The Alpha's... Luna?

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It's close to one in the morning when Mateo and I return to the house. We spent hours chasing each other all around the Estrella territory, and truthfully, it was the most free I'd felt in years. Contrary to what Mateo said, however, we didn't come across any of the other pack members in the forest.

When we get inside, Mateo walks me to my room before saying goodnight and taking his leave. I'm smiling to myself as I enter my room and plop down on the bed. I sigh in content at the memory of racing through the woods with Mateo hot on my trail. Despite our rocky start, I'm willing to say I'm beginning to enjoy any time I spend with Mateo.

Thoughts of tonight's events play on a constant loop in my mind as I lay on my bed, and my eyelids start to droop, my smile never leaving my face until sleep claims me.


Early the next morning, Lucía invites Parker and I on a run around the territory, and despite my fatigue, I accept. The air is chilly and crisp, but the three of us sport only shorts and sports bras as we jog briskly through the woods—one of the many perks of being a werewolf, I suppose.

I haven't spent much—if really any—time with Parker, but Lucía seems to enjoy her, so I figured she must be likable enough. I'm able to form my own opinion of her after the three of us spend the entire six-mile run conversing. Parker and I bond over our similar situations, and turns out we have even more than that in common.

When we return to the house and head to the gym to spar with each other, I discover that Parker is a pretty decent fighter in her own right, despite not being an Alpha. She even gets in a few good hits on Lucía and I.

Half an hour later, we're in the dining hall stuffing our faces when Elena enters.

"Hola chicas," she greets, leaning down beside Lucía.

"Buenos días, Mamá," Lucía says, kissing her cheek.

I offer her a smile and little wave since my mouth is full of food.

"Lucía, no te olvides, Cecilia is visiting today," Elena says.

Cecilia? Never heard of her before.

"Yo sé, Mamá, no te preocupes," Lucía answers her.

Elena smiles and gives her daughter a pat on the shoulder before giving Parker and I a wave goodbye and exiting. Once she's gone, I ask Lucía who she was referring to.

"Cecilia is a member of our pack," she explains. "Mamá and many others believe she's a prime candidate for Luna."

My eyebrows slam together. "Prime candidate?"

"Yeah, it sounds kind of messed up, but Mamá has given Teo a decade to find someone to be his Luna, and all he's ever done is mess around. Now, she's taking matters into her own hands."

My heart drops on its own accord.

"Oh, so she's coming here to...?"

"Essentially just learn how to be a decent Luna. Mamá teaches her," she says, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly.

"Oh, interesting. What do you think about her?" I ask, expertly masking my hurt feelings.

She sighs and takes a moment to answer. "She's a great person and could make for a good Luna, but I honestly think it's unfair to Mateo. He should mate with someone he loves, as we all should. And, although Mamá did give him a lot of time, it's not always that easy ya know?"

I nod and give her a tight smile, and the conversation ends there.


Only an hour after having already worked out with Parker and Lucía, I'm back in the gym beating the shit out of a punching bag.

I can't believe I was so stupid to think that Mateo really wanted anything to do with me, let alone to be with me. All those times he got a kick out of riling me up... I'm just a toy to him. A toy that he winds up and finds entertainment in when I finally explode.

All those words about 'feeling things he's never felt before' and 'doing things he wouldn't typically do.' He's probably said those same things to a multitude of other women.

He had to have been playing me the whole time.

Stupid and gullible is what I am.

I thought we had some sort of genuine connection, but I let myself get hurt believing that it could evolve into something more, when he had someone training to become his Luna the entire time!


I'm taken aback by the burning feeling in my eyes. Was I seriously about to start crying? Over a GUY? No way, it has to be sweat dripping into my eyes.

I shake my head in an attempt to rid my mind of thoughts of Mateo, and I focus all my energy on hitting the bag in front of me.

Left, right, left, kick, repeat.

It works, and the burning sensation and heartache disappear, leaving behind blinding rage and the feeling of betrayal. I must not be conscious of the strength I'm putting behind my punches and kicks, because the next thing I know, the bag is across the room, on the floor with sand spilling out of it.


"What did that bag ever do to you?" A voice says from behind me. I turn to see Tito standing in the doorway of the gym.

"I don't know. I've never done that before," I breathe, wiping away the sweat on my forehead.

He laughs. "Right. I'm gonna go grab a broom."

I stand there in shock, trying to catch my breath as I stare at the mess.

I hear footsteps and, assuming it's Tito with the broom, I turn to him to take it and clean up my own mess. However, it's not Tito who enters. It's a girl.

She smiles, but it's conniving and lacks any warmth. "You must be Savannah. I'm Cecilia, it's nice to meet you," she introduces herself and approaches me with an extended hand.

Great. The very last person I want to see right now.

I glance at her extended hand hesitantly before taking it in my mine and shaking it.

"You too," I say.

"You're quite the athlete, I see," she says, nodding to the punching bag on the floor.

"I guess you could say that," I shrug, glancing over at the door as Tito returns, a broom and dustpan in hand.

"¡Hola, Tito, tanto tiempo!" She greets him buoyantly.

"It has. How've you been?" Tito asks her in English, out of courtesy to me, as I take the items from his hands.

While they chat away, I clean up the poor, unsuspecting punching bag that was just trying to do its job. When I'm finished, I walk to the doors to the gym, intending to go back to my room when Cecilia stops me.

"It was nice catching up with you, Tito, but if you don't mind, I'd like a word with Savannah here," she says, gazing at me scrutinizingly.

Tito raises his eyebrows and looks over to me. Silently, and with my eyes, I beg him not to leave me here with her.

What could she possibly want from me?

Tito grimaces and gives me an apologetic look before nodding at Cecilia and exiting the room.


I take a deep breath and exhale, going over to stand in front of Cecilia. "What can I do for you," I ask, trying to remain polite despite her glaring.

Suddenly, it clicks.

Cecilia is the girl from the village that was eyeing me with disdain the entire time we were delivering food to her family.

Anddd everything is piecing together.

"I hear you've come here from Saint Ives," she states, crossing her arms over her chest.

I shrug. "Yeah, and?"

She begins to stalk towards me, putting her face dangerously close to mine.

Does this girl have a death wish?

She speaks softly as though she doesn't want anyone overhearing. "Everyone else might be blind to your hidden agenda, but I can see it clear as day. If you think you can do anything to harm this pack, then you're sadly mistaken because I can and will take you down," she declares.

Is this a joke?

I've had this same conversation one too many times, and now I'm starting to get annoyed.

I laugh, the sound filled with ridicule. "Are you serious? What is it about me that makes everyone think I would do anything to hurt Las Estrellas?"

"It's in your blood, Savannah," she spits. "Saint Ives has targeted Las Estrellas since the beginning. Nothing's changed." She looks me up and down one last time before turning and walking away.

I'm frozen in place as I process her parting words. Saint Ives targeted Las Estrellas all those years ago? No, it can't be. It's impossible. We would never. She's just trying to get under my skin. 

I know for sure that Saint Ives was written in the diary, but my mission to get an understanding of the context went to shit. What Cecilia implied couldn't possibly mean that the slaughtering of Las Estrellas was Saint Ives doing.


Well, one thing's for sure. I need answers, and I'm getting them now, with or without the diary.

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