We are One

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Kiara bounds to the edge of Pride Rock and overlooks the savanna, panting with excitement. "Wow!" Kiara starts to bound down Pride Rock. "Whoa!" (Y/n) catches Kiara by her scruff and lifts her back onto Pride Rock and she giggles mischievously. Kiara tries to bound away, but (Y/n) stops her with a paw. "Where do you think you're going in such a hurry?" She asked. (Y/n) lifts Kiara into the air. "Mommy!" She giggles and (Y/n) sets Kiara onto her stomach. "Let go!" She said. "Well, I just want you to be careful." (Y/n) said. Kiara growls and jumps at a butterfly. "Rah!" (Y/n) steps on Kiara's tail. She tries to jump, only to fall. "Kiara, are you listening? Accidents can happen." Kiara sits up. "You could easily get hurt or stepped–" (Y/n) began. "Hurt or stepped on or even get lost." Kiara said. "And remember," (Y/n) steps off Kiara's tail. "I want you to stay in sight of Pride Rock at all times." "At all times. I know." Kiara stands up. "And if I see any strangers, don't talk to them." Kiara mimicks walking. "Come straight home. Okay, okay. Can I go now?" Kiara grins. "Please?" She asked. "Hmm." 

Simba approaches and sits next to (Y/n). "Very funny." (Y/n) said. Simba chuckles. "Mind your mother, Kiara." He said, and she giggles. "Yes, dad." She said. "And stay away from the Outlands." (Y/n) said. Zazu swoops past Simba and (Y/n). "Nothing there but a bunch of backstabbing, murderous," Zazu lands next to Kiara. "Outsiders." He said. "Zazu's right." (Y/n) looks over one shoulder. "You can't turn your back on them." She said. "Really? How come?" Kiara asked. "Never mind." (Y/n) gestures with her head. "Just run along now." She said. "But, Mom, I–" Kiara said. "You'll understand someday. Go on." (Y/n) said. Kiara walks toward (Y/n). "Mom..." Kiara nuzzles against (Y/n)'s leg and purrs. (Y/n) rubs the top of Kiara's head with a paw. She bounds away and starts clambering down Pride Rock. "And stay on the path I've marked for you!" (Y/n) said anxiously and Simba chuckles. "(Y/n), who does she remind you of? Hmm?" He asked. "Huh?" (Y/n) looks at him. "What? Who?" She asked. "She's just like you were when you were young." Simba nuzzles (Y/n)'s chin. "Exactly. Do you realize the dangers we put ourselves in?" (Y/n) asked, and Simba pins her to the ground. "You mean the dangers you put us in." He said, and (Y/n) chuckles. Simba nuzzles (Y/n) and they both purr. Simba chuckles. "She'll be fine." Simba strides toward the interior of Pride Rock. He smiles at (Y/n) over one shoulder. "Hey, Timon!" (Y/n) gestures with her head. "Pumbaa! C'mere!" Timon sits astride Pumbaa's mane. They look over their shoulders and stride toward (Y/n).

"Good morning, mon capitán!" Timon said. "I want you to keep a close watch on Kiara. You know she's bound to run off." (Y/n) said. "No worries, (Y/n). We're on her like stink on a warthog!" Timon said. "Hey!" Pumbaa said. "It's a hard truth, Pumbaa. Live with it." Timon said. "Guys, I'm counting on you." (Y/n) looks left and right. "Danger could be lurking behind every rock." She said. "Ah-ha." Timon looks left. "Hmm!" Then looks right. "Hmm! Hmm... Timon and Pumbaa depart. Pride Rock is in the distance. Kiara chases a butterfly through the fields. Kiara jumps at the butterfly. "Rah! Hey! Wait! Come back!" Kiara bats at the butterfly and growls. Kiara jumps at the butterfly. "I just wanna play!" Kiara jumps again and again at the butterfly and grunts. Kiara crouches in the grass. "Mighty hunter...has cornered her prey." Kiara stalks the butterfly, which has alighted on a rock. She growls. Kiara pounces, 

and the butterfly flies off. "Ah!" Kiara peers over the edge of the rock. Huh?" Kiara clambers onto the rock, surveying the Outlands "Whoa." Kiara sits down. "Cool! The Outlands! I wonder what's out there." Something stalks Kiara in the grass. A twig snaps. She turns and screams. Timon and Pumbaa emerge from the grass and scream. The three scream until Kiara backs away and falls off the edge of the rock into the water below and yelps. Timon and Pumbaa race to the edge of the rock. Timon hops off Pumbaa's snout. "Oooh! Don't worry, Kiara! Uncle Pumbaa's" Pumbaa jumps into the water. "Comin'!" "Oh, no! Oh! Uh... Uh... Let's see, uh..." Timon pretends to talk to (Y/n). "Gee, (Y/n). The good news is, we found your daughter. The bad news is, we dropped a warthog on her." Timon clasps his hands nervously. "Is there a problem with that?" He asked. Pumbaa sits in the water, with bubbles around him. He looks around. "Kiara? Kiara?" He asked. "Pumbaa! Let me define..." Timon gestures angrily. "Babysitting"!" He shouted. Something moves beneath Pumbaa. He jumps away. "Oh!" Kiara emerges from underwater, flailing and spluttering. She then glares at him. "Sorry." Pumbaa said bashfully. Kiara and Pumbaa walk out of the water onto dry land. "Now, Princess Kiara, as (Y/n)'s daughter, you know better than to go off all alone." Kiara shakes the water out of her fur. "You could've been hurt!"

Pumbaa said. "But... But..." she began. "Hurt!" Timon hops off the rock. "Oh..." Timon jumps onto Kiara's back. "(Y/n) would kill us." Timon strokes Kiara's sides. "You didn't slip a disc, did ya?" He asked. "But... But..." Kiara said again. Timon crawls onto Kiara's head. "Catch a fever?" Timon hops off Kiara and lifts one of her paws "Get a hangnail?" He asked. Kiara yanks her paw out of Timon's grasp. "Ugh! Timon..." she said. Timon points to himself. "I had one once." He said. "Very painful." Pumbaa said. Kiara looks back at Pumbaa. "Excruciating." Timon bends a fern to shade Kiara's head. "Darling, with your complexion, you should stay out of the sun." Kiara swats the fern away. "What? Do you wanna wrinkle?" Timon asked. "Will somebody please just listen to me?" Kiara asked. Timon turns to face Kiara. "I'm sorry, I wasn't listening. Did you say something, princess?" He asked. "I'm not just a princess, you know. That's only half of who I am!" She said. "Oh. Uh, who's the other half?" Pumbaa asked. 

"Uh... Well, I, uh... Um..." Kiara said. "Well, while you're figuring it out," Timon marches past Kiara. "Let's eat!" Timon walks to a log. He snaps his fingers, and Pumbaa lifts it with his snout. Timon hefts a leaf full of grubs into the air. "Grubs!" Pumbaa drops the log. "The other white meat!" Pumbaa said. "And so high in protein!" Timon lifts the platter of bugs toward Kiara, who recoils. "Ewww! Gross!" She said. "No?" Timon turns and offers the platter to Pumbaa. "How 'bout you, big boy?" He asked. Pumbaa sniffs the grubs, lifting one into the air with his inhale. "Ah... Love grubs!" Pumbaa said. "Not like!" Timon said. "Love!" Timon and Pumbaa said. Pumbaa eats a grub off the platter. His face takes on a look of panic. Pumbaa spits the grub back onto the leaf. "Oh... You always do that! You take a bite out of every one and then put it back. It drives me crazy!" Timon said. "But you can't tell from the outside which are the really slimy ones!" Pumbaa said. "Slimy? Pumbaa, my corpulent compadre." Timon lifts a grub and squeezes it. "It's the crunchy ones that make the meal!" Timon said. Kiara rolls her eyes. Timon eats the grub. "Slimy!" Pumbaa said. "Crunchy!" The two began bickering, saying those same words back and fourth and Kiara smiles and slinks off. Kiara smirks over her shoulder at Timon and Pumbaa. Kiara bounds across the savanna. She veers away from a line of pawprints to enter the Outlands. She clambers down some rocks. Kiara starts to cross a log, under which there is a swampy river and giggles. Kiara slips off the end of the log and rolls to the ground.

Kiara bumps into Kovu, knocking them both over. "Oof!" Kovu jumps to his paws and glares at Kiara and growls. Kiara stands and backs away fearfully and gasps. Kovu advances on Kiara. "Who are you, Pride Lander?" Kovu growls. Kiara continues to back away. Kiara attempts to dodge around Kovu without turning her back on him. He blocks her path again and again. Kovu tilts his head questioningly. "What are you doing?" He asked. "My mom says to never turn your back on an Outsider!" Kiara said. "You always do what Mommy says?" He asked mockingly. "No!" Kiara shouted. "Betcha do! Bet you're Mommy's little girl." He laughs and Kiara looks downcast. Kovu walks off. "An Outsider doesn't need anybody." Kovu strides across a "log" into the middle of the swamp. "I take care of myself!" He said. Kovu sits down and Kiara follows him. "Really?" She asked. The "log" turns out to be a crocodile, which opens its eyes and growls. "Cool!" Kiara said. Kovu turns around, and his face takes on a look of fright and he screams. The crocodile opens its jaws behind Kiara.

She turns and screams. Kiara races away, and the crocodile's jaws snap on empty air. "Run!" She shouted. Kovu and Kiara climb a rock in the middle of the swamp. "Whoa!" A crocodile pursues Kovu and Kiara, who climb higher. "This way!" Kiara said. Kovu and Kiara leap off. The crocodile climbs onto the rock, snapping its jaws on empty air. Kovu and Kiara hop across several rocks. They pause in the midst of the swamp. The two pant. Kovu laughs. "That was a close one." He said, and Kiara giggles. "Yeah." She agreed. The ground rises beneath Kovu and Kiara, revealing several crocodiles. "Whoa!" They said, and Kiara screams. The crocodile beneath Kovu snaps its jaws. Kovu yelps and leaps away. "Whoa!" Meanwhile, Kiara climbs a nearby tree. "Hey, what about me?" She asked. Kovu runs across the bodies of several crocodiles. "I'll distract them! Run! Whoa!" A crocodile lifts its tail, causing Kovu to fall into the water. Kovu screams and emerges from underwater, flailing and coughing. A crocodile swims toward Kovu and he screams. From atop the tree, Kiara swats at a crocodile. The crocodiles turn and advance on Kovu. "Look out!" Kiara shouted. Kovu clings to a nearby tree and whimpers. A crocodile's jaws surround Kovu. At the last second, the crocodile's jaws shut, with Kiara standing on top with a grunt. "Move it!" She shouted. Kovu and Kiara climb the tree.

A crocodile lunges after them. A crocodile bites the tree. Kovu climbs to the top of a nearby cliff. Kovu laughs triumphantly. The tree shakes beneath Kiara as the crocodile bites it. "Whoa!" Kiara leaps to safety. The two pant. Kovu and Kiara peer over the ledge to the swamp below. The crocodiles swarm up the side of the cliff but are unable to climb it. "I did it. I did it!" Kiara sticks her tongue out. "Ha!" Kovu said. Kiara races off. Kovu follows Kiara. The cubs enter a clearing surrounded by tall grass. "Whoa, man! Did you see the size of those teeth? They were going, "Rawr! Rawr! Rawr!" Kiara rolls onto her back. "Rawr! Rawr!" Kovu sits down and Kiara laughs, then sits up. "He was just totally eatin' you up right there," Kovu and Kiara stand. Zira watches menacingly from behind a curtain of grass. "And I jumped on his head, and I bopped him so good... We make such a good team! And you..." 

Kovu smiles crookedly. "You were really brave." She said. "Yeah? You were pretty brave, too." Kiara smiles bashfully. "My name's Kovu." Kovu said. Kiara leans toward Kovu flirtatiously. He flinches back, clearly uncertain. "I'm Kiara." She said, and Zira growls. Kiara crouches and giggles. Kiara jabs Kovu in the chest, then bounds away. "Tag! You're it!" Kiara crouches playfully. She jabs Kovu in the chest again. "Tag! You're it! You're it!" She laughs. Kiara strides toward Kovu questioningly. "Hello? You run. I tag. Get it?" Kovu stares at Kiara uncomprehendingly. "What's the matter? Don't you know how to play? Oh..." Kiara drops into a crouch and bounces back and forth in a mock fighting stance and growls. "Ah..." Kovu crouches and growls. (Y/n) emerges from behind Kiara and roars. Kovu looks up in fright and gasps. Zira emerges from behind Kovu and roars as well. (Y/n) and Zira glare at each other. "Zira." (Y/n) snarled. "(Y/n)." She snarls back. Zira crouches, as if preparing to pounce, then hesitates as she looks beyond (Y/n) to where Simba, Timon, Pumbaa, and several lionesses flank her.

"Zira." Simba said furiously. "Simba." Zira said. Timon gestures to himself. "Timon." Timon gestures to Pumbaa. "Pumbaa. Great. Now that we all know each other..." Timon jerks a thumb over his shoulder. "Get outta our Pride Lands!" He shouted. "Your Pride Lands?!" Zira asked furiously and roars, and Timon whimpers and hides in Pumbaa's mane and peers out fearfully. "These lands belong to Scar." Zira said to (Y/n). "I banished you from the Pride Lands." (Y/n) strides toward Zira. "Now, you and your young cub," (Y/n) comes nose-to-nose with Zira. "Get out!" She growled. Kovu and Kiara recoil in horror. "Oh," Zira prowls around Kovu. "Haven't you met my son, Kovu? He was hand-chosen by Scar to follow in her paw prints and become..." Zira steps in front of Kovu. "King!" (Y/n) glares at Kovu and growls. 

Kovu trembles in fear and whimpers. "Pbbbt!" Timon gestures to Kovu. "That's not a king! That's a fuzzy maraca!" He said. "Kovu was the last born before you exiled us to the Outlands, where we have" Zira strides past (Y/n), head drooped "Little food...less water..." she said. "You know the penalty for returning to the Pride Lands." (Y/n) snapped. "But the child does not! However..." Zira circles behind Kovu. "If you need your pound of flesh, here." Zira pushes Kovu toward (Y/n) with her snout. Kovu stares up at (Y/n), quivering. (Y/n) looks at the cub, then at Zira in disbelief, who grins deviously. "Take him and get out." (Y/n) turns toward Kiara. "We're finished here." She said. (Y/n) lifts Kiara by her scruff and she grunts. "Oh, no, (Y/n)." (Y/n) looks back at Zira, who strides toward her. "We have barely begun."

Zira grins down at Kiara and chuckles. Kiara looks up at Zira fearfully. Zira walks back toward Kovu and picks him up by his middle and he grunts. Zira carries Kovu away. (Y/n) carries Kiara back toward the Pride Lands. "Bye." Kiara said. Zira carries Kovu back toward the Outlands. "Bye." The pride marches back toward Pride Rock. (Y/n) pauses on a ridge as the lionesses continue on. Simba stops and looks over one shoulder. "(Y/n)?" He asked, and she clears her throat. Simba smiles and follows after the pride. (Y/n) sets Kiara on a nearby rock. She grins up at her. Kiara giggles. (Y/n) glares at Kiara, unfazed. She drops the act and sighs. "Kiara, what did you think you were doing? You could have been killed today." (Y/n) said, and Kiara sits down. "But, Mommy, I... I didn't mean to disobey–" she began. (Y/n) strides around Kiara. "I'm telling you this because I love you. I don't wanna lose you." She said. 

Kiara stands and swivels to face her mother. "I know." She said. (Y/n) nuzzles Kiara. "If something happened to you, I don't know what I'd do. One day, I won't be here, and I need you to carry on in my place. You are part of the" (Y/n) looks up with a smile. "Great Circle of–" "Circle of Life. I know." Kiara said. "Exactly. And you need to be careful." (Y/n) places a paw over Kiara. "As future queen–" Kiara jerks out from under (Y/n)'s paw. "What if I don't wanna be queen? It's no fun." She said. "That's like saying you don't wanna be a lion. It's in your blood. As I am. We are part of each other." (Y/n) said. Kiara closes her eyes and lifts her chin stubbornly. "Hmph!" (Y/n) nudges Kiara off the rock. "Oof!" (Y/n) flashes Kiara a wide grin, and she grins back hesitantly. The two embrace, purring.

"As you go through life, you'll see," (Y/n) and Kiara watch a mother bird feed her babies. One of the babies tries to fly out of its nest. "There is so much that we don't understand," Kiara smiles up at the baby bird. "And the only thing we know" The mother bird herds her baby back into the nest. "Is things don't always go the way we planned." Kiara frowns sadly. (Y/n) bounds onto a ridge that overlooks the Pride Lands. "But you'll see every day" Below, a mother wildebeest tries to help her baby stand. "That we'll never turn away when it seems all your dreams come undone." Kiara smiles down at the baby wildebeest. It starts to run on its own, kicking its legs joyfully. We will stand by your side, filled with hope and filled with pride." The mother wildebeest runs alongside her calf and steers it back toward the herd. Kiara looks up at her mother questioningly. "We are more than we are." (Y/n) jumps off the ledge. "We are one!" Baboons sit in a row on a tree branch. "We are one!" A baby hippopotamus jumps from its mother's back to its father's.

The baby hippopotamus jumps into the water. Its parents emerge below it, pushing it back to the surface. "We are one!" (Y/n) and Kiara stride across a nearby log. "If there's so much I must be," Kiara pauses and looks at her reflection in the water. (Y/n) briefly pauses next to her, then moves on. "Can I still just be me, the way I am?" A fish jumps, distorting Kiara's reflection. She straightens. "Can I trust in my own heart? Or am I just one part of some big plan?" She sung. A flock of birds flies past (Y/n), who stands on a fallen tree. "Even those who are gone" (Y/n) stares at a distant star. "Are with us as we go on." Kiara climbs the fallen tree next to her mother. "Your journey has only begun." (Y/n) bends down to Kiara's level. "Tears of pain, tears of joy. One thing" (Y/n) straightens and looks up boldly. "Nothing can destroy is our pride, deep inside. We are one!" (Y/n) jumps off the fallen tree, and Kiara follows her. 

(Y/n) races through a crowd of animals with Kiara on her heels. (Y/n) pauses and lets Kiara catch up before she keeps running. Kiara races happily after (Y/n). "We are one, you and I." (Y/n) splashes through a puddle. Kiara follows, making a much smaller splash. "We are like the earth and sky." (Y/n) and Kiara bound up a series of small ledges. "One family under the sun. All the wisdom to lead," (Y/n) pauses on a ledge "All the courage that you need." Kiara pauses, looking up in distress. "You will find when you see" (Y/n) gestures to Pride Rock behind her. "We are one!" Kiara squints unhappily at Pride Rock. (Y/n) follows her gaze, confused, before she understands. With a smile, she strides down to her. "As long as you live here," (Y/n) nuzzles Kiara. "It's who you are." (Y/n) licks Kiara. "You'll understand someday. (Y/n) bounds away. She pauses briefly and looks at Kiara over one shoulder before walking off. A baby bird flits around Kiara's head. She watches it happily. It flies off into the sunset, and she watches it go wistfully, then smiles and sits down, watching the bird fly away.

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