The Leviathan

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'Lacey's POV'

As soon as I wake up in the morning I get changed and rush out to help the guys and Nya fix the Bounty. Chaos is already helping Kai

"Hey Nya, what do you want me to help with?" I ask and she turns to me

"You can help fix the rocket boosters if you'd like" she answers

"Okay" I smile and get to work.

After about 45 minutes everyone is getting discouraged

"I'm starting to think we may never fix this thing" Chaos sighs

"I'm starting to agree with you, we've been working on this thing for like two hours and we haven't gotten anywhere" Kai agrees

"It's no use!" Nya looks to her feet

"If the stone army decides to attack again we're sitting ducks!" Cole shouts

"Uh, ducks can fly Cole! We'd be sitting bricks!" Jay yells

"Jay, bricks aren't alive!" I shout back

"We won't be either if they attack again!" He screams

"Not necessarily" Misako says, walking out of the Bounty. Sensei and Zane walk over too "I think I've found a way to defeat the army, it's written in the scrolls" she continues. We follow Misako inside the Bounty, only to find scrolls laid out over the table in the bridge

"It says here that the power of the green ninja can only be unlocked when the four protectors find their true elemental power" Misako explains

"Wait, are we the four protectors?" Kai asks

"Silly question, of course we are! Right?" Jay asks

"Yes. You will all find your true elemental power at The Temple Of Light which is located on The Dark Island" Misako continues "Lacey, there is a prophecy about you too"

"Me?" I question

"Yes, it says that since it is the Temple Of Light, you will know how to reawaken the power that is held inside" she tells me. I look to my feet, worried that I won't know how to do it

"Don't worry Lacey, you can do it" Chaos throws her arm around my shoulders "We believe in you"

"Both of you" Kai adds and looks to Lloyd

"I'm sure that if we work together, we can accomplish anything" I smile, Lloyd nods

"We can, and we will" he says

"But, how do we get to the Dark Island?" Cole asks "the Bounty can't fly"

"It's a ship. Can't it sail?" Misako asks

"Silly question! Of course it can!... Right?" Jay asks

"Yes Jay, it can sail" Nya answers.

We spend the next two hours getting the Bounty into the water at the docks. Everyone gathers at the docks and says goodbye to loved ones. I pull Chaos over to aunt Alexandria

"Auntie Alex!" I exclaim and hug her

"My Lacey, you've grown" she smiles and looks to me

"Yeah" I look to Chaos

"Who's this young lady?" Aunt Alex asks

"Um, this is Chaos, your third niece..." I wait for her reaction

"Third niece?" She asks, looking Chaos over

"Yes, mom never told anyone about me..." Chaos says, avoiding eye contact

"Chaos, I'm so sorry I couldn't be there for you... If only I'd known..." Aunt Alex looks guilty, Chaos looks up

"It's not your fault..." She says

"I'm glad to know you now my dear" Aunt Alex pulls Chaos into a hug

"You to Auntie Alex" Chaos smiles

"If I see your father, I will be sure to tell him about you"

"Thank you" and with that they release

"Good luck Lacey, I know you can do this" Aunt Alex smiles and hugs me


Chaos and I wave goodbye to our aunt and get on the Bounty

"Ready to go?" Lloyd asks as we all walk to the back deck of the Bounty

"As ready as I'll ever be" I sigh and look up as we begin to sail. We wave and smile, Darreth does some weird dance on the dock as we leave

"Jay, did you pack clean underwear?!" Edna yells

"Ugh!! Yes! Mom!!" Jay looks down and face palms. Everyone bursts out laughing.

The guys and I gather on the outer training deck to watch the sunset

"So, what do you think will be on the island?" I ask, looking to the others

"I'm not sure..." Cole looks to the setting sun

"There is really no way to know what is on the island" Zane points out

"I... I wonder if this will be the end of our destiny..." Lloyd says quietly, we all turn to him

"Don't worry kid" Kai pats him on the back as Chaos walks out to us

"What's up Chaos?" I ask

"The sky" she answers, I laugh "I'm bored"

"Well there isn't much to do" Kai smiles at her, she smiles back

"Ohhh~" I giggle quietly. Chaos blushes and glares at me. As she turns away Zane gasps

"What is it Zane?" Jay asks

"My Falcon has made it to the Dark Island" Zane runs into the bridge, we race after him where Sensei and Misako wait

"Now you may see too" he plugs a cord into his wrist and his Falcon Vision shows up on the screen. The Dark Island is covered in Stone Warriors.

One of them points out Zane's falcon to the rest of them. Another pulls out its bow and shoots down his Falcon. Zane falls to the ground

"Zane!" We yell

"Zane, I'm so sorry" Nya says as she and Kai help him up

"He was the only family I had left..." Zane says quietly

"Don't worry Zane, we won't let him die in vain" Kai assures him

"That'll have to wait, look!" Chaos points out the window. We turn and see dark clouds filling the sky in front of us

"Prepare for a storm, ninja" Sensei tells us

"Yes Sensei" we nod and race out onto the outdoor training deck.

By the time the storm hits the sun has set. Kai, Cole, Lloyd and Zane hold on to the rope holding the sail to keep the Bounty going straight and to keep the sail from breaking off. I help steer the Bounty in the bridge.

I see the guys begin to be pulled off of the outer deck by the rope holding the sail. Why isn't Jay helping them? I think to myself. They fly even farther off of the deck. I run from the steering wheel

"Chaos-!" She cuts me off

"Got it!" She runs to the wheel and nods to me. I run out the door and grab ahold of the rope, trying to pull them back down. But it doesn't work, I begin to loose my footing as well

"Jay!!" I scream. He runs up behind me and helps me pull them down. Once we get them down another wave crashes over the Bounty, soaking us all. Jay mumbles something to himself, but I can't make out what he said.

As we struggle to keep the sail in place I hear laughter

"Who's laughing?!" Cole yells

"Jay!!" Kai screams

"It's not me!!" Jay defends, the laughing continues and I look to Jay

"Jay, quit!!" Kai screams again

"It's actually not him!" I say, getting nervous

"Then wha-" Lloyd gets cut off by some orange starfish landing on the base of the sail "what is that thing?" Lloyd asks

'Chaos's POV'

I let Nya take the wheel and watch Lacey and the guys hold the sail in place. Suddenly orange starfish-like things begin sticking all over the Bounty

"Uh, Misako?" She runs to my side

"No! Star-teeth! They will devour the Bounty until there's nothing left!" She exclaims. My eyes widen. I run out the stairs leading to the outdoor training deck

"Guys! get them off the ship! They'll sink the Bounty!!" I scream. They begin panicking as the star-teeth attach themselves to the ninja.

'Lacey's POV'

The guys panic and let go of the rope as the star-teeth land on them. I hold the rope as tight as I can

"Guys!!!" I scream as the rope begins to pull me off my feet

"Kinda busy Lacey!" Cole yells, hurriedly getting the star-teeth off of himself

"They eat through metal!?" Jay panics, getting them off of the chain. A star-teeth lands on my arm and bites down

"Ow!" I scream in pain and let go of the rope, causing the sail to go crazy. I whack the star-teeth off of my arm. I watch the guys use their Spinjitzu on the star-teeth. I do the same and get them off of the base of the sail

"Uh, guys..." Jay motions us over to the side of the Bounty. He shows us a huge hole, leading to the bottom deck. There is just enough space on the bottom that the water getting in won't sink us immediately, but it will eventually.

"Find something to get the water out of the bottom deck with" Cole instructs, as more waves crash into us, knocking Kai, Lloyd and I over

"Hey, I found a bucket!" Jay calls

"One bucket?" Lloyd asks, getting off of the deck

"It's better then nothing" I tell him, following the others down into the bottom floor.

We scoop the water out of the bottom floor all night. By morning the storm has settled down and everyone is exhausted. We stand in ankle-deep water, scooping it out of the Bounty one bucket at a time

"Do you think we're almost there?" Jay asks, dumping another bucket out of the hole

"I hope so" Cole answers

"We may not be close to the Dark Island, but I sense that we are close to something" Zane says, I look to him

"What else could we be close t-" as I begin to ask my question the Bounty hits something, hard. It sends everyone flying back

"What did we hit?" Lloyd asks as we walk up the stairs to the top deck

"It looks like... A lighthouse?" Kai questions

"Why would somebody build a prison all the way out here?" Chaos asks as she, Sensei and Misako walk out to us

"Not a lighthouse, but a prison" Zane says, walking up the stairs.

Zane knocks lightly on the dark wooden door. A camera-like thing pops out of the wall and looks at us. An older man with white hair pulls the door open

"Zane!" He exclaims

"You know him?" Lloyd asks

"Of course I do! I built him!" The man lets Zane go

"Father?" Zane asks

"Yes, it's really me. Now please, come inside" He motions for us to follow him up the many stairs leading up to a room.

After climbing the stairs we're in a room full of awesome inventions

"Woah!" Chaos exclaims

"Please, have a seat" he says, walking to the other side of the room

"Where?" Cole asks

"Oh!" He presses a button and a table and chairs spin out of the ground. I stare in awe before sitting down.

His little robot invention rolls out from under a desk and hops onto the table. It puts cups in front of each of us. As it gets the tea a monstrous roar is heard from the sea around us

"What's that?!?!" Jay panics

"No! It's coming to check on me! Hide!" Dr. Julien tells us. I run under one of the small windowsills with Chaos. Just our luck, it pokes its head in the window that we're hiding under

Chaos's eyes go wide and she looks like she might sneeze. I shake my head frantically mouthing the words 'don't sneeze'. She stays quiet while 'it' is at the window.

When it finally leaves Chaos let's out a huge sneeze. I giggle as everyone gets out of their hiding spots

"What is that thing?" Cole asks

"That is a Leviathan" Dr. Julien answers

"Well, we should try to get the Bounty back in the air before the 'Leviathan' comes back" Lloyd says, I nod

"That sailing ship can fly?" Dr. Julien runs to the window. He and Nya talk a little before she turns around

"Get ready to start fixing the Bounty!" She exclaims.

I help Cole and Lloyd sew a bunch of sheets together.

Almost as soon as we finish the Leviathan sends out an ear-splitting screech

"Quickly, everyone onto the Bounty!!" Dr. Julien and Zane hurriedly run down the stairs and onto the Bounty.

We take off

"We made it..." Jay sighs in relief

"Not yet we haven't!" Chaos points to the three tentacles of the Leviathan that take hold of the hot air balloon that we made for the Bounty

"Lloyd, use your powers!" Sensei commands

"Alright!" Lloyd shouts, creating a green energy ball and shooting it at the hot air balloon. The Leviathan lets go of the balloon, only to attach itself to the Bounty directly

"It's going to pull us in!" Kai yells

Zane gets up to stand on the railing, jumping into the water before anyone can stop him

"Zane!!" His father shouts, going to the rail and looking at the water.

The Leviathan lets us go and the Bounty flies full force away from the prison

"Why did it...?" I don't finish my question before Zane is back on the Bounty

"Zane!" His father runs over and hugs him

"How did you know the Leviathan would let us go?" I ask

"No one should be held captive, not even a monster" he answers.

Once we start flying at a slower pace again, Zane goes to the kitchen to cook dinner with the limited supplies we have.

After dinner the sun has set, so we're all shooed off to bed.

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