Chapter 25.2

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"The colonies on Elysium struggle under the draconian trade regulations. The Trade Consortium has made claim to the planet for non-payment and threaten to take it by force." Chancellor Jayna Patel spoke over the long-range com, appearing as a holographic image. "Admiral Glynn and a small fleet of Confederacy ships will arrive soon to assist the colonists. The appearance of an Empress heir would be of great benefit."

Sitting with the others on the bridge, Hope asked, "How would my presence help?"

"The people despair. They feel powerless against the Consortium. Your mere presence would inspire them, and with our help, make a stand."

Celeste turned toward Hope. "It is as good a place as any to announce your existence."

Gabriel put on a sly grin. "And can you imagine how that would piss off the Consortium and Commonwealth leadership? That alone would be worth it."

Hope grinned in return, then turned her eyes up. "Sai, how long 'till we can get there?"

Sai replied, "Approximately ten days at maximum relative velocity, Empress. Oh, is it appropriate to address you as Empress?"

"I don't know if I will ever get used to the title. Among friends and family, I would prefer to just be called Hope. You included Sai."

"Very well, Hope."

Hope turned toward her father. He nodded, motioning her to continue. She said, "Sai, set course for Elysium, maximum relative velocity."


The world appeared on the magnified display. Mostly tropical, contours of greens surrounded by deep blues appeared beneath fluffy swirls of white. Many had called Elysium a paradise worthy of its name, and from a distance it looked so.

Alone on the bridge, Hope gazed at the image, admiring its magnificence. A vague melancholy came over her. So easily, it becomes a paradise lost.

Despite the beauty, Elysium had few economically valuable resources. The colonies borrowed heavily from the Trade Consortium to cover development costs and paid most of it back, but now the rest was due. When the Consortium cut trade volume to the world, they ensured default. Now, under the unjust trade regulations, the Consortium came to claim the planet as theirs. Flickers of anger rose within Hope at the thought, and she clenched her fists. This was not the first time the Consortium stole a world, and always to the detriment of the native population.

Gab was right. I will enjoy sticking it to the Consortium.

Hope turned around as a hand touched her shoulder.

"It is a beautiful world." Celeste said, gazing at the image. "How are you feeling, Hope?"

Turning back to the image, Hope replied, "Right now? Angry! How does the Consortium get away with this?"

"Because too many good people do nothing." Celeste sat down and bid Hope to do the same. "I once met Gideon Diego, the Chairman of the Trade Consortium, although he wasn't Chairman at the time. If anyone deserves to be hated, it is him. When you were just a baby, he had taken us all captive. If not for some extraordinary actions, we would all have died, and the Line of the Empress would have ended. I have always wondered if some sort of divine intervention happened that day."

"Was that at Sanctuary? Dad said Diego's assistant, Claire, saved our lives."

"Yes, she did. And I will always be grateful for that." Celeste leaned forward. "Hope, your anger is understandable and I would say justified. But be careful, while anger is a powerful motivator for change, it may easily transform into rage. And rage--"

"--is like a wildfire, burning everything in its path." Hope completed the thought, quoting from the Writings.

Celeste smiled. "So you know the writings well?"

"Dad made us study them, almost every day. I practically have them memorized."

Hope froze as a realization came over her. Dad had prepared me for this path.

"Good for him." Celeste said. "There is something else that I need to tell you before we arrive at Elysium. You have a special power because of your genetics. Buried deep in the core programming code of every advanced AI is a provision where an Empress may take override control. As a direct genetic descendent of Empress Iona, you also have this ability."

Hope's eyes widened. Most large systems are AI driven. This is powerful.

Celeste lowered her voice. "It is a verbal command followed by genetic confirmation. Memorize this: Sol override, code sigma-omicron-lambda."

Hope nodded. "Okay. Simple enough."

"Then the AI will ask for a genetic scan, which you can do on any connected biometric scanner."

"So, theoretically, I could take over a starship or even a planetary defense system?"

Celeste nodded. "Yes. But keep this ability a secret. Few Priestess' even know about it, much less the public. Normally, a Sol Empress would not need to use it, Iona did only once. But these are not normal times, it may become a great advantage for you."

With a hand to her chin, Hope said, "Database file systems are generally AI driven. Would I be able to hack into these?"

"I suppose so." Celeste replied, lifting one eyebrow. "What are you thinking?"

A sly grin eked onto Hope's face. "Now I know how to bring down the Trade Consortium."


Hope sat alone in the galley, shifting a mug between her hands. The tea had already cooled with only a single sip taken. It didn't go well with the fluttery feeling in her stomach.

The idle time was the hardest part. The Firebird Rise remained in parking orbit around the smallest of Elysium's moons, waiting for Liam Glynn's ship, the Amadi, to arrive.

Why can't we get on with this?

Hope pushed the mug away and stood up, then sat down again, running a hand through her long hair. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath to calm her nerves. It didn't work.

"You look as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs."

Hope turned to see Gabriel leaning against the door frame with his characteristic smug grin. She rolled her eyes. "Thanks, that really helps me feel better."

"How 'bout we spar? A good ass-kicking by your brother might get your mind off this Empress stuff for a while."

"As if!" Hope narrowed her eyes, standing up close to Gabriel. She did her best to be intimidating, but having to look up into his eyes, it lost some of the effect.

Moon's children received Krav Maga martial art training starting at a young age. Initially, Hope and Gabriel were evenly matched, but in their early teens, when Hope did not match Gabriel's growth spurt, her brother began to dominate. Despite many motivational sayings, size and strength were distinct advantages.

An empty cargo bay became the sparring ring. Hope tied her hair back, then slid padded gloves, chest protectors over her leggings and tank-top. A padded helmet protected her head and face. They met in the center.

They touched gloves. "Ready?" Gabriel asked with a gleam in his eyes.

"Bring it on."

Gabriel feigned a punch with his dominate right hand, then jabbed with his left. Swiping with her right hand, Hope deflected the left-handed jab and landed one of her own to his chest. Bouncing on his feet, he did it again, only this time leaning back enough to avoid her punch.

Gabriel backed up, smiling. "Good defense, but your counter was weak."

Hope shook her head. "You're predictable, Gab. You always start with the same move." She tapped her gloves together and motioned him to continue.

Advancing, he again started with a right-handed punch, but this time following through to connect with Hope's jaw. She staggered back from the blow, throwing her hands up.

"Oh, did you think I would do the same move a third time?" Gabriel said, his eyes laughing.

Hope knew he did not put his full force into the punch, otherwise she would have been down on the mat. And that incited her. She launched herself with a growl, throwing a fury of punches. He blocked each one as he stepped back. Still, she pressed the attack, advancing as he retreated. Deflecting a swing, Gabriel suddenly stepped forward, crossing legs with hers. His blocking elbow connected with her chin and, with the other arm, flung her over his hip. Hope tumbled across the mat, ending on her stomach.

Gabriel put his gloved hands on his hips, tilting his head. "You're predictable too, so easy to provoke. That's when you made the mistake of overextending yourself."

Hope wavered back and forth as she staggered to her feet. She bent over at the waist while holding a hand up. A wheezing sound came from her mouth.

Gabriel dropped his hands. "Are you okay, Hope?"

Stumbling to the side like a drunkard, she said in an airy voice, "I'm really dizzy. I might pass out..."

Rushing forward, Gabriel reached to support his sister by her shoulders. A sly grin burst on to her face. An uppercut caught him under the chin and a shove across an extended leg sent him to the mat with a thud.

On his back, he said with narrowed eyes, "What the hell, Hope? That wasn't fair!"

She put on a sarcastically sweet smile. "Surprise! Sometimes people don't fight fair. You should always be prepared for that."

"Wise words, Empress."

Both Hope and Gabriel turned their heads toward the unknown voice. A tall woman with short black hair and skin like the night stood with Moon, Celeste, and Admiral Liam Glynn. She wore a tight gray tactical suit with a red stripe at the collar, colors of the Confederacy military. While an attractive young woman by most standards, her well-defined muscles and fierce expression also gave her an intimidating presence.

Celeste made the introduction. "Hope, this is Eshe Okora. Liam suggested that you have a personal bodyguard. Given the likelihood of conflict, your father and I would agree. Eshe comes highly recommended."

Eshe bowed. "Empress, I would be honored to serve."

Before Hope could form a question for Eshe, Gabriel pulled off his helmet, allowing his wavy brown hair to tumble out, and stepped toward her with a boy-like smile that could charm the thorns off a rose. The same one that broke several hearts back on Aegeus.

Gabriel put on his charming smile and extended a hand in greeting, keeping his hazel eyes on her. "Welcome to the Firebird Rise, Eshe. Perhaps later I may show you around the ship?" He lifted an eyebrow and tilted his head.

Hope knew his expression was not nearly as innocent as it seemed. Doesn't he ever quit?

Crossing her arms, Eshe did not seem impressed. "And you are, sir?"

Hope jumped into the exchange. "This is Gabriel, my brother and sometimes pain in the ass."

Eshe must have been briefed, Hope thought, since it did not shock her that an Empress had a brother, something that had not happened in hundreds of years.

Instead, Eshe smirked. "I have brothers like that, Empress."

Gabriel pointed to himself and dropped his jaw, giving an also characteristic 'who me?' expression. Again, Eshe was not impressed.

I like her already.

"What qualifications do you bring, Eshe?" Hope asked.

"I have been a member of the Confederacy Special Forces for three years and have extensive training in close combat, Empress."

Hope's eyes lit as an idea came to her. "Would you be willing to demonstrate your skills by sparring with my brother?"

Eshe's eyes returned the sparkle, and a slight grin appeared. "I would be delighted, Empress."

Gabriel turned toward his sister, narrowing his eyes. Hope responded with a grin. Loaning her sparring gear to Eshe, Hope joined Celeste, Moon, and Liam at the sidelines.

Celeste whispered to Hope. "Oh, that's almost diabolical."

In the center of the mat, Gabriel bowed to Eshe. "Do you know Krav Maga?"

She bowed in return. "Yes, sir. But it is like street brawling. I prefer the more graceful approach of Aikido."

Bringing back his charming smile, he said, "Please call me Gabriel."

Eshe held her gloves up in a defensive position as Gabriel advanced. She blocked two quick punches. Backing away, she put her hands on her hips, frowning. "Do me the honor, Gabriel, of not pulling your punches."

He nodded. "Full contact it is, then."

Gabriel attacked, throwing a flurry of punches. Eshe covered her face with her hands, moving side to side and backing up to the assault. Suddenly shifting to the side, she blocked a swing, pushing his arm out and away. In a flash of motion, she spun and flung him over her dipped shoulder to the mat with a smack. Maintaining a grip on his straight arm, she twisted, applying leverage to the shoulder.

"Oww!" Gabriel cried out. "That's very effective."

"Do you yield?" Eshe applied further pressure to convince him. After he tapped the mat, she released the hold.

Gabriel's next attack started slower. He advanced, pushing forward with short jabs. As Eshe blocked, he entangled his arms within hers and struck her torso with a knee strike. When she lowered a forearm to defend against a second knee hit, Gabriel twisted and struck her jaw with a swinging elbow.

Pushing away, Eshe smiled. "Well done, Gabriel. I did not anticipate that." She motioned him to continue.

As Gabriel advanced as before, Eshe shot in, connecting with a chest thrust. He swung in return, missing as she ducked down. Grabbing his extended arm and leaning in, Eshe leveraged her opponent back, dropping him to the mat in a slow fall. She fell with him, wrapping her legs around his torso and applying a wrist lock. Gabriel tapped out again.

On the next round, Eshe deflected a punch away with her hand, then grasped his wrist. Twisting, she brought Gabriel's arm behind his back. With a leg trip, he went to the mat again. Another round produced the same result.

Gabriel sat on the mat, breathing hard as he looked up at Eshe. "My offer to show you around the ship still stands."

After watching her brother's defeat, Hope turned to Liam. A wide grin came to her face. "I really like her."

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