Chapter 4: The Voice in the Night!

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Korra's dream Pov:

It was the middle of the night on Air temple island and the Avatar was resting her eyes and enjoying her peaceful sleep when all of sudden footsteps were heard from outside her room and Korra heard it and shot up from her nap very quickly. Then inside came the Equalist who were attacking Korra who was defending herself with her bending but wasn't fast enough to dodge the chi blockers who chi blocked her body that made the Avatar go limp. Out of the shadows came the leader of the Equalist himself and he walked towards Korra who was pined down by the leaders loyal subjects and spoke.

Amon: After I take your bending away, you will be nothing.


End of dream

In reality Korra was in Goku's room which she asked of her friend to stay with due to the fact that she didn't want to sleep alone after what she saw Amon did and when the Avatar's eyes shot up wide after that nightmare she had she began to screen in horror.


Goku: DAH?!!! WHAT HAPPENED?!!!!(Goku yells and jumps up and got into battle stance)

Korra: Path...path....path.....path...

Goku: Korra? Is everything alright?(Goku saids and goes towards his friend who was having trouble breathing)

Korra: Path...path...It''s all right, Goku...I just had a bad dream.

Goku: Do you wanna talk about it? Because I am willing to help you Korra.

Korra: No I am all right really but thanks...I just need to calm myself and I will be good as new.

Goku: It's about what happened at the rally isn't it and what Amon did right.

Korra: Mhmm.......

Goku: Hey I will not let anything happen to you Korra I promise. I got your back and I always will because that is what being a good friend does they look after those closest to you.(Goku saids while giving Korra a pet on the head that made her smile)

Korra: Thanks Goku that is very sweet of you..but I am fine really.

Goku: Well if say so but if not you can always come and talk to me about it whenever you feel like it.

Korra: Thanks but I think I should get some sleep.

Goku: Sure I think I will do the same.

Goku and Korra headed back to sleep but Korra will always have the nightmare she had and she couldn't stop thinking about Amon taking away her bending but something else caught her attention and that was Goku who promised to always be there for her and that calmed her down and brought a warm feeling in her heart before she went back to sleep with Goku laying next to her.

The evening came and Tenzin informed his family as well as Korra and Goku that he will be attending a meeting with the city council to discuss the terms about the Equalist and their leader Amon and how they are going to solve this problem. Korra remained on the island to continue her air bending training with the kids while Goku continue on with his own training on the other side of the island.

Goku: Alright time to get myself into great shape once more. I think some fighting styles would do just fine, all right here we go.(Goku saids and starts doing his exercises to get in fighting shape)

While Goku was doing his training what he didn't know someone was watching him in which was Korra who in awe of seeing her friend doing moves that she never seen before and was absolutely impressed what Goku can do and was thinking if her friend could teach her how to move and fight like that.

Korra: Wow...those moves that Goku are doing are amazing. He has definitely have to teach me how to fight like that it could improve my skills as an Avatar.

Goku: Hey Korra!(Goku waves to her friend)

Korra: Oh hey Goku..sorry was I disturbing your training.

Goku: Huh? Oh no your all right Korra and I can see that you are doing well. How is air bending training coming along?

Korra: I am doing all right thanks for asking and I decided to take a break from training and go for a walk until I spotted you doing those amazing techniques just now.

Goku: That's good to know and thanks I don't usually show off my skills to anyone but I guess I can make an exception for you Korra.

Korra: Where did you learned how to move and fight like that besides getting lessons from your grandpa and due to the fact being from a warrior race?

Goku: Oh I had lots of people with my training and they were such great friends of mine who I had the privilege of fighting side by side till the bitter end. Also the hyperbolic time chamber where I spent a day in to improve my skills in which took me about a year to learn new abilities that would help me against those who try to destroy the earth.

Korra: Hyper....what chamber?

Goku: It's called the Hyperbolic Time Chamber better known as the Room of Spirit and Time. It is a place located at a really tall lookout where my friend who was the guardian of the dragon balls look down on those who live on earth and the room is place that has a big open area where myself and my friends spent a year of training inside the place to get stronger.

Korra: Really that sounds interesting though it sucks that you have spend a year in the place but what is it called the Time chamber?

Goku: Because Korra once inside you can squeeze an entire year or more over the span of one day and once you leave the place you will look older and more stronger than ever.

From the moment Goku said this to Korra, her eyes widen like dinner plates that a room that allows a person to train for years for one day in order to get stronger was something that she never knew was possible.

Korra: So you mean to tell me if I would to enter that room for a day but on the inside I was in the there for years, I could get stronger with the amount of training I have done and once I leave I will be a totally different person!

Goku: Yea I know right, me and my son Gohan did it the first time during the tournament against Cell and let's just say Gohan improved quite well.

Korra: Wow that is something...I could totally use a room like that. Just imagined how much I can train until my bones crack and how it could help me become a better Avatar though its a shame it only exist in the room where you came from Goku thats a bummer.

Goku: Hey with my help Korra you will get stronger as well as master Ki. I believe in you Korra and I know deep down you feel the same way.

Korra: Thanks Goku I really appreciate the honesty.

Goku: Hey no problem I am happy that you approve of what I say.

Grumbling!(Goku stomach grumbling)

Korra: Pfff...hehehe sounds someone is hungry.

Goku: Heheheh yea..say hows about we have some ramen before I get back to training.

Korra: Hm?....Ramen what is that?

Goku: Wait you mean you never had ramen before?

Korra: Not to say that I have why is it good?

Goku: Are you kidding me its the most delicious food ever! I am surprised you never tried it before.

Goku then took out one of the capsule and push the button and out came cooking materials in which Korra saw with her own eyes that what Goku said about the capsules were true and was beyond amazed that these capsules contain things that could help Goku with his stay here in her world and so Goku went ahead and started to make the ramen and after so many years of trying to cook that always backed fired but with the help of his family he was able to cook for himself and started to make the ramen for both him and Korra to eat. Soon after cooking the food, the smell of it caught Korra's nose in which she started to drool a little after smelling that delicious food that her friend was making. Goku then poured two bowls of ramen in the bowls and took out some chop sticks for himself and Korra and cleaned up the mess he did and once finished he presented Korra her bowl of ramen.

Korra: Wow this looks delicious Goku but how does it taste.

Goku: Well why don't you find out for yourself Korra and trust me this food is to die for.

Korra took out her chops sticks then started to grab the noodles but decided to blow on the food first before eating it because thats what she did and once she did that she opened her mouth and place the noodles inside and began to chew the food in which a flavor that she never had before sky rocket in her mouth that made her eyes wide like there is no tomorrow. And once she swallow the food she let out a huge sequel that she never had something this good in her life.


Goku: Hehehe see I told you would like it now let's sit and enjoy our ramen together.

Korra: I am with you on that one Goku!(Korra saids and did the same thing her friend was doing and couldn't stop eating the ramen)

Both Korra and Goku ate their whole bowl of ramen in which the food was delicious and amazing that they couldn't wait to have more one day and who knows maybe they will bring some for Mako and Bolin to try because Goku knows that the brothers would love to try some ramen. Then after words Goku finished up his training exercises while Korra was watching and decided to call it a day and went with Korra to watch her train air bending while also listening to some music to help lighten up the mood.

Goku: Your movements are improving each day Korra very good.

Korra: Thanks, and I cannot wait until I get my air bending whenever I get it or not.

Goku: Don't worry Korra you will get your air bending it just takes time, I mean it took me a while to master flight.

Korra: I guess you have a point there.

While Korra was continuing her air bender movements while Goku was watching all of sudden the music on the radio cut off and replaced with Amon's voice that made both the saiyan and the Avatar stop and listen to what the leader of the Equalist has to say.

Amon(Radio): Good evening, my fellow Equalist. This is your leader, Amon. As you heard the republic council has voted to make me public enemy number one, proving once again the bending oppressors of this city will stop at nothing to quash our revolution. But we cannot be stopped, our numbers grow stronger by the day and you no longer have to live in fear the time has come for benders to experience fear.

When the radio shut off, all of sudden Goku looked towards Korra who a look of fear on her face meaning that she was afraid of what Amon was planing for the world as well as for benders.

Goku: Korra are you....

Korra: I am going to bed.....don't follow me please...I need to be alone.(Korra saids to Goku and walks past him and headed inside)

Goku: I should give her some time for herself so she can cool off of what she just heard.

Goku then called it a night and headed back to his room while also thinking how his friend was feeling and was starting to get worried about her but he knows that she will come to him if she is ready to talk to him about what is troubling her.

The next day, after so many tries to find a solution to get the thirty thousand yuans for the tournament, Mako was out in the city trying to find another job that would help him get paid as well as have the money he needs to help his team ready for the pro bending tournament. But the fire bender looked like crap and it doesn't seem that he got a good night sleep due to the fact he has been finding ways to earn the yuans.

Mako straiten himself up and looked to see a trolly and he was about to take it when all of sudden something was heading towards his way or someone who was riding on a moped and didn't see the person in front of her.

BANG!(Mako gets hit with the scooter)

Mako: Argh......

Oh, no! I am so sorry, I didn't see you.(The person said who turned out to be a girl got off her moped and ran towards Mako to help him up)

Mako: How could you not see me? I mean I was j...ju........(Mako saids but stops and blushes at the girl who took off her helmet that left Mako stunned)

Mako: I was...

Are you okay? Did I hurt you? I am such an idiot.(The girl saids and helps up Mako who was still blushing at the beautiful girl next to him)

Mako: Don't worry, I'm fine. My brother hits me harder than that every day in practice.

Wait..I recognize you. You're Mako right? You play for the Fire Ferrets.

Mako: Yea, thats me.

I am so embarrassed, my name is Asami let me make this up to you somehow. about I treat you to dinner? Tomorrow night, eight o'clock Kwong's Cuisine.(Asami saids to Mako who is about to leave on her moped until Mako spoke again)

Mako: Uh Kwong's? I don't have any clothes nice enough for a place that classy.

Asami: I'll take care of that. All you need to do is show up.'s a date?

Mako: Uh...yea, I guess so. I'll see you tomorrow night.

Asami starts up her moped and drives away not before smiling back at Mako then drives away leaving the fire bender alone while making a goofy smile with hearts around him while also blushing that he has a date with a pretty girl tomorrow night.

Back on Air temple island the sun was starting to set and Tenzin along with his family as well as Korra and Goku sat down to enjoy a meal together like a big family that made Goku remember the times he had dinner with his family back in his world.

Tenzin: We are grateful for this delicious food, for happiness for compassion and...(Tenzin was about say something else until another voice interrupted him)

I'm not interrupting ami I?

Both Goku and Korra opened their eyes to look at the man who interrupted Tenzin during his grace towards his family and it looked like that man was someone Tenzin knows about until the air master spoke.

Tenzin: This is my home, Tarrlok. We're about to eat dinner.(Tenzin saids to the man known as Tarrlok)

Tarrlok: Good, because I am absolutely famished. Air benders never turn away a hungry guest, am I right?

Tenzin: Sigh...I suppose.(Tenzin saids then sits down while his wife gave him a look that made him confused and just shrugs it off)

Tarrlok: Oh, you must be the famous Avatar Korra. It is a truly an honor, I am councilman Tarrlok representative from The Northern Water Tribe.

Korra: Nice to meet you.(Korra saids and gets up then bows to meet Tarrlok in which he did the same)

Tarrlok: And who is this fine man right here.(Tarrlok saids to Goku)

Goku: My name is Son Goku sir but you may call me Goku nice to meet you.

Tarrlok: The pleasure is all mine Mr.Son or Goku if you wish.

Tarrlok then began to sit down next to Korra when all of sudden Ikki comes next to the councilman and was giving him a question look of her face.

Ikki: Why do you have three ponytails? And how come you smell like a lady? You're weird.

Goku heard this and was giggling a little and so was Korra without Tarrlok knowing until the councilman spoke to the young air bender.

Tarrlok: Well, aren't you...precocious? So I've been reading all about your adventures in the papers infiltrating Amon's that took some real initiative.(Tarrlok saids to Ikki then back to Korra)

Korra: Oh..thanks but I had some help with some new friends that I made on the way as well as Goku's. Also I think you're the first authority figure in this city who's happy I am here.

Tarrlok: Republic city is much better off now that you have arrived.

Tenzin: Enough with the flattery, Tarrlok. What do you want for Korra?

Tarrlok: Patience, Tenzin. I'm getting to that. As you made of heard I am assembling a task force, that will strike at the heart of the revolution and I want you to join me Avatar Korra.

Goku heard this and all of sudden senses something wasn't quite right of what Tarrlok wants Korra to do so he had to keep an eye on the man as well and same goes for Amon.

Korra: Really?

Tenzin: What?

Tarrlok: I need someone who will help me attack Amon directly, someone who is fearless in the face of danger, and that someone is you Avatar Korra.

Korra: Join your task force? I can't...(Korra saids to Tarrlok who looked shock as well as Tenzin while Goku knows that his friend is making the right decision)

Tarrlok: I..must admit, I'm rather surprised. I..I thought you'd jump at the chance to help me lead the charge against Amon.

Tenzin: Me, too.

Goku: I think she wants to continue with her training first as well as become the Avatar that she was meant to be.

Korra: Goku's right, I came to Republic city to finish my Avatar training with Tenzin. Right now I just need to focus on that.

Tarrlok: Which is why this opportunity is perfect. You would get on the job experience while performing your Avatar duty for the city and of course your friend Goku can join as well after I heard about what he did during the rally in which he took down those Equalist with such incredible performances.

Tenzin: Korra gave you her answer. It's time for you to go.

Goku: And sorry but joining a task force isn't really my style because I am proud of who I am and I don't want to change anything about what I do.(Goku saids that made Korra smile for her friends decision)

Tarrlok: Very well I accept your decision Son Goku but for you Avatar Korra I'm not giving up on you just yet. You'll be hearing from me soon, it has been a pleasure Avatar Korra.(Tarrlok saids to Korra then takes his leave not after Ikki speaks again)

Ikki: Bye bye..ponytail man!(Ikki saids that made Goku giggle)

Goku: You made a good decision Korra and yes continuing to train with Tenzin is for the best.

Tenzin: I agree but what made you not want to take Tarrlok's offer?

Korra: Like I said I just want to focus on being the Avatar and finish my air bending training as well as learning about Ki from Goku.

Tenzin: Then I am happy that you made the right choice Korra. Now we can all sit together and enjoy this wonderful dinner in peace.

The next couple days Tarrlok has been sending Korra gifts to shows his respect towards the Avatar in which was starting to het annoying for Korra and the more she declines the more of the gifts come from Tarrlok that his assistant brings her. Then soon while on the island Korra and Goku were near the steps with Naga getting a belly rub from Korra and enjoying some time alone until Bolin came to visit them with a smile on his face.

Bolin: Hello fellow teammates.

Korra: Hey Bolin.

Goku: Hows it going Bolin.

Bolin: Missed you guys at practice this week.

Korra: Yea sorry about that.

Goku: Same here sorry for not showing up Bolin.

Bolin:'s all right guys. We're probably out of the tournament anyway, unless some money miraculously drops out of the sky by tomorrow. Anyway, reason I came by was to give you two these ta da.(Bolin saids then gives Korra and Goku a cupcake while Korra's had a rose with it)

Goku: Wow thanks Bolin that is nice of you to do.

Korra: Yea thanks, but what's this for?

Bolin: Uh...oh I can't remember now. Oh yea now I remember, you both saved me from Amon.

Korra: Oh that? It was no big deal.

Bolin: No big deal? Are you serious? I was totally freaking out when he was coming at me with this creepy mask, all "I'll will take away your bending forever" I mean that is scary stuff and I still can't sleep well.

Goku looks towards Korra who she had some fear in her eyes of what Bolin said about Amon and what he does and will like to have a talk with her about it soon.

Korra: Mhmm....

Delivery for Avatar Korra, Tarrlok sends his compliments and urges you to reconsider his offer.(Tarrloks assistant saids to Korra who drops off a huge gift basket from him to give to Korra)

Goku: Wow the guy never quits?

Korra: Tell him I haven't  changed my mind.

Tarrlok's assistant: Mmhm....(The assistant bows to Korra and leaves her with Bolin and Goku)

Bolin: Who is this Tarrlok guy? Is her bothering you? Huh cause I could have a word with him.

Korra: it's not like that Bolin, he's just some old guy who works with Tenzin on the council.

Goku: Whose not going to stop sending you gifts in which I can tell you're getting annoyed now.

Korra: Yea....

Bolin: Oh, good good that sounds better, I like that better.

Meanwhile with Mako, after his wonderful date with Asami who is the daughter of the famous Hiroshi Sato owner of Future Industries and the creator of the Sato mobile, Asami has asked Mako to meet her father who can find in his heart to help Mako and his team raise the money for the Fire Ferrets so that they can compete in the tournament. So right now Asami took Mako to her father factory where the Sato Mobiles are being built so that they can discuss turns.

Hiroshi: What do you think of my little operation here?

Mako: It's very impressive Mr.Sato.

Hiroshi: Please call me Hiroshi. So I understand you're dirt poor.

Mako: Wha...uh...

Hiroshi: Young man, it is nothing to be ashamed of. I too came from humble beginnings. Why, when I was your age I was a mere shoe shiner, and all I had to my name was an idea...The Sato Mobile. Now, I was fortunate enough to meet someone who believed in me and my work ethic, he gave me the money I needed to get my idea off the ground and I built the entire Future Industries Empire from that one selfless loan.

Asami: Dad stop bragging, just tell Mako the good news.

Hiroshi: Hehehe yes of course.

Mako: What good news?

Hiroshi: Well my daughter passionately told me all about your hard earned success in the Pro bending arena and about your teams current financial stumbling block.

Mako: Yea...

Hiroshi: Now I hate to see you lose your chance at winning the championship just because you're short a few yuans and that is why I'm going to sponsor The Fire Ferrets in the tournament!

Mako: Are you serious?

Asami: He's serious. My dad's going cover your ante for the championship pot.

Mako: That...that is good news!

Hiroshi: There's just one catch, you all have to wear the Future Industries logo on your uniforms.

Mako: I will tattoo it on my chest if you want sir.(Mako saids that made both Hiroshi and Asami laugh)

Mako: Thank you both so much. I promise the Fire Ferrets will make the most of this opportunity.

Hiroshi: I am sure you will Mako. Now if you would excuse me kids I have to get back to work and I will see you and your team at the tournament.

Mako: I am sure you will and thanks again.(Mako saids to Hiroshi who smiles and leaves to go back to his business)

Asami: See what did I tell you my dad has you all covered.

Mako: Thank you so much Asami I don't know what to say, this will really help me and my brother out big time.

Back on Air temple island Tenzin saw another gift to Korra from Tarrlok that was a car but he knew Korra doesn't drive or needs a car but his kids were enjoying it but not him so he went to look for Korra who was performing her air bending movements with Goku keeping an eye on her.

Goku: Hey Tenzin I take that you saw another one of those gifts from Tarrlok?

Tenzin: Sigh...I believe so. Korra I see that Tarrlok's gifts are getting more and more extravagant.

Korra: Yea that guy doesn't know how to take no for an answer.

Goku: He really doesn't.

Tenzin: Korra are you...doing all right?

Korra: Yea..I'm fine. Goku's been asking me the same question but I am all right really.

Tenzin: Why don't you take a break? Goku why don't you come down and sit with us.

Goku: Alright Tenzin.

All three of them sat together in which Tenzin spoke to get Korra's attention about Tarrlok's offer about joing his task force.

Tenzin: I'm glad you turned down Tarrlok, but I just wanted to make sure your decision was for the right reason.

Korra: I am just really focused on my air bending right now, is all as well as learning about Ki.

Tenzin: Right..that's what you said.

Goku: Korra between the three of us it's alright to be scared, I mean practically everyone in the city is frightened by whats been going on.

Tenzin: Goku's right because the important thing is to talk about our fears, because if we don't they can throw us out of balance.

Goku: Yea take me for example I had a lot of stuff to fear all my life but I learned to express them to those closest to me and with that I was able to let go of those fear and push through the end and if I can do it Korra so can you. We're here for you Korra remember that.(Goku saids while rubbing his hand on Korra's back to help)

Tenzin: Exactly we are always here for you if you need to talk to us.(Tenzin saids to Korra then leaves her with Goku)

Later at night Korra was sitting by the steps with Goku at her side and was thinking about what both her friend and Tenzin said until the movement stopped when Tarrlocks assistant came back with something for her and that ticked off Korra more.

Tarrlok's Assistant: Avatar Korra, I have something for you.

Korra: It doesn't matter how many gifts Tarrlok sends, I am not joining his task force!(Korra saids then earth bends the assistant away)

Tarrlok's Assistant: It's not a gift, it's an invitation.

Korra: To what?

Tarrlok's Assistant: Tarrlok is throwing a gala in your honor. All of Republic city's movers and shakers will be there. The councilman humbly request your attendance.

Goku: Something doesn't feel right about this Korra. Are you planning on attending?

Korra: Sigh...lets just see what this all about and get it over with.

So Korra told Tenzin about the gala in which he and his family all got dressed up for the place they are going to as well as Korra who decided to wear a water tribe dress and Goku told her that he will join her shortly and don't wait up for him in which Korra nodded for her friend and headed out with Tenzin and his family to the gala that Tarrlok put together for her.

Once they were there Korra walked in and saw so many people clapping for her while Tenzin and his family came in behind Korra and by the look of things Tenzin wasn't liking what Tarrlok has plans for Korra.

Korra: Can't believe this all for me.

Tenzin: I am not sure what Tarrlok's plotting, but keep your guard up it's not like hm to throw a party  just for the fun of it.

Tarrlok: So glad you could make it Avatar Korra. If you would excuse us, the city awaits its hero.(Tarrloks saids and takes Korra with him while leaving Tenzin alone)

When Tenzin saw Korra leave with Tarrlok all of sudden his gaze turned towards his son Meelo who was about to do something unthinkable and it brought a pale face to the air bending master.

Tenzin: Mello, no! That is not a toilet oh dear.....(Tenzin saids and goes over to stop his son)

With Korra, Tarrlok was introducing her to the man behind Future Industries Hiroshi Sato himself who was also invited to the gala by Tarrlok.

Tarrlok: Korra it is my pleasure to introduce Republic city's most famous industrialist Hiroshi Sato.

Korra: Nice to meet you.

Hiroshi: We're all excepting great things from you.

Korra: Right greatness...(Korra saids while looking down then stopped when she heard Mako's voice and coming with him was Asami wearing a beautiful red dress as well as Bolin next to them)

Mako: Hey Korra.

Hiroshi: This is my daughter Asami.

Asami: It's lovely to meet you, Mako has told me so much about you as well as your friend Goku.

Korra: Really? Because he hasn't mentioned you at all. How did you two meet?

Bolin: Asami crashed into him on her moped.

Korra: What? Are you ok?

Mako: I'm fine more than fine, Mr.Sato agreed to sponsor our team. We're back in the tournament.

Bolin: Isn't that great!

Korra: Yea..terrific...

Korra then looked to see the Chief of police Lin Beifong walking towards them and she looked exactly how Korra met her on her first day in the city.

Tarrlok: Chief Beifong, I believe you and Avatar Korra have already met.

Lin: Just because the city's throwing you this big to do, don't think you're something special. You've done absolutely nothing to deserve this.(Lin saids with a glare before walking away from Korra who looked at her with a stern look)

Bolin: Ok? Anyway Korra where's Goku at isn't he here?

Mako: Yea I didn't see him walk in with you?

Korra: He said he will be here...I guess he's....

HEY KORRA!(Goku's voice was heard from Korra the others)

Bolin: Oh looks like he's here.

Goku moved towards where he spotted Korra as well as Mako and Bolin and decided to greet them together.

Goku: Hey guys sorry I am late I couldn't figure out which outfit to wear so I improved.

Korra: Goku glad you could.......(BA-DUMP!!)....(Korra saids then stops to look at Goku in which caused her to blush at the site she was seeing and that was Goku in a dress suit and tie that made him look handsome in Korra's mind)

Korra: Wow...he..he looks amazing in that outfit.....(Korra saids in thought while still blushing at Goku)

Bolin: Goku glad you could make it, like the outfit by the way looks great.

Goku: Thanks Bolin you don't you look that bad yourself not even you Mako.

Mako: Thanks Goku and get this we're back in the tournament Mr.Sato here is sponsoring our team.

Goku: Really that great it's a pleasure to meet you sir my name is Son Goku but you can call me Goku.

Hiroshi: The pleasure is all mine, this here is my daughter Asami.

Goku: Nice to meet you Asami.(Goku saids with a smile that made Asami blush a little)

Asami: It's nice to meet you as well Goku, Mako told me about you and for what you did for him and his brother Bolin.

Goku: Hey it's the least I can do for my friends.

Asami: I have to admit I have never seen someone with so much muscle and the way he smiles like that is so inspiring and yet it brings happiness to my heart.(Asami saids in thought while checking out Goku from head to toe)

Soon Mako along with Asami went to have dance together while Bolin went to get some food leaving Korra and Goku alone until Tarrlok finishes up talking with the other quest that arrived.

Goku: You look beautiful Korra the dress looks nice.

Korra: you don't look that bad yourself Goku.(Korra saids while smiling and blushing at Goku)

Goku: Any idea what Tarrlok wants with you?

Korra: No idea but I don't think it's not going to end well.

Goku: Just be on your guard because I will do that same. Something about him I don't trust.

Korra: Yea I get that feeling as well.

When they were talking they both heard beautiful music playing at the gala in which Korra and Goku found the music to be quite relaxing to listen to until Korra came with the decision that she wanted to try with Goku.

Korra: Goku..

Goku: Yes Korra?

Korra: mean....would like know...would you like to dance...well with me...that is if you want to.(Korra saids while rubbing her arm and looking away from Goku)

Goku: Hmm well I have seen people dance before and I took some lessons back home, sure I would like to dance with you Korra.

Korra: Really!...I mean wonderful shall we head to the dance floor together.

Goku: Absolutely.

Once the two of them were on the dance floor, Goku took Korra's hand and wrapped the other one around her waist as Korra took Goku's hand and place her other one on his arm and the two began to dance to the music that was playing.

While dancing Korra was starting to feel something inside of her whenever she is near Goku but she couldn't place it because she was too drawn into the saiyan's eyes as well as admiring him for who is and what does but also that he is an amazing dancer. Though when Korra spends more time with Goku she feels more comfortable and safe next to him and he promised that he will always be there for her and that made Korra very happy that she has someone like Goku to keep her calm and warm that caused her heart to skip a beat as well as being shy around Goku and couldn't stop thinking about how kind he is towards her as well as others. Then after a short while the music stopped and the guest clapped for the time they had with their partners even Korra and Goku enjoyed it.

Korra: That was amazing Goku, I had lots of fun. Where did you learn how dance so passionately.

Goku: Well I mostly took lessons from Bulma because she knows these more than anything I could do and if it wasn't for her I would have messed up when I first danced with Chi Chi.

Korra: And how did that turn out?

Goku: You don't want to know trust me you really don't want to.

Korra: Hehehe, I will respect that but seriously this was quite nice.

Goku: I agree Korra and it helps me to relax more.

Tarrlok: Pardon me but can I borrow Korra from you Mr.Son it wont take long.

Goku: If it is up to Korra to decided if she wants to.

Korra: I will go with you Tarrlok, don't worry Goku I wont be long just wait for me.

Goku: Alright I will just be careful.

Korra: I will and thank you.

Tarrlok and Korra left while Goku was giving the councilman a questionable look meaning that Goku wasn't liking of what that man was going to do with Korra until he and her were on top of the steps where a lot of reporters and camera men and women were flashing their camera's at Korra and want to ask some questions for her.

Tarrlok: If you would be so kind, they just have a couple questions.

Korra: But....(Korra was about to say something when Tarrlok pushes her to the front)

Avatar Korra, you witnessed Amon take away people's bending firsthand. How serious a threat does he pose to the innocent citizens of Republic city?

Korra: Cough I think..he presents a real problem.

Then why have you refused to join Tarrlok's task force? As the Avatar shouldn't you be going after Amon?

Goku: So this is Tarrlok's game to have Korra be surrounded by these people and trick her to join his task force, I just hope she doesn't give in.(Goku saids in thought while standing next to Bolin, Mako and Asami)

Korra: Well I....

Why are you backing away from this fight?

Korra: What? No! I have never backed away from anything in my life.

You promised to serve the city. Aren't you going back on that promise now?

Do you think Pro bending is more important than fighting the revolution?

How do you think Avatar Aang would have handled this?

Are you afraid of Amon?(When that reporter said that it made Korra snap her eyes open in frustration until she spoken)

Korra: I am not afraid of anybody! If the city needs me, then...I'll join Tarrlok's task force and help fight Amon.

Tarrlok: There's your headline folks.

Everyone cheered for the Avatar except for Tenzin who looked disappointed, Mako and Bolin looked worried for their friend but Goku was staring at Tarrlok in anger for what he got Korra into and would of used his Kamehameha on him but stopped to look at Korra who had a guilty look on her face that made Goku worry for her and hope she knows what she is getting herself into. After the gala was done Korra didn't bother to look at her friends nor Goku at the matter because she didn't feel like talking to anyone and just remained in her room until she is summoned by Tarrlok and the task force.

On the task force Korra was able to help Tarrlok capture many people who have been working for the Equalist as well as groups who are being trained to be chi blockers so that it could be easy for them to take down benders whenever they spot them but thanks to Korra and the task force with Tarrlok leading them they all broke in and capture as many Equalist members and brought them to justice. But when Korra join the the task force it left Mako and Bolin upset that their teammate didn't show up for practice because the tournament was almost here and they need to train if they were going to win but luckily Goku was there to help the brothers out with their training and speaking of Goku he hardly sees Korra around and barley has time to talk with him now that she joined the task force in which Goku was not liking how Korra was doing but he didn't blame her because he was took busy blaming this idea on Tarrlok who forced Korra to join. Goku was on air temple island with Tenzin's family in which he was waiting for Korra to come back and talk to see how she is but no word got back from her yet.

Jinora: Still thinking about Korra, Goku?

Goku: Yea I get the filling something going to happen any time soon and Korra is going to be in the middle of it.

Pema: Don't worry Goku I am sure Korra will be alright it is not like she is going to challenge Amon in person and duel him.

Ikki: Yea Korra wouldn't do something that crazy right.

Goku: I hope not because she is may not like what will happened.

Meelo: Hey guys they are talking about Korra on the radio!

Everyone and Goku gathered around to listen to the radio and hears what is going on until they heard Tarrlok's voice.

Tarrlok(Radio): Avatar Korra has bravely answered the call to action and with the two of us leading the charge Republic city has nothing to fear from Amon and the Equalists.

Question for the Avatar! Amon remains at large, why have you failed to locate him?

Goku: This is not going to end well..

Korra(Radio): You want to know why? Because Amon is hiding in the shadows like a coward. Amon, I challenge you to a duel, no task force, no chi blockers, just the two of us tonight at midnight on Avatar Aang memorial island. Let's cut to the chase and settle this thing if you're man enough to face me.

Admittedly the radio went off and everything was silent in the room until Goku slammed his fist onto the table that spooked the kids as well as Pema in which they looked to see a very angry Goku who got up from his seat and headed out.

Ikki: Mom you think Korra will be all right?

Pema: I am not sure Ikki but I can tell that Goku will not allow this to happen.

Jinora: I agree Goku will make sure nothing happens too Korra. I know he will.

Goku used his instant transmission to teleport himself towards where Korra energy was and once he found it, he looked to see Korra on a small boat getting ready to leave while the task force as well as Tarrlok wait until Goku saw Tenzin flying down and try to stop Korra from doing something stupid.

Goku: Korra!

Goku ran over to his friend and try to convince her not to fight Amon on her own but she wasn't going to listen neither would she listen to Tenzin.

Tenzin: Korra this madness.

Korra: Don't try and stop me and don't follow me either. I have to face Amon alone...

Tenzin: This all your doing Tarrlok.(Tenzin saids while glaring at Tarrlok)

Tarrlok: I tried to talk her out of it, too but she made up her mind.

Goku: Korra please this isn't the way to do things, I know that you're afraid but doing something like will not solve your problems.

Korra: You don't know anything Goku!! And don't you dare try to follow me either!!! I am going to face Amon alone and that is that.(Korra saids then takes off towards memorial island)

Goku: Sigh.....

Tarrlok: We'll be watching the island closely if anything goes wrong, I have a fleet of police airships ready to swoop down.

Goku decided to take off and go into an alleyway and used his instant transmission to teleport him to the island where Korra was going and once he was there he waited until something happens even though Korra yelled at him for not wanting to follow her, the saiyan doesn't take no for an answer and just did what his heart tells him to do and that is to make sure that Korra is safe from Amon.

On the island Korra was above where the statue of Avatar Aang was standing and was waiting for Amon to show up in which was taking hours if he was going to show up or not. Then after waiting so many minutes and hours later, Korra was starting to get tired of waiting and looked to see Amon hasn't shown up at all.

Korra: Yawn!.....Guess you're a no show Amon. Who's scared now?

Korra went down from her spot and walked towards the opening of the memorial while stretching herself of how Amon is not showing himself to her until all of sudden something happens that caught Korra off guard. A whip came out of the shadows and tangled Korra by the legs and began to drag her inside the building. Once inside Korra used her fire bending to see who caught her and once she did, she looked to see the Equalist members forming a circle around the Avatar.

When Korra was about to attack them, she gets her arms caught in the Equalist whips and tried to kicked them with fire bending but couldn't because she was later chi blocked all over her body and fell to the ground and could hardly move a muscle. Then when the Equalist finished her and surround her, they lifted her head up and Korra who was starting to gain her site looked to see the Equalist holder her until she saw the person who she challenged to a duel and was walking towards her from the shadows.

Amon: I have received your invitation young Avatar.

Korra looked upon Amon in fear as he moves his hand towards her face that made Korra scared that he was about to take away her bending but didn't, instead he grabbed her face and spoke to her directly.

Amon: Our showdown, while inevitable is premature. Although it would be the simplest thing for me to take away your bending right now, but I won't you'd only be become a martyr. Benders of every nation would rally behind your untimely demise but I assure you I have a plan, and I am saving you for last. Then you will get you duel and I will destroy you.

Like I am going to let you do that Amon!(A voice came from behind Amon and his Equalist in which Korra recognizes the voice and looked to see it was known other than Goku himself)

Korra: Gg...Goku.....

Amon: It's you again the one from the rally, the one who took down my fellow Equalists as well as my lieutenant. I must say I have never encountered someone of your talent before.

Goku: Well I am full of surprises.

Amon: You have skills for fighter of your age though I can see that you are not a bender why are you fighting for these people and the Avatar.

Goku: Well because most of them are good friends of mine and I don't like how you and your minions here treat them so badly especially Korra.

Amon: Be that as it made if you are not with us then you are against us, deal with him.(Amon saids to Goku then tells his Equalist to attack Goku)

Goku: You do realize if you or your men attack me there is no turning back Amon not even you.

Equalist: Yea like we heard that before.

The Equalist charged at Goku which was making Korra scared for her friend who was about to get hurt when all of sudden when the men were about to strike Goku, he vanished without a trace.

Equalists: Huh?(The men looked around and saw that Goku wasn't in front of them or behind them he just disappeared)

Where did he go?

He was just here a second ago?

Amon never seen this before in which he knew that Goku was there but all of sudden he wasn't which didn't make sense until he felt a small wind behind him and turned around to see Goku standing before him.

Goku: Hey..(Goku saids with a smile)

What the how the heck did he get behind us?!!!

Amon looked at Goku in question because he didn't know someone like the man in front of him could move that fast or be able to sneak behind him without knowing.

Amon: I don't know how you did that but I think it's about to end this ridiculous nonsense.(Amon saids and went to attack Goku when all of sudden he missed and Goku was now behind him that left the Equalist in shock as well as Korra)

Goku: You know you should really focus more because what you did looked pretty pathetic?

Amon: Impossible? How did I miss....GAH?!!!(Amon saids then screamed in pain when all of sudden Goku landed a mean left hook to the mans gut)

When Amon got hit by Goku he felt like his whole body was in pain and has never felt such power in one man and it left his Equalist stunned that their leader was hurt by this man in blue and orange clothes.

Goku: And another thing you should keep your eyes on your opponent more otherwise you're just gonna get hit.

Amon: Cough.....cough...what....what are you....argh.....

Goku: My name is Goku and I will not allow your revolution happened.

Amon: You can stop.....AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!(Amon saids then stops when all of sudden he get kicked by Goku and then goes flying into the wall and through it that left his men in shock as well as in fear)

(Pretend Goku kicking Amon threw the wall)

Goku then looked towards the Equalist who were shaking in fear then looked upon the saiyan who gave them a glare and then spoke that made them ran and collect their leader from outside.

Goku: Leave this place or stay and suffer the same fait as your leader.

Admittedly all the Equalist members ran away and not want to end up like their leader in which they dropped Korra to the ground and ran out as fast as they can as well as collect their leader who was unconscious and hurt badly and once they were gone Goku attended to Korra.

Goku: Korra are you all right?

Korra: came for me.....

Goku: Of course I did why wouldn't I.

Korra: I...I thought you would of hated me....

Goku: Why would I hate you Korra?

Korra: I said those horrible things to you and I have been avoiding you ever since I join the task force...I thought you would be mad at me.....

Goku: Korra I could never be mad at you, sure you may have yelled at me but it didn't matter the important matter was to make sure you were safe and thats all what matters to me.

Korra: You care about me....

Goku: Of course I do Korra and I wasn't going to allow Amon to take away your bending he didn't take it away did he?

Korra made a small fire in her hand and she looked to see that she still had her bending which made Goku relieved.

Korra: No...I am alright....

Goku: Sigh...thats good to know.

Korra: 😢sniff...I was so terrified! I felt so helpless.(Korra cries in sadness and hugs Goku who hugged her back)

Goku: It's all right I will not let anything happened to you, the nightmare is over.

Korra: You...😢 were right both you and Tenzin were right...I've been scared this whole time. I...I've never felt like this before...and 😢sniff...Goku I don't know what to do.(Korra cries more and hugs Goku for dear life while breaking down)

Goku: Admitting your fears is the first and most difficult step in overcoming them.

Korra: 😢sniff....please don't leave me...I don't want to be alone anymore..please Goku stay by my side...I want you at my side...😢sniff...please.

Goku: I promise to be on your side Korra and I always will.

Soon Tenzin came in and looked to see Goku hugging Korra who was crying into his arms and went to asked what happened in which Goku didn't say anything neither did Korra of who she was being carried out in Goku's arms and were heading back to the air temple island and promised to tell Tenzin what happened when everything calms down.

When they got back, Goku took Korra to her room where he placed her on the bed and was about to leave when all of sudden Korra got up and hugged Goku from behind and then spoke to him.

Korra: Don't go....stay with me...I..I don't want to be alone tonight. I want you at my side.

Goku: Sure Korra I can do that for you.

Goku got into bed with Korra following behind and slept next to him while cuddling close because it felt right and Korra wanted to do it after what Goku did tonight in which he fought Amon and saved the Avatar's life and it made Korra want to never leave Goku's side ever again.

Goku: Get some rest Korra you earned it.

Korra: Thank you Goku....and thank you for saving me...

Goku: You're welcome Korra goodnight.

Korra: Goodnight Goku.

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