Chapter 2: A new friend!

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After what happened in Zorg's abandoned fortress, Leo along with Zorro were sucked through the vortex where both of them are being sent who knows where while back home The Warriors are working a way to find their friends and bring them back home but it wasn't going so well due to the power being shut down and the computers as well as the tech being destroyed so the Warriors will have to spend days and months to get the stuff fixed up so that they can bring back their two friends who are being lost in the vortex. Right now Leo along with Zorro were in the vortex while trying not to separate from each other.


Zorro: BARK?!!


Leo: First my team and I head over to Zorg's abandoned fortress to find any plans for the future before he was defeated and when we got there we found a lot of stuff that he had planned before he was destroyed where we found a secret underground lab with an army of dead clones as well as highly dangerous weapons as well as a machine that can take teleport someone to a whole new universe and now thanks to whatever went down in the lab both myself and Zorro got sucked through the vortex and are now going to who knows where. I just hope the Warriors figure out a way to get us home because this is going to be some crazy trip.(Leo saids in thought)

After many hours in the vortex together both Leo and Zorro were thinking of where the vortex was taking them until all of sudden both of them started to see a bright light in front of them in which the light was bright that Leo covered his eyes while he did the same for Zorro. Once they went through the light in the vortex both of them started to open their eyes and looked to see what was happening until they both realize that they were both in the air and were falling into what looks like the ocean.

Leo: Oh you have got to be kidding me right now...


Both Leo and Zorro landed in the ocean together and then came up for some air while checking to see if both of them were injured but it turns out that they were fine and well except they were both wet due to the fact they landed in the ocean.

Leo: Cough!..cough..that wasn't the landing I was excepted. Are you all right Zorro?

Zorro: BARK!

Leo: Good to the real question is where the hell are we? I mean I know this looks like the ocean and I can see a clouded sky but for some reason this kind of looks like Earth but I am not sure. Though I think the only opposition right now Zorro is to get back through that vortex and try to get back.....and the vortex is gone.(Leo saids then looks to see the vortex vanished leaving both Leo and Zorro stranded in the ocean)

Zorro: Bark?

Leo: Yea I know the vortex is gone I was just looking at it disappear before my eyes. Sigh..this is going to be one hell of trip, I knew I should have brought a boat with me that way we have something to float on. Might as well as think of way to get of the water and onto something where we can stand or maybe try to find an island of some sort.

Leo was looking around him to find anything that could help him and Zorro but so far all they can see is open ocean as well as some weird looking fish coming out of the water that looked like flying fish back home though for some reason they looked completely different from the fish that Leo saw back home. Then all of sudden Zorro nose was picking up something that was coming towards his and Leo's direction in which he smelt something that smelt like a human and after a while now Zorro looked to see what looks like a sailboat as well as a person on it that he sees that it was girl.

Zorro: Bark!

Leo: What is Zorro?

Zorro: Bark! Bark!

Leo looked towards Zorro's direction and see's what he was staring at until Leo's eyes caught on the same thing that his friend was looking at in which was a sailboat with a person on it meaning that they can get a ride but some reason while looking at the boat as well as the symbol on the cover Leo couldn't recognize what that symbol was but will ask the person on the boat.


Leo whistled towards the person on the boat who looked to see someone stranded in the ocean as well as a wolf and waved to them meaning that the boat was coming their way and it brought a smile on Leo's face that he and Zorro got a ride. When the boat was close enough both Zorro and Leo swam over to the edge and were greeted by a female who offered to help them up.

Here give me your hand I will get you on board.

Leo: Thanks the million really appreciated.

Leo took the girls hand while Zorro jumped on board while shaking off the water on him. Leo then sat down to relax for a little bit until he decided to look at the person who helped him until all of sudden he stopped at the most beautiful site he has ever seen. Standing in front of him was a girl with dark skin, three pony tails, lovely blues eyes that sparkle like the sea itself and was wearing a light blue shirt with dark pants and fur boots but also looked muscular in which Leo has never seen such a gorgeous girl like this before.

Leo: Whoah...did I die and gone to heaven.(Leo saids in thought)

Are you all right, you're not hurt are you?

Leo: No I'm fine thanks for asking. Though myself and my friend are just wet but nothing to worry we're good.

Whats a guy like you and a wolf doing in the middle of the ocean? Did your boat sink or something?

Leo: Thats going to be a little complicated to ask. But I do thank you for getting us out of the water really appreciated.

Glad I can help you, my name is Korra by the way.

Leo: Korra, thats a beautiful name my name is Leo Morgan and this here is my companion Zorro.(Leo saids to Korra who blushes a little)

Zorro: Bark!

Leo then got up from the ground and did some stretching while Korra looked upon the guy in front of her where he was quite taller than her as well as very muscular with red hair, aqua green eyes as well as very handsome that caused Korra to blush at the site.

Korra: Nice to meet you to Leo and you as well Zorro.

Bark: Bark!(Zorro barks at Korra and gave her licks to the cheek that made her giggle)

Korra: Hehehe! Wow never met a wolf who was this friendly before.

Leo: Zorro is like that to most people if they are trustworthy.

Korra: I can see that, so where you from Leo. Are you possibly from the Earth Kingdom?

Leo: Earth Kingdom?

Korra: You never been to the Earth Kingdom?

Leo: I have never heard of a place called the Earth Kingdom.

Korra: Then you must be from the Fire Nation then.

Leo: Still not ringing any bells Korra.

Korra: Okay did you hit your head or something because this isn't funny.

Leo: Do I look like I making fun of you. I never heard of place called the Earth Kingdom nor the Fire Nation because hours ago I was just......oh shit...

Korra: Whats the matter?

Leo: The thing that Chris said about the machine that Zorg built where he can travel to other worlds and both me and Zorro were caught in the process when the machine was turned on meaning that were in the world that Zorg was going to conquer before he was destroyed. It all makes sense now, no wonder I don't know the places that Korra said because I don't know anything of them meaning this could be a different Earth of some sort might as well ask more about it.(Leo saids in thought)

Korra: Hey Leo you all right?

Leo: Yea sorry I was just thinking to myself. Korra what I am going to say to you is complicated and not going to make a whole lot of sense and I get the feeling you will not believe in it.

Korra: Uh okay?

Over half an hour Leo explained to Korra of who he is and where he came from as well as informing her about there being other worlds where people have unique abilities and who help innocent people defend from dark forces that plan to conquer and destroy the world. He told her about his families history as well as his team who are great heroes who defend their world for many generations to come. Then after he finished his story Korra all she did was had her jaw dropping to the ground while her eyes widen like dinner plates after hearing what Leo just told her.

Korra: You''re from another world.....

Leo: I know it's a lot harder to believe but....


Leo: Huh?



Korra: Sorry...

Leo: It's all right though I have admit I wasn't expecting that kind of reaction? I thought you will not believe in what I just told you, I thought you will think I was talking nonsense.

Korra: Well at first I didn't think it was believable but from the way you were talking to me it was both hard and yet easy to know it was the truth. Though it is quite shocking that I am meeting someone from another world though how did you get here.

Leo: My team and I was investigating our old enemies fortress and finding out if he had any plans to conquer our world before he was defeated in battle. So far we found highly dangerous weapons along with broken down machines until myself and my friend came across a secret hidden lab that contained bodies of clone soldiers as well as a machine that our enemy use to make himself even more of a tyrant.

Korra: I had had my fare share with people with underground lairs and dangerous machines but what is a clone never heard of that word before.

Leo: A clone is the creation of someone else basically taking the blood of someone else and making multiple copies of that person where they are used for service and war basically our enemy build himself a clone army to serve him as well as use them to conquer the world.

Korra: Whoah that is something I never knew something like that was possible?

Leo: I come from a highly invasive world Korra, technology is beyond anything you could possibly imagined. We have bigger cities, cars that come in all different shapes and sizes as well as boats, phones that we can carry around in our pocket, vehicles that fly long distances as well as fly in space, let's just say it's a big world.

Korra was in absolute shock of what Leo just said to her and never imagined those things exist where he comes from.

Leo: Now back to how I got here, you see after me and my friend discovered the lab we came across this giant machine at first I thought it was a giant weapon of destruction but it wasn't until my friend told me if was something else.

Korra: What was it?

Leo: It was dimensional doorway.

Korra: A what doorway?

Leo: A dimensional doorway that would allow a person to travel to another world that is completely different from ours in which we discovered that our enemy traveled to different worlds and stole technology from those words so he can use them against us but sadly the we couldn't find the worlds he went to because he erased them from the data base except for one that was still on the list.

Korra: Why do I get the feeling I am not going to like what you going to say next?

Leo: Because the world that our enemy named Supreme Leader Zorg conquer and tyrant had plans to conquer and destroy another world if his plans failed back in my world in which we discovered that his plan was to come to this world destroy the population and rebuild his empire so he can continue on with his evil deeds.

Korra: Your...enemy was going to conquer this world.....

Leo: Luckily we defeated him in battle and destroyed his armies so he wont be a problem, though I am sorry you had to know that Korra.

Korra: No I actually needed to know because if someone like him would to come to this world well he would have to go through me first.

Leo: Zorg isn't like anyone you can just go up too and beat Korra, he was a monster and had abilities that can take down anyone who oppose a threat to him not to mention he killed almost two million people in three days.

Korra: He actually did that...

Leo: Yes, we lost a lot good people those past three days and after the war was finished many lives and cities were lost and destroyed. We were able to help rebuild what was lost and it took us three years to get everything back under control.

Korra: I am so sorry I never would have imagined someone like that coming here and doing the same thing to my world.

Leo: After we discovered the machine my friend went to download the information so we can take it the government until all of sudden the system in the place came online the machine activated on it's on where both me and Zorro were caught in the beam and were pulled through the vortex and then the next we know both of us landed in the ocean with no where to go until we met you.

Korra: So you practically stuck here.

Leo: Until my team can figure out a way to fix the machine and get us home, so in the mean time Zorro and I would need to get use to this world for now. Though what kind of world is this because it looks like Earth though except those two places you told me about I don't know about can you possibly fill me in with information.

Korra: Of course if you tell me about yourself and what you can do and I will tell you what I can do.

Leo: Seems fare why don't you tell what this world has.

Korra: Leo you are in the world of the four nations where the people can bend one of the four elements, water, earth, fire and air. We call ourselves benders.

Leo: Benders you say and does everyone in this world can bend the elements.

Korra: Not everyone there are two groups of people in this world there are non benders who can't bend the elements and there is us the benders who can. You see Leo bending is the ability to manipulate an element and is significant too many aspects of life in the world. There are five known bending arts, four of them bend a specific bends the energy within the human body itself.

Leo: Interesting, a world where people can control the elements now that is something new to me. And these nations what are they?

Korra: Here I have a map of my world so you can see what I am talking about.(Korra saids and pulls out a map of her world to show Leo)

Leo: Yea your world doesn't look anything like mine.

Korra: Here we have the Fire Nation homed to the benders who can using fire bending as well as use the ability to fire lightning.

Leo: Wait lightning? They can shoot lightning?

Korra: Yea one of the benders special abilities that relates to the four elements, metal bending, lava bending, lightning bending and others that are illegal to use.

Leo: I see, and I can tell this big land here is the Earth Kingdom correct.

Korra: Thats right it is the home too many benders who lived there besides Earth benders and none benders. The city here is called Ba Sing Se, it is the largest city in the world Leo.

Leo: Cool, and what are the our nations.

Korra: Those are the air nations and water nations where I am from the Southern water tribe located in the south pole. And the other is Northern Water Tribe located in the North Pole.

Leo: I have a North and South Pole where I come from.

Korra: You do.

Leo: Yea though it is not populated that much due to freezing temperatures makes it impossible to live on.

Korra: I guess that something we have different in our worlds. The Air nation is homed to the air benders who are a group of monks who use the power of air bending.

Leo: This world is full of wonders though tell me does this world have a guardian.

Korra: Actually it does in which it's a bender who can control all four elements and helps bring balance to the world.

Leo: And who is this bender Korra?

Korra: The Avatar master of the four elements.

Leo: Not bad of name for a guardian of this world, how long has the Avatar been around here.

Korra: For the past ten thousand years, you see Leo there has only been one Avatar in each generation, when the Avatar dies they are reincarnated in the next nation of the cycle.

Leo: That I know about, reincarnation's I learned about that in my studies. People who are reborn into a new person who continue on their past lives journey.

Korra: Exactly, The Avatar is the bridge between both the physical world and the spirit world. In order to keep the world in balance the Avatar has to master all the four elements as well as master the hidden power within themselves that is called the Avatar State.

Leo: Avatar state?

Korra: The Avatar state is a defense mechanism, designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge of all the past Avatars. Once you're in the Avatar state your eyes begin to glow white as well as focus the energy within your body in which makes you very powerful but also at your most vulnerable.

Leo: What would happen if an Avatar was killed in that state?

Korra: Then the Avatar cycle will be broken and the reincarnation will never happen and the Avatar will no longer exist.

Leo: Has that ever happened before?

Korra: One Avatar has, his name was Aang who was an air bender who ran away from his people because he was afraid of becoming an Avatar then was lost at sea due to storm and used the Avatar state to freeze himself for nearly one hundred years.

Leo: Whoah a hundred years, I didn't know someone who can survive in ice for that long. What happened after he was frozen.

Korra: A hundred years after past since Aang disappeared in which war started because Fire Lord Sozin knew that the Avatar will return and try to foil his plans of world domination and when he found out that the next was an air bender he and his armies destroyed the air nation leaving Aang the last Airbender.

Leo: My god...

Korra: It was tragic for him after he awoken from a long sleep after he was discovered in the south pole and made new friends who helped him on his journey to become the Avatar. Even though his people were all gone he still had his friends to keep him safe who treated him like family. Together they traveled the world to help Aang master the four elements so that he can defeat the grandson of Fire Lord Sozin and his name was Fire Load Ozai. Ozai wanted to conquer the world and rebuild it in his image by using a comet that Sozin used to destroyed the air nation.

Leo: And I take that this comet gave the fire benders more power.

Korra: Yes but luckily Aang was able to defeat the fire lord and bring balance to the world with the help of his friends who stood by him. Years later him along with his friend Zuko who became the new fire lord after Ozai was defeated created a place where benders and non benders can live in harmony together in which was the United Republic and the city that both benders and non benders live together is called Republic City.

Leo: Wow seems like Aang accomplished a lot of his journey of being the Avatar though I do feel bad that his people were lost.

Korra: True but he did find love where he fell in love with his friend Katara and both of them had children of their own Tenzin who is an air bender, Bumi who was a non bender then became an air bender, and Kya who is a water bender. Tenzin followed in the foot steps of his fathers dream to rebuild the air nation and later had kids of his own who are also air benders.

Leo: Thats wonderful at least there are air benders still out there. Though how did Aang's son Bumi become an air bender if he was a non bender?

Korra: Well you see that was my doing Leo.

Leo: Wait are you saying that your..

Korra: I guess I should introduce myself fully, I am known as Avatar Korra the Avatar after Aang master of the four elements and the bridge between both the physical and spirit world.

Leo: wonder you know so much about the stuff you said because you're the actual Avatar.

Korra: Yea and I too have been on adventures with the friends I made as well as faced a lot of dangerous people who want to destroy the world or conquer it.

Leo: You amaze me even more Korra. So do tell me how were you able to make Bumi into an air bender.

Korra told Leo about her adventures with her friends that she made on the way of becoming the Avatar as well as Harmonic Convergence where she had to open up a spirit portal to free the spirits as well as stop her evil under for unleashing an evil spirit named Vaatu who wanted to cover the world in darkness but was defeated after Korra discovered the secrets of the first Avatar and the light spirit named Raava who lived in all the past Avatars that came before and after Korra explained the fall of Vaatu she decided to leave the portals open so that spirits and humans can live in peace once again though while leaving the portals open somehow it brought back the air nation meaning that around the world people received the ability to bend air and it was up to Korra and her friends to bring back the air nation that was on the brink of extinction.

Leo: Thats amazing you were able to bring back an entire extinct nation just by leaving the portals open, I can that Aang would be proud that the air nation is reborn into this world.

Korra: I know he would be.

Leo: So besides the adventures you went on with your friends what are the most crazed up enemies that you faced while being the Avatar.

Korra: Well when I arrived in Republic City I faced a group called the Equalists who were a group of non benders who dedicated to the idea of eliminating bending form the world while under the leadership of a masked man named Amon.

Leo: So these guys are like a terrorists group who bring harm to others.

Korra: Yes, they planned to rid the world of bending and trying make everyone equal in which Amon had an ability to take away a persons bending though at first I thought only that Avatar was able to use such an ability but when I first saw Amon do it in front of crowd I couldn't believe my eyes.

Leo: I can tell that you found something that his Equalists didn't know about am I correct.

Korra: Yea it turns out the only way Amon could do such a thing was using an illegal that has been outlawed for decades..blood bending.

Leo: Blood bending, I get the feeling that is something to be aware of.

Korra: Blood bending is a subdivision of water bending, it is a rare and barbaric skill and you can only use during a full moon where the water benders get their power from. Though for Amon he was able to do it without a full moon due to the fact that he was the son of Avatar Aang's past enemy Yakone who was also a water bender and blood bender.

Leo: You were able to defeat him right?

Korra: Yes but at a coast he took away my bending but I was able to unlock my air bending since the other elements were easy to get through so I spent months and days with Tenzin to help me master air bending and after Katara couldn't restore my bending I thought all hope was lost until I met Aang who restored my bending as well as helped me reconnect to my Avatar spirit.

Leo: Seems you went through a lot more than that Korra.

Korra: I have..I battle against a dark spirit and my uncle who wanted to bring darkness to the world but I able to defeat them both but during a battle Vaatu and my uncle destroyed my connections to the past Avatars making me the last Avatar. When I connected with Raava after the war was won, I still couldn't reconnect to my past lives but I carried on being the Avatar and with the help of my friends I will continue to help bring balance to the world.

Leo: Sorry you had to go through something like that Korra.

Korra: It's all right Leo thank you for your concern. After Harmonic Convergence, myself along with my friend Mako, Bolin, and Asami as well as Tenzin and his family set off to find the air benders popping around the Earth Kingdom and so far not that many wanted to join the air nation until we came to Ba Sing Se and discovered there were air benders in the city but were being used as weapons to serve the Earth Queen.

Leo: Thats one thing I hate the most people using others as weapons under the commands of a tyrant. Tell me was this Earth Queen a stuck up bitch who wanted everything for herself.

Korra: You have no idea, anyway after we discovered the air benders that the Queen locked away we broke them out their cells and soon decided to leave with Tenzin to become air nomads under his and his daughter Jinora's guidance since Jinora has a lot of more connections to the air nation history as well as the spiritual connection.

Leo: She seems like a very wise air bender.

Korra: That she is Leo, then soon I discovered I was being hunted down by dangerous criminals who wanted to kidnap me when I was a kid.

Leo: Who were this criminals?

Korra: They called themselves the Red Lotus a group of benders who looked away from others and wanted to bring the world to utter chaos. My father along with Fire Lord Zuko and Chief Sokka were able to take down the criminals and locked them away in different special prisons to make sure they cannot use their abilities until their leader became an air bender and his name was Zaheer.

Leo: I take that this Zaheer was someone you hated and did something terrible.

Korra: He did....he along with his gang tried to kidnap me again while I was at Zaofu but the plan failed after I was saved by my friends but then soon Zaheer and his gang came after Tenzin and the air benders who they wanted to destroy the new air nation if I didn't give myself to them. When I made a deal to Zaheer and ask for exchange that I turn myself in to him and the Red Lotus they will spare the air benders but it was all a trick and I fell for it and later got captured by them and chained up so I couldn't move.

Leo: They were planning to end your life.

Korra: By using metal poison then bended inside of my body to force me into the Avatar state in which I struggled so much to not the poison get the better of me but I was in so much pain...until I was full of rage while in the Avatar State and I got myself free and attacked Zaheer with everything I got but then the poison took it's toll and I thought...I thought my life was over until Suyin was able to bend the metal poison out of my body...but the damage was saver.

Leo: I can never imagined what kind of pain she had to go through because of what happened to her.(Leo saids in thought while worried of Korra)

Korra: The poison did some damage to my lower body and I couldn't walk or do anything...I felt completely useless...and I spent the next two years at the souther water tribe trying to recover but...every time I tried to walk or take a step I always see these visions of Zaheer as well as my Avatar State and they both kept haunting me ever since. But soon I was able to walk again but I still couldn't go into the Avatar state or reconnect with Raava I just don't understand why this has happened to me.

Leo felt so bad for what Korra had to go through all her life kind of reminds Leo of himself when he too had to go through the struggles to become what he is. Leo looked at Korra and saw the sadness in her eyes and decided to get up and give the girl a warm hug that caught Korra off guard of what Leo is doing.

Korra: Leo?

Leo: My mother said it helps with people who have been through a lot of pain and suffering and I have never met anyone who went through such a tragic experience. I am so sorry for what has happened to you Korra I really do. I know the feeling being useless and not being able to help those in need, I went through the same thing before I became what I am.

Korra: Leo...(Korra saids and hugs back)

Leo: I may be stuck in this world for knows how long but I don't want to see someone like you in so much pain which is why I would to tag along with you Korra if that is all right with you since I don't really know my way around this world and I can tell that you could use a new friend as company.

Korra: You will think of me as your friend even though we just met.

Leo: You have a good heart Korra, I can feel it. No matter what struggles you will go through let this be known that I will due what I can to help you and that is a promise and I never go back on a promise.

Korra looked into Leo's eyes in which she can see that Leo was being serious and even if she did meet him just today she can see that Leo is a kind and caring person who likes to help those in need and it made Korra smile that she made a new friend who knows what she is going through.

Korra: Leo..I don't know what to say.

Leo: You don't need to say anything Korra. I will help you no matter what and so will Zorro.

Zorro: BARK!

Korra: Thank you, both you. I actually wouldn't mind having company tagging along with me. Though what about finding a way home?

Leo: My team will figure out something, I don't know how long it will take but I will wait until then because right now you Korra are in need of helping we got your back ain't right Zorro.

Zorro: BARK!

Korra: Leo thats....(grumbling).

Leo: Uh...was that you just now because it wasn't Zorro?

Korra: Hehehe I guess we should probably stop somewhere and get something to eat.

Leo: (Grumbling).......hehe yea thats a good idea.(Leo saids while his stomach grumbles as well that made Korra giggle)

Korra: There are couple small islands towards the direction I was heading maybe we can find something to eat there.

Leo: Sounds good to me.

Leo and Zorro both decided to stay with Korra since she is basically the only person who knows about this world then anyone and soon became their new friend of another world. The three of them sailed off together and towards the islands that Korra mentioned that is also located on the map that Leo was looking over to get understanding of what place is in the four nations. Once they arrived on the islands Leo looked around the area and found out the islands reminded him of the tropical paradises that he went to with his family.

Leo: Have to admit these islands remind me of both Hawaii and The Bahamas.

Korra: Hawa and Baha what now?

Leo: Hawaii and The Bahamas are tropical islands that I went to with my family to get away from everything and just to relax.

Korra: I would like to see it in person well that is if I ever get to see what your world is like.

Leo: Maybe but for now hows about we get some food, looks that little shack there may have some food.(Leo saids while pointing at the small with a man waving a fan)

Korra: Excuse me my friend and I would like two lobster crabs please.

Leo: Lobster crabs? I never had that before, I wonder how they taste.(Leo saids in thought)

Old Man: Why, you're the Avatar ain't ya?

Korra: Yep, that's me.

Old Man: I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!(Old man saids with excitement that got both Leo and Korra flinching)

Old Man: Say mind if I take a picture for my wall of Avatars?(Old mans saids and shows a picture of Avatar Aang doing a silly trick)

Leo: So that is Avatar Aang, hehehe like what he doing in photo.(Leo saids in thought)

Korra: and my friend are kind of in a hurry.

Old Man: It'll only take a second. Avatar Aang was a big fan of my seaweed wraps, you know, so I named them Aang rolls. Now they're my biggest seller. And they ain't even got fish in 'em. Now smile.

Korra did her best to do a smile in which made Leo giggle of how Korra was doing the picture and after the old man took the shot while Korra was rubbing eyes fry the flash of the camera.

Old Man: But if I could met any Avatar, I'd have to pick Kyoshi. Taking down a shark squid with one hand? Now thats a lady I'd like to get to know.

Leo: Did she actually do that?(Leo whispers to Korra who just shrugs her shoulders)


Both Leo and Korra looked to see a two thieves robbing an elder woman and were running away until the old man spoke.

Old Man: Oh, don't worry. The Avatar's right here! Well what are you waiting for got get 'em!

Korra then water bend towards the thieves that were getting away that made Leo impressed of how Korra was using her bending just now. Once she was in front of the thieves she went into fighting stance.

Korra: Hand over the bags or else.

The first thief shot Korra with some Earth bending and when Korra was about to do something she lost her balance and got hit with the guys attack. Leo saw this and decided to step in and using his super speed he ran so fast that the old man didn't see Leo just leave. When the thieves saw Korra was down they plan to escape when all of sudden someone was blocking their way and that was Leo.

Leo: And where do you think you two are going?

Thief1: Huh where did this guy come from?

Theif2: I have no idea?

Leo: Why don't you two just drop the bags and face the consequences.

Thief2: Get rid of this guy.

The first thief shot Leo with Earth bending like he did with Korra but once it hit Leo it didn't do anything to him and was still standing tall with a smirk on his face.

Leo: Is that really all you can do I mean really that was pathetic.

Thieves: What the?

Leo: I don't wanna fight you guys due to fact I can easily crush you so I am just gonna give you guys a scare and if you ever rob that poor woman again well you in for a real nightmare.

Soon Leo started to grow and then change into something that the thieves were not expecting to see not even Korra who got up from her attack and looked to see Leo getting bigger as well as turning into something that looked like a reptile but was humongous as well as dangerous with sharp teeth, claws and a look that means run for your lives. The thieves were paling like ghost as well as wetting their pants of what Leo turned into and that was a Tyrannosaurus Rex who let out a mighty roar.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Korra: Uh.........


Both thieves screamed in fear and ran for their lives while dropping the bags in front of Leo in his dinosaur form and once they were gone Leo changed back into his human self while smiling at the cowards running away.

Leo: Hahahaha! Thats right you better run and heed my warning because I will come after you! You all right Korra?


Leo: I will tell you after we leave, let me just give these bags to the woman and we can be on our way.

Korra: Jj..just

Korra was processing of what Leo did and was trying so hard to form words but she was too shocked of what just happened and Leo did tell her that he will inform of what he did when did leave.

Leo: Here you go ma'am, hope those thieves didn't take anything else.

Woman: Oh no this is all they have taken I really do appreciated of what you did sir.

Leo: I am just here to help ma'am.

Woman: Are you some kind of shapeshifting spirit because I have never seen such a creature that large before.

Leo: Something like that but totally different and don't worry about those thieves I don't think they will cause any trouble with you ever again.

Woman: That is good to know. By the way was that the girl the Avatar?

Leo: Yes she is, she just didn't get a good nights rest thats all.

Woman: Oh I know the feeling. Thank you so much for returning my things mr.

Leo: Morgan, Leo Morgan ma'am and enjoy the rest of your day. Come on Korra we're leaving.

Korra: Right....

Leo: Excuse me sir can me and Korra get those lobster crabs to go.

Old Man: Sure thing sunny boy! And that was pretty impressive of what you did there got to say I never seen someone able to turn into something so mysterious and yet make those thieves run for their lives, I even got a good shot of the whole thing.

Leo: Hehehe thank you sir.

Old Man: Here are your lobster crabs, for the Avatar and her friend. Say got a name kid.

Leo: Leo Morgan is my name though a lot of people back home call me Warrior.

Old Man: Explains the W on your belt buckle I like it.

Leo: Thank you and thanks for the food, ready to head off Korra.

Korra: Yea I guess...

Leo: I think she is a little bummed out that she didn't stop those thieves but I am sure she will do better next time when she gets the chance.(Leo saids in thought)

After both Korra and Leo got their food both headed back onto the boat with Zorro and they took off together while eating some lobster crab that taste really good and Leo enjoyed every minute of it.

Korra: did you do that Leo I mean you just turned into a huge reptile that I never seen before and changed back how?

Leo: Remember what I told that my world has people with unique abilities.

Korra: Mhm..

Leo: Well you see Korra myself along with my family come from a strong bloodline of great warriors, heroes as well as sources's of magic.

Korra: Magic? You mean like for a show and entertainment.

Leo: No not that kind of magic Korra, magic that used for combat and defenses as well other things like let me show you example of what I mean. I do it on Zorro so you get an idea.

Zorror: Grrrrr....

Leo: Oh relax will you I am not going to do anything bad to you, just want to show Korra what I am talking about. Now watch what I do Korra, for this all I have to do is say a spell and then you will know what real magic is.

Korra: Okay amaze me.

Leo: Gentillesse Adorable!(Leo saids the spell and shot it at Zorro who was engulfed in a light)

When the light dyed down, all of sudden Korra didn't see Zorro but a small and very little wolf puppy that looked like Zorro.

Zorro: Bark?

Korra: Awe how cute!

Korra went over to little Zorro and picked him up in which the wolf didn't mind one bit and was soon being cuddled into Korra's arms that made the Avatar gush over the cuteness.

Leo: As you can see Korra what I did was use a cuteness spell where I can change anything that is big and dangerous and turn into something small as well as precious.

Korra: He is so adorable, reminds me of Naga when I first met her when I was little girl.

Leo: Naga?

Korra: She's my polar bear dog back home in the south.

Leo: You have combine species of animals in this world? Wow that probably another difference we have for both our words.

Korra: Well seems like magic is real where you come from though how did you changed into whatever that thing was on the beach.

Leo: Oh thats one of my powers Korra, I have the ability of shapeshifting, I can turn into any animal of my choosing except the animals that exist in this world.

Korra: No way you can shapeshift! What else can you do besides that?

Leo: Besides using magic, and shapeshifting, I also have super human strength.

Korra: Super strength so you're strong?

Leo: Super strong, I can take on anything that is bigger than me and lift things ten times my size. I also have impervious skin basically speaking I am completely solid.

Korra: So if I would to shot you with fire will you burn?

Leo: Nope.

Korra: Really well thick fast!

Korra shot Leo with fire bending while Zorro sat behind her sleeping, and once the fire was gone Leo was still sitting and not burned at all.

Leo: Really?

Korra: Whoah I guess you do have impervious skin, I wish I had that kind of ability.

Leo: Glad you know, I also have heat vision where I can shoot beams from my eyes.

Korra: Doesn't that hurt?

Leo: No not really, though one time I accidentally blew up my dads car while playing with my cousins.

Korra: How did he take it?

Leo: Well I was grounded for a week because I cut through the center of the car.

Korra: Hehehe, I trashed my parents living room when I was little earth bend the wall and almost burned half of the beds.

Leo: Hehehe you had to be one tough little Avatar to be able to do something like that.

Korra: I was silly little kid back then.

Leo: For my other powers I have hyper speed, where I can run so fast that no one can see gone, I did it after I saw those thieves knocked you down.

Korra: Yea that...

Leo: Hey it's all were just not in shape yet thats all. I am sure you will be able to help out more once you get your Avatar strength in perfect condition.

Korra: Thanks Leo.

Leo: Welcome, the other powers are electricity, flight, and sonic screech.

Korra: Wait you mean you can fly! Like fly fly in the air.

Leo: Yea wanna see a demonstration.

Korra: Heck yea!

Leo: All right 3..2...1 blast off!

Korra: WHOAH!!

Korra looked up and saw Leo flying in the sky in which she couldn't see where he went because he blasted himself off into who knows where until she saw him coming down and soaring through the skies faster than an air bender.

Leo: WHOO-HOO!!!

Then soon Leo landed back onto the boat where Korra was now in awe of what she was richness before her and has never seen such speed and she could that Leo was probably more faster than Zaheer when gained the ability to fly while using air bending.

Leo: What do you think Korra?

Korra: That was...that was...that was amazing!!!

Leo: Hehehe thank you.

Korra: I never knew someone like you could fly that high and soar through the skies with such incredible speed.

Leo: I've been getting that a lot back home.

Korra: You said you other powers are electricity and sonic screech what can you do with those two?

Leo: For electricity Korra I can absorb the electric within anything that is made of electric and use against others, think of me as like a battery where I drawn the energy and fire it back at the enemy.

Korra: Whoah I think that might come in handy. And the sonic screech?

Leo: The sonic screech is a very power eco that is so loud and dangerous it can cause a persons hearing to go blank but the effects ware off after some hours so you don't go deaf.

Korra: Its amazing, I never knew abilities like yours could exist somewhere else. Can anyone use them or it is just you.

Leo: Only myself and my family have powers, it's been in our family for many generations. Though my friends have their own powers they inherit from their families included while my other friends however use magical items to gain powers.

Korra: What are they like?

Leo: Here I got some pictures on my phone here.(Leo saids and takes out his phone that Korra doesn't recognize due to the fact his highly advanced tech)

Korra: What is that Leo?

Leo: These are the phones we use in my world Korra, the phones that we can carry around in our pockets.

Korra: That thing is a phone.

Leo: Yea it has basically everything you need on it, a library, camera, games, listen to music, weather conditions, send messages from long distances, tracker, you can even watch videos and movies on it.

Korra: Whoah really I think Asami will fall over heels for something like this, she has a thing for technology and is the owner of a company in Republic City.

Leo: She sounds like a responsible person I would like to meet her as well as your other friends.

Korra: I was actually planing to go back to the city, I miss everyone there.

Leo: I can tell that tell they would be happy to see their friend Korra again.

Korra: Speaking of friends can I see what your friends look like.

Leo: Sure I got a picture of all of us together here.(Leo saids and hands Korra the phone and sees the picture of Leo and his team)

(Artwork done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Korra: No way you have pictures that are in color.

Leo: Yea and there is a setting for black and white as well as other tones for coloring to make the picture look better.

Korra: Cool, and as for your friends they look really awesome though why is your friend a wolf?

Leo: Oh that is Jennifer, you see Korra we have other beings living in our world who are different species and we call them demi humans.

Korra: Demi humans?

Leo: Demi humans are members of the human like race where they have a bestial humanoid like appearance, so basically they have more like a beast look and there are many around the world.

Korra: Humanoid beasts? Wow your world is so bizarre.

Leo: I am still getting used to it.

Korra: So what do you call yourselves since your part of this team of yours.

Leo: We call ourselves The Warriors, we're a group of heroes that protect the world from dark forces that oppose a threat to the innocents.

Korra: Kind of like Team Avatar, it's mine and my friends team name.

Leo: Team Avatar nice I like it.

Korra: And who are these guys with the costumes?

(Artwork done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Leo: Oh those guys are also friends of mine and they fought in the battle against Zorg. They use magical items called the miraculous to gain their super like abilities. Their names are Katipo, Tyranno, and Blizzard Bear but their real names are Jake, Ryan, and Lucia.

Korra: So just wearing jewelry helps them gain powers?

Leo: Magical jewelry, you see Korra a miraculous is a item that will allow the holder to gain powers far beyond anything you could possibly imagined and it also comes with the suit to keep your identity hidden from your enemies.

Korra: But why hide who they are under the mask?

Leo: If their enemies found out who they were under their masks they will come after those closest to them like family, friends, loved ones. Thats why they can never tell anyone except for us because they know who we are and we keep their secret safe.

Korra: I never knew that meant something and it could put people in harms way.

Leo: There are things people wont do Korra or will do just got to be aware of that.

Korra: Kind of reminds of me of the people I faced.(Korra saids in thought)

Leo: You okay Korra?

Korra: Hm? Oh yea I am fine. You know what I think I will take a little nap, we will arrived in Republic City by night fall.

Leo: All right I will keep watch to make sure we don't crash into something while heading towards the direction we are going.

Korra: Thanks Leo. And thanks for sharing your history about who you are and what your family does for the world. I will like to meet them someday if I get the chance.

Leo: I can tell they will like you Korra and get a good rest until we arrive.

Korra: Thanks.(Korra saids then goes into the tent to take a nap)

Zorro: BARK!

Leo: Don't worry boy the spell wares off in a couple of seconds.

Zorro then engulfed into another light where the spell wore off and when he was back to normal he gave Leo a whack to the head from his tail for being used as a test subject.


Leo: I deserve that one.

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