Chapter 25.1

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Do not fight for a cause, as it may take on a life of its own. Rather, strive to fulfill worthy needs.

- Writings of the Sol Empress, Words of Faith


The pressures of an unasked destiny pressed in on Hope, clouding her mind, and the words swirling around her didn't seem to register above her pounding heart. Celeste spoke something of an Empress' duty, her father of inherent dangers, and Gabriel just looked confused.

"Stop!" Hope put her hands against her forehead. "Stop talking like I am not here! This is my life."

They did stop, Moon and Celeste dropping their jaws and Gabriel raising his eyebrows. For a moment, an uneasy silence filled the galley.

Celeste reached across the table and put a hand on Hope's shoulder. "Hope, you have to understand--"

Hope jumped up, slapping away Celeste's hand. "No, you have to understand! I didn't ask for any of this!"

Before any more words were spoken, Hope covered her ears and rushed out of the galley. Her father called out to her as she ran down the passageway, but she did not answer.

Sitting on the edge of her narrow bed in the darkness, Hope bent over with elbows on her knees, pulling shallow breaths. It felt as if the gravity of a neutron star bore down on her.

It was not so much the genetic heritage that stressed her, but the unbending expectations that came with it. How would I ever measure up?

A soft metallic knock came from the hatch, and an expanding sliver of light invaded the small bedroom as it opened. Celeste stood at the threshold, backlit by the light from the passageway. "May I come in?"

Hope mumbled, "Fine."

Celeste walked in, leaving the door open. She sat down and reached out, but then withdrew her hand as Hope turned away. "I am sorry, Hope."

"You could have come back to us." Hope's voice held an angry edge.

Celeste bent at the waist, placing elbows on her knees to mimic Hope's posture. "I wanted to, so much, but I was the most wanted criminal in the Commonwealth. I know your father disagrees, but I had to give up my family to save them." She sat up, turning moist eyes to Hope. "And please understand that I had dedicated my life to resurrecting the Line of the Empress, so much so that I forgot how hard it would be for the actual woman."

Hope stared at the floor. "Was that all I was? Some kind of offering to your cause?"

After a shuddering breath, Celeste continued. "At first, yes, I will admit. You started as one of Empress Iona's ova that I swore to protect. But fate changed everything, and you became part of me. Then I fell in love with you before you were even born, and so did your father." She shook her head. "You don't know how many times they almost killed us all. I would give my life for the Empress, but it became more than just that, I would give my life for you."

A single tear traced Hope's cheek. "I'm just a girl from Delphi. How would I know how to be the Sol Empress?"

"We would be with you, all of us. The Empress is much more than one woman. She is surrounded by people that care for both her and the Sol Way. Now more than ever, humanity needs a Sol Empress."

"I wish Faith was here. She would have made a good Empress."

A silent moment followed, then Celeste said, "Tell me more about your sister."

Hope wiped away a fresh tear. "Faith was more than a sister. She was my best friend. We did almost everything together. Of all us, she was the calm rational one, and she knew how to bring out the best in people."

A smile came to Celeste's face. "She was like that as a baby, too."

Hope leaned her head against Celeste. "What do I do?"

Wrapping an arm around her daughter, Celeste said, "I have already presumed too much, but think about this, what do you think Faith would advise you?" Celeste stood up. "Hope, I have been hunted for most of my life, and the unfortunate reality is, you will be too. But know this, you are loved."

Celeste walked out the hatch, closing it behind her. A warm light blossomed within Hope, illuminating the darkness that covered her heart. That much is true. I am loved.

"Lights on, warm color." A gentle glow filled the room, rich in red and yellow tones. She laid back on the bed with hands behind her head, eyes gazing upward. 

Faith, what should I do?

Turning her head, Faith's khaki backpack caught her eye, where it sat beside the night stand. Her journal!

Hope extracted a brown book and placed it on the bed, her fingers tracing the soft cover. With a reverence, she opened it. The first page held the title in Faith's artistic handwriting, 'Words of Faith'.

A small smile came to Hope's face. She always had a thing for old-style books and writing.

The next page felt heavy, bearing also the weight of grief. With held breath, Hope turned it. Conflicting feelings churned in her mind. With this action, her sister was both further gone and closer at the same time.

Hope thumbed through the pages, scanning the writing. The words expressed lofty dreams and thoughts on everyday life, whatever came to Faith's mind at the time. Through it all, her love and characteristic grace emerged, even in times of angst over her health. Mingled within the text were proverbs and observations of life. Wisdom.

A thought occurred to Hope. Faith was the true Empress. Her words belong in the Writings.

Faith's last entry was dated only a week before her death, a letter to her sister. Hope stared at her name, heart racing as she summoned the courage to read on.

Dear Hope,

If you are reading this, then I likely have passed on. I have accepted my condition and am not afraid of death. I choose instead to focus on my blessings, the greatest of which is my family. You are the best sister I could ever ask for.

Do you remember how we used to pretend to be the Sol Empress? By now, you know the truth in that. It was hard to accept when Dad told me and no doubt it will be hard for you. No one can choose the circumstances into which we are born, but we can choose how we face them.

Within you is the courage, compassion, and wisdom to face an uncertain future. You will not be alone. I know not what specific path your life will take, but I know you would make a great Empress.

I love you with all my heart,


Hope gently closed the journal while wiping tears from her eyes. Thank you, sister. You always knew what I needed.


Seated in the galley for dinner, Hope made an announcement. "I know what I need to do." She took a deep breath as all eyes turned to her. "It is time for the Empress to emerge."

Celeste smiled, reaching across the table to grasp Hope's hand. "I am with you."

Moon added his hand. "So am I, daughter."

Gabriel put his hand on top. "Me, too." He grinned at his sister. "And I will help keep you humble."

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