The Witch's History Lesson

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In pursuit of my answers, I've decided that I can't ask anyone in Las Estrellas. If what Cecilia said is true, that's means Mateo, Lucía, and everyone else has been withholding information and, therefore, purposefully lying to me and deceiving me. It would mean that there's an ulterior motive behind them keeping here, and I could be in more danger than I realize or have been duped into thinking.

If this is the case, I'll have to flee, despite the fact that I've been enjoying my time here. There's no other option. I'm just praying to the Moon Goddess that my ancestors weren't actually the shitty excuse for werewolves hunting down and killing Las Estrellas all those years ago.

As I swiftly and vigilantly head for my room, hoping I don't run into anybody, I rack my brain, trying to figure out how I can get some answers. Rounding the corner to the hallway my room is down, I stop in my tracks as an idea, or rather a person, pops into my head.


Yes, the witch! Genius!

She's sure to know the the full extent of Las Estrellas' history. The problem, however, is how I'll get into contact with her. I'd have to get to her through Mateo, therefore raising suspicion.

Well, fuck. Now what?

I get to my room and trudge through the entrance, head hanging as I think about how much I really hate the situation I'm stuck in. Just when I thought I was finally finding my place, I'm thrown another curveball.

I lift my head and gasp, clutching my chest when I spot a figure sitting on the couch with their feet propped up on the coffee table.

"Fuck!" I shout. "Is that everyone's favorite fucking thing to do around here? Scare the shit out of me?" I fume.

"And hello to you too, Savannah," Verity greets me, a sly smile on her face. She's wearing another dress, this one a pale yellow that's a stark contrast against her deep brown complexion. Of course, she looks absolutely stunning.

"How did you get in here?" I ask, my heart rate gradually slowing.

She quirks an eyebrow at me. "You've seen me conjure a portal out of thin air, and you're asking me how I got in here?"

"Well, what I meant was why are you here?"

"You were thinking about me, Savannah," she says casually.

I scoff. "Oh, so you can read minds now?"

She chuckles. "No, not quite, but I am able to tell when someone wants to get into contact with me. It's like some kind of intuition, to put it simply," she states, examining her nails.

"Oh. Interesting..."

"Yes, it is, and being as though I was kind enough to answer your subconscious call, I need you to get on with it because, contrary to what you may believe, I'm a very busy woman."

Figuring there's no point in beating around the bush, I come right out with it. "I want you to tell me more about the history of Las Estrellas," I state assertively.

She tilts her head and purses her lips, contemplating my request before ultimately nodding her head in agreement. "Okay," she says. "But, it'll come at a price."

"What kind of price?" I question suspiciously.

"A favor," she says plainly.

"Okay," I shrug. "What do you need me to do?"

"Nothing right now, just the assurance that you'll do whatever favor I ask of you when the time comes."

I don't quite like the sound of that, but I'm desperate. I eye her cautiously before nodding my head. "Fine, okay."

She smirks, taking her feet off the table and leaning forward on the couch. "So, what do you want to know?"

"Mateo gave me a version of Las Estrellas's history, but someone said something to me today that makes me think he conveniently omitted a crucial part of the story," I begin.

"Go on."

I take a seat on the edge of the bed and inhale deeply. "The other day I was flipping through Geraldo Estrellas' diary, and I saw the words Saint Ives written in it, but of course the diary's in Spanish, so I couldn't understand any of the words surrounding it. I took the diary and tried to find a Spanish to English translation book in the library but came up short, and then the diary miraculously disappeared from my room."

"Okay," Verity shrugs. "So, once again I ask, what do you want to know?"

I narrow my eyes at her, but she just sits there waiting for me to say something.

Are all Witches this austere?

"Is it not obvious? I want to know how and why Saint Ives has anything to do with the history of Las Estrellas."

She sighs, looking away.

"Verity, please. I don't care if it gets me in trouble with Mateo. I just need to know."

She looks back at me, taking a deep breath. "Mateo would kill me if he knew I told you."

My eyebrows shoot up. "You mean like actually kill you?" I'm aware Mateo's more than capable of killing someone, so maybe I don't need to know that bad if it means endangering Verity.

"What? No, of course not," she laughs. "I'm being dramatic. I'm too valuable to Mateo for him to ever lay a finger on me. Besides, I'm a witch. We're not that easy to kill. However, if I tell you, there will most likely be consequences for you, getting on Mateo's bad side only being one of them."

I take a good minute to process her words. Did I really want to do this? What's that saying? Ignorance is bliss? That might apply to this situation, but can I honestly allow myself to be ignorant? Will I really be okay with never knowing if my ancestors are truly cold-blooded killers or not?

"I need to know," I proclaim.

Verity leans back against the couch and huffs through her nostrils. "Well, Savannah, you can't say I didn't warn you." She shakes her head like she can't believe she's about to divulge this information.

"Saint Ives was written in Geraldo Estrellas' journal because, nearly two-hundred years ago, it was your ancestor Silas Saint Ives that orchestrated the attacks against Las Estrellas."

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