Chapter 4: We created a child?!

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Morning came on the island that both Korra and Leo arrived on, Korra was still napping in her tent while Leo got up from his peaceful slumber and decided to make some breakfast for him, Zorro and Korra. He took out his cooking materials from his magic storage and began to cook up some food as well as pore some apple juice for both himself and Korra.

Leo: Sigh..nothing like a nice morning to get the day going. Better make extra food just in case Korra wants more because heck knows she is going wolf down the food like last night.

Zorro: Bark!

Leo: Don't worry boy, your food will be done after I done with both mine and Korra's.

While Leo was cooking the food, Korra who was in her tent began to wake up due to the smell of the food hitting her nose in which she started to yawn and do some stretching followed by rubbing her eyes to see. After that she opened her tent to see Leo outside cooking something for breakfast that made Korra's stomach growl meaning that she is hungry.

Korra: Yawn!

Leo: Well going morning sleeping beauty.

Korra: Yawn....good morning Leo, it morning already.

Leo: Yea its about like 10:30 in the morning, I let you sleep for a little bit more.

Korra: Thanks I don't usually wake up early in the morning because morning is evil.

Leo: Pfff...the morning is evil please I had worse.

Korra: So what's you making because it smells good.

Leo: I am making eggs, bacon, sausage, potatoes, as well a croissant that is basically bread with melted butter and I pored you a glass of apple juice.

Korra: Thanks and what you just said sounds great.

Leo: I am also making extra because well I know due to the fact you will eat your whole food in a matter of seconds so I will give you seconds.

Korra: Hehehe sorry I can't help it your cooking is just so incredible especially the food. I had lots of food in my world but nothing compared to what you make Leo.

Leo: You should try the desserts they are even more amazing.

Korra: I might have to try them if I get the chance.

Leo: All right here is your eggs, bacon, sausage, potatoes with the croissant.

Korra: Ooh this looks so good! I never had something called a croissant.

Leo: Croissant are very popular around the world and trust me they are good especially with the melted butter on them.

Korra:'re right they are good and their nice and soft too.(Korra saids while eating the croissant first)

Leo: Here's your food Zorro, all meat.

Zorro: Bark!

Leo: You're welcome buddy.

Korra: Leo really knows how to make an amazing breakfast because everything on this plate taste so good especially the meat.(Korra saids in thought while eating her food)

Leo: How you liking the food Korra?

Korra: It's the best! Got to say I never met anyone who can whip up such tasty delicious food.

Leo: Why thank you m'lady you are to kind.

Korra: Say whats this book right here?

Leo: Oh thats my summoning spell book, I use that to summon beast, armies, animals you name it.

Korra: Wait you can summon an army? An army of what exactly?

Leo: I can summon an army of spiritual animals that are both big, small and powerful. I used them during the war against Zorg and his armies.

Korra: You can actually summon spirits. But wont they get corrupted and turn?

Leo: Totally different spiritual animals Korra, they are not like the spirits from your world. These spirits that I summon only listen to my command since I was the one who summoned them and they help defend those who cannot fight a battle and protect the innocents.

Korra: Wow, you mind if I take a look at the book.

Leo: Sure knock yourself out.

Korra opened the book and saw so many spirit creatures as well as beast that she never heard of in which she was in awe of what she was reading about each one especially the element golem's that are over twenty six stories tall.

Korra: Got to say I never heard of these spirit creatures before and these element golem's look cool, is it possible that you can summon them Leo.

Leo: Yea I summoned them before but for the golem's the big ones only one person can summon only one golem. The golem I can summon in the Earth golem while my cousins James, Richard can summon the Fire and Water Golem and the one who can summon the Air golem is my friend Dana.

Korra: That is so cool, I would like to see a golem in action.

Leo: Oh trust me Korra you will flip after seeing what a fully powered golem can do on the battlefield.

Korra: Say what does this summoning spell do?(Korra saids while looking at an unknown summoning spell)

Leo: Let me see.

Leo looked at the book with the summoning spell in which he saw that this was a spell that he didn't perform yet meaning it was a summoning spell that he missed.

Leo: Honestly I have no idea, I never heard of this spell before and it looks like it needs ingredients in order to summon a being. Must be some kind of ritual spell similar to a summoning spell.

Korra: And you never done this spell before?

Leo: Not really, this the first time I came across this spell.

Korra: Why not give it a shot and see what it does who knows maybe you probably summon something big and strong.

Leo: Hmm, I was going to try out some spells I guess trying this new one wouldn't hurt but first let me see what I have to do in order for the spell to work.

Korra: What does it say you have to do first?

Leo: Said here you have to draw out the circle basically it's a circle that allows the being to come forth. So I will start by drawing out the circle.

Leo took out some dark chalk and began to draw out the circle so that he can continue on with the next step of the summoning spell and once he looked over the circle and saw that it matched the one from the book he can begin the next step.

Leo: All right now that the circle has been drawn, the next step is to take out a small jar. Luckily I have plenty of those in my magic storage.(Leo saids then opens up his magic storage to get the jar)

Korra: What's next?

Leo: Next it needs a piece of hair from either gender and place it into the the jar so I think we can use mine.

Leo took out some scissors and cut a piece of his hair and placed it into the jar itself and then began to read the next step which involves blood.

Leo: Next you would need four drops of blood from two people in order for the summoning to work perfectly.

Korra: saids while looking a little pale)

Leo: Not a lot of blood just two drops of blood from the finger thats all. And since we're are the only ones here we will have to use two drops of our blood in order for the summoning to commence.

Korra: So just a prick the finger and just two drops of blood.

Leo: Nothing more. I will go first then you can go next.

Leo took out a small knife and cut his finger in which he saw the blood on his finger and dropped two drops of it into the jar then gave the knife to Korra who took a breath and cut her finger as well and dropped her two drops of blood into the jar as well. Leo then used his healing magic to heal both his and Korra's finger which she thanked Leo.

Leo: Looks like everything is in order and in placed. Saids to put the jar in the center of the circle and then once the task in complete say the words and then boom the summoning will be completed.

Korra: So just say the words and then whatever comes out of that circle will appear before us.

Leo: Thats right. It's how summoning is performed but this one seems different from the other summonings that I did.

Korra: Well let's see what happens.

Leo: Let's begin then. Etre sorti aussi pur que la lumiere elle-meme reveler toi-meme a nous!

(Translation: Being come forth as pure as the light itself reveal yourself to us)

When Leo said the words all of sudden the circle began to glow bright that both Korra and Leo backed away and saw that the spell was working but then saw that the circle shot out a huge energy beam from the ground and into the sky itself.

Leo felt the power of the energy in which for some reason it felt likes his power and not just his but also Korra's included meaning something about this summoning seems off but they will have to see after the light has dyed down. After an hour later the light dyed down in which both Korra and Leo un covered their eyes from the light and looked to see what happened.

Korra: That was so bright I couldn't see what was happening. Are all summoning spells like that Leo?

Leo: Honestly no, they don't cause a energy to burst out of the ground and into the sky itself but for some reason I felt a presence.

Korra: What do you mean?

Leo: I am not sure but for some reason I felt my energy and not just mine but yours as well Korra.

Korra: Really? I didn't feel anything or sensed it.

Leo: Well better go see what came through the circle and be on guard just in case this being tries to do something.

Korra: Right.

Leo and Korra moved toward the area where the circle was drawn and when they go close both of them stopped and looked to find not the jar with the hair and blood but something else or someone in which they looked to see a little girl that shared similarities to Korra but had Leo's hair color as well as the eyes. The girl looked around her and saw both Leo and Korra staring at her in complete utter shock and didn't know what they were looking at.

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Korra: Uh.....Leo?

Leo: I know what you going to say, because I am thinking that same thing. Strange I never heard of this summoning before. I mean I summoned animals, and beast but I never would have imagined to summon a human being before this is something new to me.

Korra: She looks like a younger version of me though her hair is different as well as her eyes.

Leo: Best thing to do is see who she is. Hello there little one my name is Leo and this is Korra.

The girl looked at both Leo and Korra where she turned her head side to side to see both Leo and Korra and once she finished staring at the two she grew a big smile on face then said something that caught both Leo and Korra off guard.

Hehehehehehe! Mommy! Papa! Ya!

Leo and Korra: DAH?!!!

Korra: Did....did she just call saids while blushing with shock and embarrassing)

Leo: She did...and she called me papa? Oh boy this is a lot to take in.

Hehehehehe! Mommy, Papa funny!

Korra: Leo why is she calling us mommy and papa? What kind of summoning spell was that?

Leo: I don't know I better do some research in the mean time keep her company until then.(Leo saids as he got up and went to look up the spell leaving Korra with the girl)

Korra: Wait but I just.....uh hello there.

Mommy!(The girl said and gives Korra a hug)

Korra: Oh um nice to meet you too. Quite the hugger you are.

Zorro: Bark?(Zorro barks at what he was looking at in confusion until the girl spotted him)

PUPPY!(The girl saids and goes over to Zorro and gives him a hug on the leg)

Zorro sniffed the little girl until he caught the scent of both his owner and Korra and began to give the little girl a lick to the face that made her giggle while Korra on the other hand was processing of what she was looking at.

Korra: This day couldn't get any more stranger.

Leo: Uh Korra I did some looking into the spell and I found out what it was.

Korra: What was it?

Leo: You want me to give it to you straight.

Korra: Yea because I am so lost right now.

Leo: Well that spell we did together wasn't an ordinary spell but a ritual spell that is similar to a summoning spell but this one this ritual is beyond anything I could have imagined.

Korra: I get the feeling it's bad.

Leo: Oh no no it's actually quite natural and it turns out a lot of people tried this ritual years ago though I never imagined doing it myself.

Korra: Leo tell me what did we do?

Leo: Korra we created a child.

Korra: I know that already because the child is over there by Zorro.

Leo: No Korra what I mean is that we created a child made from our own blood without performing physical contact basically speaking we created an offspring and by offspring I mean is the girl is the child of both mine and yours.

Korra:....................SHE'S OUR CHILD?!!!!!

Leo: I said this is something new to me. And after doing some research it turns out this spell is called the reproducing ritual.

Korra: Reproducing ritual?

Leo: Yes when two people who are unable to have an offspring together they use this ritual to create a child of their own by using the same ingredients that we used to create the girl.

Korra: Oh spirits I need to sit down this is too much for me.

Leo: I agree this is shocking who would have guessed that I just created a child. I can tell how my parents are going to react if they saw this.

Korra: No wonder the girl called me her mother.

Leo: Well you got admit she does look like you though she has my hair and my eyes.

Korra: First I get poisoned, then ended in a wheel chair followed by being able to walk again, left home, met someone new from another world, and now I have a child my life just keeps on getting more bizarre than ever.

Mommy?(The girl saids while in front of Korra who looked worried)

Leo: Sorry she's just having a worth day, but tell us do you have a name little one.

Huh? Don't have one...papa give me name!(The girl saids with a smile on her face)

Leo: Hm? A name hows about Leora.

Korra: Leora?

Leo: It's a mixture of both our names put together. And besides Leora sounds friendly and easy to pronounce.

Leora: I wuv it papa!

Leo: Hehehe thats going to be hard to forget, I never thought about being a father.

Korra: You're not serious aren't you?

Leo: Why not Korra could be fun, my mother and father taught everything there is to know about being a parent, they taught me what they know and I followed suite.

Korra: But can we talk about this I mean this girl is...

Leora: Mommy.(Leora saids while a sweet smile on her face)

Korra:(BA-DUMP!❤️).......Uh on second thought I guess I wouldn't mind if she called me mommy, I mean she kind of reminds me of myself at that age.(Korra saids before her heart skipped a beat after Leora called her mommy)

Leora: Mommy!

Leora jumps into Korra and hugs her where Korra hugged back while petting Leora on the head in which Leo smiled at the sight he was seeing and took a selfie of both Korra and Leora hugging each other.

Leo: Looks like we got ourselves a fourth member joining us on our journey.

Korra: Looks that way. Though I get the feeling that she will get hurt.

Leo: Don't worry I will keep her close to me at all times, after all she is basically well my daughter though I wonder if she will develop my abilities that is the question.

Korra: What makes you say that?

Leo: I senesce my powers and magic inside of her meaning that she can also do what I can do but would need practice to master them.

Korra: What about an element, because there is no way she could bend all four.

Leo: We might not know due to the fact her magic, powers or bending hasn't kicked in so it will probably take time for her to unlock her gifts. By looking at her closely it seems that she is at the age of four in which I developed my powers and magic at the age of five so who would say when she will develop anything but for now best to watch her.

Korra: All right, don't know anything about being a mother but I will try to make due of what I can.

Leo: Don't worry Korra I will teach you about taking care of child.

Leora: (Grumbling)....

Leo: Heheh looks like somebody is hungry.

Leora: Mhm..

Leo brought out seconds for Korra as well as brought some food for Leora which he told her to blow on it since it's hot and the girl nod in agreement and did what her father asked. When Leora took her first bite of the food her eyes widen like Korra's when she first ate the food and began to eat just like Korra.

Korra and Leora: MORE PLEASE!

Leo: Yea she is definitely like Korra only smaller.

Soon after food was done, it was time to set off where Korra was getting the boat ready while Leo was giving Leora a new look that she really liked and after they were finished both Leo and Leora headed over the the beach area to see Korra and Zorro.

Leo: Is everything ready for our journey.

Korra: Yup everything is packed and the boat is ready for sailing.

Leora: Mommy! Papa made me new clothes!

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Korra: Why do I have the feeling of scooping her into my arms and giving her a polar bear dog hug.(Korra saids in thought)

Leo: Thought she could use an outfit for the journey isn't that right little warrior.

Korra: You already giving her nicknames.

Leo: What it's cute. I mean look at her doesn't she look prepared to go on her first journey around the world.

Leora: Adventure!

Korra: Pff..hehehehe, all right you little warrior get on up here.

Leora: YA!

Leo: Got any idea of where we are going?

Korra: Not sure as long as I can try to find my connection to Raava and maybe get back into Avatar fighting shape.

Leo: Understood, with me, Zorro and of course Leora here you wont be alone in this.

Korra: Thanks. I don't know long of journey this is going to be hope you can kick up.

Leo: Korra you are talking to a guy who can handle anything especially a long walk around the world I just twice and I can do it again and I am sure Leora can do it too since she both shares my blood and yours I am sure that she will manage as long as we look out for each other.

Korra: Good thats what I like to hear. I should write my parents a letter letting them know of where I am.

Leo: You are going to write a fake letter aren't you.

Korra: I have too but I will tell them about why I did this.

Leo: I understand.

Leora: Mommy? Papa?

Korra: Sorry it's nothing Leora just talking amongst ourselves anyway ready to see the nations.

Leora: Mhm, as long as I am with mommy and papa.(Leora saids that made Korra blush and Leo smiling at the cute little girl)

Korra: Did I used to act like that when I was younger or was it the opposite.(Korra saids in thought)

All four set off on the boat and were now on the ocean sea itself where Leora looked to see how amazing the open ocean looked while also seeing flying fish coming out of water that made the young girl looked upon the creatures in awe that made both Korra and Leo smile to that Leora was enjoying herself.

Leora: Papa look flying fish!

Leo: Hehehe I see them Leora.

Korra: Leo I am going to get started writing the letter to my parents.

Leo: All right while you do that me and Leora here will have some father and daughter time.

Korra: You really are taking this parent thing seriously.

Leo: Well I am going to have to because you know why.

Korra: Why?

Leo: Because I am Leo Morgan hero of the universe!

Leora: And I'm Leora!

Leo and Leora: And you gotta deal with it!

Korra: Pffff..hahahahahahahaha!!! Oh spirits that reminds of when I was younger. I used to chant out I am the Avatar and you gotta deal with it, I guess Leora got that side from me.

Leo: Seems that way. Come on Leora I will tell you all about our families legacy while your mommy does her own thing.

Leora: Okay!

Inside the tent of the boat Korra took out some paper and pen and began to write her letter to her parents about being back in the city but in reality she is going on a long journey to find herself.

Korra's Letter:

Dear Mom and Dad,

I arrived in Republic City a couple weeks ago and couldn't be happier. It's nice to be back at the temple, and it's great to see my friends again. Don't worry, I'm taking it easy, but hopefully I'll be back in action soon. I miss you both very much, please give Naga a big hug for me.

Ps I made a new friend, he's kind, compassionate, honest and I am getting along quite well with him and I know that you both will like him and I am sure Naga will get along with his wolf companion. His name is Leo and he actually knows what I been through and promises to stick by me and help me however he can. Hope to see you both soon.

Love, Korra.

After finishing the letter and putting it into an envelope, Korra came out of the tent and looked to see Leo telling Leora stories about his world as well as his families history in which Leora was amazed of her fathers deeds and wants to meet the rest of her father's family members and so does Korra.

Leora: Papa your so cool!

Leo: Why thank you, and so are your aunts, uncles, and grand parents. Don't worry in due to time you meet them if they find their way here.

Leora: You think I can be like them and like you papa.

Leo: Only time will tell little one.

Korra: What's going on here?

Leora: Papa telling me stories of Warriors and our family mommy.

Korra: Did he tell you everything about his life.

Leora: A-huh.

Leo: Have to keep her inspired, speaking of which why don't you tell her about your time as the Avatar, and just tell about the good times.

Leora: Ava.....avat.....

Korra: Avatar, Leora. An Avatar is a guardian of the world just like Leo is with the Warriors in his world.

Leo: Pay close attention Leora and she will tell you all about this world as well as her time as the Avatar master of the four elements and bridge between both the physical and spirit world.

Leora: Ooh!

Korra: I can tell that she will get along with Jinora, Ikki and Meelo.(Korra saids in thought)

Korra went to tell Leora all about her world as well as the Avatar in which Leora was amazed of the history about benders, the spirits as well as the being the Avatar who can bend all four elements water, earth, fire, and air. Korra told everything to Leora about the history of the Avatar and how the nations were formed while leaving the parts of her being hunted down as well as being poisoned because she didn't want to frighten to poor girl but she did tell her about the battles she fought and won with the of her friends and allies that made Leora excited that her mother was a hero just like her father.

Leora: Mommy you are so amazing!

Korra: Hehehe thanks Leora.

Leora: When I am big, I want to be just like you and papa! A hero!

Leo: Maybe wait until you are old enough and if your abilities kick in and then we will see what would happen.

Leora: Okay papa.

Leo: Where we heading Korra?

Korra: Earth Kingdom, thats where we will start the journey.

Leo: Earth Kingdom it is. I will set the course to that location right now.(Leo saids and goes to steer the boat in the direction of the Earth Kingdom)

Leora: Mommy?

Korra: Yes Leora?

Leora: Why are you going on this journey?

Korra: I got hurt a couple years ago and I lost connection to my Avatar spirit and I think going on this long journey will help me regain my Avatar spirit as well as my strength.

Leora: Mommy got hurt...

Korra: Yes but don't worry I will back in shape in no time.

Leora: I don't want to see mommy hurt.

Korra: Don't worry Leora I have you and Leo as well as Zorro to keep me company.

Leora: Okay mommy!

Korra: Guess being a mother isn't really that hard after all.(Korra saids in thought)

Leo: All right I set the course for the Earth Kingdom, I think we will arrive there by night fall.

Korra: In the mean time I am going to do some meditation.

Leora: Can I do it to mommy.

Korra: Do you know how?

Leora: Papa told me.

Korra: Well I guess you can join the meditation.

Leo: While you two have your time together, myself and Zorro we keep watch and inform when we will arrive at our destination.

Korra: Thanks Leo.

Leo: My pleasure.

Both Leora and Korra headed inside the tent together to meditate in which Leora was following what Korra was doing where they close their eyes and began to feel absolutely calm. While meditating all of sudden Leora was feeling something inside of her until she opened up her eyes and looked to see that she was in an opened area.

Leora: Where am I?

Greetings little one.

Leora turned around and looked to see what looked a spirit in which the young girl was in awe of what she was looking at and asked who the spirit in front of her is.

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Leora: Who are you?

I am Malcorn, the spirit of the worlds beyond. The result of my being was created with both the magical energy of your fathers as well as the spirit of Raava from your mother. For that I am a spirit who is bonded to you young Leora where after you were formed I was formed along side you and the two of us became one.

Leora: Raava?

Malcorn: Raava is the spirit that looks a like me, for she is the spirit that lives inside of your mother but due to an incident that took place years ago your mother has lost her connection to the spirit Raava but in due time she will find a way to reconnect to her so that she can bring balance to the world and so will you young Leora and that includes your father.

Leora: Really, am I like my mommy and papa?

Malcorn: Yes but you haven't unlock your abilities but soon you will when the time comes.

Leora: Will I see you again?

Malcorn: I am part of you now, we will always be together just like Raava is with your mother The Avatar.

Leora: Am I an Avatar too?

Malcorn: Since you have the connection to your spiritual self that would make you the second Avatar with the abilities of both your father and your mother after you came to be in this world.

Leora: So cool!

Malcorn: I must take my leave now but know this young Leora I will always be with you if you need me, but tell no one of my existence until the time comes.

Leora: Okay I promise, bye new friend!

Malcorn: Farewell Leora Morgan The Second Avatar.

Soon Leora opened her eyes again and looked to see that she was back in the tent with her mother who was still mediating and her father outside with Zorro looking out in the distance in which Leora was told to not reveal her new friend to no one until the time comes in which she decided to keep it a secret and wait.

Korra: Leora is something that matter?

Leora: Sorry mommy just a dream.

Korra: What was your dream about?

Leora: Sorry can't tell..secret.(Leora saids with big smile)

Korra: Well all right you can tell me whenever you feel like sharing.

Leora: Okay mommy.

Korra: Come on hows about we take a little nap before we arrive.

Leora: Yawn!...okay.

Korra laid down while Leora laid next to her and cuddled into her arms in which made Korra smile of how adorable Leora looked when she is in Korra's arms. Leo saw it and he smiled at seeing both Korra and Leora taking a nap together that brought memories of his time when he slept with his parents when he was just a boy. Soon when they all arrive at the Earth Kingdom the journey will begin and each will face a challenges as well as battles but also meet friends and allies on their journey.

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