Back in Time

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'Lacey's POV'

Today I wake up earlier than the others.

I look at the clock and it's about 6, Nya hasn't gotten up yet so I decide to let her sleep, I pull a brush through my hair, throw on my ninja kimono and run to the kitchen.

In the kitchen I find Zane "morning Zane" I say "good morning Lacey, the others are asleep still, would you like to help me prepare breakfast" Zane asks "ya, what are we making" I ask "omelettes, you may cut vegetables if you like" Zane says and motions to the vegetables waiting to be chopped up on the counter.

I grab a big knife and get to it.

'Nya's POV'

I wake up, Lacey is not in bed and her pyjamas are thrown on her bed "wow she actually got up early" I laugh to myself and get on my regular red top with red leggings.

I go to the kitchen and see Lacey cutting vegetables with a huge knife and Zane frying omelettes "morning guys" I say "morning Nya" Lacey says "good morning Nya" Zane says and I go help Lacey with not cutting towards her self and her fingers, because I don't know about the others but I would rather not have human flesh in my omelette.

'Lloyd's POV'

I wake up to some loud snoring, I look and see that it's Cole and Kai who are snoring, I get thinking and remember a way that the guys used to wake me up when I was a kid, I throw on my ninja kimono and run to the kitchen.

Once I get there I pull Lacey over to the sink and I explain what we're gonna do while filling three buckets up with water, Lacey somehow finds a flaw in my amazing plan "wait Lloyd there's three buckets and two of us" she says and we both turn to Nya "Nya come here" Lacey waves her over and I explain the plain again.

We walk into the guys room, buckets in hand, Lacey goes to Cole who is on a top bunk, Nya goes to Jay and I go to Kai, who is also on a top bunk witch makes it a little more difficult.

I give them the signal and we all dump our water over there heads.

'Lacey's POV'

Lloyd gives us the signal and I dump the water over Coles head, all three of them shoot out of there beds landing Cole and Kai on there faces and Jay screams bloody murder.

Nya, Lloyd and I laugh really hard and Kai growls, witch makes us laugh harder, Nya, Lloyd and I go back to the kitchen and let them get dried off.

After the guys get ready we eat, clean up and than are off to the indoor training deck on the Bounty with the guys and sensei. Nya goes to get watermelon or something.

I see a picture of the guys and I when Lloyd and I where younger on the wall inside the training room.

"your new bodies are fighting instruments, listen to them" sensei instructs and the guys start to attack.

Cole and Jay go after Lloyd, Zane and Kai come after me.

Both Lloyd and I defeat the others quickly and I see Nya come out with a watermelon, Zane's shirkens land in the watermelon and Nya does not look impressed, I muffle a giggle and I see Lloyd smirk.

'Nya's POV'

I go into the training room with a watermelon and two shirkens come flying towards me, luckily they land in the watermelon, I give Zane a death stare he gives me an apologetic look, Lacey try's to muffle a giggle and Lloyd smirks.

"Since they've grown older they're learning faster sensei" I say and walk over to sensei "but will they be enough to challenge Lord Garmadon, only time will tell" sensei says.

'Lacey's POV'

Kai lunges his sword at Lloyd and Lloyd catches the tip of the sword, his green energy ball starts to circle around the tip of the blade, until Kai pulls his sword away and Lloyd lands on his stomach.

Kai chuckles "heh heh gettin pretty good kid, but that move you fell for was basic 101" he says and helps him up "ya if only I had payed more attention when I was little I would have saw that coming" Lloyd says "we cannot change the past, but we can improve for the future" sensei says and then it's my turn.

I stand by the wall and Kai lunges, I do the same as Lloyd and catch the tip, making my yellow energy ball circle the tip of the blade, I don't fall for the trick that Lloyd did but Kai throws the sword over his shoulder and I don't let go quick enough so I end up being thrown to the hard wood floor along with the sword, I land on my back.

Kai helps me up too "your both getting good, but again basic 101" Kai says and I stand up and dust myself off "ya, sorry" I say and nod "do not be sorry, just focus" Zane says "again, and this time do not hold back" sensei says but Zane hears his falcon so we go out to the training deck, Zane gets his falcon and takes a memory chip of some sort out of it we than take the falcon into the bridge "the falcon has returned with troubling news, what did you see my mechanical feathered friend" Zane says and pops the recording into the big screen.

On the screen we see serpentine training each other and sword fighting "the lost city of Ora Bourse" Nya says "it looks like Garmadons returned to the serpentine home base... but why?!" Kai questions "it looks like they're preparing for a final battle" Cole says "Nya, change course we'll head straight for them" sensei instructs and Nya changes our corse for Ora Bourse.

The guys, Nya and sensei get they're weapons, when we start to hover over Ora Bourse everybody shimmies down the chain attached to the anchor and we sneak into Ora Bourse and the guys, sensei and Nya confront Lord Garmadon "oh brother!" Lord Garmadon says "it's time we finish this once and for all!" sensei yells "bring it on fools!" Lord Garmadon yells.

Lloyd and I pull down our hoods and jump out in front of the others, he shoots ice at the mega weapon "what?! Lloyd?! Lacey!? is that you?!" Lord Garmadon panics "ya, we've grown a little since the last time we saw ya dad" Lloyd says and I nod "a little" I add.

Lord Garmadon panics "stop them!" he yells and runs into a back room with the Mega Weapon.

Serpentine come up to us and start to attack, we quickly get past them and run into the same room and see a giant blue, purple and green swirling portal "he used the mega weapon again!" Cole yells "oh swell, every time he uses that thing something really bad happens!" Jay yells sarcastically and throws his arms in the air "now what?!" he asks.

Ora Bourse starts to shake "uh guys, where we standing in stand a minute ago" I ask and look to the floor "no! what's happening?!" Kai asks "Ora Bourse is turning back into the desert. Almost as if it was never found in the first place!" Zane yells and by this point we're all up to our waists in sand.

"What does that mean?!" Nya asks "Garmadons gone back in time to make it so that Lloyd never turns into the green ninja, and we never find Lacey!" Zane explains "I can't..... I can't feel my hands" Lloyd says and I nod "me either" I say "we have to go in!" Kai yells "remember, if he changes anything, he changes everything. Protect the future ninja" sensei says and the guys jump into the portal.

I start to feel weak "guys we need to get out of here" I say and they nod, we all manage to get out of the sand before Ora Bourse turns back into the desert, we all stand back and watch as Ora Bourse is swallowed by sand.

I look to Lloyd and his hands start to disappear "Lloyd!" I yell and notice that, my hands are fading too "Lacey!" he yells "come, we must get you two back up to the Bounty before you cannot" sensei says and we climb as fast as we can.

Sensei sits Lloyd and I down in the training room "how do you feel" he asks us "I feel.... dizzy" I say and Lloyd nods "me too" he says and his hands fade more.

'Nya's POV'

Sensei pulls me away from Lloyd and Lacey.

"Nya, the more that the other four change the past, the less chance Lacey and Lloyd will have to become the green and yellow ninjas" sensei says quietly "what can we do about it" I ask "there is not much that we can do, but we must not tell Lloyd and Lacey, they need to focus they're remaining energy on surviving" sensei says and we look to them.

Lloyd has fallen backwards, onto the floor and is breathing hard.

Lacey, however is sitting against the wall and her eyes are starting to close.

I rush over to them and kneel down beside them. I see the same look in both of they're eyes: they look exhausted. "C'mon guys, don't give up now" I say and they try to hold they're eyes open, Lacey now breathing hard as well.

*In The Past*

'Kai's POV'

We stand, hidden by the wall and peek through the big hole in the wall. We watch as my past self fights skeletons.

"Can we help" I ask and we all look to past sensei "I don't know, I'm wise but I'm not that wise" sensei says "well, since the past has already been altered I guess fighting a few skeletons would not hurt, but your former self cannot see you" Zane says and the team nods.

The others start to fight the skeletons that come behind the wall. Sensei and I watch my past self fight.

*Present Day*

'Sensei Wu's POV'

I stand at the edge of the Bounty, looking down upon Ninjago. Black clouds start to cover all of Ninjago "oh no" I mumble to myself.

'Nya's POV'

Lloyd and Lacey lay, barley awake on the floor of the training room. I turn and see the old picture of them and the team.

The younger Lloyd and Lacey start to fade out of the picture. I turn and Lloyd and Lacey start to fade and it looks like they are in a lot of pain. I hear Lacey scream in pain and Lloyd holds his screams in.

I run to them and scream for sensei. Moments later he rushes in the door and sees them fading "sensei I don't know what's happening" I say "Garmadon must have changed the past" sensei says "for the worst?" I question "well it obviously wasn't for the better!" Lacey yells, sounding very much in pain.

*In The Past*

'Kai's POV'

I go to try and talk some sense into myself, while the others kidnap Nya.

I sneak into the room beside the bathroom. Without the past me noticing I take the glass out of the frame and copy his actions; he gasps, I gasp, he inspects the 'mirror', I inspect the 'mirror'.

I start to talk to him "hey dummy, start listening to sensei" I say and he steps back "what?.. W-who?" he stampers "I'm... your imagination" I say "look, you don't know it but the fate of the world kinda depends on you becoming a ninja" I say.

I start to lean closer to him "w-what are you talking about?" he questions "you'll find out soon. And another thing-" I start but get cut off by Nya screaming. The past me runs off "hey! I wasn't done talking to you!" I tell and before he can get far I knock him out and drag him to my old bed.

I meet up with the others and we get Nya to the skeletons.

*Present Day*

'Nya's POV'

Still in the training room, I watch Lloyd and Lacey. It looks like the pain starts to lessen and they stop fading for a while. I look to the picture and the younger them start to come back into the picture, as well as in real life.

We sit for what feels like days but is actually only a few hours.

Suddenly a blinding light shines.

*Rewind To Morning*

'Lacey's POV'

I wake up and look at the clock, its 8:00! "I'm late for training!" I yell and jump out of bed. I throw on my ninja kimono and race down the hall, running into Lloyd.

We both fall and get up "its good to know that I'm not the only one who's gonna be late" he laughs, I laugh too "the guys are gonna literally kill us" I say and we run into the training room "hey sorry we're late" I say and brace myself for the worst.

But instead of yelling they hug Lloyd and I "you guys are still here" Kai says and they all step back "ummm" I breath "ya.. why wouldn't we be" Lloyd asks "so when we went back in time and destroyed Garmadons mega weapon, nothing changed" Jay asks "what are you talking about" I ask "mega weapon" Lloyd asks "wait, you guys don't remember" Kai says.

He picks up a watermelon and slices it into six pieces, one piece landing in everybody's hands.

"Um, we can't exactly remember something that never happened" I say "why?! what is it?! should we be concerned!?" Lloyd panics.

The guys laugh and this just confuses me more.

Lloyd frustratedly takes the sword from Kai, throws his watermelon in the air and cuts it into the shape of an amazing dragon.

"Wow" I say under my breath "well as they say, the past is the past and the future is the future" Kai says and they laugh "I'm confused" I say and take a big bite of my watermelon "me too" Lloyd says and bites the head off of his watermelon-dragon.

We finish our watermelon and train all day, half way through the day we moved onto the training deck so that we could practise flips.

I'm better at flips and tricks than Lloyd, but he is better with a sword than I am. During the sword fight Lloyd goes first and has no problem taking Kai down but I on the other hand had a bit more trouble, I still got him down but I had a bit more trouble, and that frustrates me for some reason.

We get called for dinner and run there "you guys are improving" Nya says while we eat "ya! did you see me take down Kai?!" Lloyd sounds ecstatic, this makes me smile "you did well" Kai praises "you are improving each day, both of you" Zane says.

I pick at my steak, not really in the mood to eat, Lloyd and the others brag about training today. I'm fine with it, until I hear "I don't think they're powers are equal anymore" from one of the guys and other than Lloyd they all laugh. I shoot out of my chair and out into the black of night.

I go to the wooden dragon at the front of the bounty and sit there, letting the cool night air blow on my face and through my hair.

'Lloyd's POV'

Lacey rushes out of the dining room "guys?!" I shout "dude, we where just joking" Cole says as if it was nothing "that was a joke to you?!" Nya shouts "Lloyd, Nya calm down" Kai says "calm down?! That was a jerk move guys!" I yell "that would hurt anybody's feelings!" Nya yells "I'm gonna go talk to her" I say and run to the training deck.

'Lacey's POV'

I hear footsteps and turn to see Lloyd. I stand up "Lacey I'm sorry" he says "for what, being stronger than me" I snap "Lacey you know that's not true" he says and takes a step toward me, I take a step back "but what if it is Lloyd!? What if your strong and able to fight, and I'm useless!?" I yell and feel hot tears run down my cheeks "Lacey that's like me asking you: 'what if I'm evil and your the only good one here' or-" I cut him off "ok I get it" I giggle and wipe away my tears.

"Good, lets go back inside" he says and takes my hand. We walk back into the dining room "sorry Lacey" Kai says "ya sorry, we where just joking" Cole says "ya kinda like the you and Lloyd in love thing, except for that's real" Jay adds and the guys try to hold in there laughs.... other than Zane, who just looks confused. Out of the corner of my eye I see Lloyd's cheeks go pink and I feel mine go pink too. "Nah it's fine" I laugh a bit "just watch your backs" I say all spooky like. Kai, Cole and Jay look at each other and run out of the room, screaming.

Everybody laughs, even sensei. Lloyd and I sit down at the table and finish our meal. As Nya and I are doing the dishes she asks me something "what are you going to do to the guys" she asks "nothing. I just told them that to get them off Lloyd's back" I tell her and put a cup away.

She giggles a bit and looks at me "what" I ask and sit on the counter, beside the sink "so you did that for the sake of Lloyd" she asks and flicks water at me "yaaaaaa.. and" I ask, starting to get really confused "nothin'" she says and walks out of the kitchen. I sit there, puzzled at what she meant.

After thinking it over for 20 minutes I still can't figure out what she meant. I decide to play video games with the guys. I walk quietly to the door of the game room and get an idea.

Using my powers I flick the lights in the game room off. The guys stand up quickly and get into a fighting position. I quietly walk in, I evilly laugh and scream "BOOOO!!" they all scream like little girls, minus Zane.

I turn the lights back on with my powers just as sensei and Nya run in. I hide in the shadow of a corner and keep my laughs quiet. "what happened?! we heard screaming!" Nya asks "the lights went out and we heard evil laughing and a 'boooo'" Jay cowers.

Sensei walks out of the room and I can't hold my laughter in anymore. I burst out laughing. The guys and Nya look to where I am. I walk out of the shadows, still laughing.

I look around at them: Kai looks like he's going to burst into flames, Cole looks like he wants to kill me, Jay looks embarrassed out of his mind, Zane is poker faced, Lloyd is giving me the 'I'm so gonna get you back for this' look, but with a smile, and Nya looks like she's ready to burst out laughing.

They give me death stares, minus Zane, Lloyd and Nya. "guys.... are you mad" I ask, still grinning. Cole, Jay, Kai and Lloyd start to come closer to me "just remember that it's Wednesday tomorrow" Kai says "and you know what that means" Cole laughs "ugh, sunrise exercises?" I ask "yep" Lloyd laughs "why are you laughing, we all have to do them" I add smugly.

I hear Nya laugh and I grin. The guys back away "to bed, all of you. You six have sunrise exercises in the morning" sensei says coming into the game room. the guys file out first "night guys" Nya says "g'night guys" I say "goodnight Lacey and Nya" Zane says "night girls" Cole says "goodnight Lacey. hehe night Nya" Jay swoons "night sis. Night Lacey" Kai says "night Nya. Night.... Shoe Lace" Lloyd laughs.

I give him the stink eye as he walks out of the room laughing. Nya and I walk to our room, change and get into bed. My eyes close and soon I'm sleeping.

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