Chapter 3: Stick Together!

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Night came over the seas where Leo was keeping on the look out to make sure that Korra's boat doesn't bump into something and while sailing through the night all of sudden Leo started to see some light in front of the boat but not only that but also buildings as well as tall towers meaning that the place that he was looking at was Republic City itself.

Leo: Looks like we arrived got to say this Republic City almost looks like New York City and I take that statue over there is Avatar Aang.

Korra: Yawn!.....Where are we Leo?

Leo: Looks like we arrived to your destination Korra, have to admit this Republic City doesn't look half bad reminds me of a city that I went to back home.

Korra: I wonder how everyone is doing.

Leo: You will know once we arrive, so where are we docking?

Korra: Air temple island right over there.(Korra saids while pointing at the island with the temple)

Leo: So that is Air temple island home to the air benders not bad of a place.(Leo saids in thought)

When the boat was approaching near the island all of sudden Korra looked towards the top boulder near the island and looked to see was herself while in the Avatar state as well as in chains that started to spook her.


Leo: Hm? Korra whats wrong what is it?

Leo looked to see Korra not responding to him and then looked towards the direction that she was looking at but there was nothing there until he got an idea to try something so he will know what Korra was looking seeing.

Leo: Au-dela du site..(Leo whispers the spell that will allow him to see what Korra is seeing)

When Leo said the spell, it showed what Korra was looking at in which he looked to find a version of herself but with her hair down giving a mean look as well as her eyes glowing white and had chains on her arms meaning that this was the thing that spooked Korra.

Leo: So this is what caused her to be afraid, seeing her past self from the fight with that Zaheer guy she told me about.(Leo saids in thought)

Without knowing Leo looked to find the boat turning around and leaving the city meaning that Korra decided to not to go back to the city after seeing her former broken self. Leo didn't say anything and just trusted his gut and decided to just follow Korra where ever she goes. Once back on the seas Korra went back into the tent to try and forget what she saw until Leo joined her to keep her company.

Leo: Hey you all right?

Korra: I don't know...

Leo: I take that you saw something that made you not want to come back to the city.

Korra: How did?

Leo: I used a spell that allowed me to see what you were seeing Korra, I never imagined seeing something like your former self in that kind of state.

Korra: So you know what I am going through and why I keep seeing that other me.

Leo: Yea, but that wont stop me for keeping by your side Korra, like I said I got your back and I will help you try to over come these fears.

Korra: Thanks Leo, that is really thoughtful of you.

Leo: Anything for my new friend.

Korra: I think it is best I just lay low for the time being, I don't think the world should know that the Avatar is back.

Leo: If this is your decision Korra, I wont stop you but I will stick by you so will Zorro.

Korra: Would you mind staying with me for the night, I don't think I will get enough sleep while I'm alone.

Leo: Sure Korra.

Soon both Korra and Leo decided to sleep in the tent while Zorro remained outside to keep watch while the other two slept until morning arrives. When morning came both Korra along with Leo and Zorro docked near a small creek where Korra had to stay low like she said to Leo where she changed out of her water tribe clothes and put on earth kingdom clothes. Leo can tell that Korra will come back as the Avatar whenever she is ready, she just needs time to find her place back into world as well as over come the fears that she suffered over the years.

Korra then took off the last of her water tribe gear which was her arm band and threw into the water then she grabbed her hair and pulled it back meaning that she was going to cut it. Leo looked to see Korra grabbing the knife next to her and when she placed it towards her hair she cut the long piece and made her hair short where Leo thought she look great with shorter hair.

Korra: How do I look?

Leo: You look amazing Korra, short hair is a good look for you.(Leo saids to Korra who blushes for the comment)

Korra: Thanks.

Leo: So whats the plan Korra?

Korra: Since I need to lay low for who knows how long, I think traveling around the world would help me get back in my Avatar fighting shape and if people who are close to me know about where I am I will just send some letters to my parents.

Leo: So basically you are gonna form them a lie letter while they think you are back in the city with your friends but instead you are traveling around the world in hiding until the time is right to return.

Korra: Yea it might hurt them but when I come back, I will apologize for what I did. I am sure they will understand.

Leo: I am sure they will Korra.

Korra: And are you all right traveling with me all over the world.

Leo: Korra I been too a lot of places in my world and see so many things and if I can travel around place to place in my world I can do the same here in yours. Besides I have been itching for an adventure and this could be it.

Korra: Hehehe, well I guess you're stuck with me.

Leo: Looks like I am. So where to next?

Korra: I want to go to the spirit world so I can try to reconnect with Raava by meditating in the sacred tree of time.

Leo: The same tree where that evil spirit Vaatu was sealed away.

Korra: Thats the one, and it could be your first time seeing the spirit world.

Leo: Whats it like?

Korra: You will know when you see it in person. To enter the spirit world we need to enter a spirit portal so we will be heading to the one in the North Pole.

Leo: Well go thing I can withstand cold temperatures and so can Zorro, he can give us a ride towards this spirit portal.

Zorro: Bark!

Korra: Good, let's get going. It's gonna be a long sailing hope you don't mind that.

Leo: Not at all Korra.

Soon Korra along with Leo and Zorro left the creek and traveled back out to sea and towards the direction of the North Pole where it was a long journey to sail there and they had to make some stops to get food and water so they will have something to keep them in shape. Turns out it took so many hours to get to their location and once they looked to find nothing but snow and ice, both Korra and Leo as well as Zorro arrived at their destination.

Korra docked the boat near an icy shore while putting on some warm clothes to wear due to the blizzard that was coming towards them, Leo didn't need to wear anything since he told Korra that he can withstand the cold so can Zorro.

Leo: So what does this portal look like exactly?

Korra: It looks like a beam of light coming from the ground and into the sky itself. I know where it's located so there is nothing to worry about finding it.

Leo: Good to know.(Leo saids as he hops on Zorro's back)

Leo: Give me your hand I will help you up.

Korra: Thanks Leo.

Once Korra got onto Zorro's back and hanged onto Leo from behind all of sudden she started to feel Leo's muscle toned body as well as his abs that made Korra blush of how her new friend was so ripped, it was causing the Avatar's heart to thump like crazy until she shrugged it off and focused on finding the spirit portal. Korra gave Loe the directions to go and then after telling Zorro where the go, the wolf made his run and headed towards the area where the spirit portal is located. When all of them arrived at the area where the portal was located, Leo was in awe of what the portal looked like and can feel some incredible energy coming from it.

Leo: Wow, so that is a spirit portal.

Korra: That's it Leo.

Leo: It's giving off such incredible energy almost feels like magic itself.

Korra: Come on let's go over and head into the spirit world so I can see if I can reconnect with Raava.

Leo: Right, let's go Zorro.

Zorro: Bark!

When they got near the portal itself, Korra got off Zorro first and walked towards the portal where she entered and disappeared in which Leo did the same thing as well as Zorro who both entered and entered a whole new different world that looked absolutely magnificent and had such beauty.

Leo: So this is the spirit world, wow such beauty and I never seen so many different spirits.

Korra: I knew you would like it Leo, the spirit world is a peaceful place where all spirits come together and live together in harmony.

Leo: I can see that, and I take that tree right in front of us is the tree of time.

Korra: Yea thats it.

Leo: Mind if I do some meditation with you, meditation does help calm the minds of the warrior.

Korra: I don't mind, as long as we have peace and quiet.

Leo: Then let's head over to the tree of time.

Korra and Leo headed over towards the tree of time and went inside to mediate together while Zorro staid outside the tree while being surrounded by spirits who didn't bother the wolf while he takes a short nap. Both Korra and Leo got into positions and closed their eyes to mediate in peace until a group of small spirits came near the tree of time and looked to see Korra and Leo together.

Light Spirit: Everyone, come here! It's the Avatar and she brought a friend!

Snail Spirit: You sure? I don't sense any Raava energy around her. Besides, she's not dressed like the Avatar. Doesn't the Avatar have ponytails? And who is that with her, he's giving off some strong energy.

Leo opened his eyes to see the little spirits talking about Korra in which earned the warrior a small giggle of how they were talking about Korra until the Avatar herself got distracted by the spirits and heard everything.

Korra: Do you mind? I'm trying to concentrate here. And yes I am the Avatar, I am just wearing different clothes and I cut my hair and this beside me is my new friend Leo who I met during my travels.

Leo: Hello fellow spirits.

Light Spirit: See? I told you it was her. How come you been away so long?

Korra: I was hurt pretty bad awhile ago, and lost touch with my Avatar spirit.

Snail Spirit: No wonder I couldn't feel Raava's energy.

Leo: Speaking of Raava, were you able to reconnect to her Korra?

Korra: No, I thought coming to the tree of time will help me reconnect with Raava and turn on the Avatar state again but it's not working. Last time I was here I saw all sorts of visions now I don't see anything.

Light Spirit: Maybe we can help you get better.

Korra: I'm sorry, but for years people have been saying they can help me get better. Nothing's worked, I need to figure this out on my own, come on Leo we're leaving.(Korra saids to the spirits then leaves with Leo following her behind)

Leo: Don't worry I will make sure she stays safe and hopefully gets better.

Light Spirit: You think she will ever be the same?

Leo: Hard to say little one, but I am sure in due time she will over come this situation and be back into her Avatar fighting spirit.

Light Spirit: Take care of her, she really means something to us spirits.

Leo: I will and it was nice meeting you all, hope to come back and see you once again.

Leo then left the spirit world along with Zorro who they see Korra waiting for them and when both him and Korra got back on Zorro and headed back towards the boat they sailed off once again. While they were on the boat Leo looked to see Korra looking down and wasn't be able to reconnect to her spirit friend in which Leo came over and put his hand on her shoulder to show her some support that made Korra smile a little but then turned and saw the same version of herself and went to avoid looking at it and Leo using the same spell like before saw it too. Soon both of them decided thought about taking a rest after traveling by sea for a weeks now and they came upon an island not too far from where the boat was heading and once they were on shore they went to have a look around the area.

Leo: Why don't we find a place to rest for the day and continue on.

Korra: All right.

Korra and Leo have a look around the island they came on and try to find a place where they can rest until they spotted a nice dry area with plenty of space to rest.

Leo: What do you think Korra, good place to set up a camp site and rest.

Korra: It will do, I am gonna see if I can find any water here and possibly some food.

Leo: All right, me and Zorro will wait here until you get back.

Leo looked to see Korra leave in search of food and water since they basically had the rest of it during their travels by sea, and while waiting Leo thought of something and wanted to see if it still works on not.

Leo: I can tell that there wont be anything good on this island, might as well see if my magical storage still works. I should be able to use if I am in another world.

Leo then try to open up his storage magic in which he looked to see the vortex that opens up as his storage for keeping things that he needs to live. He looked inside and saw all of things that he kept with him are still in the magical storage which included his book of spells, vehicles, clothes, as well as food and kitchen tools.

Leo: Oh thank god my magical storage still works, I think I should take out the camping stuff as well as food for both me and Korra. When she comes back I will tell her about this but in mean time I should get the camp site ready until Korra gets back.

Leo went to take out two camping tents one for both him and Korra and had them set up along with some chairs to sit on, then he went to take out two large tables one for the food to placed and one for the cooking the food where he took out some bowls, pots, plates, kitchen materials. He took out some cups for both him and Korra and later took out some orange juice and pored some juice and placed them on the table. Once he finished taking out the stuff he needed, he soon went ahead and took out the food where he decided to use meats, and vegetables for today and had them placed on the cutting table so he can cook up a great meal for his friend as well as Zorro. Leo then remembered that a camp site can not be a camp site without a fire so he went into the area to look for decent fire wood so he can start a fire. He arrived back with the fire wood that he needed and used his laser vision to start up the fire and looked to see everything was in place.

Korra: Leo I'm back and hate to say this to you but I couldn't find any..............thing.(Korra saids as she comes back then stops talking and looks to see what is in front of her)

Leo: Oh hey Korra welcome back.

Korra didn't say anything after Leo spoke because all she can do was stare and look at the stuff that was in front of her where she saw two tents, a camp fire with chairs, two tables with for both cutting and cooking and stack full of food and vegetables.

Leo: Uh Korra are you...


Leo: Uh a camp site? What do you except.

Korra: I know that but where did all of this come from and where did this food come from!!

Leo: That was my doing, I was going to tell you about what else I had with me Korra but I wasn't sure if it would work or not in this world.

Korra: What would that be?

Leo: It's called a magical storage.

Korra: A what now?

Leo: Magical storage, it's basically like a storage where you can place all the things you have into one area but for this it leads to another dimension. Here let me show you what I am talking about.

Leo then opens up the same vortex like before and shows Korra who walks over to Leo and sees the thing that Leo just made appear and watches as he takes something from the vortex and when Korra look to see what Leo pulled out which was a two spoons it left Korra in shock of something like this could exist in another world.

Korra: Why didn't tell me about this until now?

Leo: Like I said before I didn't know if I could open it up since I am in a new world because it only opens if I am in my world but it looks like I can do it here.

Korra: So all of this stuff that you brought out came from this thing.

Leo: That is correct and I was getting the idea that there wasn't going to be anything on this island so I thought about cooking up a meal for the both of us as well as Zorro so we don't have to starve. And of course I a lot of water so we can stay hydrated.

Korra: You cannot get any more bizarre right now.

Leo: True but I learned to deal with it.

Korra: I never seen materials like these before and I never seen a cooking grill like this and you can actually cook food with it.

Leo: Sure can with the right person cooking the food.

Korra: I never seen so much meat before and these vegetables they look like the ones from my world though some of them don't.

Leo: That may be true Korra but they taste great especially when they are being cooked.

Korra: And what meat is this?

Leo: What I have here is beef from a wild boar, sausage, and bacon.

Korra: Never had that before is it good?

Leo: It is delicious once I cook it. What do you feel like having today.

Korra: Hmm, I could go for some soup right about now.

Leo: Soup it is, oh and here I poured you a glass of orange juice made from the fruit of an orange.

Korra: Never heard of it, might as well try it.

Korra took a sip of the orange juice and once it hit her tongue her eyes widen at the flavor of the orange juice and began to drink the whole thing that made Leo smile that Korra likes the juice.

Korra: That is so good! I never tasted juice like this before. Can I get more.

Leo: Hehehe sure I will get you another glass of it. In the mean time why don't you sit down while I cook up the soup for us.

Korra: Sounds good to me. These chairs you put out are quite comfy.

Leo: Thanks I figure since we're eating might as well sit on something very comfortable. You don't mind having bread with your soup do you.

Korra: Not at all Leo.

Leo began to cut up the vegetables for the soup where he cut up some carrots, cabbages, potatoes. Then went to the grill where he started to put in the bacon along with the cut up vegetables where later he poured in the soup that was being boiled and did a taste taste to see if the soup was all right to eat in which it was and due to the smell of it, it caught the nose of the Avatar who was smelling the food being cooked and couldn't wait to have some. Leo then placed the soup into two bowls one for him and Korra while Zorro gets the chopped up sausages and bacon.

Leo: Here you are Korra, your soup be sure to blow on it because it's hot.

Korra: Oh wow this looks so amazing, and I cannot believed you cook this yourself.

Leo: I learned how to cook it from my grandmother. The soup you have there Korra is a mixture of sausage, bacon, potatoes, cabbage and carrots.

Korra took a sip of the soup first before eating the other things in the bowl in which Leo looked to see Korra was enjoying the taste of the soup but then looked to see her eating the food inside the soup. He then saw her eating the whole thing so fast meaning that she was absolutely loved it.

Korra: OH SPIRITS THIS IS SO GOOD!!! Can I get seconds!!(Korra saids while holding up her bowl)

Leo: You sure ate that very fast and of course you can have seconds Korra, I just love people who appreciate my cooking.

Korra then got seconds of the soup and had the bread with it and found the bread to be so soft especially when she dipped it into the soup itself and it tasted delicious. After having thirds of the soup both Leo and Korra were full and it was the best lunch they ever had.

Korra: Sigh..that really hit the spot. You have got to make that soup again because there is no other soup in the world that could match what you just made Leo.

Leo: I will do that on our travels. Though I am happy that you loved my cooking Korra and you're the first one to try something new from different world.

Korra: Yea that was great. Say what are those books next to you?

Leo: Oh these are my spell books, I used them to learn other forms of magic. I basically read all of them though I do like to go back and see if I missed any defense or summoning spells.

Korra: Summoning spells?

Leo: Yea their spells where you can summon anything that comes to your mind like an animal, or an object or maybe a beast that was created.

Korra: Wow never knew something like that was possible, have you ever done something like that.

Leo: Lots of times during the battles I fought.

Korra: Can I see one of your books.

Leo: Sure just let me put the words in your worlds  language so you know what the spells are.

Korra then got of the books that Leo handed her and began to read what kinds of spells are inside of it until she spotted something called element spells and wanted to know what kinds of spells are those.

Korra: Hey what are these element spells?

Leo: Oh those spells allow a person to conger up the elements like fire, earth, air, water basically it's like the four elements except the person can only use one at a time.

Korra: So they can't use all four?

Leo: No it doesn't work like that, the person can't do what a bender does. You just say the words and boom an element comes out and you use it how ever you want to control it.

Korra: I see, whats this one barrel magic?

Leo: Oh that created an invisible wall that allows a person to be undetected by others.

Korra: They can hide in plain site.

Leo: Exactly. The barrel will protect the person from the inside while on the outside there is nothing but forest, basically the barrel is invisible like mirror.

Korra: Thats kind of cool. Also defenses spells are neat and do they come in handy while in a fight.

Leo: Yea they do, I used a lot of spells during a fight but I do alway rely on my fighting techniques as well as my powers to win. I got the brains and the instant to over come any situation.

Korra: Seems like you know a lot where you come from.

Leo: Yea.

Korra: Say I been meaning to ask you, what does your earth look like.

Leo: Oh glad to you asked I actually have a map of my world in my storage. Ah here it is and as you can see from this map our earth's are completely different from each others.

Korra: This is what your earth looks like?

Leo: It does, here on the world I am come from we have seven nations though we called them continents and each one has their own cultures.

Korra: Seven?! Your earth has to be big to have that many people living on it. How many people do you have on this earth Leo?

Leo: About eight billion people living on it.


Leo: Yup its quite a lot of people living on one world. A world where the cities are more bigger than Republic City, technology highly more advanced, lots of people with different cultures and tones of animal species as well as plants.

Korra: Whoah....

Leo: Yea quite shocking isn't it.

Korra: You know what I think I will just do some training, because all of this knowledge is giving me a headache.

Leo: Hehehe, all right and you're right on that subject too much knowledge can be a real pain.

Korra: I will be back in time for dinner, you are gonna cook us something for dinner right?

Leo: You know I am Korra, just don't overwork yourself too much.

Korra: I will try not too.

Night came upon the island and Leo along with Zorro were still at the campsite and preparing for dinner until Korra gets back from her training. Leo was cutting up the boar meat that he took out and began to fry it as well as add some juices to make the meal more tasty. Leo then thought about adding some small vegetables to the side. Then after a while now Korra came back looking like she was training a lot and due to the sweat on her meaning she did a whole lot of hard work training.

Leo: Hey Korra how did your training go?

Korra: It went well, though I am starving from all that work out.

Leo: I can see that though I think it would be wise to shower first because well you do kind of smell.

Korra: Are you saying I stink!

Leo: Uh yea pretty much when is the last time you had a shower?

Korra: Sniff....ehhh, I guess not for a while now. How am I gonna take a shower if there is no shower?

Leo: I got that covered as well let me just bring my Jeep Gladiator.

Korra: The what gladiator?

Leo opened up his storage again and soon out came a vehicle that left Korra in awe as well as in shock that Leo had that kind of thing in his storage and when it was brought out Leo went ahead to tell Korra about it.

(Minus the tent on top)

Leo: This here Korra is called Jeep Gladiator in other words its a vehicle using for off road and camping. It goes one hundred and thirty miles per hour and it comes with a radio, air conditioner, a tent, camping equipment, as well as shower that has its own water filter.

Korra: So it's like a mini home on wheels.

Leo: You can say that and we do have those as well we called them RV's. I will tell you about them another time for now hows about I set up your shower so you can get cleaned up and ready for dinner.

Korra: If Asami saw something like this she would totally faint in pure shock.(Korra saids in thought)

Leo who finished putting up the shower and turned on the water to see if everything was all right and it was as well as the water being perfect for showering.

Leo: All right Korra the shower is all set up, it is all yours.

Korra: Really appreciated this Leo though what do I do with my clothes?

Leo: Leave them out I will use a cleaning spell to get rid of the sweat and dirt off. Best to get unchanged while in the shower.

Korra: Noted.

Leo: I also left some body wash and hair wash in there if you want to use them.

Korra: I think I will.

Korra entered the shower and began to strip off her clothes and then opened the shower to put them out for Leo to clean and soon when she turned on the water she can feel the warm water on her body and it was very pleasing to Korra.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Korra: Sigh...this so amazing. It feels good to be clean for once.

Leo: Hows the water Korra?

Korra: It's perfect the temperature is right. Say you're not looking are you?

Leo: Korra, what kind of guy do you take me for? I respect women's privacy it's how my mother raised me.

Korra: Just making sure thats all.

Leo: Yea yea I get it.

Korra: I guess this is the hair wash, smells nice might as well use it.(Korra saids in thought while using the hair wash on her head)

After finished washing her hair she went on to wash her body with the body wash that Leo mentioned and it smelt like coconuts. After half an hour later Korra finished with her shower where she was spotless and fresh thanks to Leo and his shower on his Jeep Gladiator.

Leo: Your clothes are clean now Korra, you can get changed.

Korra: Thanks and thanks for the shower it was refreshing.

Leo: My pleasure, I will get dinner started while you get dressed.

Korra: He did a really nice job of cleaning my clothes and I don't smell any dirt or sweat on them.(Korra saids while putting her clothes back on that are now cleaned thanks to Leo)

Leo: Take a seat Korra while I bring out our dinner.

Korra: What we having for tonight?

Leo: Beef steak and trust me you will love it.

Leo then finished the food that he was cooking and brought it over towards Korra and Zorro who were waiting for their food and as soon as Korra took a sniff of the cooked food she couldn't stop herself from drooling at what she was going to have for dinner.

Leo: Here you are Korra, your beef steak.

Korra: Gulp!....Ok I for one think that this has to be the most amazing site of food I have ever seen.

Leo: I made it nice and tender for you and I threw in some small vegetables that will go well with the beed steak.

Korra: It smells so delicious though I wonder how it taste.(Korra saids in thought then cuts a piece of the meat and saw the juices come out it and then placed the piece into her mouth)

Admittedly when the steak touched Korra's tongue all of sudden she was both shocked and amazed of how delicious the meat was including the juices that came out of it. Her brain went wild of what she just tasted and when she swallowed the meat it brought the Avatar a face that saids this is the most delicious food I have ever eaten.


Leo: Hehehe she likes it.(Leo saids while eating his food as well as Zorro)

Korra: I never had such delicious meat before!!!

Leo: I also made it juicy so you can taste the juices that comes out of the meat, it gives it that flavor as well as the sauce on top.

Korra: Leo this is the greatest food I ever eaten in my life, and this sauce you mentioned is amazing.

Leo: Thank you, it's called barbecue sauce it goes well with meat that cooked like this.

Korra: Whatever you call it I love it.

Leo: Happy to see you are enjoying yourself.

Korra: If my friends had this, they will not know what they are missing.

After both had their dinner, Leo cleaned up their plates and put everything back into the storage except for the chairs and tents.

Korra: Thank you for the food Leo, it was fantastic.

Leo: You are welcome Korra glad you enjoyed it.

Korra: You definitely have to cook our meals for now on when we travel around the world.

Leo: I will keep that in mind Korra. In the morning I will cook up some breakfast before we head off and I will do it every morning for us.

Korra: I would like that Leo. Yawn!....I'm gonna head to bed now see you in the morning.

Leo: Good night Korra.

Zorro: YAWN!

Leo: You too Zorro get some sleep.

Korra headed into her tent that Leo set up for her and found a nice sleeping bag that felt comfortable to sleep in and once she was inside the tent and in the sleeping bag she drifted off to the sleep as well as Leo who did the same thing. Soon morning will come and Leo's journey with Korra will start and will help her however he can so she doesn't loose focus of who she is.

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