Having a little talk

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"So, I hope you don't mind, if we talk a little?", Fuli asked Tiifu. "No, I don't", Tiifu answered. "What do you wanna talk about?" "How do you like, being in the guard?" "I've finally seen Kion use the roar. I never thought, that it would be something like that. That was amazing, to witness. However, I'm glad, that it's only temporary. It's not bad, but Zuri and I weren't able to spent any time with Kiara at all. I hate that. We're best friends, but we didn't do anything together for almost a week, except a little of talking during dinner. That's got to be a record. And well, I agree with Zuri, it is terrible for our fur."

"There is always something to complain, isn't there?", Fuli said with a grin. "Yes, there is. But you're having it far worse, in my opinion. You've been stuck here for more than a week and you will be stuck here for even longer than that." "Please don't remind me of that.", Fuli replied, while she continued tapping her paw and moving her tail around. Beside these two things, she could also roll around and stretch. That's basically everything she could do. Neither of theese four things were any entertaining.

Tiifu let her eyes wander around. "Wow, it really does suck, being stuck here. Are you allowed, to go outside during the night, for stargazing?" "No, I'm not.", Fuli answered frustrated. Tiifu seemed to think about something and then she said: "I probably could carry you outside tonight. As long as I don't put to much pressure on my bad paw, I should be fine." Fulis eyes lit up, when she heard this. "That would be awesome. But only, if we try first. If I'm to heavy for you to lift, we're not gonna do it." "Sounds good to me."

Both of them fell silent and they were lost in thought. Then a question popped in Tiifus mind. "Fuli, I have a question. I think I might know the answer to this question and you don't have to answer, if you don't want to, but I want to know. Why are you here? At Rafikis tree? When animals get hurt, they usually come here and then they leave. Then they return a few times, to check on the progress of their injuries, but otherwise, they don't stay here overnight and go to their family and relatives. Do you have someone, you can go to?"

Fuli looked to the ground and had a sad expression on her face. "No. No I don't. I have nobody, I could go to. I don't have any living relatives, that I know of. My parents are dead and I never had siblings." "I'm sorry. I didn't know..." "Don't be sorry. You didn't know. Also I got taken care of by another cheetah, so I wasn't completely alone."

"May I ask, how your parents died?", Tiifu asked. Fuli looked up at her, but her sadness had been replaced with hatred. "Scar.", Fuli simply said. "Scar? But you're not that old. You're about my age and Scar was dead, when I was born.", Tiifu said bewildered. "You're right. Scar was dead, when I was born, but he still killed my parents. My parents... ehrm, made me and only a few days after, they got attacked by Scar. He killed my father, who sacrificed himself, so that my mother could escape. Basically right after that, Simba showed up and defeated Scar. Unfortunately, my mother had been wounded by Scar during her escape. The wound wasn't that bad, but it got infected and she died, shortly after giving birth to me. An older cheetah took care of me and told me all of this. She died, when I was young, but I was old enough, to catch little prey and I thaught myself the rest."

Tiifu had listened to Fuli with great interest. Now she shook herself. "What Scar did, affected everybody in the pridelands, in one way or another. And now, that he's back, this could all happen again." "This is part of the reason, why I want to go out there so badly.", Fuli replied.

At the volcano:

"So, will you join us?", Scar asked his visitor. "No, I won't.", the visitor replied. Zira, who was in the volcano as well, got in battle stance and growled at him. "Zira, back off!", Scar told her and she stopped. "However...", the visitor continued: "... I will fight alongside you. Along with my friends. But we won't listen to you or anyone else. We may coordinate our attacks with you, but that's it. Your troops have my permission, to cross my territory. For now. After the attack is over, I want your troops to leave my territory and to never bother me again, as I won't bother you. I'm only doing this, because I'm sick of the guard going through my territory and this seems to be the only option, to stop this."

"I accept your conditions.", Scar said. "I'm familiar to your kind and I know, that you want to be left alone. If you help us and my plan works out, you won't have any intruders from the pridelands again." "So we have a deal.", the visitor said and turned around to leave. "Inform me about the future steps of your plans and troops, so there won't be any misunderstandings." "Oh, don't worry. I will.", Scar replied and smiled, as his visitor left.


Huh, again a rather short chapter. At least by my standarts. Did you like it? What did you think of Fulis backstory? Was it good? I hope so.

Something big will happen soon, so I guess I won't update as often, because I don't want to mess stuff up, by uploading to fast. (That's one of my main problems. Uploading and then realizing mistakes. That's why I reuploaded the chapter: The new members are a little overwhelmed. I forgot Tiifus and Zuris reaction to Kions roar. I'm pretty sure, that they never saw it before, so I had to write that in.)

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