Something bad is going on

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Tiifu and Tahadhari arrived at their stargazing spot and laid down, relaxing and watching the stars, as they often did. For a change, Tiifu wasn't tired. But that was only, because she had sleept the previous night, when she was stargazing with Fuli at Rafikis tree. The inhabitants of Pride Rock didn't share the same luck. In the middle of the night, a few vultures flew into the caves and started a little panic, because no one had an idea, what the hell was going on. Most of the lions feared an attack and set up a defensive circle around Pride Rock, patroling it. Some of the lionesses, including Tahadhari had been sent out, to control the herds and important locations, but since they came out with nothing, most of them assumed, that it had been accidentaly.

The following day, Rafiki checked Tiifus paw and said, that she was good to go. During the patrol, they didn't encounter any of the outlanders, but a lot of alarms were coming in, because of them. The zebras apparently saw the hyenas, the antilopes said, that they smelled the jackals and so on. They found tracks and their scents, so they knew, that the outlanders were actually at these locations, but not any of the herds got attacked. The guard guessed, that, because the animals were on high alert, they detected the outlanders in time and always ran off, before they could get to close.

After a while, Tiifu and Tahadhari went inside the cave to sleep. It didn't take long for Tiifu to fall asleep, but she woke up again soon after, because she felt her mother moving. She opened her eyes and saw her mother looking out the entrance. "Mom?", she asked and her mother spun around. "Don't make a sound.", she whispered and Tiifus eyes widened. Her mother turned around again and looked outside. Then she slowly walked backwards further into the cave. The only thing, Tiifu could see, when she was looking at the entrance, were some stars and the outlines of the mountains far away. But suddenly her view got blocked by something, that stepped right in front of the cave. It was a huge crocodile and its teeth were very visible, as the snout was slightly open.

Tiifu froze. Crocodiles didn't have good night vision, but if it would spot them in the cave, they would be in a lot of trouble. Then she heard a voice. "I smell lion." She recognised the voice. It was Reirei. Janjas voice replied: "Of course you do, dummy. We have lions with us." Both Tiifu and Tahadhari were confused by this. Lions with the outlanders? Then Tahadhari realized, what that meant. If this was true, then the pridelands were in a lot of danger. "I know, that we have lions with us. I'm not stupid. But the scent is not the one from an outlander.", Reirei said. "Then what? We are in the pridelands. Of course there are pridelanders walking around here."

A third voice joined the conversation. Tiifu didn't recogniced it, but it was female. "Shut up! Both of you! Just focus on the plan and on what you have to do!" Then the voice apparently spoke to two other animals. "Kovu, Nuka, you stay here and patrol, until you get told otherwise. Don't let any animals leave the Pridelands this way." "Yes, mother." "Alright Mom. But I still think, that I could do more." "Nuka, stop complaining! Your father told you, that you would get important tasks and this is an important one." The other voice, apparently named Nuka, didn't respond.

"Jackals, with me.", Reirei said. "Let's get going furbrains.", Janja commanded and some responces were heard. After a minute or two, Tahadhari moved slowly towards the exit and carefully looked outside. She looked back at Tiifu and motioned, to follow her. As soon as both of them were outside, Tahadhari said: "We need to get to Pride Rock as quickly as possible. But we also need to be careful. We can't risk to run into the outlanders. Let's go." Mother and daughter ran off into the darkness.

Anga sat on a branch and stared at the volcano in the outlands. Even from the distance, she could still see the faint glow of lava. She had been staring at the volcano for the last two hours, waiting for nothing and everything. She wasn't sure, if she wanted something to happen or not and honestly, she didn't care. No matter, what would happen, she would react to it. One way or another. Then she noticed something. From one moment to the next, it got quiet. No sounds at all. Not from insects and not from any other nocturnal animals. Anga knew what that meant. Danger. It meant, that something dangerous was out there. But it was too late into the night, for any of the predatory pridelanders. So it wasn't anyone from the pridelands.

Anga looked around, to try and see, if she could spot anyone. But she couldn't see very well in the dark. So she looked back at the volcano and continued staring at it. Then, a movement above the volcano caught her eye. It was gone the moment she saw it, but there had been something, she was sure about it. She now devotet her attention to the sky. It was very clear and the stars and the moon were very bright. She concentrated on the stars above the volcano and she was right. Again and again, one star would go dark for a tiny moment, as if something would be between the star and Anga, bevor disappearing again.

Anga concentrated her eyes on these spots, but she could not see anything like that. She would have to get closer. She hated flying at night, but she suspected, that it was the vultures again and she wanted to try and intercept them. She spread her wings and took off quietly. Underneath the tree, she just stood on, a shadow suddenly moved and growled. "So close.", the shadow said, befor vanishing again.

Rafiki stood at the entrance of his tree, his eyes closed and listening to the winds. He sighed and went inside. He went to Makini and woke her up. "Makini, get up. Now." Makini yawned and looked at Rafiki. "Why do I need to get up?", she asked him. "I am not sure.", Rafiki responded. "But I have a bad feeling. I'm afraid, something is going to happen tonight. Go and wake up Fuli, then come back. We shall be on watch and see, what happens."

Makini nodded and went inside, to where Fuli was resting. "Hey, Fuli, wake up.", Makini said and shook Fulis shoulder. Fulis eyes opened and she jumped up. Makini thankfully cought Fulis bad paw, before she could place it on the ground. "Calm down, Fuli. It's only me. Lie down again." Fuli obeyed and lied down again. "What is going on? Why did you wake me?", she asked. "Rafiki is having a bad feeling. He just wanted you to be awake, in case something happens. If you need something, we will be at the entrance." "Ok, thanks, for letting me know.", Fuli said and Makini left.


So, I have good news and bad news. The good news are, something big will happen during the next few chapters. The bad news is, there won't be any updates for a while. I want to plan and write all of the next chapters together, instead of writing one, uploading it and then writing the next one. I don't want to write something in a chapter, upload it, then realize in the next chapter, that I messed something up, which would force me to either rewrite the uploaded chapter or to do somethings else with the next chapter, even though I don't want to and I don't want to do either of those two things.

So I will write all of them, which might take a while, compare them, to make sure, that there aren't any continuity errors and then they will be uploaded in short order. I have no idea, how long this will take, but I hope, it won't take too long and until then, well there are a lot of other Wattpad stories, regarding the lion king/lion guard.

The next chapters will have blood, death and at least one plot-twist. So look forward to that.

Until the next time.

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