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'Lacey's POV'

I wake up early in the morning and decide to get Nya up, I crawl onto her bed "Nya" I whisper "Nya" she doesn't move "NYA!!" I yell and she jumps out of bed, causing me to fall off "what?! what happened?!" she panics and I laugh "your a brat" she jokes and laughs "c'mon I'll make you breakfast" she says and we go to the kitchen in our pyjamas "what do you want for breakfast" she asks "candy" I answer "Lacey" she says "fine. ummmmm....... pancakes?" I ask "coming right up" she laughs "can I help" I ask "ya, you've gotta learn to cook one day... or you'll end up cooking like Cole" she says and we both laugh, she lets me mix and flip the pancakes.

Soon the guys and sensei get up and we finish cooking the pancakes, we all eat "these pancakes are really good, did you make them Nya" Cole asks "yep with help from my cook in training" she motions to me "they are very good" Zane says "thanks" I laugh a bit.

We finish and get ready for the day, I meet the guys on the training deck, the guys say something but I can't concentrate, I walk over to Lloyd who is looking over the side of the ship and I see what he's looking at, he's looking at a few kids playing a modified version of soccer "looks like fun" I say "ya it does" he sighs "Lloyd! Lacey!" the guys call us and we spin around "c'mon stand back to back" Cole instructs and we do as we're told and stand back to back, they start attacking and neither me or Lloyd gives it much effort, Cole gets Lloyd down and Kai gets me.

"We know you can do better guys" Cole says "ya what's up" Jay asks "well..." Lloyd looks to me "the latest issue of Star Fare just came out and it's limited edition, so if I don't get it right now then they'll be all sold out" Lloyd explains "if I don't find out how Prince Donagan escapes the imperial sludge I think I might die" I say and Lloyd nods "guys you need to think about fighting Lord Garmadon, not comics" Kai says.

Nya comes running out "guys Lord Garmadon has been spotted at the museum!" she yells "guys.." the guys look to Lloyd and I "ya, ya I know we can't come and we have to stay here and train" Lloyd says and the guys nod and are off to the museum "show me your moves guys" Nya says and I look down.

"Aw c'mon show me" she says and I step on the flor tile that opens the training things "ok go" she says and Lloyd and I start, seeing who can stay on longer.We both end up getting thrown off me just seconds before him. We train for a couple more hours and then give up on it.

"Now I would like you two to read these please" sensei hands us both a book and we start, each secretly reading Star Fare. a couple more hours later I see that Nya is starting to get really worried.

"Lloyd, Lacey stay here Nya and I are going to look for the others" sensei says and they leave too, it's just me, Lloyd and our comics now.

We finish the comics "you wanna play video games" Lloyd asks "race ya!" I yell running up the stairs and into the bridge "no fair you got a head start" Lloyd wines and I laugh, popping the disk into the game console and sitting on a chair, we play for a while but neither one of us can kill the other "team" Lloyd asks "you bet" I say and we change the gameplay.

We get a phone call and pause the game, I pick up and put the phone on speaker

*On the phone*

Jay: hello... Lloyd? Lacey?

Lacey: Jay?

Lloyd: what happened?

Jay: where are sensei and Nya?

Lacey: they left, looking for you guys

Jay: meet us at the pizza parlor in town.... and bring the weapons!

*End of phone call*

Lloyd and I each grab two weapons I get the sword and nunchucks, Lloyd got the seith and shurkens.

We walk to the pizza parlor, getting a few stares along the way, looking around I don't see the guys anywhere, someone taps me on the shoulder and I jump a bit, I look up and it was Kai, a young Kai "Lloyd" I whisper and I nod toward the guys "ahh! your small!" Lloyd yells and everybody stares at us, I glare at him and he shuts up "what happened" I ask, setting my weapons on the table, Lloyd does the same with his.

The guys explain the whole Grundle situation and Lloyd and I look at each other and right away I know exactly what he's thinking 'mother doomsday'.

we take them to the local comic book store "we're not gonna get your stupid comic book guys" Kai says but I just wave him off "well if it isn't Lloyd the droid Garmadon and Lacey know it All" he uses his nick names that he made for our full names "if your hear for the latest issue I'm sorry. I'm all sold out" he says "oh uh actually we need some information on the Grundle" I say "oh the Grundle, it's been extinct for years" he says "ya but what if it was real and hunting us down, what would you suggest for fighting it" Jay says "theoretically" he says "well your nunchucks, swords, scythes and throwing stars will do nothing against the Grundle" mother doomsday says

"Illuma-swords are what you would need, because the Grundle is nocturnal" he says, walking over to the illuma-swords "great than we'll just take those" Kai starts towards them "not so fast, these swords can only be won by winning the comic book trivia competition" Mother Doomsday says, Lloyd enters and we start.

'Nya's POV'

We get home after looking for the guys for hours "Lloyd! Lacey!" I call but I don't see or hear them so we lost them too, I go to the bridge and the phone is beeping I listen to the message:

Lloyd: Nya, sensei the guys got turned into kids!

Lacey: and the Grundle is back, we need help! hurry!

I get sensei and we go looking for a thing called tomorrows tea.

'Lacey's POV'

It's starting to get late and dark but it's down to Lloyd and this other kid who really knows his stuff "this questions for Lloyd" mother doomsday says and we cheer "in Star Fare what is Prince Donagan's famous catch fraise" "fair? fair is not a word from where I come from" Lloyd says and we cheer "and we're all tied up" mother dooms day announces "ya Lloyd!" Cole calls "I just can't get used to your voices being like that" I laugh to the guys "ya laugh while you can" Kai says and I giggle.

"This question will be the tie breaker" mother doomsday says, Lloyd doesn't know the answer but we're to late and the Grundle shows up "everybody out!" Nya yells from the door, everybody but the guys Nya sensei and I file out of the store, the guys grab an illuma-sword and attack the Grundle, the props break and we get swept to the counter by the Grundle.

I look to Lloyd and we both nod, using our powers, I create a light ball and Lloyd creates a green energy ball, the Grundle hits us behind the counter with the guys still standing in front of it, sensei tosses them tomorrow's tea "use it, it will return you to your normal age and the Grundle back to dust and bones!" sensei yells "but what about Lloyd and Lacey" Cole asks "just do it!" we both yell "you'll miss your childhood guys we can't do that to you" Jay says "it wouldn't be fair" Kai says as they get knocked behind the counter too.

The tea lands in my lap "Lloyd!" I yell and he nods "Fair?! fair is not a word from were I come from!" we yell and throw the tea at the Grundle.

Everything goes black and I hear a loud ringing for a few seconds.

"But what about Lloyd and Lacey" I hear sensei ask as the ringing in my ears dulls down, I stand and feel taller Nya gasps "I'm older" I hear Lloyd say and his voice is deeper, I whip around and see Lloyd his blonde hair flips left and he did get older "Lacey" he says "Lloyd" I say and my voice sounds different too.

'Lloyd's POV'

I see Lacey and she's beautiful, like even more than she was before, her green eyes sparkle, her hair is now a dirty blonde that only goes to the middle of her shoulder blades, it's wavy now too, her part is on the left so I see her try to tuck her straight side cut bangs behind her right ear, she got older too.

'Lacey's POV'

We stand there in shock or awe "Lacey we have to go shopping tomorrow, other than your ninja kimono nothing elts you have is going to fit you" Nya laughs and I laugh too, we walk home in silence, not exactly knowing what to say to each other.

We get home and it's already like 9 so Nya and I get pyjamas on, she gives me a pair of her red pyjama bottoms and an old t-shirt, I get them on, their a little big because Nya is still curvier than me, I look in the mirror.

I don't see a little kid anymore, I'm tall and still have my slim figure but now I have more of an hourglass shape, and my hair is totally different,it got darker, it's wavy now and I have side cut bangs that are to short to tuck behind my ear.

Nya comes up to me "their a bit big but they'll work" she says "ya" I agree, I look away from the mirror and my thoughts drift to Lloyd 'are things gonna change between us' I think "Lacey you look really good" Nya complements me "thanks" I smile, all of my baby teeth are gone and my adult teeth are all in.

I get hungry "Nya I'm making popcorn, want some" I ask "yes please" she says and I walk to the kitchen, I see Lloyd in there, I get the popcorn and put it in the microwave "Lacey I just wanted you to know that.... I think you look really nice" he says "thanks, you too" I say and we stand there smiling like idiots, staring into each others eyes...... the microwave dings and I grab the popcorn and put it in a bowl "night Lloyd" I say "night Lacey" he says and I go back to Nya and I's room.

I put the popcorn on our coffee table and sit cross legged on my bed with my hand over my mouth "what" Nya asks smiling at me, I let my hand slide off of my mouth and into my lap "Nya what do you call it when you get all nervous and toung tied around someone" I ask nervously "ummmmm love" she says "why" she widens her eyes at me "you like Lloyd" she whispers and my eyes widen "Nya!" I whisper yell and she giggles.

'Lloyd's POV'

Lacey leaves the kitchen and my palms are all sweaty, why do I all of a sudden feel all nervous around her, I've never felt like this before, I decide to ask one of the guys about it.

I walk into the guys and I's room and they're all there..... great "um guys" I say, walking in and shutting the door "ya what's up Lloyd" Kai asks "um, my friend he knows a girl and he feels nervous and weird around her, like tung tied and his palms get sweaty around her, he needs advice" I say "is your 'friends' name Lloyd" Jay asks laughing and making quotations around 'friend' "maybe... Now will you help or not" I ask and they nod and think it over "Lloyd it sounds like your in" Kai starts but I cut him off "don't even say it" I say and the guys nod to each other.

"LOVE!" they yell at the top of their lungs, I run out of our room and onto the training deck to see Lacey.

'Lacey's POV'

"Lacey all I can come up with is that your in love" Nya says "no Nya that's not what I wanted you to tell me" I say "well it's true" she says "no!" I yell and run to the training deck.

"Lacey" I hear and whip around to see Lloyd "Lloyd" I say "how come you came out here" he asks "oh ya' know Nya just told me that I'm in love, you" I ask "that guys think that I'm in love too" he says and we just stand their for a while, only feet from each other "do you think that maybe..... they're right" he asks, taking a step closer "ya maybe" I say and I take a step closer too.

We come together and he kisses me, I put my arms around his neck and he puts his arms around my waist, for just getting older an hour ago he's a really good kisser.

'Lloyd's POV'

We come out for air and look at each other "so I guess they where right" I say "ya now I'm gonna have to listen to Nya say 'I told you so'" Lacey says and we laugh but end up kissing again *click* "got it" is all I hear and we pull away.

I'm so embarrassed that I'm seriously considering jumping off the side of the bounty "you guys are so dead" I growl "agreed" Lacey says "I told you so" Nya laughs "see I told you she would say that" Lacey says to me and I laugh "yes you did" I say still laughing "I just can't get used to your voices being like that" Cole mocks Lacey "well get used to it, this is the new us" she laughs.

Lacey's POV'

"what is going on" sensei asks, coming out "well Lacey and Llo-" Jay starts but once again Lloyd and I tackle him and each slap a hand over his mouth, we laugh "what happened" sensei asks again.

I give a death stare to all of the guys and Nya "well Lacey and Lloyd kissed" Kai says, sensei nods and Lloyd and I get off Jay "you are so dead!" I yell still laughing "I'm so scared" he mocks "you should be" Lloyd says, knowing my real power.

"Everybody to bed, as I hear Lacey and Nya are going shopping tomorrow and Lloyd you will need to go with the guys shopping" sensei says and we all file out, Lloyd and I are at the back of the pack.

'Lloyd's POV'

Lacey and I are at the back of the pack so I decide to kiss her one more time, just before we go under the arch to go down the stairs I pull her over and push her against the wall, kissing her.

'Lacey's POV'

When he stops I just stand there "I thought you didn't like girls" I say breathlessly "I guess all girls aren't so bad. c'mon the guys and Nya are gonna come looking for us again" he lets me go and walks me to Nya and I's room I open the door, not noticing that the guys and Nya are standing behind me "LLOYD AND LACEY SITTING IN A TREE K.I.S.S.I.N.G." they yell so loud that I think that all of Ninjago just heard that "OUT!" I yell while laughing and they get out "night Lloyd" "night Lacey" we say.

I watch Lloyd and the others walk down the hall and he is going to get teased so bad, I can feel it, I close the door and wait for Nya to say something "well looks like someone just had their first kiss" she says and I giggle "I'm never gonna hear the end of this am I" I ask "no. because your twelve" she says "not anymore, I'm seventeen now" I argue and she smiles in agreement.

"Go to bed!" One of the guys yells "well goodnight to you too Cole!" I yell back "that wasn't me! that was Kai!" Cole yells and Nya and I burst out in laughter.

We talk for a while about what I need tomorrow and Nya keeps trying to get me to get another dress, but I don't like dresses, eventually we fall asleep.

"There comes a time when we all must grow up. When that time comes, it's important not to forget the lessons of our childhood. Because childhood is the greatest training ground one will ever have." ~Sensei Wu

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