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'Lacey's POV'

In the morning I'm woken up by Sensei hitting the gong. Chaos groans and pulls her head under her pillow. I laugh and hop out of bed

"Get used to it" I laugh

"I don't wanna" she says and takes her head out from under the pillows

"Get up" I say and hit her in the head with my pillow

Nya pops her head in the door "Lacey c'mon, the guys are waiting for you" she says and closes the door

"Will you come watch us train" I ask hopefully

"Of course I will" she says with a sweet smile

I pull on my ninja gi and run out to the docks where the Bounty is docked

"Where's Chaos" Kai asks

"She's coming" I answer. Chaos runs out and stands beside me "speak of the devil" I laugh. She laughs too. I pull Chaos to the Ultra Dragon and she gets on

"Lacey this is awesome!! Can you fly him?!" She asks as I climb on

"Yep" I laugh. Kai and Lloyd fly with us to Darreth's dojo.

Once we get there Lloyd and I are lead to the middle of the room and blindfolds are placed over our eyes. While Chaos is tying my blindfold she leans down and whispers in my ear

"Kick they're butts Lacey" she says and I can hear the smirk in her voice. This puts a smile on my face

Someone walks into the room "guys, listen, I'm teaching a class later, I'd appreciate it if you didn't make a mess" Dareth says

"We'll try our best Dareth" Cole says as they move around.

"Do not rely on eyesight" Zane says and I hear them start to move again

"Use your other senses" Kai says as one of them charges. They go for Lloyd.

I hear someone get ready to throw something in my general direction. They throw and I dodge both shots. I hear a sword near my head and duck. It just misses my head. I jump over the same sword and kick it out of the persons hands.

I don't hear anyone moving anymore. I feel something hot on my arm and take the blindfold off. Lloyd has green fire dripping from his hands and some of it got on my arm. we also destroyed Darreth's trophies

"Woo! Good job guys!!" Chaos shouts

I smile at her and look around. Some of the floor has green fire on it and the guys are getting off the floor

The guys walk back over to us as Darreth walks into the room

"Ah! My trophies!!" He yells and runs over to his trophy case "which one of you did this to my beloved trophies" he asks and looks to me and Lloyd. I immediately point to Lloyd

"Uh, sorry about that Darreth" Lloyd scratches the back of his neck

As Darreth is about to speak again the dojo begins to shake

"What's happening?!?" Jay panics

"An earthquake dummy" Chaos say and struggles to keep her balance

"I fear it was unnatural causes, not an earthquake" Sensei says as he and Misako walk into the dojo. Jay sticks his tongue out at Chaos and she glares at him

Zane walks to the window and signals his falcon

"Help us look for trouble my flying friend" Zane says and the falcon flys away, into Ninjago.

We pull down our hoods and follow Zane's falcon. It leads us to a street with collapsing roads

"What's happening?!" Kai yells

"I don't know!!" Cole yells

"It can't be anything good" I say and look around. Everywhere there is people panicking and running in every direction

"Guys look!" Lloyd yells and everyone follows his gaze to see a woman trapped in the street while her dog barks loudly "you ready Lacey?" He asks me

"Let's go!" I yell and jump into the hole, trusting Lloyd and the others to not let me hit the bottom. I grab the woman's hand "okay!! Got her!!" I yell and we begin to move upwards

I hear Chaos talking to Cole "if you drop my sister I will personally kill you" she says, he just grunts as he pulls us out of the hole

"Thank you so much ninja" the woman smiles and picks up her dog

"It was no problem" I smile

"All in a day's work" Lloyd smiles at me

"Speak for yourself.... I did all of the work..." Cole pants

"Ninja, come look at this" Misako calls us over to her. She is holding a scroll and is looking at it intently

"According to the scrolls and prophecies, the earthquakes are a warning... A warning for something much worse to come" she states worriedly

"How much worse could things get?" Jay asks

"Apparently at least a little" Kai answers

"More then a little, look" Chaos points to a stone warrior emerging from the sunken parts of the street

"No..." "no..." "no!..." Is all that's said as warrior after warrior begins to destroy Ninjago piece by piece

Sensei talks into his wristwatch "Nya, get the Bounty to the evacuation point!"

Nya speaks back through the watch "I'm trying Sensei, but there's nowhere to land!" She yells

Just then a news reporter runs up to us "there's a helipad on top of the NTV office building!!" She yells

"Nya, get the bounty to the top of the NTV office building!"

"See you there!"

The news reporter tells everyone who's watching to get to the top of that building and before you know it everybody is racing there

"Ninja, I will need you to try and hold off the stone army while we get the citizens to the top of the building" Sensei says. I turn to Chaos

"Chaos, I want you to go with Sensei and Misako. You'll be safer" I say

"But Lacey, what if you get hurt or in trouble" she asks

"Chaos, I'm a ninja, I'll be fine" I smile

"Promise me you won't get killed" she looks me in the eyes as she speaks

"I promise you I'll live to see you again" I laugh at her

"Good, don't break your promise and stay safe" she hugs me and begins to walk to Misako and Sensei, who are headed towards the NTV office building

"I'll see you at the top of the office building!" I call and run to Lloyd and the Ultra dragon. We get on and begin to fight off warriors.


As the last of the citizens run into the huge building and up the hundreds of stairs, the guys and I barricade the door.

"I think I'm gonna take the elevator" Darreth says and pushes the 'UP' button

"Darreth, it is unwise to take the elevator in a case of emergency" Zane says as the doors open, revealing a stone warrior

Darreth screams and hits the 'close door' button

"On second thought, the stares don't look so bad" Darreth says and begins to run up the stairs.

We also begin to run up the stairs. About a quarter of the way up the stone warriors begin to follow us up the stairs or break the boards beneath our feet

"Keep holding them off!" Cole yells from a few flights of stairs above us. Lloyd, Jay and I stop running up the stairs and use our Spinjitzu to knock the warriors back down to the first floor

"Run!" Jay yells. We obey and begin to run up the stairs again. After a while we're at the top, but everyone isn't on the bounty yet, we're forced to continue fighting warriors

"Don't let them get to the bounty!!" Kai yells

"Wasn't planing on it!" I yell and push a warrior down the stairs.

It takes a while but all of the citizens are finally on the bounty

"Let's go!" Lloyd yells and we take off to the bounty. Once we're on the stone army begins to attack the rockets on the bottom and sides of the bounty

"Is everyone on!? We've gotta go!! Now!!" Nya yells over the speakers and we take off. Just as the bounty lifts off I see Sensei jump off the side and race back down the stairs with Misako

"No! Sensei! Mom!" Lloyd yells from beside me. Chaos comes up beside me

"Your safe!" She exclaims and hugs me again

"I told you, I'm a ninja, it's what I do" I smile and she releases me

"Ya, except for when you aren't a ninja, your a clumsy teenage girl" Lloyd laughs

"Well at least I'm not annoying, like some people" I cross my arms and look at him

"I'm not annoying!" He says

"Don't kid yourself, your annoying" Kai says, coming to stand beside Chaos

"Ha ha, told you so" I laugh

"Your annoying too there missy" Chaos smiles and pokes me

"Ha, told you so!" He mocks me

"Young love" Kai sighs with a smile, Chaos laughs at him

"We're not young!" Lloyd and I speak in unison

"Actually that's true, they're teenagers now" Jay says, joining the conversation. As he does the bounty drops quickly

Misako and Sensei roll onto the bounty unexpectedly

"Mom! Sensei!" Lloyd yells and hugs Misako.


Nya lands the bounty as the sky goes dark. It's night and not everyone can fit on the bounty while sleeping.

While we were flying Lloyd, Kai, Chaos and I went into the small storage room in the bounty and found the bed that Tori would have used. We set it up in our room and put sheets on it. That will be Chaos's bed from now on.

As we land everyone is eagerly waiting to get off the bounty. It can be nauseating if your not used to flying... on a ship...

After everyone is off the bounty I stand at the edge of it looking at the dark purples and blues in the dark night sky.

Chaos soon comes to get me for bed. I get changed, crawl into bed and let sleep take over my body.

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