to Mako who takes all the money back then the brother pouts about the last part and looks towards his brother Bolin about eating all the food)

Bolin: What? I'm a growing boy.

Butakha: Oh, and one more small item of business. The Fire Ferrets need at ante up 30,000 yuans for the championship pot.

Bolin: 30,000 Yuans?!

Butakha: Sorry kids. You've got up till the end of the week to come up with the dough, or else you're out of the tournament.(Butakha saids to the brothers then leaves)

Goku: Hey guys what is going on? What happened?

Bolin: You guys wouldn't happen to have a secret Avatar bank or any other bank account overflowing with gold would you?

Goku: not really?

Korra: Same I got nothing. I've never really needed money, I've always had people taking care of me. What about you Goku?

Goku: Pretty much the same as you Korra but I always had my friends and family to back me up.

Mako: Then I wouldn't say you had nothing.

Korra: Sorry we didn't mean..

Bolin: No, it's all's just ever since we lost our parents, we've been on our own.

Goku: I am sorry for your losses Bolin. I know what it is like to loose someone you called about very dear to you.

Korra: I didn't know Bolin.

Mako: So anyway, how are we going to come up with the money?

Bolin: Oh..Oh! I've got it. I have been training Pabu to do circus tricks. Now people would pay good money to see that.(Bolin saids to everyone who looked at him with a are you serious look)

Mako: Come on Bolin. We need serious ideas.

Bolin: I was serious.

Goku: Sorry Bolin maybe Mako can come up with something that could work.

Mako: Goku's right I'll figure out something, I always do.

Korra: Well in the mean time, Goku wanna head back to air temple island because I want to get started learning about Ki.

Goku: Sure no problem just grab hold of me and hang on tight and I will teleport us back to the island.

Korra: Let me get changed first then we can go.(Korra saids and runs off to change leaving Goku and Bolin alone)

Bolin: Say Goku do you think I might have a shot of what I can do that is if it works.

Goku: Well even though it sounds a little silly and if you do get people to notice you I guess your idea could work, just put your heart into it and there is nothing you can't do.(Goku saids and gives Bolin a thumbs up)

Bolin: Wow really! Thanks Goku your the best, come on Pabu let's make us some money!(Bolin saids and heads out of the gym)

Goku: He reminds me of little of Goten, though I wonder how they are in those worlds they got sent to.

Korra: Did you say something Goku?

Goku: Hmm? Oh sorry I was talking to myself, I was just trying to cheer up Bolin in which it looked like it worked.

Korra: Well whatever you said to him, he looked very happy but let's head back because I am so excited to learn about Ki and learn how to master it.

Goku: Right you know what to do Korra.(Goku saids to Korra who smiles and nods and grabs hold of Goku so that he can use his instant transmission)

Korra: I am never going to get tired of doing this it's way better than walking.

Goku: Alright Korra let's be off. 3..2..1..

Both Korra and Goku teleported out of the gym and back to air temple island to begin training to master Ki in which Goku also promised to teach the kids as well since they wanted to learn more about Ki ever since Goku showed them what he can do. Once on the island Goku took Korra along with Jinora, Ikki and Meelo to a room where they can have some peace and quiet so that they can learn how to summon their Ki energy.

Goku: Alright everyone are you ready to learn how to master Ki.

Jinora: Oh my spirits I am so excited for this.(Jinora saids in thought)

Ikki: I'm ready!, I'm ready!, I'm ready!

Meelo: This is going to be awesome!

Korra: So how do we start Goku?

Goku: Allow to explain it again like before. First thing you have to do is make yourself completely calm and silence all the sounds around you so that way it can you focus more.(Goku saids while making himself calm in which the kids and Korra did what he did)

Goku: Good now you're starting to get it, next you wanna do is bring your hands directly to the center of your body so that way you can start to feel the energy within yourselves.

Korra: Am I doing it right Goku?

Goku: Here is a little more up.(Goku saids than takes Korra's hands that caused her to blush a little)

Korra: thank you Goku.

Goku: You're welcome, now you all got it now for the next step. Once you have completely calm yourselves, you must now listen, listen to the center of your body until you start to feel a pull and then you bring it out.

Goku then brings out the small Ki so that everyone can see again of what he did and they try to do the same though they were struggling to bring out their energy so that they wouldn't disappoint Goku.

Korra: Ok this is a lot harder than I expected?(Korra saids in thought while struggling to bring out her Ki)

Ikki: Um Goku why isn't anything happening?

Goku: You just need to be calm and relaxed Ikki and try to focus on your energy more and it's alright if you guys have trouble it's all point of the experience trust me I went through the same situation when I first learned how to use Ki.

Many hours later the kids and Korra looked exhausted and Goku can see that they have been trying to find their Ki energy but no such luck though he can sense their energies were in them they just need to try a little harder to find it.

Goku: Hows about we take a lunch break because I think a nice relaxing lunch will help lighten the mood wouldn't you agree.

Korra: I am getting kind of hungry right now I think lunch would be good.

Goku along with Korra and the kids headed towards the dinning room to have their lunch together in which the cook was told to bring out lots of food for Goku since he needs a lot of food to stay in shape due to his big appetite.

When the food was brought out and everyone began to eat when all of sudden Jinora, Ikki, Meelo and Korra stopped when they saw Goku eating so many bowls of food that they couldn't keep up of how many bowls he had and just kept of eating.

Goku: Mmm...this is so good! More please!

Ikki: Wow Goku sure can eat..

Meelo: Look at all those bowls that he ate!

Jinora: I have never in my life seen anything like this before?(Jinora saids while eating her food slowly)

Korra: By the spirits he sure has quite the appetite, and how is it that he is not gaining any weight that is so bizarre? I guess what he said about saiyan's having a strong appetite for food.(Korra saids in thought while in awe of what Goku was doing and then went back to eating her food while still watching Goku eat his)

After a while now Goku has finished his food and next to him were so many bowls that everyone has lost track of how many bowls Goku has eaten in which they were still in shock that he was able to finished all of that food in so many bites without getting sick.

Goku: that was great! I sure was hungry.

Jinora: He just finished over fifty nine bowls of food in five minutes.

Korra: I lost track around thirty...

Ikki: Wow Goku that was amazing! I have never seen someone eat that much food without puking.

Meelo: Teach me how you did that!

Goku: Hehehe...what can I say I just love to eat as well as train a lot to improve my skills as a martial artist.

Korra: I wonder what else he can do besides that.(Korra saids in thought)

Goku and the others then headed back to the same spot to train more on Ki energy and so far Goku was sensing two energies that were coming from both Jinora and Korra meaning that both of their were focusing and were about to bring out their Ki energy.

Korra and Jinora: Just calm myself and focus on the center of my body.(Both said in thought)

Korra and Jinora looked at their hands and started to see a glowing appearing at their hands while continuing to focus on what Goku told them.

Goku: You guys are close I can feel it.

When both Korra and Jinora focused more of their energy all of sudden they started to see it in which the Ki that Goku was talking to them about that was inside of their bodies was starting to appear before them and it started to bring smiles towards their faces and then after another push both girls see their Ki energies right in front of them.

Korra: I...I can't believe it...I am doing's my Ki energy.(Korra saids with a smile and in awe that she was able to bring out her Ki in front of her)

Jinora: This is the most incredible experience I have ever seen in my life.(Jinora saids in awe)

Goku: Wow you two did it I guess all that training you both have done with using the elements have really payed off and you were able to tap into your power very good.

Korra: So this is what my Ki inside of my body looks like. This is absolutely amazing.

Ikki: Hey how come mine isn't coming out?

Meelo: Mine too?

Goku: Don't worry Ikki, Meelo with more practice and more patience I am sure that the both of you will unlock your Ki energy in no time besides this sort of thing takes time trust me I know.

Ikki and Meelo: Ok Goku!

Korra and Jinora let go of their Ki energy and looked up at Goku with big smiles on their faces and they were both filled with joy and excitement.

Korra: you think that we can fly now Goku now that we have shown our Ki energy.

Goku: Well now that you have brought out your energy I have to teach you how to control it ourselves you won't be able to master it or use it how to fly.

Jinora: He does have point I mean master something like this needs practice and I am willing to learn how to control my Ki power.

Korra: I guess that does make sense.

Goku: Well then starting in couple days you both will be my first students in flying lessons. And if you both have trouble struggling to control your Ki power don't worry I will help you master it.

Jinora: Wow thank you Goku I am so excited to learn from a master like you.

Korra: Me too but how long does it take to fly?

Goku: It only takes about like ten days of training if you can handle that of course.

Korra: Ten days huh, I think I can manage that.

Jinora: Same here.

Goku: Thats the spirit that I like to hear from the both of you.

Night came and after the lesson Goku gave everyone Jinora and Ikki as well as Goku were watching Korra continue her air bending training while using the gates in which she was doing absolutely amazing.

Ikki: Good light on your feet.

Goku: You are doing great Korra keep it up.

Jinora: Just follow where the wind takes you.

Korra was moving threw the gates and not touching them and was soon at the end of the gates and was catching her breath when all of sudden Goku along with Jinora and Ikki look to see Mako coming towards them.

Ikki: Ooh he's cute.

Jinora: Korra is that handsome fire bender boy who drives you crazy?

Ikki: Does he drive you crazy in a bad way, or does he drive you crazy like you like him?

Jinora: No wait I am pretty sure she likes Goku.

Ikki: Oh yea that is true she does like Goku more!(Ikki saids that causes Korra to blush with embarrassment and used her earth bend to make both girls fly into the air)

Korra: Cough...oh hey Mako.

Goku: Hey hows it going.

Mako: Have you two seen Bolin?

Korra: Nice to see you too and no we haven't seen him since practice.

Goku: Why whats going on did something happened to him?

Mako: I don't know. Bolin has a knack for getting into stupid situations. Sigh..thanks anyway guys see you later.

Korra: Wait.we could uh help you look for him.

Goku: Yea that way you don't have to go out looking for him yourself.

Mako: Nah thats alright I got it.

Korra: Hey cool guy let us help you. We can take Naga.

Mako: Who's Naga?

Goku: Only the coolest best friend to Korra.

Korra: Yup what he said and she is a great tracker.

In the city Korra who was riding on a Naga that is a polar bear dog was trying to find Bolin with Mako and Goku on the back with Korra and so far they were on the streets and try to help locate Bolin.

Mako: Your best friend is a polar bear dog. Somehow that makes perfect sense.

Korra: I will take that as a compliment city boy.

Goku: And besides with Naga's tracking and my ability to sense energy signature I am sure we can locate Bolin in no time.

Mako: Wait you can sense energies within people how?

Goku and Korra: Ki of course.

Mako: Oh yea thats right that thing you showed me and Bolin.

The four of them came towards the train station area and looked around and saw so many people walking by but no sign of Bolin anywhere.

Goku: Is this where he usually comes Mako?

Mako: Well yea this is his usual hangout. Hang on maybe those kids know where he might be.

Mako, Korra and Goku walked towards a group of kids playing in which they spotted Mako heading towards him with a question look on his face.

Mako: You guys see my brother around here today?

Perhaps, my memory's a little...foggy. Maybe you can help clear it up.

Mako: You're good Skoochy a real pro.(Mako saids and gives the kid money)

Skoochy: Yea, I've seen him.

Mako: When?

Skoochy: About noon.

Mako: What was he doing?

Skoochy: He was performing some kind of monkey rat circus. And then...(Skoochy saids to Mako then was given more money)

Mako: And then what? Why'd he leave.

Skoochy: Shady Shin showed up and flashed some serious cash. Bo took off with him in his hot rod. The Triple Threats, The Red Monsoons, The Agni Kais, all the triads are muscling up for something real big. Now thats all you're getting out of me.(Skoochy saids then takes off with the other kids)

Korra: What is he talking about?

Goku: Who are these triad guys they don't sound very friendly?

Mako: They're not as a matter of fact they a not friendly at all, and it looks like there is a Turf War brewing and Bolin's about to get caught right in the middle of it.

The three of them got back on Naga and started to take off towards the direction that Mako gave Korra while Goku continued to focus on finding Bolin's energy.

Korra: So where are we headed?

Mako: The Triple Threat triads headquarters. Hopefully Bolin's there and nothing's gone down yet.

Korra: Triple Threat Triad? Goku took down some of those yahoos when me and him were in town. Why would Bolin get tangled up with....

WOOF!(Naga barks when she sees something that went by and chanced after it)

Goku: Whoah easy girl!

After running around the neighborhood for a while all of them stopped and looked to see Pabu, Bolin's animal companion.

Mako: Thats Pabu!


Korra: No Naga. Pabu's a friend not a snack.

Chit Chit!(Pabu chitters and runs up towards Korra, Mako and Goku)

Goku: Hey little guy.(Goku saids while Pabu snuggles into Goku's neck)

Mako: We gotta hurry.

Once they arrive at the place all of sudden something didn't feel right and Mako was getting the idea that something if off.

Mako: Something is not right. There are usually thugs poster out front. We better be cautious.

Korra and Goku walked towards the door and decided to kick it down together and check to see that nobody was inside the place at all.

Goku: It looks clear strange where is everybody?

Mako: Bolin? You in here?

Goku was sensing Bolin's energy in which he was able to pick up the signature.

Goku: Guy's he's outside!

Everyone headed outside and looked to find a group of mask men with bikes along with a truck that looks like they were about to leave but the three of them stopped to see Bolin tied up and that caught Mako's as well as Korra and Goku's attention.

Mako: Bolin!

The mask men on the bikes threw some gas bombs towards the three and drove off.

Korra: Naga come!

Everyone got on Naga and began to chase after those men with the mask who kidnapped Bolin in which they were gaining on them and Mako decided to shoot fire bending at the guys on the bikes but they simply dodge the attack and Korra did the same with earth bending but that didn't help at all. When they were all in the opening three of the mask men stood back and decided to take care of Korra, Goku and Mako in which one of them threw a whip towards Naga's legs and the polar bear dog got tangled and tripped.

When they got up from the fall Goku looked to see three of the mask men looking directly at him as well as Korra and Mako and has decided to deal with the situation himself.

Goku: Korra, Mako stand back I will deal with them myself.

Mako: Wait what Goku are you serious?

Goku: Trust me I got this, besides their energy is pretty weak so they wont last that long against me.

Korra: Goku...

Goku: Don't worry Korra nothing is going to happen just watch.

Goku started to move towards the three mask men who the three looked confused but shrugged it off and decided to attack Goku in which they started to hit him all over his body that looked like chi blocking but for some reason Goku wasn't feeling anything from the hits that the mask men were doing to him until when they started to hit hard it actually hurt them instead of Goku.

OW! Ow..ow...ow..ow what the heck is this guy made of?

I feel like the bones in my hand just shattered into pieces!

Goku: Uh what was that suppose to do to me because honestly I didn't feel anything and those attacks look pretty weak to me?(Goku saids while looking confused of what those mask men did to him)

Mako: Goku they just Chi blocked you. You should be lipping right now?

Goku: Hehehe, really because I didn't really feel anything it kind of tickled a little bit.

Korra: Wow.(Korra saids in thought)

When the mask men recovered two of them attacked Goku on both sides but the saiyan blocked each of their attacks and kick one of them to the side and other got trip in which Goku did a spiral that made everyone flinch of what just happened until Goku did something out of the ordinary.


Goku released an energy shock wave that push the two mask men back so far that they both hit the walls hard and fell unconscious leaving the other one in shock and as for Mako and Korra they had their eye widen like dinner plates and their jaws hanging down.

Goku: Well that take cares of those two now looks like you're the only one left.

I don't know how you did that trick but I am not staying to find out because....GAH?!!!!!(The mask man stops when he gets hit in the gut by Goku that left the guy speechless)

Goku: Sorry bad move there you should really focus more on your hearing and surroundings otherwise you will just end up getting knocked out hehehe. mask man saids in pain and then falls to the ground unconscious like the other two)

Mako: Whoah...where did you find this guy Korra?

Korra: Goku you were incredible!!

Goku: Thanks but are you guys alright hows Naga?

Korra: We're alright and Naga is fine. But seriously that was the most amazing thing you have ever did was just from using your Ki.

Goku: Yea it was but who were those guys with the mask and what do they want with Bolin?

Mako: They were chi blockers, Amon's henchmen.

Korra: Amon? You mean that anti bending guy with the mask?

Mako: Yea, he's the leader of the Equalists.

Goku: What do they want with the Triple Threats?

Mako: Whatever it is, it can't be good. I can't believe Bolin got himself into this mess.

Korra: Mako we are going to save your brother, I promise you that.

Goku: She's right Mako we wont rest until Bolin is found and back in our arms again you can count on us.

The three of them spent all night looking around the city looking for Bolin but so far nothing seems to come up and they couldn't find any sign of him even with Goku using his Ki to help find him it became more difficult to track him with so many people in the city.

Korra: We've been out all night, no sign of him.

Goku: Same I have lost his energy signature for some reason.

Mako: We got to keep looking. But where?

Goku: Wait a minute Korra remember when we were at the park we saw these group of people near a stand with a guy with a might talking about the Amon and the Equalist.

Korra: Gasp!...Goku you're a genius!

Everyone then headed towards the Republic city park where they sat down near the fountain and talked while Naga and Pabu got a drink of water.

Korra: The first day me and Goku got into town, we ran into an Equalist protester over there by the stand.

Mako: And you think they'll know where Bolin is?

Goku: It's worth a try Mako.

Korra: Goku's right and it's our only lead right now.

Soon they all sat underneath a tree in which the situation got a little awkward between them until Korra decided to speak to Mako.

Korra: So, why is Bolin running around with the Triple Threat triad anyway?

Mako: Well, we used to do some work for them back in the day.

Korra: What?! Are you some kind crimminal?

Goku: Korra be patient with him and let him speak before you say anything else.

Mako: Thanks Goku, and Korra no I am not because I don't know what you are talking about. I juts ran numbers for them and stuff. We were orphans out on the street and I did what I had to fo to survive and protect my little brother.

Korra: I'm sorry, it must have been really hard. Can I ask what happened to your parents?

Mako: Sigh..they were mugged by a fire bender and he cut them down right in front of me. I was eight years old.

Korra: Mako..

Goku: I know what thats like to loose a family I been there as well.(Goku saids while looking away)

Mako: You as well Goku?

Goku: Sigh...I never knew my parents they died a long time ago and I was raised by my grandpa Gohan who took me in and raised me as his own but sadly he too lost his life to something I didn't know about and I was left to defend for myself for so many years of my life.

Korra looked at Goku in shock as well as feeling bad for him that he lost his parents as well even his grandfather who raised him.

Mako: Do you know how they died?

Goku: I have no memory of my parents death because I was only a baby when my grandpa Gohan found me and he treated me like his own son so I basically called him grandpa Gohan after what he has done for me over the years. When I woke up in the morning all I found was that my grandpa's house was destroyed with him inside of it and I never saw him again leaving me alone.(Goku saids while keeping some of the truth out)

Korra: Goku...

Goku: But I wasn't alone I made friends who help on the way and they showed me a better path to greatness and what I can tell Mako is that Bolin is the only family you have left so I will do what I can to make sure he is back in his brothers arms again and that is a promise I will keep.

Mako: Thanks Goku I really needed that and your right though I am sorry for your losses.

Goku: You as well Mako.

Mako: I think it would be wise to get some rest we can wait until the guy comes so we can ask to see where Bolin was taken.

Korra: I guess you're right good night. But Goku can I talk to for a moment.

Goku: Sure Korra.

Both Korra and Goku stood up and went somewhere to talk in private while Mako gets some rest for tomorrow.

Goku: What is that you wanna talk to me about?

Korra: I know that you told me all about who you are and where you truly came from but what I want to know what happened to your grandpa because something tells me that that was only half of the truth that you said to us.

Goku: I..I don't like to talk about it Korra..

Korra: Goku you can trust me we made a promise to each other remember and I promise not to tell anyone about it.

Goku: My grandpa was killed by my own doing.....(Goku saids in which caused Korra to gasp in what she just heard)

Korra: What?.....

Goku: You remember I told you that saiyan's have the ability to transform into giant apes due to them having tails and to be able to change under a full moon.

Korra: Yea you did but what does that have to with.....wait you mean that....

Goku: When I was a kid, grandpa Gohan told me about a giant monster that comes out a night once every full moon in which I listened to him at first but during a full moon I actually looked it and then all of sudden everything went blank and when I woke up my grandpa's place was destroyed and he was killed in the rubble and then I came to realize I was the one who caused his death and I blamed myself for what I have done.(Goku saids with sadness and hatred that made Korra worry about him)

Korra: It's not your fought! You didn't know so you couldn't possibly known about what was going to happened.(Korra saids and hugs Goku with tears coming down her face)

Goku: But Korra I...

Korra: Don't say it...because I know that you couldn't control what you turned into but you can't blame yourself for what happened just don't blame yourself please do it for me. I don't want to see you upset ever again because it will make me upset to see my friend sad.

Goku: I...I promise thank you Korra.

Korra: I promise to never allow him to be upset and after everything he has been through in his entire life.(Korra saids in thought while still hugging Goku)

After a while now both of them headed back and got some sleep so that they can now focus on the task of finding Bolin and saving him. Morning then came to the city in which a voice was heard in the park and could be only one thing, the protester from before was chanting equality.

Equality Now! Equality Now! We Want Equality Now!

Mako: Well looks like they were right he did show up. Hey guys time to get....(Mako saids then stops to look at Goku who is still sleeping while Korra in snuggled into his chest)

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Goku: YAWN!....morning already?

Mako: Yup and the guy you talked about is here so might want to wake up Korra.

Goku: Hey Korra wake up the protestor is here it is time to get up.

Korra: Mmm.....five more minutes..

Goku: Hehehe come on Korra wake up todays the day we search for Bolin.

Korra: Yawn!......hmm?(Korra yawned and stretched for a bit then started to open up her eyes)

Mako: Hey there sleepy I see that you enjoyed your pillow very much.(Mako saids with a smirk that confused Korra until she looked to see that she was laying on Goku the entire time)

Korra: DAH?!! Oh my gosh Goku I am so sorry I didn't know what happened.(Korra saids while blushing red)

Goku: Hey it's alright don't worry about it but I think we need to focus.

Mako: He's right come on let's ask this guy if he knows where the Equalist are keeping Bolin.

None benders of Republic City. Amon calls you to action! Take back your city, it's time for the....

The protester stops when he sees Korra coming towards him with Mako and Goku who looked alarmed to see the Avatar walking towards the the stage.

Protestor: It's you again. You can't silence me Avatar.

Korra then slaps the might out of the mans hands that shattered into pieces and gave the man a stern look meaning she means business.

Korra: Shut you yapper and listen up. Our friend got kidnapped by some chi blockers and where did they take him?

Protestor: I have no idea what you are talking about.

Korra: Oh I think you do.(Korra earth benders the stand into the air where flyers started falling from the sky and onto the ground)

Mako: Witness The Revelation tonight at 9:00. What's this revelation?

Protestor: Nothing that concerns the likes of you two.

Korra then grabs the man by the collar to get him to start talking about where the revelation is located and surely find Bolin if he is there or not.

Goku: I think it would be wise to tell the Avatar what you know otherwise you are not going to like what she does.

Korra: He's right so you better believe it concerns us, spill it.

Protestor: No one knows what the revelation is. And i have no idea what happened to your friend. But if he's a bender, then my bet is he's getting what's coming to him.

Mako: Where's it happening?

Whistle! Hey whats going on over there?( Park officer saids while blowing his whistle)

Protestor: The Avatar's oppressing us help!

Goku: I think it's about time we get out of here.

Mako grab one of them flyers on the ground and hopped on Naga along with Goku and Korra who road off into the city. Then they all came towards the train bridge and looked over the flyers that had some kind of clues on the back of them.

Korra: Why didn't the Equalists put a location on these?

Goku: Maybe they don't want people to find out where they are located so that they wouldn't get caught.(Goku saids while looking at the flyers with Korra)

Mako: Or probably because they don't want just anyone waltzing into their big revelation whatever that is. I bet the information is hidden on her somehow.

Goku: Yea check out the backs on each of them.

Mako: There are four different images.

Korra: So it's like a puzzle.

Mako: Yea...of a map.

Mako put the pieces of the map onto the city map to pin point where the revelation is taking place until he found where it was located on the city map.

Mako: Bingo thats must be where it's going down.

Goku: And thats where Bolin might be. But there is a slight problem.

Korra: What is it Goku?

Goku: Only non benders aloud so I think it would be wise to wear something to help blend in with a crowd of non benders so we don't be seen.

Mako: For once I agree with Goku on that one let's get the clothes we need and head over to the revelation and hopefully Bolin is doing alright.

Later a night they got their clothes and put them on and headed towards the location where the revelation is taking place and once there they spotted non benders headlining inside a building meaning the revelation was there.

Mako: This is the place.

Goku, Mako and Korra headed over to the place and looked to see a man who was the guard and was watching people coming into the building while holding out flyers to get in and while walking towards the place Korra wrapped her arms around Goku so that it will attract less attention.

Goku: Korra?

Korra: will attract less attention this way.

Guard: This is a private event. No one gets in without an invitation.

Korra: Uh invitation?

Goku: I think he means this invitation is that correct sir.(Goku saids and shows the flyer from before)

Guard: The Revelation is upon us, my brothers and sister.(Guard saids to the three of them and allowed them inside)

When they got inside they spotted the crowd of people standing in front of a stage and they all can see that these people were non benders who all gathered to see the Revelation.

Mako: I knew a lot of people hate benders, but I have never seen so many in one place. Keep your eyes out for Bolin.

Goku: Also be on guard just in case something happens.(Goku saids to the two who nod in agreement and headed into the crowd of people)

They got into the crowd together and looked to see the lights turned on as well as head a speaker talking to them meaning the revelation was starting.

Please welcome your hero, your savior, Amon!

The stage moved and out came the Equalists themselves along with their mask leader Amon who stood tall and looked towards the crowd of people cheering for him.

Goku: So that is Amon? His energy is not that strong at all though he does seem dangerous best to keep an eye on him.(Goku saids in thought)

Amon: My quest for Equality began many years ago. When I was a boy, my family and I lived on a small farm. We weren't rich, and none of us were benders. This made us very easy targets for the fire bender who extorted my father. One day, my father confronted this man, but when he did...that fire bender took my family from me...then he took my face. I've been forced to hide behind a mask ever since. As you know, the Avatar has recently arrived in Republic City.


Korra heard this and covered her face while Goku puts his arm around her while glaring at the man who spoke about her until he spoke again.

Amon: And if she were here, she would you tell you that bending brings balance to the world but she is wrong. The only thing bending has brought to the world is suffering. It has been the cause of every war in every era, but that is about to change. I know you have been wondering "What Is The Revelation?" You are about to get your answer. Since the beginning of time , the spirits have acted as guardians of our world, and they have spoken to me. They say the Avatar has failed humanity, that is why the spirits have chosen me to usher in a new era of balance. They have granted me a power that will male equality a reality, the power to take a person's bending away...PERMANENTLY.

Korra: No....that...thats impossible...there is no way.(Korra saids in shock of what she just heard)

Goku: Hmm....

Mako: This guy is insane.(Mako whispers to both Goku and Korra)

Amon: Now for demonstration. Please welcome Lightning Bolt Zolt, leader of the Triple Threat Triad, and one of the most notorious criminals in Republic City.


Zolt: Ah, Boo yourself.

Korra looked up at the stage and spotted the other people being brought up to the stage in which he looked to find Bolin tied up and scared of what he was looking at.

Korra: There's Bolin.

Mako: Wait..we can't fight them all. We need to be smart about this.

Goku: He's right Korra this could turn out in bad way.

Korra: Then comes up with a game plan, team captain.(Korra saids to Mako)

Amon: Zolt has amassed a fortune by extorting and abusing non benders, but his reign of terror is about to come to an end. Now, in the interest of fairness, I will give Zolt the chance to fight to keep his bending.

Zolt: You are going to regret doing that, pal.

Zolt started to shoot his fire at Amon but the mask leader quickly dodged the attacks so quickly as well as the lightning that Zolt shot at him until Amon grabbed him by the arm and pulled him down to the ground so that he couldn't move. Once on the ground Amon grabbed the back of Zolts neck and hold him steady while using the other hands to press down while using his thumb and touched Zolt's forehead and the next thing that happened was that Zolt's fire and lightning were slowly disappearing in a instant.

Zolt: Argh.....what...what did you do to me?

Amon: Your fire bending is gone forever.

Korra was in the audience in which she looked upon Amon with fear in her eyes as well as shocked of what she just saw the mask leader did to the triad leader. Goku on the other hand was sensing something about Amon in which he can sense that the leader uses something to do that but he couldn't place it because he doesn't know about it.

Amon: The era of bending is over. A new era of equality has begun!

Korra: Any idea's yet?

Mako: I think so, see those machines? They're powered by water and steam. If you can create some cover I can grab Bolin without anyone seeing. Then all of us duck out of here.

Goku: Sounds like a good plan to me.

Korra: Works for me, Goku mind tagging along I could use some backup.

Goku: Sure thing Korra.

Mako: Good luck you two.

Korra: You as well.

Korra and Goku headed off towards where the machines are being controlled so that they can make the cover Mako needs to get Bolin away from the Equalists or worse Amon before he takes his bending away.

Korra: Found it Goku.

Korra began to turn the wheel for the steam to comes out but it wasn't enough until she decided to turn the wheels more until the guard from before came in and saw Korra but no sign of Goku.

Guard: Hey you.

Korra: Is there a problem, my brother?

Guard: What are you doing back here?

Korra: Uh, looking for the bathroom?

The guard then took out a wrench meaning that he was going to use it on Korra until all of sudden the guard felt something that hit him first.

Guard: Gah......argh.....(Guard saids and falls to the ground unconscious)

Korra: Huh?

Goku: You're welcome.

Korra: Thanks Goku really appreciated though what did you...

Goku: One chop to the neck and he's out cold. And speaking which here allow me to get you that steam you're looking for.(Goku saids and kicks the pipes on the machine in which the steam started to come out)

Korra: Thanks this should be enough.

Meanwhile with Mako who was looking to see Bolin was up next after Amon took the other triads bending away and it looked like his brother was not going to like what is going to happened to him next once Amon gets to him.

Bolin: Uh, hello Amon sir. I think there's been a big misunderstanding.

With Korra she was bending the steam out so that she can give Mako the cover he needs to grab his brother off the stage while Goku stayed and help to keep an eye on her so that nobody comes towards her or him.

Then soon the machines themselves started to exploded that caught the attention of the crowd as well as Amon and his fellow Equalist. Then steam came into the place that blinded everyone in site.

Bolin was still on the stage when all of sudden one of the Equalist caught him but then was later thrown away by Mako who found his brother and saved him.

Mako: Bolin are you alright?

Bolin: Yes, Mako! I love you.

Mako: Come on let's get out of here.

The brothers got out of the building and climb down the ladder when all of sudden the man standing next to Amon back in the revelation took out his shock staffs and electrocuted the ladder that both Mako and Bolin were on.

Both Mako and Bolin fought the guy but couldn't touch him because he was moving so fast and quick that he dodged every attack that the brothers were throwing at him. And once the man known as the Lieutenant shocked both boys to the ground laying unconscious he spoke.

Lieutenant: You benders need to understand there's no place in the world for you anymore.

Leave them alone.(A voice was heard behind the lieutenant in which was Goku standing there)

Lieutenant: And who the spirits are you suppose to be?

Goku: Hmm..wouldn't you like to find out.

Lieutenant charged at Goku and used his electric staffs on him in hopping it will hurt Goku but it didn't because Goku can withstand the power of such electricity.

Goku: Ooh that tickles.

Lieutenant: What?..It's not working? You should be knocked out right now?!!

Goku: Well it looks like I am not but you are.

Lieutenant: What are you....GAH?!!!(Lieutenant saids then gets a mean right hook to the gut from Goku)

The Lieutenant after the hit went went flying into the wall and crashed leaving him in such great pain after what Goku did to him and has never felt such power in one man.

Korra: Nice work Goku. Whistle! Naga!

Naga came running down to her owner while Korra and Goku helped the brothers on their feet but then looked to see more Equalists coming down to attack them. But they were all soon knocked out unconscious delivered with more right hooks by Goku of which Korra was amazed of Goku's strength that she along with Mako and Bolin were on Naga and headed off with Goku who jumped and landed on the back of Naga and road off into the dark.

Equalist Member: The Avatar that's her.

Amon: Let her go. She's the perfect messenger to tell the city of my power.

Equalist Member: Sir our men are down as well as the Lieutenant and they are not looking too good.

Amon: It was the boy with them the one wearing the orange and blue gear, it is clearly he is not a bender though I do not know where he got that kind of strength from it is best to keep an eye on him because something tells me that he is not just an ordinary fighter.

Back on Air temple island, Tenzin was talking to one of the White Lotus members in hoping they known where Korra and Goku might be until the air master spotted both Goku and Korra who arrived back on the island after dropping off Mako and Bolin at the arena.

Tenzin: Goku, Korra thank goodness. I was just about to send out a search party. Are you all aright?

Goku: Were all right Tenzin none of us got hurt but we did see something.

Tenzin: What is it? What happened? Did you find your friend.

Korra: Yes, but...we were at an Equalist rally. We saw Amon.

Tenzin: What?

Goku: It's true we saw him and what he did to some Triple Threat triad members that were captured along with Bolin.

Korra: Tenzin he can take people's bending away for good.

Tenzin: Thats...thats impossible only the Avatar has ever possessed that ability.

Korra: But I saw him do it.

Tenzin: I believe you. I don't know how Amon has achieved this power...but this means The Revolution is more dangerous than ever. No bender is safe.

Goku: I know Amon used something to take away that those peoples bending away I just can't place it, I should meditate on this so I can figure it out.(Goku saids in thought while looking at the city view with Korra and Tenzin)

Korra and Goku then soon head to bed but all of sudden Korra wasn't in the mood to sleep alone for the night not after what happened at the rally with Amon.

Korra: Hey Goku.....

Goku: Yea?

Korra: you mind...if I...slept with you tonight...I don't feel like sleeping alone.

Goku: Because of what happened at the rally.

Korra: Yea....

Goku: Sure if you want to.(Goku saids that made Korra smile and soon the both of them headed inside the room together)

Korra: So......I'll take the floor and you take the bed.

Goku: Nah, I can't allow you to sleep on the floor just hop in bed with me and I will make some room.(Goku saids that made Korra blush that her friend will allow her to sleep next to him)

Korra: Oh..uh..aa..are you sure I don't want to be a bother.

Goku: Oh nonsense just come lay down and you will be alright.

Korra: Well if you say it is ok I guess I have no choice.

Korra then took off her boots and climbed into bed with Goku who made some room for her and once on the bed and laid down Korra drifted off to sleep along with Goku at her side in which inside her felt joy and excitement.

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