Evil Ninja

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'Lacey's POV'

I wake up in the medical bed and I'm not in pain or dizzy "Lacey you are awake" Sensei says "ya" I answer "come, I will brew you healing tea" he says, I get off of the bed and walk around or overtop of sleeping bodies.

When we get to the cafeteria I sit at a table and Sensei brews the tea "sensei I'm sorry" I say once he gets to the table with the tea "for what" he asks "for always getting in the way or getting hurt or in trouble" I lower my head "Lacey you are learning, do you know how the serpentine got out" he asks "no" I say, puzzled, "well, Lloyd let them out as an act of rebellion" sensei says and I laugh a bit "he did" I ask "yes he did" he chuckles

I drink my tea and we go to get the others up "would you like to get them up Lacey" sensei asks me "oh ya" I smirk, I get Lloyd and Nya up to help me "ok so on three we all yell 'get up' ok....one....two....three" and on three we yell "GET UP GUYS!" the guys shoot up and Nya, Lloyd and I laugh really hard, "so I take it you feel better" Kai questions "yep" I smile "well let's get back to the apartment and get ready before we have to train later, ok" Cole says "ya, and what time is it" Jay asks "umm.... like four" Lloyd answers, looking at the clock on the wall, Lloyd, Nya and I get some dirty stares from the guys on the way back home, minus Zane.

Once we're back home all of the guys shower, one after the other and I get my ninja kimono on "ok Lacey what do you want me to do with your hair" Nya asks "uh can you put it in a high pony tail and than braid it" I ask "of course" she says, she brushes my hair into a pony tail and than she braids the pony tail. I walk out to the living room and we are off to the dojo.

We get to the dojo at around eight and Dearth is teaching his students animal fighting techniques "ok students, move into the next room" Dearth tells his students, he than leads the way and we have the room to our selves.

The guys give me and Lloyd each a lightbulb "ok try to turn it on" Cole tells us, I hold the bulb in both hands and concentrate on turning it on, I feel the power running through me, the bulb turns on and shines bright.

"Good job Lacey" the guys praise me, I look to Lloyd and his bulb blows up, Jay hands him another light bulb..... that one blows up too... after four more try's Lloyd still can't turn the bulb on "can I try one more time?!" he asks "sorry Lloyd we're all out of bulbs" Jay says, looking around the room at the piles of glass "I can't do it!" he yells "don't worry, you will get it within time" sensei tells Lloyd, Lloyd storms over to the punching bag and throws himself at it.

"Guys the mails here" Kai calls, I don't really care about the mail so I go to calm Lloyd down "Lloyd calm down" I sooth "Lacey I don't get it, you turned yours on on your first try...... I'm supposed to be able to control all elements" he says, still hitting the punching bag "Lloyd light is my element, if I couldn't turn the bulb on than we would have a serous problem" I laugh and he smiles a bit, but I can see him try to hide it, he stops punching the punching bag and comes over to me.

'Coles POV'

"Guys this ones for Lloyd, it's from Darkly's" Kai says, opening a letter "it says that Lloyd's transformation made them change and they are now Darkly's School for Great Children and they want him to except an award for excellence" he continues "do we know the same Lloyd" Jay asks pointing to Lloyd, throwing himself at the punching bag and Lacey trying to calm him down, he eventually does "Lacey is the only one who can calm him down" Kai points out, we continue to watch them.

'Lacey's POV'

"Here" I hold out my lightbulb in front of me "Lacey I can't do it" he says "we'll do it together" I say and he puts his hands around mine on the metal of the lightbulb "feel your powers going into the lightbulb" I tell him, he squeezes harder and I can almost feel him concentrating, the lightbulb flickers on "Lloyd you did it" I say and he opens his eyes "yes!" he yells, just as he does the lightbulb explodes, we both laugh "I guess we overpowered it" he laughs, that only makes me and him laugh harder.

"Guys" Kai yells and motions for us to come over "we're going to Darkly's School for Great Children, they went good" Cole says "they did" Lloyd asks and the guys nod "I hope they have cake" Cole says "I'm driving the ultra dragon!" Lloyd yells "awww, but I wanna live till tomorrow" I wine mockingly "Lacey you drive half way and than Lloyd you get to drive half way" Kai says and we both nod.

We get the dragon and are off, I'm first to drive "carful Lacey!" Cole yells as I almost fly into a building "smoothen out your actions" Zane says and I pull up to avoid a building "Lacey go down!" Kai yells, I relieve the rains and we go down more.

During the time when Lloyd's driving he get demands shouted out just as much as I did "I can't decide who's worse" Jay says as all of the guys stumble off of the dragon "I'm driving back" Cole says.

A boy with brown hair and hazel eyes comes up to us "Lloyd" he calls and he hugs Lloyd "Brad" Lloyd says "and you four must be the famous ninja" Brad goes and shakes the guys hands "Brad this is my team, and this is Lacey" he motions to me "hello Lacey" Brad says and I get a hug too "hi Brad" I say "come on follow me, Principal Noble wants to talk to you Lloyd" Brad says and he leads the way into the school.

We are walking through the school and realize that there is nobody in any of the classrooms "where is everybody" Kai asks "Principal Noble said that their is no school today because it is now 'Ninja Day'" Brad says, he leads us into a room "Principal Noble will be with you soon" Brad says, he slams the door shut "was that weird to you" Jay asks "ya" we answer.

"Ah, Lloyd I see you got our invitation, please come in" Principal Noble says, Lloyd opens the door, I go in after him and the guys follow, we see a boy with orangey browny hair and light brown eyes "Gene" Lloyd says, Gene cuts a rope and sandbags fall on the guys and Lloyd's heads "Gene.... I will get you for this" Lloyd says before passing out.

"I didn't know that their was going to be a girl" Gene says, crossing his arms "I didn't know that the guys where going to get knocked out by sandbags" I smirk "what are we gonna do with you now" Gene asks slowly, some of the other boys start to circle me, they come to close and I kick one of them "boys back away, I don't want her to hurt anyone" Gene says

"I thought that girls where supposed to be defenceless" the boy that I kicked wines "and I thought bad boys where supposed to be cute.... I guess we where both wrong" I say and smile "well apparently you think Lloyd is pretty cute" Brad accuses me "what?!" I ask in shock "I've had enough! get her!" Gene yells "ahh!" one of them hits me over the head and knocks me out.

I wake up and I'm tied to a chair, in a room with Lloyd and all of the bad boys "did you finally wake up princess" Gene asks "my name is not princess" I snap at them "well we're not here for you" Gene turns to Lloyd "Lloyd ever since you left and became the green ninja we've had a bad reputation" he says "we want you to come back, we want you to be our leader" Gene walks up to Lloyd "what makes you think I would want to come back" Lloyd asks "Lloyd we know that their is still the evil Lloyd inside of you, you still want to be evil... don't you?" Gene asks "ummm" Lloyd looks like he's struggling to answer "stop it Lloyd! your not evil!" I blurt out

"This is not your decision" Brad says "ya I do still wanna be evil..... so you can untie me now" Lloyd nods and I feel like someone punched me in the stomach "wait, what if your lying just to go and help your friends" Brad accuses Lloyd "I'm not.... Because good people can't lie.... but even if I was lying than that would make me bad" he says 'he's lying..... I better play along' I think "he's telling you the truth...... he is evil" I say falsely upset, I feel my hand start to shake and grab ahold of the back of the chair so they won't notice "your both terrible liars" Gene says, we hear a loud thump and the bad boys file out of the room, locking the door behind them.

"Lacey" Lloyd asks "ya" I prompt "so you knew I was lying" he asks "ya, you might be a worse lier than me" I laugh and so does he, I start looking around for something to help us get out of these ropes, I see the light on the ceiling "Lloyd! the lightbulb!" I whisper yell and he nods "one...... two...... three!" We count down and try to overpower it, the lightbulb explodes, I fall onto my side and cut the ropes with the glass, Lloyd does the same.

Just as we head for the door the bad boys come back "aw c'mon!" Lloyd yells "ya we got out fair and square!" I yell "we'd let you go but.... your good" Gene says "yes we are... but so is Brad" Lloyd accuses "I am not!" Brad yells "remember when I first got here, I didn't know how things worked and Brad put fire ants in my bed" Lloyd asks and the others snicker "that was good, pure evil" Gene snickers "well the next morning Brad told me he was just trying to teach me how things work around here, he took me under his wing" Lloyd tells them, they come closer and I inch backwards "it's true and.... I love planting flowers" Brad admits "Brad" Gene spits out his name "please help me help my team" Lloyd pleads, they come closer and nod "my father is going to be so mad" Gene says "join the club" Lloyd laughs a bit.

We sow ninja kimonos together in four colours; red, blue, black and white for the boys, we pull down our hoods and race out and start to fight the evil ninja, along with the good ninja.

'It's like me and Lloyd, we're equals... so you just have to land a punch' I think "guys! just land a punch!" I yell and they nod, evil Cole comes up to me "quiet!..... girl" he laughs and picks me up by the collar of my kimono, I swing my legs and try to kick him "let me go!" I yell, Cole comes up behind evil Cole and punches him, he turns to black dust "thanks" I breath "no problem" he says, I turn to Jay and evil Jay "oh by the way... I kissed Nya" evil Jay smirks "WHAT!?!" Jay yells, he punches evil Jay into the lockers, he turns into black dust too, Kai gets rid of evil Kai and Zane kills evil Zane.

Five teachers come out of a cabinet and walk up to the bad boys "usually we would punish you for locking us in a room, but you helped the ninja so you are off of the hook" the man in the front says "so does this mean we get cake" Cole asks.

Cole gets his cake and we're off, Lloyd and I sit in the back of the Ultra Sonic Rider, Cole is on the dragon with his cake and the other three are in the front of the Ultra Sonic Rider.

Lord Garmadon comes on the screen and says "you defeated me this time ninja but mark my words-" he gets cut off because Lloyd uses his powers on the circuits "wow, Lloyd you did that" Kai asks "and it didn't blow up" Jay laughs "hey, you go to school and you learn a few things" Lloyd says and we both laugh most of the way home.

"How was Darkly's" Nya asks when we get to the apartment "oh... great, getting tied up by a bunch of boys" I say sarcastically "sorry about that Lacey" Lloyd apologizes, scratching the back of his neck "nah it's fine, they probably did worse to you when you went to school there... like the fire ants" I say "ya" he says quickly.

"Lacey I was out in town today and I found a dress that I thought you might like, its in our room if you want to go try it on" Nya says "I will but I don't exactly love dresses" I say slowly "ok, that's ok" she says and I go to try it on.

I get into Nya and I's room and laying on my bed is a baby blue dress, I get it on and it flows down to below my knees, it has fabric straps and is tight until my waist, it starts flowing from there, I take out the braid in my pony tail, but leave the pony tail in.

'Lloyd's POV'

Lacey walks out in this amazing dress "Lacey you look beautiful" Nya says in awe "thanks, I really do like it" Lacey says 'she looks.... what's the word I'm looking for?' I get snapped out of my thoughts because of and elbow to my ribs "don't stare" Kai whispers in my ear, I look up to him and he's smirking at me, I give him a death stare.

Cole pops in some music and puts on Young Volcanoes by Fall out Boy everybody other than me starts to dance, Lacey comes up to me and takes my hand, she pulls me to my feet and I start to dance "ok everybody follow me!" Cole yells and he starts showing us moves, we copy him, the moves start to get more complicated and Lacey and I keep bumping into each other or stepping on each others feet we laugh about it and end up getting even farther behind and more clumsy, after awhile we both drop out "Lloyd follow me" she runs out of the apartment and I follow.

'Lacey's POV'

I take him to the roof to show him my newly descovred powers, when we get there I stand in the middle of the roof, throw my arms above my head and look at the sky, light shoots out of my hands and into the night sky.

I look to Lloyd and wait for a reaction, he looks to me with a look of.... Either awe or amazement "Lacey that was amazing!" he yells, ok maybe a mix of both "I wanna try!" he yells, he repeats my actions and a green energy ball shoots from his hands, he hits a mailbox with a loud *BOOM* we look at each other, eyes wide and mouthes open "the guys are gonna kill us!" Lloyd yells, we both burst out laughing "we better go back down or else the guys will send a search team for us" I laugh "to late!" I hear Jay yell

Lloyd and I whip around and see the guys Nya and sensei staring at us, my eyes widen and my jaw drops, out of the corner of my eye I see that Lloyd has the same expression on his face "h-how long have you been standing there" I ask quickly "long enough to see your light in the sky and Lloyd destroy that mailbox" Cole points to the mailbox, Lloyd and I look to each other, we smile and burst out laughing "you think that's funny" Kai asks and we stop laughing as well as we can.

"Um no?" I say still half laughing "get to bed you two" Nya says "yes Nya" I say and start my descend off of the roof, when I get back to Nya and I's room I take off the dress and throw on a black and green tank top and green pj bottoms.

I get into bed but can't sleep, all of my thoughts keep turning to Tori and my parents one way or another, I decide to go back to the roof for a while, I grab my hoodie and quietly make my way up to the roof, I sit down, hug my knees and start to sing the song that Tori used to sigh to me when I was little it's called Invincible by Hedley:

Took a long hard look at my life

Lost my way while I was fighting the tide

A big black cloud stormy sky

Followed me while I was living a lie

So heartless

so selfish

so in darkness when all your nights are starless

You're running outa hope

But I found the strength inside to see found the better part of me

And I'll never let it go

I've come a long long way

Made a lot of mistakes

But I'm breathing breathing

That's right and I mean it mean it

This time I'm a little run down

I've been living out loud

I can beat it beat it

That's right 'cause I'm feeling feeling


My voice cracks and I can't sing it anymore, tears flood down my cheeks but I wipe them away "I will not cry anymore because of them" I say to myself "I have a new family and they love me for who I am" I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to see sensei Wu.

"Are you ok Lacey" he asks, looking down at me "ya..... I'm just having a hard time forgetting about Tori and my parents" I say and I stand up "now Lacey, do not forget, memories are important, they make a person who they are" sensei says, he tells me the story of how Lord Garmadon got bitten by the devourer when they where kids "and when I banished him to the underworld I was devastated, but I knew what I had to do" he tells me "do you know what you must do Lacey" sensei asks "yes, I must help Lloyd defeat his father" I say firmly "very good" he nods.

I yawn "night sensei" I say going back down the roof "goodnight Lacey" he answers, I go to bed and instantly fall asleep.

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