My lullaby

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At a barren landscape of the Outlands, several lionesses are gathered around the termite mounds. Two lionesses fight over a bone. Nuka plods along sulkily. Nearby, Vitani tugs at a tree root. "Kovu, Kovu, Kovu. Scar wasn't even his mother. She just took 'im in." Nuka notices Vitani. "Oh, hey, Vitani! Where's the little termite, Kovu?" Nuka strikes a pose sarcastically. "The "Chosen One."" Nuka cuts the root with his claw, sending Vitani tumbling and he laughs. Vitani stands up. "Nuka! Where's Kovu?" Vitani strides toward Nuka. "Did you leave him out there on his own again?" She snarled. Nuka fiddles with the tree root. As Vitani approaches, he lets go. "Hey, it's every lion for himself out here!" Nuka scratches himself, causing termites to fly out of his fur. "That little termite's gotta learn to be on his own." He said, "Mother's gonna be mad. She told you to watch him!" Vitani snapped. Nuka scratches his mane. "Oh, who cares?" Nuka scratches his shoulder. "I should've been the Chosen One." 

Nuka scratches his back against the tree "I'm the oldest, I'm the strongest, I'm the smartest–" Nuka jerks away from the tree and screams. "And oh, these termites!" Nuka bites frantically at himself, then writhes on the ground. Vitani watches with a smirk. Nuka scoots toward Vitani on his rear end. "I could be a leader if she'd just give me a chance!" He shouted. "Pfft! Yeah, right. Why don't you tell that to her?" Vitani asked mockingly. "Yeah? Don't think I won't!" Nuka closes his eyes and lifts his chin stubbornly. "Oh, yeah?" Vitani laughs "Here's your chance." She said. Nuka opens his eyes. "What?" Nuka looks over one shoulder. "Oh, Mother! Mother, hi!" He laughs. Nuka races toward Zira, who is carrying Kovu in her jaws. He sits beside her. "Mother, I caught some field mice for your dinner. I left 'em by the, um..." Zira strides past Nuka, ignoring him. "By the... Okay." He said. Nuka deflates. After a moment, he follows Zira. "Hey, Kovu." Zira sets Kovu down. "Wanna fight?" Kovu and Vitani face off against each other playfully. "You were supposed to be watching him!" Zira juts her head at Nuka, who recoils fearfully. Kovu straightens and faces Zira. "It's not his fault! I went off on my own!" He defended. Zira prowls toward Kovu, who backs away. "What were you doing?" She demands. "N-nothing!" Kovu said. "Who has made us Outsiders?" Zira asked. "(Y/n)." Kovu said. "Who killed Scar?" Zira asked. Kovu falls onto his back. "(Y/n)." He said. Kovu squirms away from Zira. "And what have I told you about them?!" Zira juts her head at Kovu.

Kovu falls and shields his face from Zira. "I'm sorry, Mother!" Kovu looks up at Zira imploringly. "Sh-sh-she didn't seem so bad. I-I-I-I thought we could be–" "Zira juts her head at Kovu. "Friends?!" She shouted, and he gasps. Zira circles Kovu. "You thought you'd get to the daughter." Kovu watches Zira. "And (Y/n) would welcome you with open arms?!" Zira rolls her eyes. "What an idea!" Zira pauses, and a sly grin spreads across her face. "What an" Zira juts her head at Kovu. "idea!" Zira grabs Kovu by his tail and pulls him toward her. "You brilliant child." Zira pulls Kovu against her leg "I'm so proud of you!" Zira strokes Kovu. "You have the same conniving mind," Kovu tries to get away, but Zira pulls him back. "That made Scar so..." Zira raises one paw, claws extended. "Powerful." Zira said. 

Nuka pretends to wretch. "Yecch." Zira turns around and roars at him. Nuka covers his face with his paws and laughs nervously. Zira picks up Kovu in her jaws and carries him toward the termite mounds. Nuka watches them go. He sits with his shoulders hunched angrily. "Ugh. The Chosen One." Zira carries Kovu into the termite mounds. She deposits him in a cradle made of rock and he grunts. Zira stands by Kovu's head. "I now see the path" Zira makes a clawed fist. "To our" Zira straightens. "Glorious return to power!" Zira holds up a paw dramatically. The Outsiders watch from the shadows. "But I don't want–" "Hush!" Zira's voice softens. She sidles up to Kovu. "Hush, my little one." Zira straightens. She speaks as if to a baby. "You must be exhausted." Zira nuzzles Kovu. "Sleep, my little Kovu." Zira circles Kovu. "Let your dreams take wing." Zira nudges Kovu's tail into the cradle. "One day, when you're big and strong," Zira's eyes widen, and she grins. "You will be a king." Zira strides off. "Good night." Kovu said. Zira looks over one shoulder.

"Good night, my little prince." Zira walks deeper into the termite mounds. "Tomorrow, your training intensifies. "I've been exiled, persecuted," Zira climbs a steep mound. "Left alone with no defense. When I think of what that brute did," Zira unsheathes her claws. "I get a little tense." Zira glares through her claws. She strides past several smiling Outsiders. "But I dream a dream so pretty that I don't feel so depressed." Zira slithers between several mounds. "'Cause it soothes my inner kitty," Zira lounges on her back at the top of a mound. "And it helps me get some rest." Zira jumps down onto a different mound. Nuka and Vitani watch from below. "The sound of (Y/n)'s dying gasp!" Nuka falls over, feigning death. "Her daughter" Zira clenches her paws, as if strangling someone "squealing in my grasp!" Nuka picks up Vitani, who scrabbles at his head until he lets go. Zira climbs a tall mound. "Her lion's mournful cry." Zira stands on her hind legs. "That's my lullaby! Now, the past" 

Zira holds a paw to her forehead dramatically. "'I've tried forgetting, and" Zira gestures with one paw. "My foes I could forgive." Zira watches several termites march in a line. "Trouble is, I know it's petty," Zira walks a claw past the termites. "But I hate to let them live." Zira smacks the termites away. Nuka approaches Zira. "So, you found yourself somebody" Zira licks her claws. "Who'll chase (Y/n) up a tree?" Nuka asked. Nuka grins at Zira, drooling. "Oh, the battle may be bloody," Zira grabs Nuka by the jaw. "But that kind of works for me." Zira tosses Nuka off the mound and he screams. Zira skids down the mound past several Outsiders. "The melody of angry growls!" The Outsiders rear onto their hind legs and roar. 

Zira approaches a fallen Nuka. "A counterpoint of painful howls" Zira steps on Nuka's tail. Nuka leaps to his paws and yelps. Nuka looks fretfully at his tail. Zira strides to the edge of a mound. Behind her, the sun shines brightly through a hole in the wall. "A symphony of death." Zira stands on her hind legs. "Oh, my!" Zira presses a paw to her chest. "That's my lullaby!" Zira strides past Kovu's cradle. Kovu sleeps peacefully. "Scar is gone, but Zira's still around" Zira pulls Kovu close. "To love this little lad." Zira licks Kovu. "Till he learns to be a" Zira slams her claws into the nearby wall. "Killer" Zira drags her claws down the wall, leaving indentations. "With a lust for being bad!"

Zira leaps away. The Outsiders stand near Kovu's cradle. Vitani stands over Kovu. Nuka crouches next to the cradle. "Sleep, ya little termite!" Vitani glares at Nuka. "Uh, I mean," Nuka strikes a mocking pose. "Precious little thing." Vitani bats Nuka away. "One day, when you're big and strong... " she sung. Nuka starts to grab for Vitani. "You will be a king!" Zira tears a root from the roof, making a hole and casting a spotlight on Kovu. The Outsiders surround Kovu's cradle. Zira stands on her hind legs far above the cradle. "The pounding of the drums of war!" Zira said. The Outsiders leap back and forth over a sleeping Kovu. "The thrill of Kovu's mighty roar!" Zira said. Nuka grins up at Zira. "The joy of vengeance!" Vitani leaps in front of Nuka, who glares at her. She raises her paws in the air. "Testify!" "I can hear the cheering!" Zira said. "Kovu, what a guy!" Nuka and Vitani said. Zira bats at the hole in the ceiling, widening it. "Payback time is nearing," Zira uses her shoulders to break through the hole in the ceiling. And then our flag will fly" Zira emerges against a blood-red sky. "Against a blood-red sky." Zira stands on her hind legs. Around her, the Outsiders stand on the termite mounds. "That's my lullaby!" She laughs evilly.

"Oh, (M/n)." Rafiki mixes paint in half of a hollowed gourd. On the nearby tree trunk, there is a painting of two lion cubs. "Every day, Kiara grows more beautiful," Rafiki smears blue paint above the painting of Kiara. "Into a queen that will someday make us all very proud. "But this cub, Kovu," Rafiki draws a brown mane on the painting of Kovu. "Grows stronger, and Zira fills his heart with," Rafiki smears brown paint over Kovu's heart. "Hate" Rafiki closes his eyes and bows his head. "I'm very worried, (M/n). Things are not going well. No." The wind whistles, blowing Rafiki's mane. Rafiki looks up at some rattling gourds that are hanging from the ceiling. "Hmm? You have a plan?" A gourd falls, breaking open on the ground. "What?" Rafiki lifts the two pieces and looks at them questioningly. He glances up to see that, from his vantage point, the gourd pieces seem to surround his paintings of Kovu and Kiara. He slowly moves the pieces toward one another. "Kovu...Kiara..." Rafiki clasps the gourd pieces together. 

"Together? This is the plan? Are you crazy?! This will never work! Oh, (M/n), you've been up there too long. Your head is in the clouds!" Rafiki crosses his arms. The wind blows violently. Rafiki holds up his hands in protest. "Okay, okay, okay, okay! All right! Okay!" Rafiki holds up his arms in surrender. "I don't think this is going to work, but I trust you." Rafiki wags a finger at the wind as it spirals away. "I just hope you know what you are doing!" He shouted. Rafiki puts his hands on his hips. Years later back at the termite mounds. Zira grins deviously. "You are ready!" Zira chuckles and circles a full-grown Kovu, who is sitting atop a rock. "Nice. Very nice." She chuckles. "You have the same blackness in your soul that Scar had." She said, 

and he growls. "What is your destiny?" Zira asked. "I will avenge Scar. Take her place in the Pride Lands." Kovu said. "Yes! What have I taught you?" Zira asked. "(Y/n) is the enemy." He said. "And what must you do?" Zira asked. Zira juts her head at Kovu. "I must kill her!" He growled. The Outsiders gather around Kovu and roar. Meanwhile at Pride Rock, The lionesses are gathered in two rows on a trail outside the entrance. (Y/n) strides between them to join Simba at the bottom of the trail. "You must be so proud, (Y/n). This is Kiara's first hunt." A lioness said, and (Y/n) sighs. Simba smiles as (Y/n) sits next to him. "There she is!" Another female lion said. Kiara emerges at the top of the trail. Rafiki stands on a nearby rock. "Kiara." He said fondly.

Zazu alights on a branch and smiles. "Aha!" Timon hugs Pumbaa. Rafiki gestures to the trail. Kiara strides in-between the rows of lionesses. "You can do it." "It's your day." "Good luck, Kiara!" "Your first time." "My, how you've grown!" Multiple female lions said. Simba walks out to meet Kiara. They embrace. "You'll do just fine." Simba said, but (Y/n) looks down in concern. "Mother?" Kiara asked, and (Y/n) looks at her. "You have to promise to let me do this on my own. Promise?" She asked. (Y/n) looks at Simba, who lifts his chin knowingly. "All right. I promise." (Y/n) said. Kiara grins and bounds toward (Y/n). They embrace and purr. Timon and Pumbaa exchange sorrowful glances. Timon hugs Pumbaa and sobs. Kiara breaks her embrace, and they exchange one final look. She bounds to the edge of the trail and overlooks the Pride Lands, where a herd of topi grazes peacefully. She squints excitedly at the herd, then looks over her shoulder at (Y/n) and she nods, and Kiara bounds away. (Y/n) strides to the edge of the trail and watches her go, clearly worried. Timon and Pumbaa approach.

"Make sure she doesn't get hurt." (Y/n) said quietly to them. Timon and Pumbaa look at each other. "Ah!" Timon and Pumbaa casually shamble away. Timon and Pumbaa dart off. Kiara stalks a herd of grazing topi, but steps on a twig and Kiara gasps. The topi look up at the noise and start to run away. Kiara chases them in desperation. Meanwhile at the Elephant Graveyard, A full-grown Nuka and Vitani walk to the edge of an overhang and overlook the Elephant Graveyard. Vitani is carrying shoots in her mouth. Nuka winces. "Eurgh." Nuka scratches his arm. "This place is even creepier since the hyenas ran off." Vitani rolls her eyes. "Oh, sheesh." She said. Nuka scoffs. Vitani hops off the ledge. "I'm not scared, okay?" 

A geyser steams. Nuka leaps after Vitani in fear and whimpers. Vitani deposits the shoots on a geyser. Nuka walks toward Vitani, then pauses in front of a geyser. "I just don't know why we have to be here, that's all. If Kovu is so" Nuka arches his back downward. "special, why does he need us?" Nuka starts to walk off, but flips around when a geyser steams. "I never even had a chance!" Behind Nuka, the geyser explodes. He leaps into the air and yelps. Nuka races away and cowers next to Vitani. Vitani rolls her eyes. The geyser next to her explodes, igniting the tips of the shoots. "That's it!" Vitani picks up a fiery shoot in her jaws. "Now, come on. Kiara has started her hunt. We have to move quickly." Vitani strides past Nuka. He holds a shoot close to the geyser. It explodes in his face.

"Ooh! Fire!" Nuka and Vitani bound away. Pumbaa's tail sticks above the grass, swiveling from left to right. Timon's head comes into view. He looks behind him at Pumbaa's tail and yells. Timon and Pumbaa emerge from the grass. They freeze and look around. "Hup!" Timon and Pumbaa exchange glances, then run on. "Hup!" Timon and Pumbaa run through the grass. They hide behind a tree trunk. "Hup!" Timon and Pumbaa look around. "Hmm. Hmm. Hmm." Timon and Pumbaa run back into the grass. "Hup!" Timon and Pumbaa each peek around one side of a tree. "Hup!" Timon and Pumbaa switch places. "Hup! Hup!" Timon and Pumbaa run on. Pumbaa takes up a position behind a rock, while Timon hides in a hollow log. "Hup! Hup! Hup!" Timon mimics holding a walkie-talkie. "Tango-Charlie-Alpha. What's your position?" Timon asked. "Uh... Upright, head turned slightly to the left," Pumbaa lifts his tail. "Tail erect." "Why do I bother?" Timon uses his hands as if they're spyglasses. He notices Kiara prowling along nearby. "Ah-ha." Timon ducks inside the hollow log. Kiara stalks toward a herd of topi. She notices a rock and steps carefully over it. She gaps and continues prowling forward, but her back paw hits the rock. The topi lift their heads and run away. 

Kiara chases them. Kiara struggles to keep up. Timon and Pumbaa look up to see the herd of topi charging toward them. The two scream. Timon and Pumbaa duck down, and the topi leap over them. "This must be where the deer and the antelope play!" Timon said. Timon and Pumbaa watch the herd go. They turn to find Kiara standing in front of them and the two scream again as Kiara pants. Timon wrings his hands, while Pumbaa grins innocently. Timon laughs nervously. "Timon, what are you doing here?" Kiara asked accusingly. Uh..." Timon spreads his arms wide. "Shopping! We thought a nice pelt for the den," Pumbaa nods frantically, then resumes grinning. "Some throw pillows, a little potpourri..." Timon said. 

"My mother sent you. After she promised to let me do this on my own. She lied!" Kiara said angrily. Timon clasps his hands. "No... she just doesn't want you to get hurt." Timon said softly. "I should've known she'd never give me a real chance." Kiara leaps over Timon and Pumbaa, who watch her go. Kiara charges off into the savanna. "I'll do this on my own, away from the Pride Lands!" She shouted. "Ey! Wait!" Timon jumps onto Pumbaa's head. "Come back!" Timon and Pumbaa run into the grass. "Oh, who can keep track of her?" Timon asked. "Come on, Kiara! Kiara!" Pumbaa said. "Kiara, come back! Oh..." Timon and Pumbaa pause in the grass. "She's gone again!" Timon spreads his arms in exasperation. "Somebody's gotta get a beeper for this kid!" Timon and Pumbaa run on.

Meanwhile, Kiara races across the savanna, her expression stormy. Kiara pants. She pauses and looks wistfully over her shoulder before moving on. On a nearby ridge, Nuka and Vitani survey her progress with the fiery shoots still in their mouths. They bound off the ridge toward the open savanna. "Let's light fires!" Nuka said. Vitani uses her shoot to set fire to the grass and cackles. Nuka uses his shoot to set fire to the grass. Nuka lights a fire that encircles him completely. "Roasty toasty princess... " Nuka flings his shoot away and hops up and down elatedly "Roasty toasty princess..." Nuka pauses. "Hey, is it hot in here, or is that just me?" 

Nuka looks around in concern. He shoots into the air. "Fire!" Nuka screams and lands outside the circle of fire. He turns back and crouches low to the ground. Vitani growls and grabs Nuka and pulls him away. "Come on!" Back at the open savanna, Kiara is stalking a herd of topi. Suddenly, the topi lift their heads, look around, and run away. Kiara races after the herd and grunts. Kiara pauses, her nostrils flaring. On the ridge ahead of her, the herd doubles back and starts running toward her, pursued by flames. Kiara's expression turns to horror and she gasps. 

Kiara turns and runs in the opposite direction, with the herd hot on her heels. Meanwhile, Zira and Kovu survey the fire from a nearby ridge. "The plan is in motion. Go!" Zira said. Kovu runs off. Back at Pride Rock, (Y/n) paces restlessly. Zazu stands nearby. On the distant horizon, black smoke billows into the air. "Don't worry, (Y/n). She'll be fine. What could happen?" Zazu asked. (Y/n) pauses abruptly in her pacing and stares at a distant column of smoke and gasps. "No... No! Kiara!" (Y/n) runs off. Zazu flies into the air and stares in consternation at the smoke and gasps. (Y/n) bounds down Pride Rock. "Zazu, fly ahead! Find her!" (Y/n) shouted. (Y/n) races past the lionesses, who move to follow her. In the middle of the fire. Zebras bray and flee the inferno. Kiara runs after them, her face full of terror. 

Kiara pauses, her path blocked by flame. Kiara looks over one shoulder at the fire behind her and screams. Kiara runs into an area of thick smoke. Kiara notices a ridge that is high above the flames. "Huh?" Kiara runs toward the ridge, dodging around several fires. Kiara leaps and catches onto the ridge with her front paws. She struggles to hold on, nearly falling into the flames below. Kiara manages to leap to safety, then she collapses. Behind Kiara, a dark shape with glowing eyes approaches through the smoke. Kovu growls and Kiara moans. Kiara looks up at the stranger weakly. He bares his teeth and growls. Kovu circles around to Kiara's head and lifts her chin with one paw. She is unresponsive. He looks both ways before seizing her by the scruff. Kovu hefts Kiara onto his back. Kovu adjusts Kiara so she is riding him full-body. Kovu climbs down the ridge, the fire blazing behind him. He races through a burning forest. A tree falls and blocks his path. Kovu leaps over the tree and heaves himself over a ridge. Kovu and Kiara fall down a steep cliff into a lake below. "Ugh!" Kovu emerges above the water.

He notices Kiara sinking underwater and plunges after her. Kovu emerges above the water, gripping Kiara by her scruff. Kovu swims toward shore, towing Kiara. Zazu flies overhead. He notices Kovu and Kiara and gasps. "I must tell (Y/n)!" Zazu flies off. Kovu drags Kiara onto dry land and lets go of her scruff. Kiara coughs and weakly opens her eyes. "Where am I?" She asked. "You're safe, in the Pride Lands." Kovu said with a smirk. "The Pride Lands... No!" Kiara stands and juts her head at Kovu, who flinches backward. "Why'd you bring me here? Who do you think you are?!" She snapped, and he scoffs. "I think I'm the one that just saved your life!" He shouted. "Look, I had everything under control." Kiara said. "Not from where I'm standing." Kovu said. "Then move downwind." Kiara turns and stalks off. Kovu growls then playfully steps in Kiara's way. Kiara turns away, but Kovu intercepts her again. Kovu smirks at Kiara. She glares back. She tries to dodge around him, but he blocks her path again. "Huh?" Kiara attempts another dodge, but Kovu intercepts her. She crouches in front of him, as if about to pounce. Kovu straightens. "What're you doing?" He asked. Kiara's eyes widen. 

Kovu stares at her questioningly. She smiles. "Kovu?" She asked, and he smiles. "Kiara!" Kiara turns, and (Y/n) lunges at Kovu and roars. Simba bounds toward Kiara. "Kiara!" Simba nuzzles Kiara. "You're all right." He said with relief. "Mother, how could you break your promise?" Kiara asked angrily. (Y/n) continues to glare at Kovu. "It's a good thing I did. I almost lost you." (Y/n) glances at Kiara. "No more hunts for you, not ever!" She shouted. "But I was doing just fine! Even before Kovu–" Kiara began. (Y/n) rounds on Kovu. "Kovu?!" She roars at him. Kiara and Simba look between Kovu and (Y/n) with concern. "(Y/n)!" Simba said. (Y/n) glances quickly at Simba, then continues glaring at Kovu. "Hey! You!" Rafiki appears on a nearby ridge. Kovu and (Y/n) look at him questioningly. "How dare you save the queen's daughter?" He asked. "You saved her? Why?" (Y/n) asked. "I humbly ask to join your pride." Kovu said. (Y/n) juts her head at Kovu, who backs away. "No! You were banished with the other Outsiders." 

She growled. "I have left the Outsiders. I am a rogue. Judge me now, for who I am. Or am I to be blamed for a crime I didn't commit?" (Y/n) begins to pace back and forth and snarls. "(Y/n), you do owe him our daughter's life." Simba said softly. Zazu alights in front of her. "Hmm, yes, ma'am. Clearly, we are in his debt. And royal protocol demands that all debts be paid." Zazu puts his wings on his hips. "Though, in this case, you might want to make an exception." 

He rolls his eyes. (Y/n) glances over one shoulder at Kovu. "Hmm." Kovu closes his eyes and straightens. "My mother's law will prevail. For now, I reserve judgment." (Y/n) walks off. "We'll see who you really are." She said. Kovu smirks at Kiara and Kiara grins in delight. Zazu turns his back on Kovu. "Hmph! Riffraff." Zazu said. He flies after (Y/n). Kovu smiles sinisterly. Kovu huffs. (Y/n) leads the trek home. Kovu follows with the same devious grin and (Y/n) growls. Dark clouds roll in overhead as Zazu flies toward the summit. Night falls, and the pride returns to Pride Rock. The lionesses enter the den, while (Y/n) paces outside. She turns and watches as Kovu moves to follow the lionesses into Pride Rock and gasps. She hastens toward Kovu and strides past him intimidatingly and growls. Kovu watches her in disgust. After a moment, he turns and walks away from the den.

Kiara climbs onto Pride Rock and watches with concern as Kovu settles down to sleep next to a tall rock on the summit. She approaches him, while he sits, glaring at the ground. "Hey," Kovu glances up at Kiara. "uh..." she chuckles. "Thanks for saving me today." She said. And he only scoffs. "What kind of hunter are you anyway, princess? You almost got yourself killed out there." He said. "What?" Kiara asked angrily. "You wouldn't last three days on your own." Kovu said with a smirk. "Oh, and I suppose you could teach me?" Kovu looks over one shoulder at Kiara, smirking and scoffs. "Yeah." He said. Kovu walks off. "Kiara!" (Y/n) shouted. Kiara glances over one shoulder. "Coming!" Kiara races after Kovu and steps into his path. "All right Impress me." Kiara strides past Kovu. "We start at dawn." She said, and Kovu chuckles. "I look forward to it." He said. At a distance from Pride Rock, Nuka and Zira watch Kiara stride back toward the interior of Pride Rock. Nuka splutters. "D-did you see that?! He let her go! If that were me, I–" he said. "Hush." Nuka ducks down sheepishly. "The fire rescue worked perfectly, and (Y/n) fell for it." Zira bends down to Nuka's level. "Now, the closer Kovu gets to the daughter," 

Zira strides past Nuka. The closer he gets to (Y/n)." Nuka gestures wordlessly. "And once he has (Y/n) alone..." Zira slashes at a branch. Nuka ducks just in time and Zira snarls. (Y/n) lies asleep in the den, twitching restlessly. In her dream, she is at the gorge. "(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" She runs to the edge of the gorge. Below her, her mother clings to the side of the cliff, with wildebeests stampeding far below her. "Help me!" "Mother!" (Y/n) shouts. (Y/n) reaches down to help her mother. She looks behind him to see Scar slinking toward her. "No!" (Y/n) turns back and stretches toward her mother. "Mom!" She reaches for (Y/n)'s paw. "Just a little farther!" (Y/n) said. Their paws nearly touch. "Gotcha!" Scar said and (Y/n) cries out. She turns to see that Scar is gripping her with unsheathed claws. "Trust me." Scar said. 

Her mother slips down toward the stampede. "(Y/n)!" She shouted. "No!" (Y/n) rounds on Scar angrily. "Scar..." she growls. Scar morphs into Kovu. The scar on his left eye remains and he cackles. (Y/n) gasps. "Kovu?" She asked. Kovu heaves (Y/n) into the stampede. "No!" She shouts. (Y/n) jerks awake and gasps. (Y/n) looks around in a panic. She calms as she sees the stars outside and Simba sleeping peacefully beside her. Simba's eyes open tiredly. "(Y/n)?" He asked. "Oh!" (Y/n) turns to her husband. "Sorry, I didn't know you were awake." She said. "I wasn't until you woke up. What's wrong?" Simba asked, and (Y/n) sighs. "It's nothing. Just a bad dream." She said. "Do you want to talk about it?" Simba asked between a yawn, and (Y/n) chuckles. "No, no... it's fine, Simba. Just go back to sleep, okay?" She asked. "Your wish is my command." He said jokingly before yawning again. "Good night, (Y/n)." Simba closes his eyes, but he wasn't asleep yet. He sort of wished his wife would tell him what's wrong. But on the other hand, maybe it wasn't really that important... (Y/n) watched her husband fall asleep again, then lowers her head and closes her eyes.

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