Chapter 14

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Roni's POV:

The flight isn't as long as I expected it to be. Tony goes into the church first to stall while we try to get the civilians out. Suddenly Ultron's minions start coming out of the ground, attacking the people. They start to fire at a group, but I step in front of them, putting up a force field.

"Go! Now!" I yell. they scramble to leave. Then I feel a quake in the earth, and them, we were rising into the air. "What the hell?" I ask as I stumble to get a good footing. "What's going on?" I ask. "The city is rising into the air."Clint informs me. "You've got to be kidding me." I mumble.

Then, several robots surround me. "Come on guys, I'm having rough day." I say. They advance on me slowly. "Fine then. Have it your way." I raise my hands and turn the metal they're made of into wood, and then burn it. They crash to the ground. Smiling at my handy work.

I race off to find some more robots. "We're clear here." Barton says. "Same." I say when I don'y see anymore robots near me. "We are not clear! We are very not clear!" Steve yells. "Coming to ya." Clint says. "On my way." I say, creating a portal and jumping through.

I get there in time to see Wanda take out three robots and some idiot policeman shoot Pietro in the arm. I see about five robots coming near us so I turn to face them and raise my arms. I send concussive blasts at the robots, effectively destroying them.

Finally all the robots seem to be come, but I know there are more coming. Right now we are focusing on getting the rest of the people somewhere safe until the fighting stops. I'm looking out over the edge of the rock and I see something emerge from the clouds.

A helicarrier is in front of us and I grin. "This is S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Pietro asks. "This is what S.H.I.E.L.D. is supposed to be." Steve states. Smiling we begin ushering people onto the lifeboats, making sure we don't have any stragglers.

Robots start towards the helicarrier when Rhodey comes out of nowhere. Tony joins him. Smiling I take off into the sky, flying towards the robots and my friend and brother. I use my energy blasts to destroy the bots. "Hey Baby Stark. Good to have you back." Rhodey says.

I smile. "Glad to be back." I say. "Rhodey, get the people on board, Avengers, time to work for a living." Tony says, heading towards the church. "I'll portal the others." I say, he nods. I fly back to the city. "Guys!" I yell, opening a portal. Everyone nods, jumping through.

"What's the drill?" Nat asks. "That's the drill, if Ultron gets a hand on that device, we lose." Tony explains. An Ultron flies up in front of us. "IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO?!" Thor yells. Ultron raises his arm and his entire army of robots comes up behind him. "You had to ask." Steve says.

"This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted, all of me versus all of you. How could you possible hope to stop me?" Ultron asks. "Well, like the old man said, together." Tony says. Hulk roars and the robots charge.

As the robots charge I use a mixture off all my powers to hold them off. Blasting back one after the other using my concussive and energy blasts, and burning them by manipulating their atoms and setting them on fire.

I electrocute them, crush them with rocks, freeze them, and destroy their armor with my sonic scream. Suddenly all of them start to leave. "We've got to move out. I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for stragglers, be right behind ya." Steve says.

"What about the core?" Clint asks. "I'll protect it." Wanda says. "So will I." I chime. "It's our job." She says. Clint nods to us. "Nat, this way." He says. Nat runs up and gives me a hug. "Welcome back V." With that she leave, taking off after Clint. Steve goes another direction. Pietro runs in.

"Get the people on the boats." Wanda says. "I'm not going to leave you two here." He says. "We can handle ourselves." She says. Two Ultron bots come out beside up and we quickly destroy them with our powers. "Come back for me when everyone else is off, not before." She says.

"I can get myself off." I assure. He starts to walk away. "You understand?" She asks him. "You know, I'm twelve minutes older than you." Pietro says. "Go." She laughs. He runs off and we continue to protect the center, watching each other's backs. Suddenly Wanda gasps.

"What? What is it?" I ask, turning. I see her fall to the ground and she lets out a horrified scream before a burst of red energy blasts me back. I grunt in pain as I hit the pillar behind me. Groaning I stand up. "What? What happened?" I ask, limping back over to her. "Pietro." She mutters.

My eyes widen and a hand goes over my mouth. She then races out, I go to follow her, but something doesn't feel right. I turn just in time to see a some how still alive Ultron bot place his hand on the core. "NO!" I scream, quickly destroying it as the city plummets towards the ground.

The boosters kick in, making the decent faster. I then have an idea. "Tony! Thor! Get out of here, I have an idea and it will work!" I yell. "But Roni-" "GO!" I scream. I fly just above the city , keeping pace with it, and close my eyes. When I open then I can tell they're glowing.

I kneel on the falling rock and scream as I use all my control over earth take over. The jets start to malfunction before sputtering out and the rock slowly comes to a halt. Then, with another powerful, non-sonic scream, I use lightning to destroy the rock, floating in the air.

I am sent flying into the water and then...darkness surrounds me.

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