First Supper

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"Oh, I-I-I don't-I dunno..." Eric wrung his handkerchief uneasily. "Wh-what if-what if they don't like th-the way I eat? Wh-what if I'm too noisy? O-or-or they don't want to-to see me—?"

"Course they wanna see you!" Chase avidly reassured, "And don't you think it's about time you introduced yourself properly? I mean... I still don't even know your name, little dude." The bro lifted his hat momentarily to run his fingers through his fluffy hair, and then he gave Eric a kind smile as he shrugged. "I mean, if you don't wanna tell us your name yet, that's-that's fine. But we haven't eaten together in forever, I mean even Marvin's gonna be there. And he, like, never eats with us! Like, once-in-a-blue-moon— the real deal!" Eric felt his fear hopelessly fizzling out as he noticed the yearning in Chase's eyes. He couldn't ever bring himself to say no; how could he? Especially when the giant had this hyped up kind of energy. Finding the courage to even think of telling Derek Derekson no was one thing, but shooting down Chase Brody's heart like a dove...? He let out a shaky sigh.

"W-we-well, I-I guess- I guess a-a few bites w-wouldn't hurt..." he quietly stammered. The joy that flared up in those bright blue eyes made Eric feel a little bit better about the whole thing; and a little more guilty regretting his lack of will.

"Awesome!" Chase whisper-shouted, restraining his enthusiasm at last second as he resorted to shaking his fists excitedly, positively beaming. Eric gave him a shaky smile, but his eyebrow was twitching as his teeth clenched nervously. "I'll let the others know!" He practically leaped to his feet and bounded across the room, halting himself midway through the entrance to lean back toward Eric. "Do you want your own spot, or would you not mind sitting with me?" Eric felt his sweat glands getting their next workout in.

"U-um... with-with y-you- w-well, I-if-if it's not t-too much of a-a bother..." He stuttered. Chase snapped his fingers and pulled his visor crooked.

"I gotcha little dude." He winked and whisked out of sight. Eric felt his skin heating up as he dabbed at his forehead and looked down at the messy floor, his face flushing with anxiety.

... What had he just gotten himself into?

Eric was having second thoughts before Chase even walked out. He was afraid of what would happen if he said no; he knew the giant was really nice, but anytime he ever even thought of telling Derek no... He winced at the thought and put his hand over his cheek. He could still feel the tingle of a lashing hand, the stinging memory of the reprimanding he'd gotten for trying to tell his father to stop. His ribs ached a little too, sympathizing with the young man as his breathing started to pick up speed, and soon he was gripping his foulard and slowly rocking himself as he felt the ghostly pains of his life seeping back. It suddenly hurt to breathe when he remembered the kicks to his ribcage; his back ached at the recollection of all those pushes against the wall; his heart squeezed as he remembered all of the terrible things Derek had yelled at him, drunk or not. His breathing hitched suddenly at the thought of seeing Derek again: What a pathetic excuse for a son, he'd say, all fifteen of the other brothers were better... What he wouldn't give to trade his own life for Meric, or Leric... Or Smeric...

It was when the delicious smell of rotisserie seeped tauntingly into the chamber that Eric was cowed to hide under his covers. His heart was doing that really fast patter that made him feel all lightheated and tingly. He couldn't help but tremble at the thought of meeting all of the giants at once: it wasn't their size that was the problem, it was the fact that they were people. Conscious, thinking people, each with their own dark thoughts and silent or voiced judgements, eyes that would mock him for his stuttering and clinginess, mark him as the failure of a son he was. Gods forbid if they ever found out about his handicap...! What would they say? What would they do? Would they stare and ogle with horror, disgust? Would they laugh? Would they tease him and call him weak, push him around before kicking him out to the wilds surrounding the cave?

Eric could feel the first sob weltering in his tightening throat, but the final straw was the dreaded footsteps of Chase's return. His logic completely shut down, and the human began to silently cry into his hands. At least if they did ditch him, then he could find Derek. He could go home... Couldn't he? Would Derek even take him back? He'd failed! The family name was doomed, and it was all his fault, just because he couldn't be brave enough to hold one stupid little camera...!

"D-dad... Dad, I'm-I'm sorry...!" He whimpered. "P-please- d-dad! I j-I-I wanna go home...! I wanna go home...! I-I can't...!"

"Little dude?" Hearing Chase's concerned voice made Eric freak out even more.

"N-no-p-please! D-dad, I-I can't, I-I can't do this- I-I can't- not-not alone—!" The covers were peeled back, exposing his huddled form. Eric weakly swallowed back a sob and put his head in the bedding, trying to hide his emotional breakdown. But it was too late.

"Hey, hey, what's the matter?" Chase's voice was gentle and soft as he slowly crouched down, putting his hand to the human's back. A poorly muffled sob answered him, followed by a string of jarbled whimpers. Chase let out a soft sigh and brought out his other hand, one on each side of Eric as he cupped and gently scooped the little human up. "Hey... Hey, it's okay..." Chase carefully leaned back to sit on the floor, and he gently pushed Eric up against his chest. The youth was quick to grab ahold of the dark gray fabric, and his sobbing escalated sharply as it finally escaped him. Chase let out another sympathetic sigh as he decided to not say anything just yet, instead just hugging the little guy in his hands and offering the warmth that always seemed to comfort him. Pretty soon, Eric was stuttering broken up apologies and trying to say that he was fine, but Chase shook his head and just kept holding him.

It took another five minutes before Eric's bawling calmed down. He was still trembling behind the giant's fingers, cheeks and glasses stained with salty tears as he let out a wet sniffle.

"... You wanna talk about it?" Chase offered quietly. Eric shook his head before he could stop himself, and he immediately afterwards curled up to brace himself. "That's okay." One of the thumbs gently massaged his back, allowing him to slowly slump in relief. "You don't have to say anything yet if you don't feel like it," Chase comforted. "But dinner's ready... You want me to grab you something?" Eric laid silently for a few seconds before slowly looking up with his sad puppy eyes.

"... B-but... But wh-what a-about th-the others?" He whimpered, almost whispering, as if the slightest breath would incur some sort of wrath.

"If you don't feel like being around anybody, that's alright. Hell, if you want me to leave you be for a bit I'll do that too, if it'll help you calm down." Eric immediately shook his head, wrapping his arms around the nearest finger.

"P-p-please, d-don't," he whimpered softly.

"Okay." Chase gently ruffled his raven hair. Eric felt a warm sensation blooming in his chest as the tender petting soothe his overworking nerves; worried that he was coming down with another anxiety attack or an illness, he gripped Chase's finger a little more tightly against his chest.

"... J-Jinx," Eric whispered. The giant smiled a little.

"You wanna come with me to grab some food, then?" He gently offered. "We'll come right back here, and they won't have to know you're under my hat." Eric peeked up at Chase, and at the sight of his calm and sure expression he relaxed a little and timidly nodded. Chase nodded back, keeping his movements gentle and steady as he mouthed a very soft "Okay."

He tilted his hand back and lifted Eric up to the side of his head. When the hat was lifted up, Eric slowly let go of the giant's finger and climbed aboard, sinking down in the center of the soft padding. He let out a small sigh and relaxed as the body heat washed over him, and he closed his eyes as the darkness of the snapback enveloped him. The human was quiet for three seconds before he let out the breath he'd been holding; a small choke came at the end of it, and Eric covered his mouth to stop himself from crying again. You're okay Eric, you're okay, you're okay, Chase forgives you, he doesn't blame you for getting emotional... But deep down, Eric couldn't help but feel just so guilty as he felt the giant start walking. Chase had been so excited to share time with his brotherly friends, and he just had to go and have another meltdown. Again! Eric put his head in his hands, tearing up as he bit his lower lip.

What is wrong with me?

Chase had waited a moment to make sure his tiny passenger was seated, and then he carefully made his way out of the stony room and headed down the hall to the main cavern.

"There ya are!" Jackie was the first to greet him. The low sun's rays beamed magnificently through the trees, making the superhero absolutely glow with energy. "We were startin' to worry!" He chuckled. He was sitting just off to the side of the good doctor, who's legs were leisurely stretched to take up the empty seat beside him. Robbie sat between them, and directly across from the soft zombie was Jameson Jackson. The seats were folded up blankets from pelts, making a loose circle. In front of each spot resided a dining set all crafted from wood, and at the center lay a growing arrangement of dinner-worthy foods.

Chase gave the others a weak smile: it always impressed him to see the food Marvin managed to conjure up, but with Eric in distress he couldn't care less about eating anything. As he approached their ring of blankets and foods, Chase noticed Dr. Schneeplestein's eyebrow raise questioningly, seeming to have noticed the steadier sway in the bro's walk cycle; but JJ was the first to ask.

"[Where's the little chap?]" He signed, his head tilted and his eyes sparkling with inquisitive concern.

"Oh, he uh, he isn't feeling well." Jackie awed sympathetically.

"Is... Little perrson... Siick...?" Robbie rumbled. Chase put on a reassuring smile.

"No, he's just... he's, uh, having some bad dreams. He doesn't feel up to talking today, I think." Robbie gurgled sadly and put his arms in his lap, hunching a little.

"Owhh, it's okay Robbie." Jackie was quick to support the sweet zombie, putting a hand on his striped back. "You can ask him tomorrow," the superhero soothed. Chase stuck his hands in his pockets and eyed the seventh set of silverware—woodware?— that was placed next to Henrik.

"Guess you guys don't need the extra set," he pointed out nonchalantly. Jackie opened his mouth to say something, but his foot was abruptly stomped on by the acutely shushing doctor. Chase had his back turned when the red-clad giant let out a small yelp, rubbing his foot and shooting a glower at Henrik; instead, the snapback-wearing giant was looking over at Marvin, who was busily at work with his magic. It was quite a spectation, seeing things get flown around at controlled speeds, landing exactly where they belonged and sorting themselves into breathtaking culinary masterpieces.

"Hey dude, can I borrow some of those steaks?" Chase asked.

"Borrowing would suggest you plan on returning it," was the magician's dry answer. JJ wrinkled his nose and twitched his moustache in distaste.

"[What an unsightly thought!]" Chase chuckled.

"Then can I have some?" He emphasized.

"Better." A flourishing wave, a flash of black nail polish over pale skin, and a large wooden plate flew over, filled with a good mountain of freshly cooked meats.

"Ohh man. Thanks Marv." Chase had to remind himself to ask for some of the other accompanying foods before he finally wished the others a good dinner and carried the filched sustenance, one platter in each hand, into the hallway.

"Okay, we've got some food, mission control," Chase announced, shaking his head slightly to alert Eric that they were alone.

"O-oh, i-it-it smells, uh, r-really good," his muffled voice admitted. Chase smiled warmly.

"Just wait till you taste it, little dude. Marvin's phenomenal with cooking, I dunno how he does it!" As they retired to Chase's chamber, the shadows not far behind him suddenly flickered with a soft hiss of static. Two electric-green eyes pierced the dark veil of the tunnel, black feral slits watching as the giant turned in to his room; and then with a concealed flurry of static, the glitching disappeared along with those attentive eyes.

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