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'Lacey's POV'

"Lacey wake up" a soft voice calls-Nya "Lacey you have to shower and go to the dojo" she says, I open my eyes slowly and stand up "go get in the shower you've got about 6 minutes of hot water" Nya says "ok" I grumble and go to the bathroom, I get in the shower and get out just as the water goes cold I jump out "well that woke me up" I laugh to myself.

I go back to Nya and I's room and get my kimono on, I don't have much time so Nya pulls my wet hair into a regular braid "I'm coming to training today so if this falls out I can fix it" she tells me "thanks Nya, your the best" I hug her and we walk out of our room, she runs to the kitchen and I go to the living room, the guys are waiting at the door with sensei "ready" Cole asks and Nya comes out "yep" she says as she hands me a bowl "it's oatmeal we got up late and didn't eat so we can eat it on the bus" she whispers in my ear "thanks" I whisper and we're gone.

When we get to the dojo Nya takes my bowl and puts it with hers and I go to the guys and sensei "ok Lloyd please do a handstand" sensei instructs, Lloyd does as he's told and does a handstand "now lift one hand" sensei says, he lifts his left arm "now Lacey use Lloyd's feet like the floor and try a handstand" sensei tells me i give him an 'are you serious' look and he nods towards Lloyd.

I put my hands on his feet and he giggles, that makes me giggle "ready" I ask and he nods, I push my self up into a handstand on Lloyd's feet and hold that position, my braid falls in my face "Lacey lift the opposite hand of Lloyd" sensei instructs, I lift my right arm so that I'm just balancing on my left arm, Kai try's to stand on my feet but Lloyd wobbles and that makes me wobble to, we fall over and land on the mats, Lloyd and I burst out laughing but Kai doesn't.

It takes a few more try's but we finally get everybody up, Kai is standing on my feet, Cole is standing on his hands and is holding sensei and Nya, Zane is standing on Coles shoulders and Jay is standing on Zane's hands"you ok Lloyd" I ask, breathing heavily from the six other people crushing my spine "yep, you" he breathes "yea" I say "sensei don't you think this might be kinda hard on them, I mean they're just kids" Kai says "they carry Ninjago's fate on their shoulders" Sensei answers.

Something hits the wall behind us and we topple over, we get up and see what it was, its a wreaking ball.

Dearth rushes over "what are you doing!?" he panics "you've fallen behind on your payments, unless you can come up with fifty thousand dollars Darnagom Enterprises is going to buy the whole block and turn it into a frisbee golf course" one of the workers says "they told me I have until tomorrow afternoon" Dearth says "ok, well we'll be back tomorrow then" they say and the wrecking ball goes away "guys the name Darnagom if you rearrange the letters it spells Garmadon" Zane says "they must be doing this so that we won't have anywhere to train Lloyd and Lilly" Cole says

"Wait guys the Ninjago ninja ball run is tomorrow" Nya says "what's that" I ask "it's the biggest and most dangerous race in all of Ninjago and the grand prize is one hundred thousand dollars" she says "guys we can enter in the Ultra Sonic Raider" Cole says "Lacey and I can enter with the ultra dragon" Lloyd says "ya!" I yell "no. you two are not entering" Kai says looking into my eyes "yes we are" I say, going up to him, neither of us blink both giving our best stink eye "are we having a staring contest" I ask "no" he says "than blink" I smirk "no" he says "why" I ask "because I don't want to loose" he answers "c'mon Lacey" Lloyd chants.

After a while Kai finally blinks "yes!" Lloyd and I yell and we high-five "we can both drive at the same time right" Lloyd asks the guys "yes, you can" Zane answers and I nod "ok ninja go and get ready for the ninja ball run" sensei says and we walk out of the dojo. Lloyd and I race to the bus stop and as usual it's a tie.

While we're on the bus I start thinking what I'm gonna do all day "hey Lacey wanna help me bake a cake when we get back" Nya asks "ya" I say.

We get back and Nya and I get started on the cake we're making chocolate cake with vanilla icing, I dip my finger in the cake batter and lick it off of my finger "mmmm" I breath "Lacey" Nya eyes me suspiciously and I start to grin "I saw that" she says "saw what" I ask and she widens her eyes as if to say 'you know what' "I was just testing it" I say "and, how is it" she asks "amazing" I laugh.

Lloyd and Jay walk in "can I help" Lloyd asks "yep" I say, he dips his finger in the batter too and licks it, I laugh a little "keep your fingers out of the batter, it's not done yet" Nya scolds us, taking the bowl away, Lloyd and I watch her put more ingredients into the bowl "hey Nya I'm gonna go down and make shure that the Ultra Sonic Raider is ready for the race tomorrow and I was wondering if...... you maybe wanted to come" Jay asks "ya I'll come as soon as the cakes done" Nya says and they kiss.

"Eweeeee" Lloyd and I say together "it's a part of life! get used to it!" Kai yells from the living room, we burst out in laughter

We finish the cake and Nya and Jay leave "watch them while they ice the cake and nobody eats it until after dinner" Nya says to the guys and winks at me and Lloyd before she leaves, Lloyd and I run to the kitchen, grab two spatulas, two things of icing and get started on icing the cake..... we might've eaten a bit of icing in the process but we finished.

"Yay it's done" Lloyd says "that was fun" I laugh putting what icing I have left on my spatula on Lloyd's nose, I laugh and he puts some icing on my cheek, I put more on his nose and he gets the half empty container of icing and his spatula "you asked for it" he laughs I laugh too and grab the other container off of the counter as I start to run and he chases me.

We get to the living room and I turn around and throw a glob of icing getting it in Lloyd's hair "oh it's on" he laughs and throws some in my hair.

We end up getting icing all over the floors, one of the walls andddd.... all over each other.

Nya and Jay walk in the door and look wide eyed at the scene before them, everything covered in icing "GUYS!" Nya yells and the guys come running out "what did you two do?!" Cole yells "we uh... had an..... icing fight" I say quietly "I told you to watch them!" Nya yells "how where we supposed know that they where going to have an icing fight?!" Kai yells "that's why I told you to watch them!" Nya yells "well they should have known better!" Cole yells "their kids! they don't know better!! And it was probably fun!!" Nya yells "they should know not to have a food fight in the living room Nya!!!" Kai yells "it looks like fun! That's what they thought?!" Cole yells "ya! Most likely!" Nya yells.

The guys and Nya continue to yell back and forth, Lloyd and I just stand there, in the puddle of icing "STOP!" I yell and the guys and Nya look startled but they stop "this is my fault, I started it. so if your going to punish one of us then punish me" I say, looking around at them "that is very mature Lacey" sensei says, coming into the living room "you two go get cleaned up and then you can clean this mess" sensei says "yes sensei" Lloyd and I answer.

I sit on a stool in front of the mirror in Nya and I's room "Lacey this is never going to come out of your hair" Nya says "ya I know" I mumble, looking at the floor "was the food fight fun" Nya asks and I can see her smiling "ya it-wait your not mad" I ask "of course not, I know that you where just playing around and that you guys didn't mean to make a mess" she says "thanks for defending us Nya" I smile a bit "hey what are sisters for" she laughs

"I'm confused, I'm not your sister" I say "well your the closest I've got to a younger sister and I've told you, I think of you as a sister" she explains "I think of you like an older sister too" I say as she comes up to me with a huge bowl "get up for a minute please" she says, I get up and move the stool, she sets the bowl on the floor and I sit down in front of it, Nya sits behind me and the bowl and takes my braid out.

"Ok lay back" she instructs, I lay back and she puts my hair into the bowl.

I don't know what was in that bowl but whatever it was it worked.

By the time we finish getting the icing out of my hair it's evening "thank you so much Nya" I hug her "no problem" she says, we go out to the living room and I see Lloyd cleaning the wall, I start on the floor.

We finish cleaning and go to the table for dinner, neither Lloyd or me looks up once for all of dinner with the guys, we only sneak the occasional look at each other "guys I'm sorry that I yelled at you" Cole says "ya me too, but please be loud, scream and laugh again" Kai says "I agree, this is weird, I mean you two haven't been this quiet...... ever" Jay says and they all look at us, I take my plate and put it in the sink in the kitchen and stand their for a while, thinking.

'Nya's POV'

"Annoying girl" Kai says "hey! don't say that about Lacey!" Lloyd yells and stomps to the kitchen "wow, was that weird to anyone elts" Jay asks "ya that was even weirder than normal for him" Cole says and I instantly know what they're talking about: they think that Lloyd has a crush on Lacey.

'Lacey's POV'

By the time Lloyd walks into the kitchen I'm close to tears "Lacey are you mad" Lloyd asks, coming to stand in front of me, I shake my head no, afraid that if I talk I'll start to cry "what's wrong" he asks "I'm so sorry Lloyd, I got you in trouble, us getting yelled at was all my fault" I say and I feel hot tears run down my cheeks "no... don't cry Lacey" he says and I take it that he doesn't exactly know what to do when a girl cries.

"Lacey is their more to this than your telling me" he asks, looking at my hand I look to it too and it's shaking "can we go to the roof" I ask "ya... but how are we gonna get their" he asks "we can try my window" I say.

We walk quietly to Nya and I's room and I open the window and see a rusty ladder "it looks safe" I tell him getting on the window ledge and starting to climb the ladder, Lloyd follows and soon we're on the roof.

"So tell me" he says and we sit on the roof "well in school I was what you could call a...... bad girl?" I search for the right word "and one day I got dragged into a fight and they called Tori, she fought with the principal for hours and I was sitting right there the whole time" I take a shaky breath and continue "and seeing Nya stickup for us like that brought up old memories"

I start to shake "what happened at the school" he asks "I got in huge trouble because the other girls in the fight teamed up against me so I got detention for three weeks" I say "but on the bright side during all of this was when I met Ally, she helped me through it... she was the only friend I had..... until I met you guys" I tell him

"can I tell you a secret" he asks "of course" I say starting to get curious "well, everybody thinks that I ran away from my old school but...... the truth is that I got kicked out and back at Darklys I was a misfit too and I didn't have any friends so I opened up the snake tombs and met Pythor" he tells me the story of how Pythor tricked him and all of that.

At the end I ask him "did I hear you call me a misfit" we both laugh "so, you excited for the race tomorrow" he asks "um, well a mixture of excited and scared" I say "scared" he mocks "you can't tell me your not" I accuse and he stares into my eyes "ok maybe a bit" he looks to the night sky "hey you think you can teach me the thing you do in the sky with the light and the boom" he asks "ya, you can do it" we stand up.

"Ok hold your arms up and feel the power in your arms, but don't shoot" I say "that's where I went wrong last time" he says and I nod, he holds his arms up and I see him concentrating "now...... shoot!" I yell and we both shoot into the night sky, creating explosions of green and yellow "wow" we say "I told you that you could do it" I say "you were right" he says and we go back down the ladder into Nya and I's bedroom.

"Lacey! Lloyd get out here!" Cole yells from the kitchen table, Lloyd and I look at each other and grin ear to ear because... we pranked the guys, with the help of Nya.

We run to the table and see Cole with a face full of cake and Nya is laughing like a hyaena, Lloyd and I laugh too, the three of us laugh to the point of not being able to breath "hey we told you that we'd get you back for hanging us on building signs" Lloyd laughs and ducks out of being hit by flying cake.

Soon cake is being thrown all over the room "I thought you guys where supposed to know better" I giggle and Kai throws a handful of cake into my hair "you are so dead!!!" I scream still half giggling, I grab the biggest handful humanly possible and when Kai doesn't expect it I try to put it on his head only..... I can't reach, I feel someone pick me up and I shove the cake in his hair and squish it in, I get put down and Cole was the one holding me "thanks" I breath and he nods to Kai who has now turned around.

"Who put cake in my hair" Kai laughs and everybody continues to throw cake at each other, I see an arm but move out of the way so that whoever was going to cake me cakes themselves..... it was Lloyd, he got cake all over his face, I laugh and he gets more cake, I run and he chases me "STOP!" Sensei yells, we all get in line, lower our heads and wait for punishment.

"I thought that you four where supposed to know better" sensei questions, looking at the guys "I thought you where all supposed to know better" he says "tonight before going to sleep you will clean this mess and then I will be getting you up at five am tomorrow morning to go for a run around the block and to do some exercises" sensei says and I regret the prank "even you Nya" and with that he leaves.

By the time we finish cleaning up its 10:00, I jump quickly into the shower and then go to Nya and I's room, I get on jogging pants and a hoodie because I don't have any clean pyjama bottoms, Nya comes in wet from the shower and gets her pyjamas on "Lacey we better get to bed, we do have to get up five after all" she laughs "ya we better" I laugh.

We both get into bed and shut out the lights "night Lacey" "night Nya" and we fall asleep.

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