Chapter 7: Convince

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(F/N)'s POV

"I'm so sorry about what happened earlier (F/N)." Yamraiha said. It wasn't her fault but she was really guilty about those terms and conditions regarding about the deal that me and that stupid King had agreed to.

"Don't worry Yam-chan. It's my own burden that I need to shoulder." I hugged my little furry friend that was rested in my arms tightly. I wasn't really expecting that they would use such extreme methods for me to agree with them. "Master, I was at fault too. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be threatened by those people." Ivy snuggle warmly in my embrace. He's worried about me. Not to mention, guilty as heck. "This trouble wouldn't happen if I wasn't careless enough to leave you behind. I'm sorry." I said. Knowing Ivy, he'll easily get depress if ever he becames a burden to me. But I never thought of him that way during those 3 years of being together in this planet.

"But... I won't blame you if you want to kill Sinbad. That jerk sometimes likes to play dirty." She said.

"Oh Yam-chan, killing is too mercifully. I had many plans to torture that bastard once I get my hands on him." From being guilty, my mood suddenly became annoyed at the mere thought of that stupid King and that stupid adviser of his too. Imagining their faces gives brings my inner killing intent to life. I so badly wanted to tore those faces of theirs. No one dares to threaten me that way. It's actually a first that someone dares to do so. And I am certainly not pleased about it.

"A-ah... (F/N)?"


"You're choking your friend."

'Oh fudge! I was so angry that I actually imagine Ivy as Sinbad!' I let go of his neck and he instinctively intakes a large amount of oxygen and exhale it repeatedly. I quickly apologize and keep massaging his neck to relieve the pain. "It's ok (F/N)-sama, I can't blame you since I, too, felt the same way as you do." He said. "But next time please control your angry master. You nearly killed me." He added which made me say sorry once again.

"We're really sorry about Sinbad." A voice unfamiliar to my ears spoke, it's that blonde guy. He, the pink girl and Aladdin are still here.

Hayst, I just realize that I lose my composure when Ja'far, Sinbad and I were discussing about the deal. I let my cool side vaporize and in a minute, I was raging inside.

They are still Sinbad's comrades, I won't let my guard down like I did earlier. I need to be careful.

Third Person's POV

(F/N), remain quiet. Losing her composure in front of others isn't something that really happens regularly. So her normal cold demeanor when facing other people unfamiliar to her, return in an instant. Sinbad and Ja'far ruined her image of hers with threats, she wouldn't let that happen again. "Actually we didn't know Sinbad would go beyond extreme messures just so he can receive your approval." He added.

"None of us did." Yamraiha sigh. "Oh I forgot to introduce them to you." Yamraiha went behind them and then she pat the backs of the blonde and pink haired ones. "These three are my friends. They are students currently training under our supervision. This one is Prince Alibaba of Balbbad. He is a student under a stupid lecherous teacher named Sharrkan." All of them sweatdrop at her description towards her rival including (F/N). "A word of advice." She whisper in her ear. "Don't go near him. He's contagious and disgusting." (P.S. Somewhere in the palace, a tan skinned swordsman sneeze.) She doesn't know what she means but eventually agreed.

"Nice to meet you (F/N)-dono." He greets and the girl nods in return. "You're a great figure (F/N)-dono. What's your adventure like? What's your magic all about? Have you ever encountered a strong opponent before? Please tell me! I've been admiring you for the last three years because of your greatness!" (F/N) could only sweatdrop. He doesn't seem like a spy like she assume. But more like an obsess fan to his idol.

"Uhh... "

"Question later Alibaba. Don't stress her out." Alibaba only smiled and nod. Good, cause he seems to be that he won't stop until he knows a lot about her. Which kinda scares her a little. "He likes hearing stories about other people's adventure. After reading Uncle Sinbad's book about his adventures, he became interest in other people's adventure too." Aladdin said.

'Poor kid. He's blinded by a fictional book.' She facepalm. 'What lies did he read in that book anyway?'

"This here is Morgana. She's Masrur's student. You know, the tall one with red hair that doesn't talk much behind Sinbad." Rummaging inside her memory, she recognize the guy who stood out among the three of them because of his tall structure and those piercing eyes of his. "It's a pleasure to meet you (F/N)-dono." The girl with red hair bows her head. Raising her head, she sent a small smile towards the girl but just like Alibaba, she only receive a nod in return.

She notice that her inner magoi is weak and limited compare to that of Alibaba and Aladdin. Judging from her appearance, she can tell that she's a Fanalis just like her teacher. Which means her physical strength is no joke. "No need for formalities, you can all call me by my given name."

"As you wish (F/N)."

"You have such beautiful red hair." She said out of the blue. She was indeed captivated by the colour of her hair, not to mention her eyes too. Her compliment made the girl blush a little.

"T-thank you."

"And I'm sure you've met Aladdin. I am the one currently teaching him with magic to improve his skills as a magician." The boy smiled brightly and welcomed her with open arms and hug the older girl. "Hello onee-chan!"

"Hello once again Aladdin." The girl pat the boy's head. Somehow Aladdin can make her normally cold self at ease. It's a nice feeling that barely comes to her life. A low growl of discomfort can heard on her arms. Apparently, Aladdin also hugged three of it's tails, resulting for a massive freak out from the beast.

"Opps! Hehe sorry... "

"Hmp!" The beast could only ignore the child and continue to rest on (F/N)'s arms like a spoiled baby.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." This is probably the most decent welcome she'll ever receive after stepping in the Kingdom. She lean on Yamraiha and whisper, "This guys aren't here to be an eye for Sinbad, are they?" Yamraiha shook her head no. She knew that (F/N) couldn't trust anyone as of yet, including them, after all they came here together with the other generals so it's pretty normal if she's suspicious about their agenda. "Don't worry, they may have gone to seek for Sinbad's help and guidance but they are not really allied with him entirely. You can trust them." She whisper back. If she says so then she'll gladly listen to her advice. Excluding Ivy, Yamraiha is the first friend that she can trust here on Earth.

"It's no use introducing myself since you have already know who am I but let me introduce you to a friend of mine."

"This one here is my trusted travel companion, Ivy. As you can see, he's a rare nine tailed fox."

"Wow, your pet looks amazing!" Alibaba was about to pet it but Ivy's glaring red eyes stop him from touching a single white fur of it's body. "Careful, it bites on those who it does not like. Also, don't call it a pet. He will rip off your body once you say it again."  Warn the girl.

"It's getting late, I think we should head back to the palace." Morgana suggests.

"Oh right, we also need to continue our training." Alibaba said. "Sharrkan and Masrur must be waiting for us."

"Training?" The black hooded figure ask.

"Well I did mention that I am one of the mentors who currently teaches the three of them. It's something that King Sinbad has ordered us to do to prepare them." (F/N), out of the blue, involuntarily rolled her eyes, not because of the topic, but because of a certain someone. All of them notice her sudden distaste when the King was mention and they couldn't help but chuckle in amusement. It's like watching a picky kid being fed by vegetables and vomiting it later on.

"Okay okay, I won't mention him if it still upsets you." Yamraiha pat her head. She couldn't help but chuckle at her behavior since it's understandable how much she despise Sinbad now.

"Let's head back." She held her hand and pulled her in the direction of the Sindrian Palace, basically Sinbad's territory. Ivy's ears suddenly perk at her innocent intentions, and told the blue haired witch his concerns about staying in the palace

"We appreciate your help but I'm sorry Lady Yamraiha. But I think my master will be very uncomfortable living inside this dreaded place own by that man." Thinking about Sinbad makes his body tremble in anger. "It's would be best if your King and I would cross paths." Looks like Ivy is boiling in rage more than his master. He was still a little guilty about being the main reason why his master was force to agree on that scheming guy's conditions. He is starting to feel like a real burden to his master.

Yamraiha could only giggle lightheartedly at his request, it made the fox offended and angrier even more. "What's so funny?" He ask.

"Don't worry, if you want to kill him then be my guest." She said and wink at the furry animal.

"Yeah, we won't stop you." Morgiana said which made Alibaba and Aladdin nod in agreement. "Wow, you're letting me kill him? For real?" She ask in a joking manner. "May I remind you that he's your King."

"A King who's a big jerk to my best friend." Her voice was firm and serious. It makes her heart warm and fuzzy. Her words made her smile a little. "As long as you stay with me in the palace, who knows, I might even help get your little revenge on his majesty~"

With further thought, she nod her head in agreement. "Deal~"

"We are now in your care."

"But master?!" Ivy wants to protest but her master already shut his mouth when she suddenly pat his head in comfort. "Don't worry Ivy, you can trust Yamraiha." As much as Ivy wants to take his master away from the likes of them, he had no choice but to listen to his master's words. "Yes (F/N)-sama." Her warm hands made him was to snuggle in her warmth a little longer.

"Please show me the way."

"Great! If you want a tour in the palace, you can ask the three of us to accompany onee-chan." Aladdin said as he walk side by side with the girl. "We'll definitely have fun together." He was happy of course because he made a new friend. They both share equal greatness to each other's company. Compare to Sinbad, her instincts tells her that they are more trustworthy.

Her eyes met with Yamraiha's, she sent her a beautiful smile. Though it was not obvious due to her mask, she smiled back and uttered "I'm glad I'm with you again."

~ Sindrian Palace ~

Two figures were walking inside the halls of the majestic hallway. One was the ruler and one was the adviser. After the negotiation a while ago, Sinbad and Ja'far part ways with the other general. None one them speak during their time walking alone together. Ja'far made sure that they are far away from ears and eyes, especially Masrur. That guy's strong hearing sense shouldn't be underestimate.

Entering his majesty's office, he close the door but not before eyeing his surroundings before closing it entirely. "You're doing things your on pace once again Sin." He said. He saw Sinbad who was facing the balcony of his office. Silently admiring the scenery of this Kingdom. "I overdid it, didn't I?"

"You sure did."

"Look who's talking. You did way worse than me." He chuckle. Red tick marks appeared on Ja'far's pale forehead, obviously annoyed at his remark. "How about I remind you who's idiot who keeps forcing me to do as he pleases?" Ja'far was obviously irk. If it weren't for Sinbad, he wouldn't dare to even say those words. He felt pity towards the girl. After all, she just caught Sinbad's attention.

Sinbad can't afford to piss his friend off so he nervously calmed him down. "Hayst what are you planning to do next? Now that she's in your hands."

"Relax. I won't do anything rash. I just want to observe her."

"I hope you do. Knowing you for years, you'll certainly act on your own once again."

Sinbad already told his adviser before that he had felt something off about her. Her magoi wasn't similar to theirs so his suspicion grew a lot after eyeing her a little longer during their discussion. It was unnoticeable but he can tell she's already more than angry when he observe her eyes. It was burning in fury. So he brought his generals including Alibaba, Morgiana and Aladdin to help him in case she's about to do something reckless. He isn't aware of her attitude so he brought along the nine tailed fox to play safe.

"I just wanted to make sure that her presence won't be a hindrance." Ja'far doesn't really get what his majesty meant but he didn't question it any further. "I'll be leaving. Call me if you need anything and Sin?..." before he step foot out of his office, he said his final words before leaving entirely "I hope you know what you're doing." The sound of his footsteps can he heard echoing in the empty hallways.

Being left to his lone some, the King could only admire the scene in front of him, before he'll start signing political documents like before. On cue, the purple haired King suddenly saw the six familiar figures walking towards the entrance of the palace. Alibaba and Aladdin were talking nonstop while Morgiana, Yamraiha, Ivy and (F/N) were silently listening to their conversation.

Once again, he observe her. Her magoi truly bothers him. It's different but it's also not evil. He is beyond confuse. Whether he made a deal with an ally or an enemy, he will never know. It's best if she stays for further observation. If he's correct, Aladdin should've notice it too.

He's also confuse about her identity. Why does she have to cover her face and act all mysterious? He would love to see the face behind that mask of hers. But for now, now's not the time to ask her yet. She'll surely kill him the minute she saw him.

To his shock, the female look up and lock eye contact with him. Her uninterested look became a glare the moment she saw him. With her thumb, she slowly glide it across her neck.


A silent but clear message that made Sinbad chuckle. Even though she wants him dead, she'll be making an enemy of the seven allied kingdoms if she even did something unthinkable so he's not afraid of her threat as of yet.

He only smiled gently at her message which surely irritates her even more. She ignored him and entered the palace along with the others.

"(F/N), what secrets are you hiding?"


Draculaura8: Do you want some romance or some action? 🤔

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