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With creamy white hair and luscious eyelashes the beautiful young lady passed by the rock staring at Samaru curious about what his origins might be, she's been watching him for days now but he'd always pretend not to notice even when she was clearly trying to get his attention.

It's been a few days since he saved her and she's tried numerous times to speak to Samaru and every time she asked for his help he'd refused, since he didn't see her in any danger plus he didn't want to be distracted from his primary reason for being there.

Whether Samaru'd admit it or not they had somewhat become friends and so being that she was one of the only persons who would engage him in conversation he saw no harm in hanging around her, so he followed her around the religious grounds by either laying in a bunch of bushes as she walked through the hallways or laying on a tree branch while she was participating in worship rituas.

He'd somewhat decided on giving her offer a chance being bored and all with almost nothing else to do but even so he'd never outright say it to her since he didn't want to stray too far from the rock, that evening the girl's father decided on coming to her school to pick her up subsequently meeting with Samaru.

" Oh, it's you the boy from back then who got me into the supernatural !? Thank you for everything, I've done a lot of research since back then when my dad gave you those clothes which funnily enough still fits you well, but I was wondering if you could do me a favor ? "

And remembering his boredom Samaru agreed to do whatever favor he requested believing it'd be a simple task such as 'take care of my daughter' but instantly regretted it when the man said.

" Go to Egypt and bring me back a symbol of their gods and the pharaoh's crown so I may command them as their new priest ? "

But being that he already accepted the man's request he could only ask.

" I will do this but may I ask you for what purpose do you seek the pharaoh's crown and such unclean symbols which defile the eye, are you not a Jew like your daughter ? "

Seeing no reason to reveal his true intentions as of yet the man replied.

" Go to the land I requested and return and then shall I tell you my goal in doing so. "

Being that his daughter knew his true intentions she yelled.

" No, Samaru he's trying to bring treachery to our country and destroy all the world's nations !! "

But he had already accepted the man's request and he didn't want to be a liar who went back on his words so he clenched his fist and went to Egypt arriving within several days and proclaimed aloud when he arrived.

" I am from a faraway land sent by the father of the most beautiful woman to meet with pharaoh, I demand a audience with the pharaoh !? "

At first they were skeptical but Samaru had managed to bring along a huge boulder so many of them were impressed since they saw  how far he had brought it since they saw him crossing the desert. So the he pharaoh heard of him and decided to meet with him within the hour.

" Young Man, I hear that you are a strong warrior from east of here who had crossed the desert to meet with me ? "

The pharaoh asked clarifying his reasons for visiting, which to Samaru's amazement his proud statement had worked faster than he had anticipated so he made haste going straight to the point telling the pharaoh of his reasons for being there.

" I seek your crown and a symbol of your idols. "

Which to no one's surprise angered the pharaoh causing him to yell.

" You shall not have it unless you sleep with my daughter leaving me no other options !! "

But Samaru interpreted this as a request and asked him.

" Where is your daughter so I may sleep with her and gain the crown. "

Which yet again to no one surprise angered the pharaoh even further so he yelled.

" Foolish warrior coming all this way for nothing but death and disappointment, I must first die for you to gain the crown even if you were with my daughter. "

The pharaoh's men started laughing as they all began to think that this was all a joke since no one could be so stupid as to request of the ruler of the land's crown and his daughter's purity. However this was Samaru so...

" Very well then I shall be the one to take your life but first what sin have you committed worth dying for ? I shall not kill you if you are innocent of a sin deserving of death so it'd be better if you fell on your very own sword if that were the case. "

This was taken as an insult since the pharaoh could only interpret it as 'kill yourself or I will' so the pharaoh ordered his men to seize Samaru and teach him manners however he specifically ordered them not to don't him since the father of the most beautiful woman may be a very powerful king to be attempting to make such huge demands sending a warrior who doesn't show proper respect to his authority.

Before too long Samaru was surrounded but he willfully went with them expecting that they were bringing him to the pharaoh's daughter, when he had realized that they were heading to a prison building he still followed since he did not want to hurt anybody being that he was only here because of the request of the beautiful maiden's father's.

That very night while he locked up in a prison cell Samaru prayed to his God asking for guidance, when he went to bed before long his God answered him in a dream and said.

" You who have called to the heavens who's righteousness has kept my face from being hidden away from you, are you honoring me ? "

So Samaru responded saying.

" Yes I have, I have kept every sabbath and honor all your Leviticus laws with the people of the town that you have sent me to, I always remind myself to remain righteousness before your eyes. "

His God was delighted that he was doing so however his God knew that there was something missing.

" Indeed you do good in my sight thus I will award you for your righteousness very abundantly by making a covenant that will make you my rock of ages, gain the flesh of a man and free will as they also possess, henceforth you are not just the spirit of that rock but a man so you shall further more be tempted by numerous unclean spirits for I have heard you said in thine heart 'I am bored and I feel as if I'm trapped'. "

Samaru then fell on his face prostrated before his God who visited him enveloped by very bright light, and Samaru thanked his God before his God announced.

" If a rock is thrown it will go nevertheless you are no longer a rock but a boulder which no mortal man can throw and when you are moved many men shall tremble and they shall remember your God. "

When Samaru heard this he was greatly concerned and requested.

" Please do not leave nor forsake me if I go astray which is not to be done !? "

However he immediately woke up before he could receive his answer, at that moment an angel of his God came by night and opened the prison door and touched him saying.

" Go rock of God. "

Although Samaru was saddened that the angel's touch had awakened him before he could've received an answer, when Samaru saw that all the guards in the kingdom were unconscious he went out of the cell with the angel who then departed to were it came from while Samaru ran in search of the pharaoh and the unclean images.


The pharaoh was asleep so Samaru took his crown and a few small idol statues which were laying for the pharaoh's priest use, hence Samaru's job was completed and he fled from Egypt skateboarding on his boulder which he pulled along on his way to Egypt.

" Out of Egypt I go, for this is a detestable place to my God !! "

Samaru proclaimed and within a 24 hour of him setting out towards the way he first came he arrived at his own town, the disgrace that he caused the pharaoh when they realized that his crown and idol statues wre stolen was so great that the pharaoh and his security kept it secret preventing this event from going down in history.

Arriving back home Samaru saw the man and his daughter waiting patiently for him near the building's gate as the sun began to rise, Samaru assumed that they waited there every day for his return however the man knew he would return on that very day since a invincible unclean spirit was whispering in his ears from a distance.

Sensing nothing amist Samaru quickly gave him the statues but refused him the pharaoh's crown requesting him to hold out on his words.

" I have went to Egypt and returned defiled by these images, so as you promised you must give me your reason in which you've sent me there in the first place. "

Now seeing Samaru's success the man became smug and was very crafty deciding to give Samaru an unsatisfying answer that would prevent Samaru from hindering his true plans since it's revelation would've gotten him stoned in that country.

" I'm merely a collector who's intending to test my findings. "

This kindled Samaru's wrath and it burned like fire but Samaru still decided to give the man the crown, so the man thought it best to get straight to business with his new possessions.

" There I have gave you my reasons as promised, so I'll take my leave now since you seem anguished. "

Which made Samaru boil with even more rage as he yelled.

" So you sent me all the way there completing such a difficult task defiling myself so you could be a collector ? I've had it I was a man of my words all for naught, so now I'll do as I please from here on out even if I have to break a few rules !! "

But the man simply smiled and said.

" Do what thou wilt I guess. "

Before leaving with his now increasingly worried daughter as he added.

" I'll give you a gift, you call yourself Samaru the rock of ages so I'll give you a name more suited to your new outlook. From here on out you're Samaru Eiji the supernatural creature who has experienced the negative emotions of man and became human. "

And with that he was gone but Samaru couldn't get his mind off the man's absurd request and only thought of stoning him from then until dawn. The man returned home with his daughter after and when she went inside he fought her to the ground and she resisted him for she knew of his true intentions but only withheld the truth from Samaru because she was afraid seeing Samaru  angry however her father was stronger than her and overcame her in moments.

Eventually the man overpowered her and bolted her to the ground within a hexagram painted by blood around her with candles at it's ends, there was even a  goat skull at the maidens head as she wondered if Samaru would've killed her father on the spot if she had told him hs true intentions when he was enraged with him.

" Finally I will summon the greater unclean spirits to do my bidding proving to the nation that I'm not crazy but infact I was born to bridge the world between man and the supernatural !!! "

The man exclaimed with joy but his daughter disagreed saying.

" No this is wrong, you've raised me as a saint while you practice divinations inorder to learn how to open the Hades's gate so you could rule the world with devils as a prize for freeing them. If anything when you learned that supernatural beings were real you should've worshipped God !!! "

But he simply laughed as he prepared to sacrifice her saying.

" I'm tired of being mortal so just be quiet and die !!! "


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