//Le Tag//

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1. Not yet ^-^

2. Hmm... When people who had never seen snow before saw it for the first time, the reactions were amazing 👌

3. Purple 💜

4. Kitties and Unicorns~

5. What'd you s- *rams into a closed door* (possibly. Most likely. *cough* yes *cough*)

6. Ha. Ha. Ha.
... Yes

7. No xD

8. Nope, but I saw a ton of jellyfish off the side of the USS Lexington.

9. Pfft, who hasn't? (yas)

10. Yes, and once a bus as well! (I rode that bus all the way to the end not realizing it wasn't mine till I wasn't dropped off at home xD)

11. Yes, in elementary when I was late to school and my mom drove me in my PJs and I changed in the nurse's office.

12. Um. Wha? Who does that??

13. Hahaha, yes xD books as well!

14. Uh... Possibly. *cough* yes *cough*

15. Yes, when he told me those three special words

16. Only one so far, 'Murica

17. Maybe 👀 (and,if I had, everyone laughed cuz I go to class with v immature seniors)

18. Yup, it was funny.

19. I know OF it, but have never seen/listened/watched it.

20. Two biological sisters, multiple online sisters and brothers(?)

21. Had to introduce a freshman to a class and then stand awkwardly while they did the same for me. (I'm a senior, so it was supah weird)

22. Uh. No? Who bites fidget spinners??

23. I don't think so?

24. Nopes

25. Na

26. Nopety nope

27. Former crush turned bf, yes.

28. Nope (a hickey comes from broken blood vessels from love bites/kisses, right?)

29. Oh my god, yes.

30. I mean, I just finished turning some black mushy bananas into banana muffins and ate those, so, uh, kinda?

I tag you, my friendos


Tag ten others when ya do it~

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