Shopping Trip

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'Lacey's POV'

Nya gets me up first thing in the morning and we eat and go before the guys because we're gonna take longer.

We take the samurai suit into town and land in a forest. We hide the suit and go inside the mall, their is people everywhere in there.

Nya and I get jeans, shorts, hoodies, t-shirts, pyjamas, long sleeves, tank tops, shoes and anything elts that a 17 year old girl needs.

We stop at the food court and meet up with the guys who, like us have tuns of stuff, we all get food and sit at one big table "what do you two still need" Cole asks "Lacey needs a dress and high heels" Nya says "no I don't" I refuse "c'mon just try some on... please" she asks "fine" I give in, she doesn't even let me finish eating before pulling me into a dress shop.

I try a few on before I actually find one that I like, and by like I mean love. I walk out of the change room in this purple and green dress that is tight and goes down to just below my mid thy "Nya I love it" I say "ok here are the heels" she brings out a pair of purple high heels and I strap them on.

I stand up and take a wobble, landing me on my but "I take it you've never worn high heels before" Nya laughs and helps me up "what was your first clue" I laugh and begin to walk again, still wobbling.

By the time we get out of the mall and back to the bounty with clothes and my new dress it's around 7 and none of us have eaten, Zane makes dinner and we eat, Lloyd and I don't have to help clean tonight so we go out to the training deck "um Lacey I was wondering...... would you maybe like to go for ice cream in the park" Lloyd asks "like a date" I ask "uh ya a date" he answers "ya I'd love that, just let me get changed" I say and run to Nya and I's room.

I take off my shorts and tank top and put on some black jeans splattered with white and rips in them and a black hoodie with a white belt and white high tops, I also clip a few pieces of hair back with a clip that has my sunlight symbol that's on the back of my kimono on it, I run back to the training deck and see Lloyd doing his happy dance from when we where younger "happy?" I giggle coming up the stairs "oh uh hehe" he blushes "do not be out to late" I hear sensei call from behind us, I turn and see all the guys and Nya too "race ya" Lloyd says and he jumps off of the bounty "hey no fair" I laugh and follow.

'Nya's POV'

"Even when they get older they still some what act like kids" Kai says "well ya they just got older yesterday" Cole says "they're not just gonna start acting like teenagers in one day" I say "ya but it's weird, they're in seventeen year olds bodies and they're acting like twelve year olds" Jay says, the conversation goes on like that for a while.

'Lacey's POV'

We run to the park and get ice cream, both Lloyd and I get chocolate we talk and laugh until we finish our ice cream, Lloyd taps me on the shoulder and whispers in my ear "your it" and he runs away. I chase after him and eventually catch him so now it's my turn to get chased. He backs me into the wall of a building in the park, he puts his hands on my shoulders to make shure I don't get away.

He leans his head to my ear "Lacey" he asks "yes" I prompt "could we maybe...... be more than friends" he whispers "like girlfriend and boyfriend" I ask and he nods, looking deep into my eyes "that would be awesome" I say and he kisses me, the speakers all over the park start to play 'Born to be a Ninja' by The Fold.

Lloyd and I laugh and start to dance and sing along while getting stared at like we've got five heads, a few kids join and we dance and sing with them to, I think that they know who we are even without our kimonos but their parents don't recognize us.

When the song ends we laugh a bit with the kids, one girl comes up to me "good luck with saving Ninjago" she says and hands me a pink flower "thank you...." I take the flower and search for a name "Baylee" she says "thank you Baylee" I say and I put the clip from my hair in her hair "really" she asks innocently and looks at me wide eyed "of course, as long as you believe you can do something than you can do it" I tell her and she smiles and hugs me "thank you Lacey" she says and I was right they recognized us.

Lloyd and I say goodbye to the kids and start walking back to the bounty "that girl really liked you" Lloyd says "ya she was a sweet kid, oh and she wishes us luck with saving Ninjago" I say and he smiles.

We have to walk through a few alley ways to get back to the bounty and in the second last alley way we see non other than my father and Fangtom, they see us too "Lacey" dad says "dad" I say, ready to attack or cry "so this... is your daughter" Fangtoms heads say "Lacey your mother would be so proud" dad says and he comes forward, I freeze, not able to move from my spot "you got older" dad says, touching my cheek "ya I did" I say.

I feel something sharp in my arm and scream out in pain, it was Fangtom he bit me "how dare you bite my daughter!" dad yells as I collapse.

'Lloyd's POV'

Lacey collapses and I catch her and run home while Scales is still yelling at Fangtom. I run as fast as I can to the bounty "sensei!" I scream "Lloyd what happened!?" Nya yells as her, the guys and sensei come out "Fangtom bit her" I say "if I remember correctly she will not change only if we make a tea from the leaders staff, the leader now is Scales" sensei says "no sensei the venom is different, she fell and couldn't handle it" I say, looking at the lifeless girl in my arms.

Her chest starts going up and down slower until it stops completely "Lacey! please!" I yell and start to cry "let me help" I hear Scales voice and I turn to him along with the rest of the team, he extracts a fluid from his staff and puts it in a bowl "here if she drinks this she will be fine" he says and hands sensei the bowl, Cole try's to take Lacey from me but I growl at him, I will not let anybody take Lacey from me.

I lay Lacey on the ground and sensei pours the liquid into her mouth and she swallows it, her eyes flutter open slowly and she sits up.

'Lacey's POV'

I wake up slowly and see Lloyd kneeling next to me "Lacey!" he yells and hugs me "be careful nephew" sensei scolds him and he lets go, I look around for dad and I see him standing at the side of the bounty and watching me. I know he's on the bad side and I'm not but I can't help it, he's my father and I love him.

I get up and walk over to dad and hug him and he hugs me back "thank you dad" I say and let him go "good luck my dear" he says, brushing my bangs out of my eyes, he kisses my forehead and jumps off of the bounty.

I try to choke back my tears but they fall anyway, Lloyd puts his arm around my shoulders and I lean my head on his shoulder "I know I shouldn't miss him" I say and look to him "but I do" I say "no it's normal, I miss my dad too" he says "Lacey c'mon" Nya whines and I kiss Lloyd on the cheek "night Lloyd" "night Lacey" and I run to Nya and I's room with Nya.

As soon as I get there Nya asks me like a hundred questions and I have answers to them all.

"Nya what are we doing tomorrow" I ask and pull my hair into a messy pony tail "well sensei said that you and the guys have training" Nya says and I try to blow my bangs out of my eyes "ugh" I mumble and fall back into bed, hitting my head on the wall because I forgot how tall I am now "ow" I laugh and she laughs too "haha.... don't worry you'll get used to it" she laughs and I sit up.

'Lloyd's POV'

I turn and walk into our room with the guys, the whole way there they where either snickering or poking me, and don't get me wrong it wasn't exactly annoying..... Just really embarrassing.

Once we get to our room I sit on my bed and just think about everything: Lacey, the final battle, our powers.... Just everything.

I get snapped out of my thoughts when some one speaks "so it looks like Lloyd and Lacey are getting quite friendly, don't you think guys" Kai jokes with the others "ya do you think they might be more than friends" Cole teases "ya like girlfriend, boyfriend" Jay says and the others face palm "what is a girlfriend or a boyfriend" Zane asks and the guys let out a group 'ugh!' "well that backfired on you guys" I laugh and we all get into bed.

'Lacey's POV'

I get into bed and so does Nya, we turn out the lights.


I stand alone in a dark room, looking into nothing.

A light shines on one spot in the room, Pythor and Tori walk into the light, holding Lloyd away from me, Tori disappears and I feel her hold onto my arms.

Pythor cackles loudly and holds out a knife "no! Let him go!!!" I yell and try to get out of Tori's grip "the last time we saw you two you where younger" Pythor hisses and brings the knife to Lloyd's neck "no!" I yell and see dad come out "let the children go Pythor" dad says "I see you've gone soft Scales" Pythor hisses and out of know where a sword flies and pierces through dad's chest, "wake up Lacey!!... WAKE UP!" Lloyd yells before Pythor kills him.

'Nya's POV'

I wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of Lacey screaming and crying in her sleep, I get up and walk over to her, her blankets are tangled around her legs or thrown to the ground, I shake her shoulders a bit and try to wake her up "Lacey wake up" I try calling her softly but she just kicks and screams more "Lacey wake up!!... WAKE UP!" I yell but still she just kicks, throws her arms around, cries and screams more 'she must be having a bad nightmare. I need to get her up soon' I think to myself.

I decide that I can't get her up alone I go into the guys room and get them up "what is it Nya" Cole asks groggily "it's Lacey, she's having a nightmare and I can't wake her up" I tell them and we all go to Lacey and I's room, Zane walks over to the kicking, screaming and crying Lacey, we all watch him carefully.

'Lloyd's POV

"Lloyd if you used your powers, carefully, that would wake her up" Zane says "but wouldn't that hurt her?!" I panic "well it might, but it is that or let her wake up naturally and I do not think that would be the best option for Lacey right now" Zane says and I look to Lacey, she looks scared no... She looks terrified and there's tears streaming her cheeks "ok.... fine I'll do it" I say and make a small green energy ball, I carefully aim at her and shoot for a millisecond.

'Lacey's POV'


Tori drags Lloyd and dad's bodies to the centre of the room and Pythor brings out the rest of the team and kills them right in front of me, each Pythor and Tori take two of the golden weapons, witch I thought where gone but apparently in my dreams there still here.

They take turns shooting me with the different elements.

'Lloyd's POV'

I shoot green energy at her twice, she winces in pain but doesn't wake up "her dream must be moulding with the pain" Zane says "than how do we wake her up" I ask "it looks like we're just gonna have to yell" Cole says and we all yell "WAKE UP LACEY!!!".

'Lacey's POV'

I shoot up and see all of the guys and Nya around my bed tears flood my eyes "Lacey what happened" Nya asks "I had this dream...." I explain my dream to them and Lloyd sits beside me "Lacey you do know that Pythor and Tori are dead.. right" Lloyd asks me quietly "ya I know" I say and dry my tears.

After a long discussion on what my dream might mean the guys walk out of our room and into they're room "Lacey are you gonna be ok to go back to sleep" Nya asks "um I-I think so....." I say quietly "Lacey Tori and Pythor are dead, they couldn't kill us" Nya sits beside me on my bed and pats my back "ya I know. and I know that they're dead, that's what confused me" I say and all of my thoughts jumble around in my head "well it's 3 am and you have to train tomorrow so try to get some sleep" Nya says and I nod.

I try to sleep but can't, I go out to the training deck and wonder about what dad might be doing, maybe he's teamed up with Lord Garmadon again, or maybe they found another snake creature to bring back from the dead.

I laugh to myself and look up to the stars, I feel a hand on my shoulder and look over to see sensei "you have grown more mature Lacey" he says "thank you sensei" I laugh a bit "you where always more mature than Lloyd, but you both have an amazing sense of humour" sensei laughs "ya, like Zane says 'we are exactly equal'" I laugh and sensei chuckles "I take it that your dream was about your father and sister" sensei says "yes.... but how did you know" I ask "I could see your dream from my incense" (stick like thingies in a special holder making smoke).

Sensei tells me that my dream might mean something and that we will find out if it does mean something sooner or later.

After my discussion with sensei I walk back to Nya and I's bedroom, I get into bed and let the dark blanket of sleep take over my body.

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