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Roni's POV:

I wake up to an annoying beeping sound. When I open my eyes I see that I am in a white room with a monitor, an IV, and a nurse checking my vitals. "How long have I been out?" I ask groggily. The nurse jumps and looks at me. It's obvious she didn't know I was awake.

"It's been two weeks since Sokovia Miss Stark. How are you feeling?" She asks me. "Fine." I grunt, sitting up in the bed I have been placed in. "Wonderful, I'll go get your doctor." She says, walking out.

After the doctor checks me out I am released to wonder the compound, but I must go back to him before I fall asleep. I am given a set of clothes to change into and I do so quickly. After I'm dressed I exit the clinic.

From what the doctor told me, Tony built the Avengers a place in upstate New York. I wonder around the compound, taking in everything. I suddenly realize something. For the first time in three years, I'm not looking over my shoulder. I don't have something against anyone.

I'm not scared for someone to grab my and haul me off for more experiments. I'm just...me. Smiling to myself I walk past a set of door just in time for Wanda, Rhodey, Vision, Steve, Nat, and some guy I don't know to come out. Nat and Wanda smile and run up and hug me.

"I'm so glad you're ok." Wanda says, hugging me tightly. "I'm fine." I tell them. Once they pull away Steve pulls me in for a hug and the Rhodey. Vision nods to me and the other guy looks confused. "Who is this?" He asks.

"Sam, I want you to meet Veronica Stark, Roni, this is Sam Wilson, also known as Falcon." Steve says. I reach forward and shake his hand. "Do you have a codename or something?" He asks me. "Shadow." Nat answers for me.

"Actually Nat, I've been thinking. The Shadow was someone I don't want to be anymore, someone heartless, cruel, vengeful. I'm done being that person." I say. "So what do you want to be called?" Steve asks. I think for a second before smiling.

"Sorceress. I want to be called Sorceress." Wanda smiles at me. "Seems fitting." She says. "Well Sorceress, welcome back to the Avengers." Steve says. I smile. I'm home.

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