The End

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Then he started to move to PH.D college and got a good degree. Then he started become a professor and had a wonderful time teaching students on how to be creative and write in script more often. This also helped students learn that life isn't easy and that there are some twists and turns in the road but that that doesn't mean that life should be over. Adam then in the future became a full time poet after he retired and then he started to write more poets than ever since he had more time. He wrote many on the way he was and how he grew up with many different people and different names to not draw negative attention to them. For example, he decided to write a story about his life and switch out names. He then wrote about many experiences that he had over the life and explains how even if life might get hard it will get better along the way. then when he got to the age of 77 and 7 days after his birthday he finally passed away peacefully and in the afterlife helped many people throughout Their depression since he has been through it most of his life. Thus the Angels received one more of them and the demon get banished to a different dimension. After that Adam helped a million of more people in his term as being an angel to the point where there was no war and only peace, No anger but only tranquility, No hate but only love and above all compassion for one another

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