Chapter 8: Temporary Mentor

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Third Person's POV

The sun has rise. Basically, it's another typical morning to start (F/N)'s boring day. It had been three days now since she stayed in the palace.

Never once did she step foot out of her room, making her bestfriend worried. Yamraiha would be glad to accompany her but she is too busy inventing a useful mechanism for her to use against the dimensional worms. The sooner, the better. Because she knew better than anyone, that (F/N) will have to leave soon.

Even without the company of her bestfriend, Aladdin would definitely appear in her room, keeping her company. In the past three days, only Alibaba, Morgiana and Aladdin would visit her in her room, but Aladdin does it best since Yamraiha is too busy to teach him at the moment and the other two are busy with own training.

Staring over the large window, the white curtains blocking the sun shine gently in her room, giving her a warm fuzzy feeling. Ivy was still asleep. It couldn't be help since she did send him for a mission these past days. Hopefully, she'll get an answer soon.

A sudden knock startle her peaceful state of mind. Two maids has entered her room without her permission and place two trays of food for her and Ivy. Without another word, they left. It's just like that, most of the staffs here in Sindria are wary of her for some odd reasons. She couldn't care less since she prefer it that way. Less attention, less annoyance.

The smell of freshly cooked food wake the mystical beast from it's slumber. In a second, he was digging for his fair own share of food. She laugh lighthearted at the sight of her friend. "You could've just sleep for a few more minutes Ivy. My sudden mission must've exhausted your body."

He stop momentarily to reply. "No worries Master, I'm completely fine as long as there's food." He said before digging in once again.

(F/N) left the comforts of her soft bed and to the window, rest a fair sized balcony that views almost the entire nation of Sindria. The wind blows softly through her black cloak. "Master," Ivy spoke once he finish eating his food. "Regarding about your suspicion, you were right about it." He said.

"Heh, I knew it." It's a good thing, her guts had warn her from the first day. Now her suspicion has been confirm.

'They are spying on me.'

"That stupid King Sinbad does whatever he wants. I'm afraid he's still suspicious of you Master." Ivy said.

"Have you figured it out who the spy is?"

"I haven't got a clue yet however I have a huge hunch that they are probably from the eight generals." He said 'they' so there's probably more of them that's keeping an eye on her than just one. If what he says is correct then Yamraiha is definitely of the question.

"I guess it was clever idea to remain hidden behind my mask for the past three days, otherwise they could have seen my face. However.... I do feel a little dirty." Truth to be told, during the days of her isolation, she never takes off her cloak and her mask. She somehow suspects that Sinbad wouldn't let her be so she stay put inside her room and keep wearing her mask to protect her identity, even her cloak remains untouched and her hood place on her head all the time.

In other words, for the past three days, she never took a bath. Even Morgiana pointed out yesterday that she stinks much to her embarrassment.

"Aren't you going to eat Master?" Ivy ask. "I'm fine Ivy, help yourself with it."

"B-but master! You need to save your energy." Ivy said. The said beast jump out of the bed and snuggle his head on her legs. "Don't worry Ivy, I just need to meditate to balance my powers. For now, be my eyes and ears in the palace, I need to know what's he's thinking." She said which made the beast nod in agreement.


"What is it now?" She ask.

"When was the last time you've taken a bath?"












"Do I really smell that bad?" Sudden chills rise up on Ivy's spine when her master suddenly glares at him. With every second, he suddenly feel a little bit smaller within her gaze.

"N-no master! Even if you do smell that bad you are still great and mighty!" He tried his best to at least sugarcoat what he actually meant but (F/N) wouldn't buy it. The (H/C) haired girl just sigh in disbelief and shoo him away. "Alright, just carry out the mission and just find out who are they." She said. After biding his master farewell, the nine-tailed fox had jump over the window to continue his mission.

Her eyes travel to her luxurious room, quiet and peaceful, exactly how she like it however after confirming her suspicion, she doesn't feel safe at all. 'Even when I'm alone, I can't let my guard down that easily.' She sigh once again. 'That stupid King, he had nothing but giving headaches after I step into his territory.'

On cue, her stomach began to grumble, desperately begging for a meal to digest. Her eyes travel on the still hot food prepared for her on the table near her bedside. In reality, she decided to skip breakfast for now but then again, her stomach keep grumbling again and again. She eyed the food once more, it's appealing appearance and delicious aroma had got her to finally give in.

~ Time Skip ~

"Hmm, I wonder what (F/N) is doing lately?" Yamraiha said to no one in particular. Currently, she's with Aladdin for the first time to personally train him. She's been busy inventing a device for (F/N) that she always neglects Aladdin.

"I haven't visit her since the day we met."

"There! I did it!" Aladdin said when he successfully manage to do another challenging spell like Yamraiha has instructed. "How was it Yamraiha-san?" He said, expecting her to at least give a praise or for his performance, but all he got was silence.

"Yamraiha-san?" The blue haired witch seem to awaken from her distracted state when by Aladdin calling her name once again.


"Yamraiha-san, I did exactly what you told me." He gave out a proud smile at his successful task only to turn upside down when Yamraiha chuckled nervously.

"Oh, sorry Aladdin I wasn't paying attention. Could you please repeat it one more time?" The blue haired magi just nod his head and does the trick one more time.

"Nice~ this one is a lot better than the last time we've practice it. Although it should require more than enough magoi to deliver that spell. Also, focus on concentrating to control your magoi at exactly at the tip of your staff. I notice that it keeps on wavering the moment you release it. But overall, you did an excellent job." She said.

"Thank you Yamraiha-san. I'll do better next time!"

"In addition, this spell is more efficient with a certain technique. The damage that will cause depends on the distance between you and your enemy. The closer you are to your enemy, the more damage it will deal once you release it. However, this will leave your body unprotected. The flaw of this spell is having your wellbeing in danger. So before you even deliver your spell, you'll probably be knock out by your opponent first." Aladdin nod his head, fully apprehended by his mentor's teaching.

"In other words, you need to act fast in the shortest amount of time possible to do exactly what I say and prevent your opponent any chances of attacking you or else you might end up with a few broken bones. Wait-- broken bones is an understatement considering that your body isn't that psychically strong yet, you'll probably end up in a coma for months if you're not fast enough. Plus few broken bones."

"That's scary... " the boy quiver in fear while imagining the scene.

"Don't worry Aladdin. Once you will train in Magnostadt Academy, you will further improve as a magician." She pat the boy on the head to lessen his worries. "That's all for today. While I'm gone to do my work, you keep practicing until it's flawless, understood?"

"Yes-- Eh? That's it? But you haven't even stayed for an hour yet."

The blue witch gave out a sad smile at the young boy and said. "I'm sorry Aladdin, but my work needs my attention right now. I'll make it up to you once I'm finish with it."

"Okay... " Aladdin has doubts. Without the presence of his teacher Yamraiha, he isn't sure whether he is capable enough of producing the desired result each enchantment he learned. A little magician such as himself still needs some guidance.

Detecting the trouble look on the boy's features, Yamraiha can only cheer him up. "Worry not Aladdin. You have great potential as a mage, I am only here to share my wisdom to you. It still depends on your strong desire and determination to improve your magic." Her words lift up his heavy spirit, a look of determination can now be seen on his face.

"I got it. Thank you Yamraiha-san!"

"With pleasure. I'll be going now, keep everything I taught you in mind." With that said, the blue haired magician set off towards her laboratory to do her work. Aladdin bid his farewell by waving goodbye at his mentor.

The young magician stared at his staff for a few seconds before continuing his practice once again.

~ At (F/N)'s Room ~

Currently, (F/N) is spending her loneliness by meditating in her room. Taking advantage of the quiet atmosphere, she took her time to exercise her magic by converting it inside her body while meditating.

Her eyes are close, her legs were crisscrossed, her hands laid on top of her bend knees, her body was floating in midair and her mind is already at ease.

Deep relaxation is the one of keys to enhance her current powers. However, it would be best if she's outside, connecting with nature. But her stubbornness keeps her from stepping out of her quarters.

The masked girl is manipulating both the special quality and quantity of her magic inside her body. Some even attempted to break through but (F/N) manage to control them once again.

She sigh in deep relaxation. It's a good thing no one dares to enter her room, her peace of mind would've been ruin completely even if it's the tiniest bit of sound.

Or so she thought.

In the midst of her meditation, out of the sudden, approaching with great speed, is a medium size sphere of active flames heading towards her quarters. In an instant, her concentration was ruin the second she sense the said particular magic aiming at her.

'Ambush?!' Opening her eyes, she raise her right hand in attempts to stop the burning fire. The ball of fire almost touch her hand from trying to halt it's movement from harming her. Concentrating a defensive spell, a bright light appeared right at her hand, a small force that will shatter the spell completely.


In an instant, the sphere of red flames exploded in right front of her. Black smoke covers almost every corner of her room, making the (E/C) eyed female a coughing mess. Her eyes even sting due to the polluted smoke around her. Once she had calm her coughs down, her face became annoyed at the fact that her peaceful quality time alone has been ruined.

"Who dares attack me in board day light?!" She growls in annoyance. She'll definitely get the bottom of this and find out who.

'Sinbad? No, That scumbag wouldn't dare to touch me unless he wants war with Yam-chan. The spy perhaps? If so, what are they trying to achieve by attacking me?' Her annoyance and distracted state of mind made her utterly unaware of another approaching sphere of flare headed towards her once again. This time, it hit her directly on the face.











In a state of consternation, it took her a full minute for her shock expression to turn into a really angry scowl, her skin was also turning red even. She was even emitting smoke from both of her ears. She'll definitely get to the bottom of this and find out who that bastard is that dares to provoke her.

Her body, including half of her face that wasn't protected by her black mask, was now covered in dirt, even her room became a mess after that explosion earlier. Her beautiful black velvet cloak became a noticable dirty black. The edge of it was also burn a bit and now it looks more similar to a dirty rag.

She cast her glaring eyes to where direction of the ball of fire came from earlier; the balcony. For the first time in the last three days of caging herself, she finally step foot out of her room.

Landing at the beautiful flower filled garden of Sindria, her eyes started scanning for the scumbag responsible for this mess. (F/N) is usually a tranquil type of person, but her hot headed nature can ruin that within seconds. She's like an angry predator ready to strike anytime for it's prey.

"Onee-chan?" A voice from behind the female said. Soon enough, her glowering eyes disappeared and was replace with it's normal (E/C) glow when she turn around and face the young magician.

'Aladdin?' She thought. Apparently, she didn't notice his presence at all when she landed on her feet due to her indignation, so his sudden appearance gave her quite a shock that she almost forgot her raging wrath from earlier.

"Waah, onee-chan, it's nice to see you outside your room for once." He smile but soon became baffle when the young fellow examine her messy appearance.

"But what happen to you? Oh let me guess. You haven't taken a bath yet didn't you?" And then he laugh.

She facepalm. Must he remind her about these unnecessary appearance? Good thing she smelled like burnt chicken instead of that foul odor she emits from not taking her bath. She does look like a burned beggar waiting to be clean but that's not really important.

"Someone must've mistaken me for a chicken and roast me to death." Is what she wanted to say but instead she sigh and shake her head a little. "Nothing important."

"What brings you here Aladdin?" She ask.

"Well I'm suppose to be practicing magic with Yamraiha-san. But she's to busy for her to teach me." He said.

"So Yam-chan is your personal teacher huh... What about the other two? How come I don't see any of them here."

"Alibaba-kun is training with Uncle Sharrkan. He's trying to improve his swordsmanship so he's not here. As for Morg-san, she's training with Uncle Masrur at the far east of the palace."

"I see. Yam-chan must be really occupied by my request... " (F/N) felt pity towards the boy.

"I'm sorry." She suddenly apologize.

"You don't have to apologize onee-chan. I'm sure I can manage."

"Still. I'm responsible why you don't get properly monitored by Yam-chan." She is guilty about it since it's her fault that the boy is learning on his own. It was so then that her brain came up with a brilliant idea.

"Since it end up like this how about I'll replace Yamraiha as your temporary teacher for now, and teach you everything I know in her place." Cue, Aladdin's blue eyes widen while shinning brightly at her offer. If possible, the light could totally blind her.


"Yes, as much as possible I don't want to burden Yam-chan since she's already busy enough. The least thing I could do is help her student." It's a good thing that (F/N) has a bit of knowledge about their magic. Tagging along with Yamraiha has it's perks too. Although she isn't that much of a genius like her childhood friend, she still posses great wisdom when it comes to magic.

"Yehey!" The young boy cheered gleefully.

"Let me warn you in advance that compare to Yam-chan, I'm not nice at all. So you better get ready Aladdin."

"Don't worry onee-chan. I'm just happy that onee-chan is willing train me." The boy smiled.

"But unfortunately I can't accompany you right now. Maybe tomorrow." (F/N) still needs to find someone so she can't really teach him at the moment. But Aladdin doesn't seem to mind.

"I'll be going now. Manage your time well and practice. I just need to do something important so I'll see you tomorrow." By something important, she actually meant punishing someone to death.

"Okay onee!" Waving at the blue haired boy, her normal (E/C) eyes became a piercing (E/C) when she turn her back from Aladdin. 'Now, where's my punching bag?' She even crack her knuckles that state she's getting pumped up by the mere thought of crushing someone's limbs.

Walking away from Aladdin, her piercing eyes began searching for the culprit. If her intuition's correct, then the bad guy isn't far away from where she is considering the fact that they need to get a closer aim for the target to be hit.

But where could they be?

She didn't walk for too long when suddenly, a familiar magic sweep pass her figure, causing her eyes to widen in shock and her body still as a statue. The said spell landed directly at the nearby tree which cause it's ultimate demise. It wasn't the fact that she almost got hit by another spell that cause her to be stunned like that, apparently the real reason was is because the said spell was another ball of blazing hot fire.

With a blank face, slowly, her head turns to where the source of the heat magic came from earlier, and her eyes landed at none other than the magi she was talking to earlier.

"Aladdin tell me, were you the one who made that heat spell?" She ask, still wearing a blank expression. Aladdin flinch at the sudden voice and turns around to face his mentor. He actually assume she was gone to do something important so he was a bit surprised that she was still here.

"Hai... " After nodding his head, Aladdin flinch when his mentor, for some odd reasons, suddenly emits a deadly blackish aura around her persona.

'It just so happens that I need to find the culprit and that culprit happens to be Aladdin?! Wow... ' He was in front of her the whole time, no wonder when she landed there, only Aladdin was present and no one else. How did she miss such a tiny detail?

"O-onee-chan?" The atmosphere around the girl is scaring him. It's like he had done something unintentional that made her this angry. Slowly taking a step forward, the girl looks like he was about to kill him from the way she's staring at him. If glares could kill, he's probably laying dead by now.

"Onee-chan?.... Wait, what are you gonna do?! Waahhhh!!!"











And the day ends with Aladdin having a big red bump on his head.

Draculaura: Guess even a cute child like Aladdin can't be spared that easily when (F/N)'s angry. Well I don't wanna be in his situation, gomene Aladdin. 😖

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