Chapter 1: A doorway that leads to somewhere new!

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Leo Pov:

Greetings the name is Leo Morgan son of John and Kaitlyn Morgan and grandson of Henry Morgan as well as member of the hero team known as The Warriors. My family and I have been protecting mankind for countless generations from dark forces that plan to conquer or destroy the world but thanks to a group of heroes the world was safe but darkness still appears now or then. Myself along with my cousins and good friends of ours have been keeping the world safe and saving lives due to the war that has been going on for years in which the dark force that planed to destroy everything in his path was known other than Supreme Leader Zorg the conquer of the world and destroyer of mankind. 

For the past four years Zorg destroyed many things in his path in order to take control and rule the world as well as unleash his armies upon the innocents so that so no one can stop him but he was wrong in which myself and my team known as the Warriors banded together to bring an end to the evil tyrant once and for all and with the help with some other allies we made over the years we were able to defeat and destroy Zorg and ruin his plans of conquering the world in shadow. Us Warriors have been training for this day for many years while spending each day and night as well as months to control our powers as well as our magic, thats right magic exist where I am from as well as the supernatural powers that we have that me and everyone that I know inherited their gifts from families history. We use our gifts for good and to help people who cannot defend themselves from possible threats that will bring harm to them. After Zorg was defeated by the Warriors many lives have been lost and cities were destroyed and brought into ruins but thanks to us Warriors were able to save those lives as well as help rebuild what the people have lost so that they can move on and forget about what took place those many years ago. 

Even though the battle against Zorg and his armies has ended the Warriors and I still make sure that darkness will never return and still continue to do our job like our parents before us who were the original Warriors until our time came to save mankind from evil. Time has past since then and everything was starting to look amazing and peace was forming all over the world and many lives were enjoying their time now that the war was finally over. As for me and my family well we are pretty much doing the same thing though I still think that we should still keep the world safe just in case something else happens in which many of my families and friends agree to what I am talking about. Cause even if Zorg is gone there are still dangerous people lurking in the cities and dare to bring hard to the innocents and its up to us to stop them and thats what we do because we're the Warriors and we never abandoned those in need of help.


Leo and his team were given a job to investigate Zorg's castle to see if there is any plans that the tyrant had planned after his defeat years ago because the government cannot afford to have such dangerous secrets that belong to the mad man who almost destroyed the whole world so they asked the Warriors to infiltrate the enemies former base and find anything that lead to Zorgs final plots after he was destroyed along with his armies.

Dana: This place gives me the creeps..

Jennifer: Tell me about it, why are we even here to begin with?

Richard: Did you not hear what the government had said to us. They want us to check the enemies fortress to see if Zorg had any future plans for the world after his defeat.

James: Exactly there is no telling what Zorg had planned for the future and something tells me it isn't anything good.

Leo: Once we're inside, Chris will disable the security system so that we don't trigger any alarms or boobytraps because I know that Zorg had a number of dangerous traps inside if anyone dared to walk into his castle without checking to see if it is safe to go in.

James: Chris hows it coming with disabling the system?

Chris: I almost done cracking the system and lowing the shields around the area as well as the weapon system so that we don't end up well you know..I just need too and got it!

Security Systems Deactivated!

Once the the systems were all down and it was safe to go in, Leo along with the Warriors as well as his wolf companion Zorro who never leaves his owner side went into the fortress and saw the place completely abandoned though the heroes kept their guard up to make sure nothing happens. 

James: And I thought the outside was big but the this place is a lot bigger on the inside?

Jennifer: You can say that again James.

Leo: All right everyone split up into teams and find anything that could relate to Zorg's future plans and once you find anything report back here. 

Richard: Got it, Dana and I will check the lower floor. James and Jennifer will take the top floor.

Jame and Jennifer: Sure thing.

Leo: Good myself and Chris along with Zorro will checking the underground area if there is one of course.

Chris: Actually there is one right below us and there is something down there that I cannot get a rid on but it's close.

Leo: Let's check it and everyone be on your guard there is not telling what Zorg keeps in this place best watch yourselves.

James: You got it cousin.

Soon everyone got their jobs and went on to find any plans that Zorg had for the future in which each of the Warriors went to check each floor of the castle to find anything that could help solve what they are looking for. So far James and Jennifer who were on the top floor found absolutely nothing because what they found were destroyed fighters and old data from the old wars meaning that the stuff they found was nothing but junk. 

Jennifer: Guys do you reed me this is mama wolf reporting.(Jennifer saids while on the radio)

Dana(Radio): I hear you Jennifer got anything that you and James found?

Jennifer: Me and James found nothing but destroyed vehicles and old data so nothing here but junk. What about you and Richard found anything?

Dana(Radio): Me and Richard found the armory in which there is a lot of highly dangerous weapons that could do serious damage, I think they should be taken with us and locked away so that no one can use them.

Jennifer: Thats good to know, best to keep them your magical storage and after we get back we can take them out and see what they are.

Dana(Radio): Copy that I will let Richard and the others know.

Jennifer: Over and out.

James: Anything on the others?

Jennifer: Dana and Richard found the armory filled with dangerous weapons and I told her to have all of them put into their magical storage so we can take them all with us and examine each one to see what they are used for.

James: Brilliant idea at least they found something. 

Jennifer: Let's go regroup with them.

Meanwhile with Leo, Chris and Zorro, the three of them were heading towards the underground lair that Chris mentioned in which the three of them came across a big metal door meaning that it leads too somewhere. 

Leo: What do you think Chris think you can get this thing opened?

Chris: Give me a minute and I will try to hack the code.

GRRRRRRR.......(Zorro growling)

Leo: Seems like you know something is behind there don't you boy.

Zorro: BARK!

After a couple minutes later Chris was able to hack the code and get the password to open the door and once the doors were opening there was nothing but pitch black in front of them until Chris found the light switch to turn on the dark room and when the lights were on all of sudden both Leo and Chris were in shock of what they were looking at.

Leo: Chris what the heck am I looking at here?

Chris: According to the data that I downloaded from the security system, this place was used for the experiments and cloning as well as something else that I cannot place because its somewhere in another room. 

Leo: This must be Zorg's future plans, might as well have a look around but be on guard at all times.

Chris and Leo walked around the area and saw so many things that they never would except to see with their own eyes. There were tanks filled with bodies that look like the soldiers they fought years ago and the same soldiers who followed Zorg's leadership.

Leo: These look almost like the Zorg's soldiers that we fought?

Chris: Thats because they are, like I said this lab that we are in was used for experiments and cloning so basically the soldiers that we fought and took down are clones just like these ones here. Now we know where Zorg got his army from and how there were so many of them.

Leo: Are they all still active?

Chris: Unfortunately no..since I deactivated the system and got control of everything else I might have turned off the cloning process meaning that the clones that we are looking at are all dead.

Leo: That's good to know otherwise we would have to face all of them but that wouldn't be a problem since these guys don't put up much of a good fight.

Chris: It saids here that the host of the cloning process was one of Zorg's leading commanders who was defeated years ago by our parents in which I think we know who that is.

Leo: Commander Savage of course, I can see the resemblance on the clones faces. Figure Zorg had to clone that guy and have thousands of him obeying their leaders every demand.

Chris: While checking the data it also saids that he was experimenting on creating something else that could make himself even more of a tyrant than ever before.

Leo: What was he working on?

Chris: It's in the other room near the cloning creating so we might as well check it out for ourselves.

The two Warriors along with Zorro headed over the hidden room that was mentioned and after Chris hacked the code and got the password for it both him and Leo looked to see another huge lab with some kind of machine that they have no idea what it is and what it is used for until they got a closer look at the data plans.

Leo: Chris get me some data on what that thing is while I have closer look for myself.

Chris: On it.

Both Leo and Zorro went up to the strange looking machine to get a better look at it and find out what Zorg had planned for it while Chris was doing his hacking skills to find the plans for this machine. Leo checked each part of the machine to make sure that it wasn't armed or turned on and after many hours of checking he found out that machine was off which was good because he needed to know what this thing was and why Zorg built it.

Leo: Hey Chris got anything from the data.

Chris: Sure did Leo and it is something I never thought was possible to build.

Leo: What is it some kind of doomsday killing machine?

Chris: It's none of that but it is something that Zorg was planning to use if his plans to conquer our world failed.

Leo: What he built a time machine or something?

Chris: Not even close, it looks like he built an inter dimensional doorway.

Leo: Say what now?

Chris: Inter dimensional doorway basically he created a doorway that could somehow bring anything or anyone to a whole new reality.

Leo: Like another world hows is that possible I thought that kind of stuff was a myth.

Chris: Unfortunately it isn't, it looks like Zorg used it before.

Leo: He did when?

Chris: About four years ago, he used it to go to a totally different world and brought back highly dangerous weapons use for one thing destroy.

Leo: So thats where he got those weapons from another world. Does it say the name of world he got them from?

Chris: Unfortunately the data for that has been erased so I cannot find out where he went but I did find the name of this world that hasn't been used yet and I believe Zorg was planning on going to that world if his plans failed.

Leo: What was the name of the world and what was Zorg's plans if he went to that world?

Chris: There is not really a name just a code name for the world that is shown on the computer in which it is called Earth-BW45 and the plans were to conquer and destroy the population so Zorg can rebuild what he has lost but now that Zorg is gone he lost the chance to conquer a new world.

Leo: My god..he plans to conquer another world since he failed to do to ours and destroy the population that could kill millions of innocent lives if that ever happens.

Chris: Exactly and now that Zorg is dead his plans have failed so I think it is best to alert the government of what Zorg had planed for the future as well as the discovery of this new machine he built including the clone lab.

Leo: That would be wise. Call in the others and tell them what we found.

Chris called in the Warriors and told them everything in which they all responded and began to head towards both Chris and Leo's location so that they can see what the two have found while Leo and Chris continue to examine the machine and study it.

Chris: Hey Leo I found something.

Leo: What's you find Chris?

Chris: I found these gizmos that go with the dimensional doorway.

Leo: Let me see one of those. What are they used for?(Leo saids and takes one of the gizmos and puts one on)

Chris: I looked at the designs for them and it turns out they are a tracking device for both finding the whereabouts of the person who went into the doorway while the one from the other side who open the doorway can talk to that person and asked if they are in the other world.

Leo: So this device shows where the person went to while the other one who opened the doorway can communicate to see if that person was all right.

Chris: Exactly, best we take these with us as well.

Leo: Yea the government should know about....


Both Leo and Chris looked to see what that noise was and it was Zorro who got tangled in the machines wires where both Warriors rolled their eyes of how a big wolf like Zorro gets tangled up in wires in a second.

Leo: Sigh..Zorro not this again you really need to be more careful of where you walk. Chris download more data here while I get Zorro free from those wires.

While Chris was downloading more data, Leo went over to Zorro who was in front of the machine covered in wires and was struggling to get out of them until Leo came over and decided to help him.

Leo: Next time Zorro just stay close to me and don't wonder off otherwise this is going to happen to you a lot.

Zorro: Bark!

Leo: I know you're sorry but seriously watch where you are going and you will be all right.

Leo was getting Zorro out of the wires so that he can get free but all of sudden while the Warrior was getting his friend loose something happened in which in the control room where Chris finishing up the downloading of the data plans the system itself began to turn on that caught the attention of Chris who looked to see the controls lighting up meaning something bad was going to happen.

Chris: What the heck? I didn't turn these on? 

Chris was trying to find the source of what made the controls lit up but it was not going so well in which then the machine itself began to turn on in front of both Leo and Zorro who both stopped what they are doing and saw the lights turn on the machine.

System Activated! Dimensional doorway crossing in one minute.

Leo: Chris what the hell is going on?!

Chris: I don't know that system went on its on I don't know how?!

Leo: Turn it off!

Chris: I am trying but I can't find the kill switch!

Leo began to rip the wires off Zorro as fast as he can even Zorro himself began to bite down on the wires to free himself but while they were doing that the machine continued with the process.

Dimensional Doorway crossing counting temibnus 10 seconds..10..

Leo: Oh shit...Chris get that thing shut off anything time now!

Chris: I know I know I am working on it!


Leo: I almost got you free buddy just hang on more and try to bite the other wires off.

Zorro: Bark!


Leo was getting the wires out as well as Zorro while Chris was struggling to find the kill switch on button to turn off the machine but he still couldn't find it until he decided to try to kill the power by pulling out the controls wires.


Leo: Yes your free buddy now let's get the heck out of.....


Then all of sudden Leo and Zorro looked to see the doorway open and in front of them was a vortex of some sort and it was pulling everything inside of it that includes Leo himself as well as Zorro.


Chris: Leo!!!

Leo was hanging onto the ground with Zorro at his side but due the amount of power the vortex was causing it started to pull in both Leo and Zorro closer until both were sucked into the vortex that left Chris is shock and horror that his friends were pulled into the doorway itself.

Leo: CHRISSSSSSSSS!!!.......

Zorro: Awhooooooooo!!!!!....

Chris: LEO NO!!!

Then soon the doorway began to shut down on its own and the power was out of juice meaning that the Leo and Zorro were out of site and vanished without a trace leaving Chris alone in the lab that his friends were gone. But soon the other Warriors burst into the lab and went to see what happened.

James: Chris what happened we heard a noise and some screaming.

Chris: Guys help with me this and hurry!

Jennifer: Chris whats the matter and where is Leo and Zorro?

Chris: Thats why I need your help and now! Help me get the power back up and running.

Richard: Chris where is Leo and Zorro?

Chris: When we found out about this doorway machine and I was downloading data from it all of sudden the power went on its own and the machine activated that caused a vortex to open up and was sucking everything inside that included Leo and Zorro.

Warriors except Chris: WHAT?!!!

Chris: I tried to stop it but I couldn't find the kill switch on button to turn it off so I decided to pull out wires but that didn't do anything either until I saw both Leo and Zorro get sucked through the vortex and never seen again.

Dana: Oh my god....

Richard: James, Jennifer help Chris get the power back up and running and fast, we need to get that thing up and running once again so we can bring Leo and Zorro back!

James and Jennifer: Right!

James, Jennifer and Chris were working on the get the power restored and help bring back their comrades who got sucked into the machine and they will not rest until Leo and Zorro are back in their arms again.

Dana: Where do you think the vortex took them Richard?

Richard: I am not sure but I know that Leo and Zorro will be all right and we will get them back safe and sound. 

Dana: Chris could we somehow track them?

Chris: I don't think that could...wait a minute the gizmo's thats it!

Richard: What do you mean?

Chris: Leo was wearing one of the tracking devices that I found meaning that we can somehow track his whereabouts and pinpoint of what place he is in until we can get the power fixed up that is.

Jennifer: Then let's get too it. 

James: We're going to need more help with this, should we contact our allies in France?

Richard: That would be a good idea we could use some extra assistance with this kind of tech.

Dana: I will give them a call and have them meet us here.

Chris: Good while you do that we will work to restore power to this place and get that machine up and running. 

Chris along with Jennifer and James began to find a way to turn the power back on while Richard was thinking about his cousin and his wolf who were sucked into the vortex and will end up who knowns where but he knows that Leo and Zorro are fighters and will be okay. 

Richard: Stay strong cousin we will get you both back home in no time.

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