SS(Solution Serum) Oneshot

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(C's POV)
The lab lights had just started coming on, illuminating the hallway, and, at the end, my containment cell. I knew Doctor S would send one of her minions, sorry, lab assistants to come collect me soon. That was the norm most mornings.
After the first few times of being awoken by them, I had learned to be awake by the time the lab came to life. Being woken by a screaming hand siren was no fun.

Sure enough, after a few silent seconds ticked by, one if the minor lab assistants came clomping down the hall. Even though I couldn't see then through my door window yet, I would know those heavy footsteps anywhere.
With a grin, I stood up from my bed silently. When Jace, the lab assistant, came into view, he'd find me alert and awake. It was a game we played with each other, as neither of us were very happy with our given lots in life. So, we made it more bearable.
He wouldn't try to catch me off guard, I'd try to be alert and standing at the door when he arrived.

I haven't lost yet.

When he finally arrived at the door, I met his gaze with a smirk. He frowned in disappointment, but he fished out the key and unlocked my door. "You always win..." he muttered in his low, deep voice, stepping aside to let me out of the room at the same time.
I gave him a wide grin, and replied with a short quip. "I always do, Jace." came the reply, a slight teasing tone in my voice. Walking out of the cell, I waited for Jace to relock the door and lead the way.
He scowled at me and turned, slamming the door shut and locking it. Then, he strode off without a backwards glance in my direction.

With a smirk on my face, I followed him down the long hallway. Now, others might think me crazy for not running, I already knew what would happen if I didn't show up for testing. That was one experience I wish I could forget.
As I mused over these thoughts, the smirk slipped from my expression, but merely to be replaced by a brooding look instead.

As we neared the double doors of the lab, I slowed a bit, hesitant to go back in there. While the testing didn't bring much physical pain, the mental strain from keeping the serum's control from working is what I was dreading.

Jace had stopped in front of the doors, and turned to me with a grim look on his face. It was clear that he knew what I was in for today would be harder than my normal days.

He opened the door silently, then stepped aside to let me through.

Pausing only to take a deep breath to steady my nerves, I walked through with my head held high.
"Good luck." he whispered right before closing the door behind me.

Keeping an eye on the doctors milling about the spacious room, I made my way to the padded chair in the very center.
Settling into it reluctantly, I waited for Doctor S to arrive. The testing couldn't start without her, after all.

As I waited, I began the calming technique I had mastered during my first few sleepless nights here before the first test. Bowing my head silently, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
The sounds of the lab faded away as I concentrated on my breathing. In, then out. After a few minutes of this, I reopened my eyes and lifted my head. The sounds of the lab returned in full force.

But it didn't matter anymore. I was no longer Patient C. I wasn't a prisoner of the lab. I wasn't a test subject for their twisted needs. I wasn't a lab rat.

I was myself again, and I would not go down easily.

The double doors opposite me swung open with a bang, eliciting a scurry of activity from nearly everyone in the room.
Doctor S swept in, her keen gaze sweeping over the scientists working before landing on me.

We locked gazes, her emerald green ones attempting to quell the fire in my stormy blue ones. I watched as she crossed the room within moments, stopping a mere foot away from where I sat.

"Good morning, Patient C." she sneered in her cold, clear voice. "I trust that you are ready?"
I watched her lip curl up briefly on one corner in a mocking smirk as she finished speaking, and my blood boiled at the thought of my pain causing her amusement.

"I always am." came my firm response. "You ready to chalk up another defeat on your precious clipboard?" I added mockingly, my gaze searching hers for a response to the given bait.
She flushed red, embarrassment breaking her calm demeanor for a brief instant. "Irene!" she barked, whipping around to glare at her assistant hovering nearby. "Bring me the needle for Patient C." she said sharply. "Make sure it's the double dose.

With growing dread, I watched the girl jump to carry out her orders. A double dose would be harder to resist, in theory, but I had to be able to do it. For those that my silence protected.
As I watched Irene approach with the needle and hand it off the another assistant, I almost felt pity for her.

The sharp jab of the needle brought me back to my senses.
These people were monsters, and didn't deserve mine or anyone else's pity.

The male assistant that had stuck me with the needle depressed the plunger, releasing the serum into my bloodstream.
When the needle was removed, I closed my eyes for the count of 5 and breathed.

Breath in. One.
I could feel the heavy, fog-like feeling of the serum beginning to spread throughout my mind.

Breath out. Two.
I started focusing on my happiest memory, one of my best friend, Landon, and I on call for 3 hours.

Breath in. Three.
Holding onto that memory, I built a mental room deep within my mind comprised of that happy feeling, in one of the last serum free places.

Breath out. Four.
The serum had completely spread by this point, causing everything but that small mental room to feel fuzzy and disconnected.

Breath in. Five.
I collected myself enough to face the question, determined that no matter what she asked, I wouldn't break.

Letting out a final breath, I reopened my eyes. Staring dead at Doctor S, I said in the clearest voice I could muster, "Fire away, Doctor."

The next few hours were torture.

"What protects you from the serum?"

"Your idiocy in science."

"Why don't you run?"

"Too lazy."

"Why did you give up your freedom for them?"

"Pfft, boring. Moving on."

"Where are your parents?"

"Catopia, duh."

"Why do you insist on not using your proper label, Patient C?"

"Cuz labels are stupid, just like you."

"Where are your sisters?"


"What aren't you telling us about your DNA?"

"I'm secretly a unicorn."

The questions dragged on and on. Each one was like a blow to my mental room. Keeping the arrogant look on my face throughout the questioning was difficult, and a few times I couldn't help but wince at the questions that hit closest to home.
     I was furious at my own lack of concentration, but I was doing to best I could. Especially under these circumstances.

     One hour passed in this manner, then another half hour. As the minutes crept on slowly, the questions became faster, harsher.

"Why are you here?"

"I tripped and fell into your diabolical lab."

"At what point will you inform us of the reasons behind the serum not working on you?"

"When I own a unicorn."

"Where do your friends reside?"


"Where do the ones known as Nick and Ash reside?"


"Why won't you answer us truthfully?"

"Cuz bagels like you ain't worth my time."

"What properties do you possess that render the serum null?"

"I'm totally an alicorn."

     As the end if the hour drew nearer to its final minutes, I could tell Doctor S was getting more and more furious at my obstinate responses.
     I could also tell the serum was nearly spend as the final few minutes arrived as there was more of a feeling of drowsiness than pressure of control.

Her questions came faster and more panicked now, mixing together in a blur that was difficult to make out as the serum's sedative began taking effect.

     But one stood out from the rest, the only one of her final questions sticking with me.

"If your friends were here, would you comply more?" Doctor S asked with a sly tone.
     That did it. Sitting up straight, I glanced once at the large overhead clock, then back at her.

"If you touch a hair on ANY of their heads, I will personally kill you myself."

    Savoring the moment, I watched the fury in her face grow as the las minute of the hour ticked by.
     Feeling the last of the serum controllant disappeared from my system, the full force of the sedative released, causing instantaneous waves of drowsiness to crash over my body and mind.

     The room grew darker, the shrill voice of Doctor S slowly fading into silence. I blinked slowly, the world appearing to be in slow motion to my sedative addled mind.
     I didn't open my eyes after the second blink, lost to the heavy waves of sleep the serum commanded.
     The final sensation was one of cold metal combined with a sharp pain before I went over the edge, shrouding everything in a cloak of blackness.
Then, nothing more.



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