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The father of the beautiful girl said simply laughing as he prepared to sacrifice her.

" I'm tired of being mortal so just be quiet and die, didn't I raise you lawful and pure making it clear that you were only a sacrifice that was needed of a young virgin girl ? "

And so she yelled crying her eyes out.

" You monster if I wasn't terrified I'd have sold you out ages ago when you sacrificed mom only to realize that it had to be a virgin when it failed !!! "

But barely even fazed he responded.

" I'm a magician so even if you told people I'd just sacrifice them in exchange for more knowledge about the dark arts or did you forget what I've been doing for years to anyone who'd come here curious of my dealings ? "

So she began to greatly sob as her father began to sacrifice her while he wore the pharaoh's crown and held a Necronomecon (a book thought to be fictional, arcane and holding forbidden knowledge whose contents can drive a person mad) in his left hand and a golden dagger in his right.

Meanwhile this was being done Samaru was sitting on his rock near a river he had used to bath himself, he was naked with only a fig leaf covering himself, stormy clouds quickly gathered to their nation but seeing no reason to panic Samaru continued to rest in order to dry himself.

Meanwhile the ritual at the magician's house was complete and several unclean spirits came forth from within the young girl's stomach where her father had stabbed with the golden dagger.

They all had crooked smile and their size were so great the sorcerer's house was destroyed because they simply could not fit since they all occupied the size of a building themselves.

The sight of them sent terrors down Samaru's spin as a voice whispered to him from above.

" You wanted a sign to stand and fight, the devil's banquet has begun so go fight for my sake. "

Every normal person's began running away at the sight of the monsters since no one in their country hadn't been able to deal with something on their level since the days of king Solomon who wrote the Ars Goetia capable of summoning their kind.

The magician then introduced them to his dying daughter as the seven pagan king's/devils noticed her laying there as the only way back through the portal of hades.

And one of the giant creatures reached out his claws slapping the ground hoping to destroy her inorder to close the portal to hell/Tartarus so it'd be a one way journey but right in the nick of time Samaru arrived grabbing a hold of her before dashing away from the creature's palm causing the chains coming from the portal to loosen and snap as the portal shrank.

At the sight of this her father smiled and said.

" Your majesties may I introduce you all to Samaru Eiji the one who inspired me to begin my research in the supernatural !? "

And one of them placed their hand on one of their chins since they had 3 chins and 3 heads which all spoke in tandem.

" I see so he's that kid on the rock I've been seeing, I thought he'd be a unclean nephilim spirit similar to myself but he's not exactly a fully spiritual being or unclean for that matter, in fact I sense a lot of holy power from him. I wonder if this pisses off our leader since he lost to a holy entity who's name means 'who is like God' ? "

This creature who had spoken was Lust and his leader who became angry because of that comment was Pride who denied his statement while waving his left hand summoning 30 legions of unclean spirits ( demons ) from within the portal.

" How dare you, I was never defeated for I am far too great for that, I was merely mislead since he was my brother I thought he'd join our raid if I and our arbiter of mankind offered him much greater things than he had but we were bested resulting in our journey into the abyss. "

Although they were comrades they didn't exactly get along which became very apparent when the spirit of Greed retorted.

" Eh, journey into the abyss ? You mean we were kicked into the abyss and bounded for thousands of years, and right when I was so close to owning it all including the great holy one himself. "

This immediately pissed Samaru off so he ran towards that creature intending to teach it a lesson but he was quickly halted by 10 legions of demons but he made short work of them using his legs whilst he was still carrying the beautiful maiden in his arms.

There were 7000 demons per legion but none could've put up a fight since they appeared no different from dust clouds to Samaru he simply kicked and they scattered with the wind defeated.

" Uh, they were sent back to hades ? "

Gluttony asked unable to believe his eyes since 10 legions were defeated by a mere 3 kicks.

" This man who stands before us called Eiji is either without sin or forgiven for his transgressions, so he is immune to those foot soldiers who gain their power from the fear and sins of others. "

Envy explained being a unclean serpent king who swallowed up sinners, wrath on the other hand shouted commanding 10 legions of demons to strike.

" Legions, huddle up ! Now legions 1 to 5 of the second division attack and show no mercy. Legions 6 to 10 disperse with full force and conquer the world in less than half of a day !! "

And so they all went out to battle 10 more legions of demons greater than the former, this time having swords and shields with seemingly a solid form of a different nature than their former comrades.

At first Samaru saw them as no different from the last ones but they quickly overwhelmed him and would rise after he'd hit them down, some of them took on the appearances vampires, werewolves and other forms of mythical monsters so it became obvious they'd be unable to be easily defeat them by conventional methods.

So in order to keep the maiden safe Samaru took the pillar off his back with his right hand while he held the maiden to his chest with his left hand and without unwrapping the pillar from the linen he stretched his right hand forward using it as a blunt object to generate air currents which broke dozens of these unclean spirits down into micro particles so Hades started pulling them back inside by using the winds to draw them to the maiden, however hundreds of them although torn to pieces were already beginning to heal themselves so it still wasn't over as of yet.

Those who weren't sent back to Hades seized not to move and they continued to advance in on Samaru Eiji as they healed themselves and each other with regeneration spells, but Samaru didn't quit he simply asked the beautiful maiden.

" May I put you down for a second, I have some work to do ? "

Thus the maiden half dead at this point smiled unable to muster the strength to answer Samaru but he somewhat understood what she meant and did put her down before he massacred as many demons as possible with his skills that seemed to be learned through generations of fighting, observation and practicing, it was as if he was a being from a higher dimension.

Although Samaru was much faster than he had ever expected since he was so use to suppressing his full capabilities, so finally moving his body around at full speed almost made him trip over his own overwhelming speed until he had got use to it and started fighting without any problems.

It appeared that he had a lot of experience on the battlefield and before long he had demolished 4 legions of demons about 24,000 unclean spirits in total were sent back to Hades without Samaru suffering a single injury although he did have to carefully guard the maiden, the remaining legions realized that they couldn't win and became crafty underestimating him no more as they began to bound him with spells and set him ablaze before attempting to possess and corrupt him.

However the spirit of the Most High came upon Samaru and none of them dared to enter him unless they wished to perish along with the 500 others who were able to force their way in, however they managed to steal his pillar wrapped in linen although none of them could lift it with their hands for it was far too heavy for them.

This only seemed to anger Samaru though and he proceeded to rip the jawbone from one of the that tried attacking him and he used it to strike down the remaining legions as if he was a fierce savage but he missed one who managed to take ahold of the maiden as an hostage after he used a invisibility spell to escape the massacre.

Feeling as if he was at a great advantage the demon laughed while swinging his sword back and forth creating a tornado released six of his most powerful spells which destroyed trees and houses nearby while causing a large scale fire, earthquake and heavy winds as it said.

" This is the power of the second division 10 legions of demons far exceeding the first who could only possess, float and throw objects with the power of other's sins !!! "

And in an instant Samaru was hit by the tornado and spells which hurled him into the sky as he realized the damage being done by the escaped 5 legions of demons who were slowly taking over the earth with swarms of crows and mighty spells, one nation at a time fell by their hands.

So Samaru formed a plan as he landed nearby the school and saw his rock had spinned in the opposite direction to distinguish the tornado so he could land, he then threw his boulder 400 miles forward and 400 feat in the air towards his previous location whilst jumping on top of the rock in order to use it as a means of transportation.

By this time the demon had returned to wrath and asked.

" Lay for me treasures upon the earth where moth and rust may corrupt and curse me with a nation to overthrow so I may rule over them, for I have destroyed what is holy. "

But his victory was short lived since he was then hit and crushed by a boulder with Samaru on top of it grinning, wrath then yelled issuing another command to the final 10 legions.

" Division 2 has been broken down and sent to Tartarus and now you shall claim their treasures, division 3 I order all 10 legions to work together as one force and drag him to the deepest depths of the underworld for you will not break or flee unless one has fasted for the holy one !!! "

Samaru on the other hand smiled when he heard that and said.

" The light of the body is in the eye if therefore thine eye be single thy whole body shall be full of light but if thine eye be evil thy whole body shall be full of darkness, if therefore the light that be in thee is darkness how great is that darkness ? No man can serve 2 masters for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other, you cannot serve God and the devil. "

This left Pride and the maiden's father confused but wrath laughed saying.

" I guess I cannot temp you into worshipping us with my mind, you'd actually make a good replacement for the legions you slayed but you'll die instead since you refused. "

But Samaru replied.

" You ordered them to drag me under and ordered me to destroy them if I can and prostrate before pride so he may grant me a place in your new world maintaining new order, so how could I trust you when you're betraying your own men with ease. "

Samaru's words however didn't seem to bather wrath in the slightest so Samaru decided to demonstrate the power of the personification of the rock of God by slaying the remaining demons.

They rushed up on Samaru and he blinked causing a great light to shine within his eyes demonstrating fear upon all seven king's as the entire third division was incinerated by Samaru's light and he said as his pupils turned into the shape of a halo.

" I've been fasting for years for my God but nice try though. "

This obviously caused the seven demon princes to worry along with the sorcerer so they combined their might in order to cast a spell opening hell's gate once again.

" By my command and authority I summon 210 legions of unclean spirits of the pagan faith !!! "

But nothing happened and the sorcerer whispered.

" So my daughter is finally dead is she, I'm sorry guys but your other servants appear to be trapped since the gate has closed. "

So realizing that without the girl their forces would be trapped all seven of the sins eyes began to glow and the maiden's corpse began to levitate as her heart started to beat once again.

" Life and Death are mere hallucinations that humans can't seem to understand for the girl can never die if you worship us. "

They said and the sorcerer bowed in gratitude and respect, unfortunately though as soon as the gate opened it swallowed her up whole as Samaru said possessed by the spirit of the Most High who is his God.

" How dare you lawless ones pretend to be me I shall limit your spells to a single field decided by your sins for this transgression. "

And hell's gate fell into itself as Samaru gained back control over his body and unwrapped his pillar which was in linen and it became a spear.


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