The Betrayal

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'Lacey's POV'

In the morning I wake up to a loud gong noise "get up Lacey!" Tori yells "why" I ask "you have to train" Nya answers and I struggle out of bed and pull on my ninja kimono, as I walk up the last step to the training deck I stumble a little landing me on my knees and elbows, I feel pain shoot through me "you ok Lace" Lloyd asks coming over to me "ya I'm fine" I say getting up "guys, Lacey come inside now we are going through a storm to get to the volcano to destroy the fang blades" Nya's voice comes over the speaker

"K you two looks like you are going to have to train together inside while we help Nya" Cole says and I hear Jay giggle a little "ok" I say and Lloyd leads the way to the indoor training room and closes the door and starts to show me his moves on the punching bag

Suddenly he gets hit by some imaginary force "your a joke" says a low hissing voice "Pythor" Lloyd mumbles as I see a purple snake-Pythor come out of nowhere but there is someone beside him, she has pink scales "Tori!?" I question "hello Laccccey" she stretches the 's' sound in my name "but you aren't a serpentine" I say "well my deer their issss thissss thing called magic identity tea that I ussssed to keep my real identity a sssssecret from you" she hisses "you lied to me" I say "I'm sssstill your ssissster I'm just on the bad sssside, I alwaysss have been and so was dad" she says "no!" I yell feeling tears burn my eyes "yessss he wasss killed to sssssave mom becaussse sssssshe wassssssn't a sssssserpentine either" she says coming closer "than why am I not serpentine?!" I ask "becaussse you where meant to be a ninja and onceeee mom sssssaw that you weren't a ssssserpentine sssshe left" Tori tells me "sssshe left becaussssse of you!" she yells taking me around the throat "Lacey!" I hear Lloyd yell before Pythor takes his sleeves and ties him to a wooden training dummy "and my name isssssn't Victoria it'ssss Venoma" she hisses in my ear tying my hands behind my back with my sleeves.

They both laugh and disappear again, out the door and to get the fang blades, I undo the knot in my sleeves and untie Lloyd "thanks" he breathes pressing a red button on the wall "Pythor's on board!" he yells into the speaker and we run onto the sky deck "Lacey! hands!" Lloyd yells and I give him my hands, he swings me in the air making me kick Pythor in the face "yes!" I yell when I'm on the deck again "you think you, two children, can stop me?" he asks "no we're just distracting you until the cutlery arrives" Lloyd says and Nya comes up behind us and my sister appears again, earning a gasp from the others, a single tear runs down my cheek but I wipe it away

Pythor and 'Venoma'-Tori jump off of the bounty and onto a helicopter "Lacey we kick but...and face" Lloyd says giving me a high-five "we do make a pretty good team" I say laughing as the guys jump off the bounty with Nya and sensei "I call driving!" I yell running to the steering wheel in the bridge "no fair" Lloyd wines hitting the turbo button "we still can't catch up to them" I point out "ya they probably left us here for a reason" he says as I narrowly avoid a large canyon "your a terrible driver" he says trying to get the wheel from me "I'm better than you are" I tell him laughing "you are not" he laughs back "hey Lloyd that's the guys" I say pointing to a snake/bus thing with all of the guys Nya and Sensei sitting on it

Lloyd hits a button and hooks the bus "hooked line sinker!" he yells and we fly to Ora Bourse, Lloyd and I jump off of the bounty and follow the guys to Ora Bourse, but when we get there Pythor and Tori are done putting the fang blades in the teeth of the great devourer statue, a huge snake comes out of the ground swallowing sensei, Pythor and Tori, Nya picks Lloyd and I up in her samurai claw "Tori" I cry into Lloyd's shoulder "I'm sorry Lacey" he whispers into my ear and I lift my head up "no, we have bigger things to worry about" I say looking into his now soft green eyes "are you shure you're ok" he asks "y-ya I'm fine" I say as Nya hurriedly lands on the bounty.

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