New Lifestyle

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'Lacey's POV'

A girl comes out to meet us "hi I'm Nya" she says "hey, I'm Lacey" I introduce myself "I'm Victoria but Lacey calls me Tori" Tori introduces herself "I'm Jay" the one in blue says "Cole" the one in black says "greetings I am Zane" the on in white says with a sort of robotic voice "I'm Kai and you already know Lloyd" the one in red smirks and the others minus Lloyd and I chuckle "hello Lacey I am Sensei Wu" the man with the long white beard says "hi" I say

"Well I've got you two set up in my room with beds and everything" Nya says "thanks" I say "ya, thank you Nya" Tori says as Nya pulls Tori to our new room "here you go Lacey" sensei says handing me a ninja kimono of my own, it's yellow, it has a sunlight symbol on the back and is a training kimono like Lloyd's, I run to the bathroom and get changed.

I walk back onto the training deck and Nya and Tori are standing there "wow you look amazing" Tori says "you do" Nya says "thanks guys" I laugh "it's kinda big" I say "ya mine is too" Lloyd says coming over "ok, you two should go unpack" Kai says "k c'ya Lloyd" I say taking my bags and following Nya and Tori to our room "ok that's your bed and dresser Lacey" Nya says "and that one is yours Tori" she says and I put my comics in the drawer in my bedside table.

'Lloyd's POV'

They walk off of the sky deck and I stare into where they disappeared to Nya's room 'I feel like I just got hit by a warm fuzzy bus when I talk to her' I think "dude" Cole says snapping his fingers in front of my face "you ok, Lloyd?" Kai asks "ya I-I'm good...I'm great" I say trying to hide my embarrassment "ok so you don't have a crush on Lacey" Kai snickers "what?! No I don't" I say 'do I' I think "ok" Cole says but I know from the looks that their giving each other that they don't believe me

'Lacey's POV'

"Done" I say as I finish unpacking "I'm gonna go see what the guys are doing" I say walking out of the door and to the game room to see the guys playing

fist-to-face 4 "hey guys" I say "hey" they say back "you wanna try" Jay asks "no it wouldn't be fair, I've never lost in fist-to-face 4" I say smiling "what a coincidence, neither have I" Lloyd says coming up to me until our faces are only inches apart "it's so on!" I say grinning

*Time skip to after the game*

"What?! How did you even do that?!" I yell in defeat "it's a secret from the guys but I can teach you...if you want" he says "please?" I ask "ok so hit here than punch, kick, swing win" he says as the guys walk back into the room "who won young ones" Cole asks "we're NOT that young Cole!" Lloyd and I yell in unison, my cheeks feel hot and out of the corner of my eye I can see Lloyd blush too the guys snicker "shut up" we both say "jinx, double jinx, triple jinx, quadruple jinx"we continue to speak at the same time "give up" Zane says

Both Lloyd and I give Zane confused looks "you both had the possibility not to say jinx, but you did allowing you to continue the train, and it would not have stopped until one of you gave up, so this way neither of you lost so neither of you won" Zane says and my jaw drops "he's a nindroid" Lloyd whispers into my ear and I nod my head "oh" I say closing my mouth "guys sensei wants us to go to sleep" Nya says coming into the game room "and that doesn't mean go to bed and stay up until three in the morning reading Star Fare Lacey" Tori says coming up beside her "ya Lloyd" Jay says "night guys" I say looking at Lloyd as I walk out of the game room and into our room.

'Lloyd's POV'

I watch her walk out with Nya and Tori behind her and walk out after them and into the guys and I's room, into pyjamas and into bed.

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